Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 447: Only bear children can save the world


Observer Algalon continued to remain silent, pretending that he did not hear the seemingly well-founded remarks that a little girl had just refuted herself. He just raised the two Annihilation Teeth in his hand and lifted it in his left hand. , After accurately parrying the bear claws with only the dark red flame, the right hand slammed forward, a quick stab, and then the weapon in his hand was thrust into forcefully. Up the opponent's chest!


However, what made him feel a little astonished: On the other side's flame body that scorched his whole body, a thick flame shield appeared in an instant?

What made him even more puzzled was that although he felt that his dagger had successfully penetrated the strange shield and pierced the plush skin of the opponent's chest, but... the strange shield turned out to be like There is life, actively and violently burning his arm?

In this strange situation, he had to slash the opponent's chest and abdomen with his hands, so he had to quickly retract and quickly retreated two strides, avoiding the opponent's bear claws to counterattack.

When Algalon quickly cast a spell to extinguish the flames in his hand and looked at the giant bear, he discovered that there was only a small wound on the opponent's chest. It seemed that the opponent hadn't been caused by his sting. Too much damage by hitting?

"Wear transparent clothes when I go out, and I don't know the unashamed bad guy, how about my lava shield, is it fun?!"

Seeing that the opponent's arm was burned and peeled off the star fragments because of attacking her own bear, Annie just fought in the distance, and did not attack the opponent, she just smiled thiefly. At this moment when the lava shield on Tibbers appeared, her own body was also covered with a lava shield just like the ones around the bear's body! It's just that the one on her is smaller, and the one on Tibbers is bigger!

"If you are like this, you should surrender early. You will definitely not be able to beat my little bear!"

That's right, the shield on Tibbers just now is her masterpiece!

Although the idiot of Tibbers bear has huge magical powers and does not know how to magic, Anne can still use the close contract between the two parties and the resonance of magic, and at the same time put a powerful lava shield on herself and the other party. , So that your little bear can also have strong protection capabilities and passive countermeasures!

If anyone does not break the shield or use some magical protection, once they dare to fight with her bear cubs at close range, they will be passively counterattacked by the shield and burned miserably! But if you get close but don't attack, it will also be burned by the shadow flames on the bear until it burns to death!

In short, her little bear with a lava shield is a nightmare for all melee professionals! No warrior wants to face this fierce guy who is full of flames and puts on a counter attack shield!

" are indeed powerful, makes no sense!"

The black hole exploded! !

After avoiding another powerful arcane missile thrown by the dwarf little Lolita on the other side in time, the observer Algalon spontaneously detonated and detonated a simulation. The small black hole swept the tidal pulse of the shadow force toward the entire astronomical chamber that was phase-shifted into the universe by itself!

However, what made him feel puzzled was: except that the little bronze dragon dwarf in the distance suffered a lot of damage when he was caught off guard by being blown out and rolled off the edge of the field, and he stood in front of him and was about to rush towards him. The giant flame bear was instantly repelled several steps away, neither the giant flame bear nor the little girl in the distance suffered any harm? !

This matter is very strange, Algalon is a little confused, what method did these two enemies use to escape the erosion of the power of shadow?

"I understand, that's the way it is... It turns out that it is a shadow creature hidden under the skin of an enchantment. Am I right?"

After concentrating on seeing the situation inside the giant flame bear from the wound he had just cut open, the observer Algalon nodded in general, and understood why the other party was not afraid of shadow energy tide damage.

"Even if you guessed it right, so what? Hurry up and surrender, you must not be able to beat my little bear!"

Annie, who had been lazy and didn't make any moves, began to persuade her to surrender.

It's not that Annie didn't want to fight, but that she was worried that she would accidentally kill the other party when she was playing crazy, then what should this planet of Azeroth do?

She just heard it. The bad guy who went out wearing a transparent pair had already sent out the Omega code. Then, she must be able to beat the opponent half to death at most, and then forced to ask for a solution. The method, and only in this way, can completely solve the great crisis on the planet of Azeroth.

Therefore, it is better to leave this troublesome thing to Little Bear, after all, Little Bear will definitely be more accurate than himself if he just swings his fists and paws.

"Mortals... I advise you to give up..."

Infinitely broken!

Before the giant flame bear pounced on him, Algalon once again raised his hand, which had already been phase-shifted by him to the top of the observatory in space, and flew down abruptly. The flame's meteorite, the stone, hit the body of the giant bear so viciously, the flames that exploded in an instant, instantly flooded the opponent and half of the battle area, almost hitting Algalon. Own body.

