Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 378: Killed 1 more

What the storm girl Aurolo didn’t know was that when Professor X in the mutant school was attacked by one of the five obsidian superstars, the other four members of the five obsidian also all Not idle, they also launched the first wave of attacks on their predetermined targets at almost the same time! &1t;/

That's right, this is really just the first wave of attacks they originally planned! As for the fact that the superstar and Professor Charles X would end up in the same place, the other Five Obsidians are still temporarily unaware. &1t;/

In their original plan, it was indeed to eliminate the powerful earth-class heroes on the list first, and then further eliminate the less powerful ones. In the end, it was the master of their dark cult. Their cosmic king Thanos personally took action. With the assistance of their five generals, they faced an isolated and helpless little human girl! &1t;/

No, at this time, in a bustling street in New York, a thin old man and hundreds of elite Cherita soldiers walked out of a small spacecraft that suddenly appeared. They were just like that. Stopped the way of Magneto King Eric Lansher and his mutant Red Tank. &1t;/

The strange old man with pale skin and shriveled body at the head is the Ebony Throat, one of the Five Obsidian Generals, the think tank of the Dark Order! This time, he was here specifically to deal with Magneto King Eric Lanschel, because the opponent's ability poses a certain threat and must be removed first! &1t;/

And the elite Cherita soldiers behind his ebony throat, in fact, they just followed him to help clear the field. &1t;/

"Oh! God..."&1t;/

"Aliens and aliens have invaded again! Everyone, run away!!"&1t;/

"Help, wait for me, who will help me..."&1t;/


"Damn it! Hurry up, go this way!"&1t;/


With the appearance of this invisible spacecraft and the hideous aliens who strode out of the cabin door, the citizens of New York finally exploded their nests, and they all screamed and fled, wishing they had many parents. Give them more legs! &1t;/

"Headquarters! Headquarters! Is anyone here?!"&1t;/

"Hey, hello?! Is the police headquarters? We have an alien spaceship here, and a lot of aliens holding weapons have just walked out of it! There is an alien strange old man, and the old Cheritas People, please support!"&1t;/

"Yes, it must be their Cheritas, I will never admit it! Oh! Damn..."&1t;/

While the spacecraft was still pouring out of extraterrestrial troops, the two New York patrols who happened to be here organized the citizens to evacuate quickly, and loudly called the police headquarters for help from the walkie-talkie. &1t;/

Now that there are so many aliens here, they are absolutely unable to fight, and they dare not fight! &1t;/

Although they have all drawn their guns in their hands and loaded them, if they are allowed to use gunpowder kinetic energy weapons to fight with other people's energy weapons, it would be a bit of a high regard for them! After all, they are just two small police officers... So, they just backed away in fear while shouting loudly for the citizens to evacuate from a safe place. &1t;/


Before the two police officers had time to ask for support, countless floor tiles on the ground were pulled up piece by piece by invisible forces, and then they quickly shattered into sharp pieces made of bricks. In the next moment, as the weird old alien waved his hand gently, they were like countless high-caliber bullets, shooting out at the surrounding crowd! &1t;/

puff! puff! Huh! &1t;/

Afterwards, the panic of the citizens as they fled, the anxious sound of the police calling for support, and the sound of messy footsteps came to an abrupt end... The bright red and warm blood, from this street, one by one corpses The earth flowed out of the human body, and it soon stained countless street lamp poles, walls, cars and the ground paled by the scorching sun...&1t;/


Magneto King Eric waved his hand in a cold snort, and he flung aside the thick iron door of a car that had just been controlled by him and blocked him and the red tank. &1t;/

When it fell on the ground, the red tank only appeared. On the other side of the car door, pits full of mud were pierced by the pointed cones formed by the floor bricks. , At high degrees, almost has the power of a large-caliber machine gun. &1t;/


After opening the iron gate, Magneto King Eric squinted at the weird alien who was blocking him in front of him. He could see that it was the opponent's hand just now. It is a very magical ability and controlling objects. Skill! &1t;/

In fact, just now, Eric had time to protect a considerable part of the ordinary people around him. However, he felt that the enemy was extremely powerful, so he did not choose to do that. Instead, he gave priority to preserving his strength and protecting him first. He and his own red tanks let ordinary people fall in a pool of blood. &1t;/

