Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 2075: ??(?ω?*)? The sun that escaped?

When a certain little girl tossed around in Wangshu Inn for a few days, then ran to Qingcezhuang to toss, and then kidnapped the current head of 'Yunhan Club' and disappeared, she dared to come out of Shimen and spend a lot of money. It took two days for Mona to arrive at the three-way intersection west of Chenxi Winery and south of Benlang.

Originally, she could have been faster.

However, when she was in Shimen, she met Liyuegang's talker and Tianquan Ningguang, so she had to spend some time discussing some things with the other party and finally reached a certain cooperation. I was able to start again, and finally came here today.


"Let's do a divination first!"

As a talented astrologer, Mona's astrology has never suffered a bad blow in other people or other things except for Annie's astrology!

So, looking at the fork in the road ahead, she thought about it, and decided to use the method she was good at to decide which road she would take next.


Soon, a magic circle lit up on her hand, and at the same time, a complicated starry sky image like a water mirror appeared on her hand.

"Let me see..."



"From the perspective of 'water zodiac', the reflection in the water seems to be getting closer and closer, and the speed is still very fast, that is to say..."



"I'm going to meet her here soon?!"

After roughly reading the information, Mona couldn't help but gasped, and instantly became nervous.

"So suddenly?"

"No preparation at all!"

"What should I do?"

Then, of course, Mona began to feel a little helpless.

In addition to coming to Mond this time to get the box back for her old woman and master, she also has the intention of having a showdown with the old woman's opponent's heir.

But now, she is about to meet each other on the way, so what should she do?

"do not care!"

"What should come always comes, let's see the situation first!"

"It's a big deal..."

"If it's a big deal, just compare your astrology with her. You must be sure!"

After struggling for a while, I looked at the display in the 'Water Divination Technique'. After seeing that the other party was indeed getting closer, Mona gritted her teeth and canceled the magic, started to organize her clothes and waited patiently.

According to the original plan, she originally planned to go to Mond City to repair for a few days, and then secretly conduct investigation and collect information on the other party, and then meet with the other party when she has 100% confidence, but now that the situation has Change, then she can only adapt.

Besides, in this way, when neither side is prepared, the fairness can be maximized, and when she wins, she can feel more at ease?


"That is…"

However, unexpectedly, after waiting for a few minutes, Mona finally heard the sound of rapid footsteps from the grand canyon to the north that seemed to lead to the ruins of Fenglong.



Then, as the voice got closer and closer, as a figure rushed out of the corner of the canyon road, she couldn't help but be startled.

Because what she saw was not the one with green eyes and long chestnut hair tied into a ponytail that she had heard from Annie. She often wore a purple wide-brimmed magic hat with a purple flower on the hat. Rose, who likes to wear a purple witch robe and the eye of the **** of thunder element as a necklace decorated on her chest is the genius witch Lisa Mintz of the Sumerian Order Academy that meets every two hundred years, but a... one wearing a red dress, wearing a A little girl with a red hat and a big backpack behind her? !




Then, Mona also found that the little girl who ran out along the road with a cigarette in her head didn't seem to see her, and was still rushing forward regardless?


And at this time, Mona couldn't react because she was thinking about something, so she didn't want to avoid it, and she didn't expect that she would not be able to see the other person standing in the middle of the road when she was so old, so...




Of course, the two collided fiercely!

"Wow ah ah!"




"Okay, it hurts!


The two of them almost screamed out in pain, and then fell to the ground in unison, one of them holding his head, while the other was covering his chest and abdomen, and they wailed at each other like that.


"It's over, it's over, it's about to be caught."


"Claire didn't mean to..."

"Anyway, there are no people in the ruins of Fenglong, and there are no dragons. What's the point of letting Keli try out a new explosive device?"

"Keli promises, there's really no next time!"

"Never next time!"

Then, under Mona's stunned mouth, the little girl in the red dress and red hat didn't even look at her, she just hugged her head and begged, as if she was very afraid of her?


"No, no?"

"Are you the heir to the university knowledge?"

However, Mona didn't have time to think about what the other party meant. She just jumped up in exclamation after thinking of something, and pointed to the ground without looking at her in that incredible tone. Just looking at the little girl who was begging for mercy, she asked in a trembling voice.