It's a pity that before he had observed what the situation was like when he was attacked and remembered the giant bear, a little girl's clear voice came over again.

"It's useless for you to do this... My Tibbers, he is not afraid of flames!"

Little Annie’s words were just finished. A huge flame bear rushing out of the flames slammed once again at Algalon who was caught off guard, and left behind deeply on the opponent’s body. After two obvious burning black paw prints, this injury was exceptionally conspicuous on the blue and white star dome of the opponent!

Because it was Tibbers' shadow flames that invaded the opponent's body along the claws, and was burning the opponent's wounds.

"Hmph! Come out, servants of the dark world, destroy these ignorant existences!"

The opponent played three against one. Not only did he have to fight this huge flame bear, but also to guard against the blows of the two wizards in the distance to him. This was too passive!

Therefore, the observer Algalon decided that he had better summon some helpers to come out without requesting to defeat the enemy, but it would be best to be able to share some of the attacks and pressure on his behalf?

Soon, with a wave of his hand, several pitch-black weakened black holes appeared on this field and beside him, and then countless dark servants roared out from it.

Some of them rushed towards the two little loli mages, Annie and Chromie in the distance, while more of them were desperate, directly towards the body and legs of the burning giant bear. Pounced.

They are like a group of desperate black wolves, ignoring the terrible flames on the enemy's body, one by one, they lie on each other's body, biting and tearing frantically.


Tibbers roared, and after swiftly grabbing a few dark servants with a few claws, he saw that there were too many opponents, and after he couldn't kill them, he simply rushed towards the Algalon in the distance regardless. , Just let them crawl on themselves and scratch!

"A lot of monsters! But you are useless like this!"

Burn! !

Seeing her bear cubs charging in those monsters a little embarrassed, and even after being restricted by those monsters some of their mobility, of course Annie would not just look at each other to bully less, and there are more towards it. After running from her side, she raised her hands with a delicate chick, so that the endless flames roared out from a flame whirlpool in her palm, and directly sent Algalon and Tibor in the distance. Si and the countless dark servants are all included!

Anyway, she knew that Tibbers was not afraid of her level of flames, but that Algalon and those black monsters were not necessarily!

"Aha! How is it, have you conceded now?"

When the flames dissipated, Annie saw that in the distance, there was only one Olgalon with sparkling flames all over her body. Her cubs were constantly attacking, and they could only wave awkwardly. Except for the two daggers, those little black monsters had all been directly attacked by her flames, turned into pieces of energy ashes, dissipated in the starry sky, and no longer existed.

"No... mortals, now... start witnessing the truth about the Creator!"

I found that time was a bit tight, and now that I was suppressed very embarrassed, Algalon finally decided: I must defeat the shadow creature in front of me as soon as possible, and then take advantage of the opportunity of the mage in the distance to leave directly. , Absolutely can't stay here in the world of Azeroth again!

Otherwise, the flames that will destroy the world will destroy him by the furnace of origin. After all, now he just moved the astronomy room into the projection of the cosmic starry sky by phase shifting, which is actually still on the planet of Azeroth.

The Big Bang! !

The power of the shadows, arcane energy, and the power of the stars began to violently converge on Algalon himself, and then soon, they suddenly exploded violently, as if it were really a miniaturized and handed down big bang. , Let the giant flame bear that was constantly attacking him wailed directly and was blown out in an instant.

Of course, the attack range of this skill is not large, and the little girl in the distance and the other dwarf mage were not affected.

"Feel the anger of the will of the universe!"

After knocking the giant bear away, Algalon roared immediately, making his figure taller and bigger again, and then his skills became extremely agile! Immediately after that, he approached the huge flame bear in two steps so fiercely, ignoring the shadow flames that burned him and the shield that would automatically counterattack, and then madly waving his two-handed weapons to attack. From time to time, he made one or two more powerful cleaves, so that the giant bear could only parry and not fight back.

He intends to defeat the summoned giant flame bear in a short time, and then wait for the opportunity to flee here, and stop entangled with these stupid mortals endlessly. This kind of thing seemed to him Algalon , It is simply meaningless.

"Annie! Stop playing! If I remember correctly, within an hourglass time, if the signal to reply to the stop code is not sent, then our planet of Azeroth will be over!"