"Earth are the mutant leader of Magneto, the one named Eric Rancher, right?"&1t;/

"Introduce myself first: My name is Ebony Maw. I am the servant of the great universe king Thanos. Now, I am very optimistic about your abilities! How about this... You, surrender to us, and take you away. Contribute meaningless lives to the great Dark Order, and contribute your meager power to the cause of the cosmic king Thanos. In exchange, I can make you and your people continue to live and survive... You think, I How about this suggestion?"&1t;/

The ebony throat with the mind-shifting object slowly flew up, just floating in the distance, arrogantly looking down at the Magneto King Eric in the distance, waiting for the other party's response. &1t;/

He had carefully read the other party's information before, and he also knew that the native earth native named Eric Rancher on the opposite side possesses the peculiar ability to control magnetic fields and control metals! Therefore, Wu Mumaw felt that the opponent's abilities should be very useful to Lord Thanos' career, so he moved the heart of recruiting and trying first, and he didn't kill him as soon as he came up. &1t;/

"If you let the guy called Thanos directly give me his emperor throne, then I will definitely consider it seriously!"&1t;/

Looking at each other indifferently, Magneto King Eric was not too verbose. He took a delicate steel helmet from the hand of the red tank and put it on his head, and then followed the other side's appearance, slowly floating Get up until the same height as the opponent. &1t;/

Let him, the leader of the mutant fraternity, let him, the Magneto King Eric, who has always adhered to the mutant supremacy, surrender to an alien freak, this is impossible anyway! &1t;/

"Or, it's better for me to kill you invaders directly?"&1t;/

The helmet he just wore, in addition to making him immune to disgusting guys like Professor Charles X to perform memory reading and mind control on him, it also adds a lot of his ability to manipulate the magnetic field. It is also an auxiliary device that can increase his personal ability. &1t;/

Since he had decided to work with these aliens a long time ago, Eric didn’t waste too much time. While he was talking, pieces of metal fragments or torn out car doors, hoods, engines and wheels, etc. Eric levitated under his control and began to adjust his direction slightly. &1t;/

In the next instant, as Eric waved his hand at the enemy violently, those large and small metal fragments were like a large cannonball, smashing directly at the ebony throat in the distance! &1t;/

"Huh! It's arrogant!" &1t;/

"Since it is so stubborn, then your low-level and despicable lives have no meaning to continue to exist in the afternoon."&1t;/

When the metal fragments were about to rush in front of him, the ebony throat stretched out his fingers and tapped forward, and they stopped moving about a meter or two in front of him, and began to tremble violently. &1t;/

Obviously, he, who has the ability to move objects relying on his mind, is competing with Magneto King Eric for the right to operate these metal fragments. At the moment, this situation is clearly evenly matched. For the time being, no one can do anything about it. &1t;/

"I have read your information, and it seems to say that you can only manipulate and create magnetic fields, and then manipulate various magnetic metals?"&1t;/

"This is indeed an incredible ability, but unfortunately, the limitations are still too big, such as..."&1t;/

Smiling and looking at the earth man wearing a helmet who was also floating on the opposite side, the ebony throat waved his hand again, and the rows of green trees on both sides of the street rose directly from the ground, and then aimed at the distance. After the surprised enemy rushed away! &1t;/

boom! boom! &1t;/

Those trees with branches and mud piles rubbed Eric's body dangerously and hit a building in the distance, leaving only the green crowns of the damaged buildings. Outside the walls, it was like a few big trees growing out of the building. &1t;/

"These **** alien monsters!"&1t;/

After avoiding the impact of a few big trees, Eric, who was slightly awkward, hurriedly controlled a car to block in front of him, dangerously blocking those who were scattered in the distance and kept moving towards him. Cherita soldiers shooting. &1t;/

However, the opponent’s high-energy weapons were too strong. After a while, the off-road vehicle in front of him was beaten by those high-energy lasers into a pile of metal fragments that melted big holes. Flew away quickly. &1t;/