You know, before she came here, she always felt that the 'young, promising and female' successor of the West Wind Knights was the genius witch Lisa Mintz, the once-in-a-two-hundred-year-old Sumerian Order Academy, but now , according to the display of divination, it seems that it is not so?

turn out to be…

The 'successor of great knowledge' she was looking for, the powerful competitor that Mona had sworn to defeat, turned out to be such a jerk, walking without looking at people, and bumping into people or not looking at people, all she knew was sadness pleading and crying little girl? !


It seemed that she heard Mona's voice and could tell that something was wrong. The little girl in the red dress and red hat finally stopped begging, and also exclaimed in surprise, then blinked and raised her head with her teary fiery red eyes. .



"Not the head of Qin!"

"It's not the big brother and big sister of the West Wind Knights!"

In the next second, after seeing the appearance of Mona in front of her clearly and confirming that she was not someone she subconsciously thought, the little girl in the red dress and red cap was of course a tear, and instantly changed her face, jumped up and cheered. one sound.


"What captain?"

"You are..."

Seeing this, Mona was of course a little confused, and she didn't understand what the other party's surprise was all about.


"Don't talk yet!"

"Hide away!"

"This way!"

However, the little girl in the red dress and red hat didn't care so much. She first glanced nervously in the direction behind her, and then hurriedly dragged Mona to the grass behind a big tree. inside.


Although I don't know why, after thinking about it, Mona still didn't resist, but followed in and cat.





There was a rush of footsteps and the sound of armor colliding, and then, Mona saw from the grass, a group of knights hurried past, and the one who took the lead seemed to have long golden hair and tied into a ponytail. A valiant and beautiful female knight?


"They are gone ..."

"It's a good thing that I didn't get caught, or I won't see the sun tomorrow."

After those people ran away and could no longer see their backs, the little girl in the red dress sat down on the grass and said with a big sigh of relief.


"Can't see the sun tomorrow?"

"Little guy, what have you done, why are you afraid that they will catch you?"

Mona was a little inexplicable, and at the same time faintly vigilant, it seemed that it was unlikely to be involved in something.


"Keli is just experimenting with a new fusion blasting device for the 'Super Bounce Baby' of the 'Multi-stage Explosive Chain Fusion Reaction'!"

"It's smaller, but its power is no worse than the original 'Super Bounce Big Baby'!"

"But Keli was discovered by the Qin team leader and the others, so she had to run out quickly."

"Keli has been preparing for two days..."

"It was originally intended to be mounted on a rocket, but it was too late..."

Having said that, the little girl in red, who claimed to be Keli, sighed, and the frustrated look on her face became even stronger.

"Your name is cocked?"


"What was it called 'Bang Bong' just now?"

Mona just went to listen to the first half of the paragraph, and only remembered that the other party seemed to call herself "Keli", and she didn't hear much else.


"It's the fusion blasting device of the 'Super Bounce Big Baby' of the 'Multi-stage Explosive Chain Fusion Reaction'!"

"It's still an enhanced and improved version!"

Keli, who looked very proud with her waist on her back, said so solemnly in front of Mona.



"What is the use?"

Mona looked blank and continued to ask subconsciously.

"big sister!"

"You'll find out soon enough."

Keli blinked, but didn't explain, just took out a pocket watch and started nervously correcting the time.


Mona did not urge, but just stood behind the other party and waited strangely, and began to silently look at the successor of the 'great scholar' in front of her.

Obviously, her divination will not be wrong, the little girl in front of her is the target she is looking for!


"Look at there!"

Suddenly, Xiao Keli cheered, and then pointed in the direction of Fenglong Ruins.




"What, what?!"

Originally, Mona was still a little unclear, but she soon widened her eyes, because... abruptly, she felt like an earthquake, and the whole earth trembled?

Rumble boom!


Immediately afterwards, the earthquake was accompanied by the loud noises that were countless times louder than the loudest thunder in the summer, and the shock wave that was almost visible to the naked eye, accompanied by dust and rolled towards them.

Especially the strong wind blowing from the mouth of the canyon almost wiped away her witch robe!

And a few minutes later, when the terrifying sound wave and shock wave passed one after another, it was no longer possible to distinguish the east, west, north and west and Mona, who had passed by for a long time. Then she saw in amazement: In the distance, I don't know when, in the wind dragon ruins In the direction of the sky, there seems to be a huge white mushroom cloud slowly rising?