Now, if it counts from the time the other party sends out the code, then there is almost half an hourglass in the past now! If you continue to toss like this, even if you really beat the other party, once they time out or the signal is delayed, the world will be ruined!

Chromie can't afford such a huge risk, and the world of Azeroth can't afford it either!

"That's right... time is coming, you have no hope, hurry up and give up..."

"Your life is actually just a moment of finger... Believe me, the flames of reshaping will not be too painful. The destruction of the planet and the rebirth of life are the best choice..."

While continuing to suppress the giant flame bear fiercely, the observer Algalon also ‘good faith’ persuaded him. He has always felt that this kind of battle is meaningless, the planet is no longer saved, only rebirth after destruction is the only way out!

This is like the countless planets in the universe that he ordered to reshape?

"Huh! Don't think that you will be violent, and so will our little bear Tibbers!"

After hearing Chromie's anxious urging, Annie, who knew that she could no longer play like this, grabbed a black shadow ball that exuded terrifying shadow power directly from her pocket, and planned to use it!

That's right, this black ball is the pure shadow power essence she extracted after decomposing Yogg-Saron in the underground cell just now! Originally, she hadn't figured out how to deal with it, but now, she just happened to make up for her little bear?

Anyway, the bear's body is also a shadow creature, and it can absorb the essence of this shadow, right?

(Master, don't do it!!!)

However, Tibbers had only time to scream, the pitch-black ball hit its back without any room for negotiation, and then it didn’t burst or hurt Tibbers’ back. Instead, It disappeared soon...

"Xiao Xiong, you have to work hard! Go ahead and kill that bad guy!"

In fact, it should be regarded as Little Annie transmitting energy to her little bear Tibbers, but it is not her own, but from the ancient **** Yogg-Saron who was decomposed by her before!

Although such a rough practice may make the bear feel a little bit of pain and discomfort, but it is not that he is in pain. As for the little bear, it will pass if it is strong and forbearing. Anyway, the bear cannot die. Isn't it?


In the next instant, in the horrified gaze of the observer Algalon, the body of the giant bear, under the action of the little girl, turned out to be huge again! Even, the opponent's body and strength almost surpassed himself... Moreover, that kind of shadow flame has once again become darker and hotter. While burning himself more painful and intolerable, the opponent's orange-red After staring at him fiercely for a short while with his hideous eyes, he opened his big mouth full of fangs and rushed cruelly...

Boom! Boom! Boom!

It was not the claws, but after the two claws grabbed Algalon’s own arm, the other’s burning big head hit his head three times, causing him to stagger back and fall to the ground. After that, he just had time to look up, only to see a huge flame figure jumping high?

boom! !

Two huge bear paws slammed on Algalon's chest, and almost didn't crush him to the stars! However, without waiting for him to fight back, after the opponent sat on him all of a sudden, the incredibly fast bear claws continued to tear toward his face again.

Bang! !

Huh! Boom! vomit! Woo! Cang! clang!

Soon, under the suppression of tremendous power and countless fists and feet, Algalon could only cover his head with his hands in vain, and he was pushed on the ground by the enemy and attacked frantically.

While bearing the opponent’s fists, feet and body, the dark flames on the opponent’s body are still burning his body, his nerves and his soul, making him feel severe pain in his body, dizziness and soul. Tremor, seems to be beaten to death at any time...

Therefore, Algalon felt that today’s things could not go on like this, he must take measures to change the status quo, otherwise, he, the observer who was placed high hopes by the Pantheon Titans, would die here. The famous little planet is here!

And now, his last killer and countermeasures are:

"Do not……"


"I...I...I gave up... Your efforts (fists) have successfully convinced me..."

After being beaten up by Tibbers in a violent state, an observer who thought he was invincible in the world, the kind of screaming and sobbing begging for mercy finally came out from under Tibbers.

"Enough... please stop here..."

Now, Algalon is really persuaded, he does not want to fight anymore! Because, according to his analysis, when he even fought so hard for the summoned flame bear, once the little girl in the distance seriously participated in the battle, his chance of victory would infinitely approach zero!


After seeing each other finally recognized counseling, Tibo Si punch each other in the final beat, transparent body still found each other is so tough, it seems a short time after the fight is certainly not bad, it was a little something more to say that curled claws, direct Just let go of the other party.

Then, its huge body began to shrink gradually, and the dark fierce flames quickly retracted into the body, and soon turned back into that hideous-looking, rough-looking plush bear! Then, before it landed, its little owner used a mage's hand to pull it back and hugged it in his arms.