"Red tank! Go and destroy those Cherita soldiers, I will lead away the flying guy!"&1t;/

There are so many people here, which is not conducive to your own wave! &1t;/

Therefore, after feeling the danger, Magneto King Eric made a decisive decision, directly instructed his subordinate Kaiin Marco, and then directly turned and flew to the distant river. &1t;/

He wants to find a battlefield that suits him better, and then find a way to get rid of this Thanos' subordinate! &1t;/

"Huh! You can't escape!"&1t;/

"Listen to me. Before I return, destroy all the earth creatures around here, remember, don't keep one!"&1t;/

After taking a look at where the enemy was fleeing, Ebony Maw told the hundreds of elite Cherita soldiers before he was about to catch up. The messy noise of these earthlings annoyed him, so he decided to teach them a little lesson in advance! &1t;/

After speaking, a concrete manhole cover floated under his feet, and he flew high toward the enemy's position in the distance...&1t;/

"Wow... I really want to be late..."&1t;/

Little Annie is staying invisible on the roof of a building, watching the battle between Magneto King Eric and the alien ebony throat over the parking lot by the river in the distance, she just hugs them like this A large cup of milk tea and a large bucket of creamy popcorn are delicious. &1t;/

She had ghosts everywhere in this city, of course it was easy to spot the movement here, so when she got here, they were already like that. &1t;/

(Respected little master, let’s just watch it right now. Wouldn’t it be okay if we didn’t go down and help? Look, the game was very lively below and many people died.&1t;/

——Tibbers, who was put on his thigh as a food cushion by his master, tentatively asked after watching it for a while. &1t;/

Because it appears that the following battle between the alien and the electromagnetic king has hurt many innocent New Yorkers. If you count the street that the alien emptied before they came here, the current casualties are There are hundreds of numbers at least! )&1t;/

"Help...Tibbers, who do you want me to help?"&1t;/

After swallowing the popcorn, and drank another sip of milk tea, Xiao Annie indifferently licked her white and tender fingers covered in sugar. &1t;/

"Did you not see? The two guys below, during the time they were fighting, almost hurt almost the same number of people. I think they are both bad guys, so don't go and help them!"&1t; /


The two below, the alien among them was unscrupulous in fighting, and there must be a lot of citizens killed or injured by him now! &1t;/

And the other one who looks like a fight against bad guys is actually not much better! &1t;/

The man only wanted to defeat the enemy, and never kept his shots. Cars and trucks that flew indiscriminately, or vehicles that grabbed people from the road and smashed them directly, causing accidental injury or something was normal. &1t;/

Anyway, she didn't know any of the two bad guys down there. When she came here, many people had already died. Anyway, it's all like this, so she'll take a look first! As for the Cherita soldiers who are burning, killing and looting, someone has already beaten them anyway, so she doesn't need to be nosy. &1t;/

(What you said does make sense. It’s okay to take a look first, so let them fight for a while. If the situation can’t be controlled, it’s not too late for us to make a move...&1t;/

——Seeing that his little master is not going to be a good person to save the earthlings, Tibbers thought about it, and nodded comfortably. He was really afraid that his little master would be ruined by the people on earth, and he wanted to be the savior all day long. If that were the case, he would definitely not live long! &1t;/

But this is good now, let the people on earth experience more experience, it will not hurt them! &1t;/

Besides, since they are now invisible, they are not afraid of being revealed, just look at them. The crisis of the earthlings still has to be solved by the earthlings themselves, don't want to squeeze this little master of his family all day long! &1t;/

Tibbers doesn't want to be a savior. It has a good reputation and can't be a meal, and it will never fool its master to do things that are of no benefit at all! )&1t;/

"It was like this!"&1t;/

"Tibbs, think about it, we are about to leave this world and go to other places to play, maybe we won't come back in the future! So, they should learn to protect themselves! Just like back then As my mother Amorim taught me, she threw me directly into the den of the three bears and asked me to either kill the bears or be eaten by them!"&1t;/

Thinking about the survival methods her mother taught her back then, Annie's saliva couldn't help but flow out. Anyway, those bears weren’t able to eat her back then, but instead they were all burned by her. It’s not easy to do that kind of thing! &1t;/