There is no doubt that the location seems to be far away from here and is isolated by high mountains. However, if the location is so far away and blocked by the continuous mountains, it is possible to make the terrifying movement just now. Enough to clarify some issues.


"You are the…"

Therefore, Mona, who soon remembered some rumors, turned cautious and frightened when she looked at Keli.


"Big sister, don't be afraid, it's very far here, and we can't be bombed."

"It's just that the wind is a bit strong and there is a little vibration?"

Ke Li said with a carefree look, indicating that there is absolutely no need to worry.


Mona didn't answer.

Anyway, she knew that the rumors she heard when she was in Liyue didn't seem to be rumors, and if it was really just an experiment by this little girl, the little girl in front of her was too terrifying.

So, she felt that her competition plan had to be changed and cut down?


"Big sister, thank you just now."

"Keli is going to get sick quickly."

"Otherwise, Captain Qin and the others will find it when they come back!"

Saying that, she looked at the 'Mushroom Gu' in the north again, and Ke Li, who felt that the experimental results were barely enough, patted her buttocks and planned to turn around and leave.

"and many more!"

However, since the main lord has been found now, why would Mona let the other party leave like this?

"Is such that!"

"Keli, my name is Mona, I'm actually here to find you!"

"It's for a promise made fifty years ago!"

"Of course it's not my agreement with you!"

"I'm actually looking for a box, your mother Alice, when she left Mond, about three years ago, she should have explained it to you, right?"

Looking at Ke Li's ignorant expression, Mona had no choice but to slowly tell the story between her and her old lady master and the 'enemy' of the old lady master.

Then, Mona said that she knew from astrology that the 'great scholar', that is, Alice, should have handed the box to Claire before leaving Mond, so she plans to come to Mond now. De told everything about getting back the box as agreed.




"The box may not be found..."

After listening, Ke Li also seemed to remember something, and then hurriedly exclaimed and sighed.

Actually, if you really want to find the box, you can still find the box. However, the place is too close to Mond City. For Keli, who just got into trouble, she obviously doesn't want to go back to Mond so soon and be caught. Get up and shut down.



"Look, can't find it?"

This time, it was Mona's turn to be confused.


"do not worry!"

"The contents of the box are in Claire's schoolbag, Sister Mona, do you want the box or the contents?"

Ke Li Mengmeng asked, and quickly reached out and took out a notebook that she carried with her.

In fact, when she came out this time, it can be said that she brought everything with her, and since Miss Annie gave her that good thing, she can easily take all the things everywhere!

However, before every time she took something, she would subconsciously reach into her backpack, pretending to be looking for something, although her backpack was almost completely empty, with only a few poor light items and clothes?


"Just this one?"

After looking at Keli and confirming her eyes, Mona stretched out her hand hesitantly, took the notebook from Keli's hand and subconsciously turned it over.




A few minutes later, Mona, who had only read the first few pages, suddenly changed her face greatly, then slammed the notebook in her hand and whispered badly. At the same time, she was basically certain that this thing should be the thing that the old woman wanted to recycle by herself.


"What's wrong?"

In this regard, Ke Li did not know why, and did not know what was so rare in that notebook.

"No, nothing!"


"I saw something I shouldn't have seen..."

Cheek twitched, Mona didn't say why.

However, she finally understood in her heart why the old woman told herself so fiercely when she went out, that she would not be able to look at the contents of the box no matter what, and even threatened to cut her into eight pieces. What, feelings are like this?

"All right!"

With an ugly face, she put the notebook in the storage bag of her magical fairy magic technique, and placed it in the corner of the pile of 'counterfeit' Mora gold coins as many as the mountain, and Mona looked into the distance. The Mushroom Cloud and the canopy of the trees disturbed by the blasted air on the mountains finally looked at Xiao Keli, ready to complete another thing that had been decided before coming.


"Claire, did you learn astrology from that great scholar?"

"Would you like to try it with me?"

Mona asked eagerly, thinking about what to do.



Ke Li was dazed at first, and then she seemed to remember something interesting, so she asked expectantly.

"Keli didn't study it, she just knew how to study the blasting device, which is the kind of rumbling sound just now..."

"Mom only taught those..."