Then... one of them is delicious! &1t;/


"Help! Come and save us!"&1t;/


At this time, two hapless cars hiding in cars parked on the far side of the road were selected by Magneto. The whole car floated up. Then, when they stalemate with Ebony Throat for control of the car, The two people who were bumped out of the car window could only scream and hug the car door tightly and screamed wildly. &1t;/

It is a pity that their bodies seem to be a bit spicy and their eyes...&1t;/

Both Ebony Throat and Eric saw the two people holding the car window. However, for the alien ebony throat, the lives of these earthlings are meaningless, and life and death are completely ignored by him, so he ignores it! &1t;/

As far as Magneto King Eric is concerned, he is a big villain himself, and now joining the Earth Defenders Alliance formed by the Bear Shield is just a force! He is usually unscrupulous for the sake of victory. Of course, he does not care about the life and death of the two ordinary people, and just competes with each other for the control of the car. &1t;/



Finally, the car was directly torn in half by the abilities of the two, and then the two passengers hanging outside fell directly into the parking lot that was hundreds of meters high in the sky below. ……&1t;/

It can be calculated from the free fall formula of junior high school physics: In the case of ignoring the air resistance, the free fall time for an object at a height of 100 meters is about four seconds or six? Therefore, if no one helps them, then the two naked men hiding on the roadside of the parking lot and not knowing what they are doing so that they did not escape in time, then they will definitely not survive! &1t;/

Maybe God loves them more, or God is merciful when he sees something. No, when the two are about to free fall and touch the ground, he will let an iron guy with his feet jetting tail flames in time. Arrived and rescued them. &1t;/


Looking at the stains on the opponent's body and naked body, and then at the things on his steel suit, the muscles on Iron Man Tony Stark's face kept twitching. He suddenly felt that maybe he shouldn't have come to rescue these two guys? &1t;/

Therefore, after dropping the two of them roughly, he didn't care about accepting the other's gratitude. He turned around and rushed towards the battlefield above. &1t;/

"Hi, Mr. Eric, Magneto King, do you need my help?"&1t;/

After stretching out his hands and directly driving the aliens on the opposite side with two arc pulse cannons, Iron Man Tony smiled and asked jokingly at the mutant leader who was also flying. &1t;/

"Huh! Not for now!"&1t;/

"I think you should first help clean up the Cherita soldiers below! Otherwise, if later, the dead may break through the Cherita invasion two years ago."&1t;/

Now the elite Cherita soldiers below are massacring the citizens here in New York. Although Eric has just asked the Red Tank to deal with the soldiers, the bare-handed Kain Marco is obviously not the well-equipped alien soldiers. opponent! &1t;/

And the Bear Shield emergency team that had just arrived by the spacecraft was too small in number. It was a bit too small for the organized enemy army of hundreds of people. &1t;/

No, the battlefield on the ground has spread to several streets right now, and the city is in chaos. Compared with the Cheritas who came prepared, the people on earth are obviously caught off guard and tired of coping. &1t;/

"Well, maybe you are right! Then please insist on it, I will be back to help you soon!"&1t;/

Seeing that the old guy of this mutant was still fighting the enemy vigorously for the time being, Tony Stark was not wordy and swooped directly into the battlefield on the ground! &1t;/

At the same time, his Stark Building in Manhattan, New York, suddenly flew out hundreds of suits of steel from various secret passages, and they carried trails of flames towards this side frantically. The streets rushed over and quickly cut into the battlefield and opened fire to destroy the elite troops of Cheritas who were well-equipped and agile. &1t;/


Captain Rogers' emergency team is wearing a set of ghost suits, holding weapons, and fighting these opponents who are obviously very different from the Cheritas they have encountered before. &1t;/

Compared with the Cheritas who came two years ago, these people in front of them are stronger, more agile, and more sophisticated in weaponry! &1t;/

Anyway, so far, the team that they came here for the first time has only eliminated dozens of enemies, and on their side, in addition to countless civilians who were killed or injured, even his team members were killed. There are quite a few, as evidenced by the members of Team 6 who are lying dead over there! &1t;/

The opponent's energy weapons are very powerful. If you don't hide, you will get a few hits, let alone their relatively thin ghost suits, even those thick and durable armored power combat uniforms can't stand it! &1t;/

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! &1t;/

Boom boom boom...&1t;/

A burst of violent explosions sounded, and countless swooping steel suits used their arc pulse cannons or cluster guns and small missiles to instantly empty a large area of ​​Cheritas, leaving the enemy faintly suppressed. Captain Rogers and others could finally breathe a sigh of relief and rushed out of the bunker to fight back. &1t;/

"Stark, I remember, didn't you have been sanctioned by the World Security Council, and you absolutely couldn't make ten suits of steel suits? Now, at least there are more than one hundred suits here, right?"&1t; /

Watching Iron Man flying around the sky and driving away the Cheritas, Captain Rogers and his ex-girlfriend's niece, and now the current girlfriend Sharon Carter, finally rushed out of the bunker and threw out the shield immediately. The head of a Cherita soldier who fled in a panic. &1t;/

"To be precise, there are a total of one hundred and sixty-eight suits! Okay... Now there are one hundred and sixty-seven sets left..."&1t;/

Iron Man Tony Stark hadn't been proud for a long time when he saw his suit of battle armor was hit by an energy laser head, and then he whirled, and fell to the ground at once, directly bounced into several pieces. Broken pieces of iron. &1t;/

"Aren't you afraid of being sanctioned again?!"&1t;/

Rogers was a little puzzled. Looking at these armors, it was obvious that they were newly made! &1t;/

He simply couldn't imagine that Tony Stark would be bold enough to reach this point. After the recent Lake Michigan World War, he still dared to continue to fight against the wind and continue to manufacture these steel legions in large quantities? &1t;/

"Aha! Captain, you are wrong, I did not violate the rules!"&1t;/

"Their sanctions agreement says in black and white: I am not allowed to make more than ten sets of Mark 46 or earlier suits! But all of these I have now are all Mark 46 modifications, or Mark IV. Seventeen original models, so this is not a violation!"&1t;/

Those so-called agreements were originally used to exploit loopholes! So, for these things, Tony didn't care about him at all, he had a way. &1t;/

"You knowingly committed this? Are you really not afraid of being sanctioned again?"&1t;/

Captain Rogers himself will not be convinced of such rhetoric and excuses for fooling children, let alone the World Security Council! How could they allow the other party to continue to make another Iron Legion? He can now imagine that when Thanos is over, their politicians will definitely be difficult for Stark Industries or Tony Stark himself? &1t;/

"Don't worry, old man!"&1t;/

"This matter will definitely not go wrong. If they want to sanction me, they must pass the one-hundred-member lawyer team hired by my Nastark Industries!"&1t;/

Tony is really not persuaded now! Because his behavior has been unanimously affirmed by the lawyers, he has not violated the previous sanctions agreement at all! &1t;/

Besides, what is the use of sanctions for Tony Stark, a big chaebol who has the force, intellectual property rights, money and power? In this decadent North America, if Tony has money, he can be willful, that is, he can do whatever he wants! &1t;/

what? You said the World Security Council has an opinion? &1t;/

Then, they must be prepared to fight with his lawyers for dozens of hundreds of years. If they have that patience, Tony Stark will not be stingy with that little litigation money! &1t;/

[Sir, danger! There is energy response, the direction of three o'clock! 〕&1t;/

Tony Stark was talking with Captain Rogers and watching his Iron Legion beat the Cheritas to a crushing defeat. Suddenly, he heard the warning from his butler Jarvis! &1t;/

Then, when he was about to evade and counterattack, a white spider web suddenly sprayed from a corner of the wall and firmly stuck the Cherita soldier who was planning to attack on the wall! After that, a red figure swaying over with spider silk quickly stepped on the neck of the Cherita, and directly killed the opponent easily. &1t;/

"Mr. Stark, look, I finally helped you again!"&1t;/

Peter Parker, a high school student who made a great contribution as soon as he rushed over, couldn't help but crawled from the wall toward the corner of Iron Man and the captain excitedly after killing the enemy. Originally, he thought he would not be able to catch up, but he didn't even think, let him come here and show his face. &1t;/