"Sister Mona, do you want to bounce bombs with Kiribati?"

Ke Li said that if the other party compares, then she can justifiably take out the No. 3 super bouncy baby for testing.



"Do not!"

"Since you haven't studied it, I don't think you should compare it!


"That's it!"

Without thinking about it, Mona hurriedly refused and said sternly with a stern face.

What a joke, the mushroom cloud in the distance has not dissipated. It is so far away that it is affected by earthquakes and strong winds. The explosion of that level is too terrifying and even terrifying. Let her Mona be this The richest man in Tivat went to compare that kind of dangerous thing with the other party, she didn't go crazy, and she didn't get tired of living!

You know, now that her Mona is rich, and she has hooked up with Liyue's Tianquan Ningguang, she plans to become a powerful, powerful and rich local tyrant in Liyue in the future, and she will eat and drink spicy food. Where would you compare the bouncing bomb to this scary little loli in front of you?

"All right!"

"Since the task of coming to Mond has been completed perfectly, then I should hurry back to Liyue!"

With that said, Mona plans to turn around and return to Shimen.

Although, she failed to go to Mond, the free country of wind and dandelions, to enjoy the delicacies of Mond, to enjoy the dandelion wine of Dawn Winery, and to see what little Annie was saying. Is the God of Wind Statue that has been knocked down twice or three times finally repaired? However, it is too dangerous here in Mond, and there is always such a terrible little girl to test the terrifying mushroom bomb. In view of this, Mona decided not to go to Mond, and it would be better to return directly to Liyue.

After all, her Mona is a rich person now, and she is the most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, richest person in this Tivat world except Annie, so she better cherish her life Better?

"Sister Mona is going to Liyue?"


"Claire is going too!"

Suddenly, when she heard that Mona was going to return to Liyue, Xiao Keli was stunned for a while, and then cheered.



"Are you sure?"

Hearing this, Mona almost jumped up without being frightened.

"Very sure!"

"If Keli was still in Mond, Captain Qin would definitely find him, and then he would never see the sun tomorrow!"


"Keli has decided to go to Liyue with Sister Mona, and then go to Sister Annie to play with her for a while to avoid the limelight!"

Keli smiled sweetly and cheered again, not at all feeling that there was anything wrong with going to Liyue.


"I feel that if you go to Liyue, many people may not see the sun tomorrow?"

Mona muttered dully to herself.

She didn't know that the 'can't see the sun tomorrow' that Keli often talked about was actually just the meaning of being locked up for a day, but she didn't want to know, she just felt pessimistically that bringing such a Is it definitely not a good idea for a dangerous little loli to return to Liyue?

"and many more!"

"You know Annie too?"


"Yes, Annie seems to be familiar with many people in the West Wind Knights. It doesn't seem surprising that you know her."

Soon, Mona came back to her senses and remembered that Annie had introduced her to the female members of the West Wind Knights, and now it is not surprising that such a little guy seems to know Annie very well .

Of course, Mona would never have imagined that everything Keli did today, especially that super bouncing baby, that Mushroom Guyun, was all thanks to Annie?



"Sister Mona, do you also know Sister Annie?"

"That's great!"

"Let's go quickly together!"

She blinked those beautiful red eyes, and then she quickly reacted, knowing that Sister Mona in front of her also knew her favorite Miss Annie, Keli cheered, and hurriedly pushed Mona forward. Walk.

After all, if they don't leave, they may turn back after a while if they can't find anyone.

"Just right!"

"Keli's teleportation spell is still a little unskilled. When I go to Liyue this time, I must learn it from Sister Annie!"

Claire added again, with the perfect reason to go and have to go.


"All right!"


"Keli, you have to promise that you can't use the terrifying super bouncing bomb you just tested in Liyue!"

After thinking about, Mona, who had thrown a stone into her own foot and didn't know how to reject it, had no choice but to exhort her in such a terrified way.


"Certainly not!"

"Keli has just tested the latest super bomb, so there's no need to test it for now!"

Ke Li smiled and gave Mona a big smile of reassurance, and then without saying much, she dragged Mona and ran to the west.


However, Mona didn't believe it too much, she just had a sullen face, and she didn't know what kind of complicated mood it was, so she let Xiao Keli drag her forward.


(?ω?) Keli is going to Liyue, do you have a monthly pass?

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