"It turned out to be you little guy, why are you here?"&1t;/

Tony is still a little reluctant to let this underage high school student participate in these **** battles. He feels that this should be the responsibility of their old-level heroes. Before they are too old to be touched, these newcomers Don't want to show up so early, let alone steal the limelight of his Iron Man! &1t;/

Of course, except for a certain lawless little girl mage...&1t;/

"That's because when I was in class, I saw in the mobile news that something big happened here! So, I hurriedly asked the professor for leave to go to the bathroom, and then secretly ran here."&1t;/

That's right, Peter Parker was just in class and was reminded by his best buddies. Seeing that it was urgent, he took the opportunity of urinating to change clothes in the toilet cubicle and rushed here directly through the window. &1t;/

"You were still playing on your mobile phone when you were in class? Oh, my God!"&1t;/

"Peter Parker, you kid... I warn you: a bad guy like you, who is unlearned and skillless, will never hire you at Stark Industries at that time!"&1t;/

Tony Stark was angry. Originally, he was very optimistic about this young man. But now, he has learned to skip class and play with mobile phones in class. How can this work? &1t;/

Therefore, he must beat him fiercely to make the other party feel the fierce and terrifying competition in society! If you don't study well, then you will definitely not be able to work in his Stark Group, even if you have his own internal relationship, it's useless! &1t;/


"That... Mr. Tony Stark, some time ago, I have successfully joined the Avengers..."&1t;/

That's right, after the high-level meeting of the Earth Moon Brain, the young Spider-Man Peter Parker, who was still within the review period, was exceptionally included by the Bear Shield and became a true Avenger! At the same time, he also enjoyed all the generous treatment that Bear Shield provides to the Avengers! &1t;/

In addition to delivering the car and the house, he still has a very high weekly salary every week, even if he doesn't perform tasks, so he doesn't need to think about joining Stark Industries anymore. &1t;/


"That's right! The current Bear Shield is indeed very rich, because they have monopolized the supply of new clean energy, and there are a lot of raw materials in lunar ash..."&1t;/

Nodded regretfully, and shook his head at the same time. Tony felt that he hadn't bothered to sign this little guy in advance. Now let’s take a look. The guys from Bear Shield have all started in advance. He had invested so much in this guy before he was blind, and he even secretly prepared a suit of Spider-Man for the other party! &1t;/

"Oops! Danger, run!"&1t;/

Just as a few people were still trying to say something, Captain Rogers grabbed Sharon Carter's hand abruptly, and then directly activated the emergency jet pack and slammed into the distant sky! &1t;/

At the same time, Iron Man Tony Stark didn't say much, he just pulled Spiderman Peter's back collar, and flew straight to the other side of the street without seeing something falling from the sky. And rushed out! &1t;/


A burst and huge roar sounded...&1t;/

The entire huge steel bridge was controlled by Magneto King Eric in spite of his casualties, and he slammed his head toward the ebony throat of Thanos’s five obsidian generals, the think tank of the Dark Order. Go down! &1t;/

It turned out that after just a while of the battle, Magneto King Eric was surprised to find that although the ebony throat can control all objects and can move by mind, the opponent has a fatal weakness, that is, it cannot Move objects with too great mass! &1t;/

For example, after the steel bridge that he brazenly lifted up to tens of thousands of tons, the other party's ability to move things is not as effective as his ability to rely on magnetic field control objects! &1t;/

Therefore, after pretending to delay for a while with the opponent, he took the opportunity to uproot the steel bridge that lay across the Hudson River, and then in the opponent's stunned, chasing the enemy who had no time to escape, he slammed his head. Smash it down! &1t;/

After that, the world is clean...&1t;/

"Asshole! Are you crazy?!"&1t;/

"Eric the Magneto! Take a look, take a look at what you have done? Do you know how many innocent people will be injured if you do this?!"&1t;/

Looking at the collapsed high-rise buildings and the mushroom-like dust rising into the sky, and then at the New Yorkers wailing under the ruins, Tony Stark angrily flew to the front of Magneto, the creator, and took his The arc pulse gun pointed at the opponent's head and asked. &1t;/

In the fierce fighting between the two sides just now, there were already a lot of civilian casualties in Eric's hands! &1t;/

But after all, it can be said that it was affected when fighting with a strong enemy. It is not very easy to control. This is excusable! But now, the other party directly or got a steel bridge and smashed it down the city street regardless, and the matter became a bit big. &1t;/

Tony believes that the number of people who have died under Eric now will definitely not be much less than the number of people who have died under the group of Cheritas just now! &1t;/

"Huh! The benevolence of women!" &1t;/

Seeing that the opponent dared to aim the arc pulse cannon in his hand, Magneto King Eric let out a cold snort, then he directly used his ability to control the opponent's armor hands, quickly retracted and firmly Put it at your sides in an upright position. &1t;/

[Sir, it is not recommended that you conflict with each other! Wearing a steel suit, you have no chance of winning against Magneto, unless you reopen an armor without any metallic properties or magnetic metal. 〕&1t;/

"Damn it, let me go!"&1t;/

Hearing Jarvis' warning and his already immobile hands, Tony could only put away his visor and glared at him. &1t;/

"In order to win, the necessary sacrifices are necessary...Forget it, it is useless to say more!"&1t;/

"Go back and tell that Nick Fury that my mission has been completed, and that the enemy named Ebony Maw has been wiped out by me! So, let him not forget those things that he promised me."&1t;/

Controlling each other, after the two slowly landed on the ground together, Magneto King Eric greeted the scarred red tank from fighting with Cherita's elite soldiers with bare hands before finally letting go of Iron Man and turning directly around. go away. &1t;/

No matter what these Bear Shield people think of him, anyway, he, Magneto King Eric, has already eliminated one of Thanos’s subordinates on his own. He has made his own contribution and divided the spoils after the war. Things, it is absolutely impossible to lose his share! &1t;/


Looking at the opponent's undefended back, Tony Stark really wanted to blow him up with a single shot! However, considering that this Iron Man himself had been restrained by the opponent, he had to take a deep breath and barely resisted the impulse. &1t;/

[Sir, there are many citizens trapped under the rubble. May I ask whether the steel army is used for rescue? 〕&1t;/

Now that the battle is basically over, the enemy leader was directly killed by Magneto’s smashing tactics regardless of casualties, and there are not a few Cherita soldiers left. It is only a matter of time before they are eliminated. &1t;/

Therefore, Jarvis, Tony Stark's butler, spoke in time and reminded him. &1t;/

"Leave a part of the battle clothes and continue to encircle and suppress those Cheritas, and for the rest, let's all start rescue operations..."&1t;/

Looking at the large ruins in front of him and the huge steel bridge buried by fragments of the ruins, Tony Stark sighed helplessly, flew directly over, pulled open a concrete floor with all his strength, and started Participated in the rescue work. &1t;/

"Tibbers, have you seen it? They are earthlings, they can actually win without our help!"&1t;/

Although the casualties are a bit, Annie feels that this kind of things that they can solve on their own, let them handle it themselves, otherwise, they really think the universe is very peaceful! &1t;/

When she was in the Kepulu region, she saw the scenes of **** killings between insects and humans, or between insects and protoss, which was much crueler than it is now! &1t;/

At that time, those guys would casually kill an entire planet or hundreds of millions of lives. How could it be possible to smash one or two streets like this? Otherwise, why are there so many people supporting her in the current Kepulu region? Wasn't it because she herself gave the three tribes in the entire constellation an opportunity for reunification and a peaceful life? &1t;/

Although the process involves a little bit of work, it is actually not a problem! &1t;/

"Let's go, Tibbers, do you feel it too? Soon, someone will come to us... So, let's change the place quickly, otherwise, the fight will not be the same as it is now. ."&1t;/

Feeling a malicious little Annie in the dark, she clapped her hands indifferently, stood up, and a teleport instantly disappeared on the top of this tall building. &1t;/

Now that these Thanos' subordinates have come to the earth, then the Thanos himself is definitely not far away, so Annie decided to change the place of the fight and wait for the other side to come to her! She believes that as long as she releases the wave of infinite gems, the other party will definitely come. &1t;/

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