(Little master... Next time, can you stop throwing a large cloud of shadow energy over like this... the shadow essence of the ancient **** is not so easy to digest... the small one may need a little Time to consolidate it. In the recent period of time, you should take your time to play slowly...

——After speaking, Tibbers stopped speaking.

Just now its little owner, Annie, threw over the shadow essence abruptly. Although Tibbers’ own power began to skyrocket, but no matter how pure the shadow essence is, it is not his own, but wants to make it his own. Strength, it takes a long time to digest, channel and run-in, otherwise, it will cause big problems!

If it was the power transmitted by its little master, it might be better, even if it can't bear it, it can still give it back?

But just like the kind of shadow essence of the ancient evil god, just stuffed it in directly. This kind of technique is really too simple and rude, it really can't bear it...)

"Mortal... please listen to me..."

Seeing that the other party finally took back the difficult magical summoning creature and the powerful flame giant bear, the observer Algalon barely breathed a sigh of relief, and got up from the ground a little embarrassed. He also began to dissolve his fighting state, and gradually reduced his swollen body size... Then, the magical sight of the alien plane of the universe also slowly recovered, once again turning back to the observatory in Ulduar.

"You have used your own efforts to win the opportunity for this world to continue..."

"I have seen countless worlds that were swallowed by the flames of the Creator... The people in those worlds disappeared forever before they even let out a cry... The entire planet was born to annihilate. It was just a flick of a finger... but, from beginning to end, I was never moved by it... I didn't feel anything..."

That’s right, Algalon himself was ordered to detect countless planets and destroy countless planets... But this was the first time he was beaten on the ground like this, and even threatened his endless Life... And, the most important thing: the enemy is only a little girl, a bronze dragon playing soy sauce, plus a magical summoning creature!

Therefore, after seeing the mortals in this world of Azeroth turned out to be so powerful, Algalon was really a little scared.

"Hundreds of billions of lives were instantly destroyed...Are they all as strong as you, do they all love life as you do?"

"Perhaps... it is this imperfection that allows you to gain free will and therefore have the ability to change those seemingly inevitable tragic fate... Today, many perfect life forms created by Titan have suffered When it comes to the fiasco, you can still move on..."

What should you do when you lose your fight and your life is pinched in the hands of someone else? Do you want to spit out someone else's blood, force yourself to stubbornly, and then hold on to being beaten to death by someone else?

No, no, no... Algalon would definitely not do this, because the idiot who did that would definitely be taller than the world tree Teldrassil in the world of Azeroth!

Therefore, what he has to do now is to brag vigorously about this powerful little mortal girl in front of him, brag vigorously about how great the world is, even if it is sparse and ordinary in his own eyes! The purpose of this is to allow the other party to be able to disregard the adult's faults, and quickly let himself leave this dangerous and terrifying world?

"Stop! Hurry up, give me the code to stop destruction!"

Although what the other party said seemed to be very satisfying to Annie, the other side's mouth was a mortal on the left and a mortal on the right, which made her feel very upset! She just didn't understand, why do these guys always like to treat other intelligent creatures in a superior way?

For example, Xiao Anni herself, generally speaking, is only divided into good people who can’t be burned, bad people who can be burned, strangers who don’t know, and acquaintances who are close to herself. She has never taken the initiative to weaken herself. People like to look at them as mortals. Although sometimes they have a bit of scorn, but as long as they can make themselves happy, even if they are a human child without any power, she can be a friend and play together.

"Good, good..."

Seeing the other's expression a little impatient, the observer Algalon quickly appeared a violet ball in his palm, and then gently cast a spell to float it towards the little girl.

"This is the code Alpha, the reply code I have modified... Now, your planet is saved... It is you who made me understand that I will never trust my calculations anymore..."

The situation is better than human beings. In addition to honestly handing over what the other party wants, what better way can he have now?

"I don't have enough power to transmit this message. Now I have to rely on you... You'd better find a place with sufficient energy and close to the sky..."

"Of course, with your strength, it should be possible here too..."

After seeing the little girl grabbing the ball, she stared at herself with some ugly eyes, and then Algalon quickly explained.

He was testing the contamination of the planet Azeroth and launched a piece of destruction code, plus he had fought fiercely before and broke out in a wave, so now, besides he has some power reserved for transmission back, It's really too much but not enough.


Staring suspiciously at the blue-and-white transparent face that can't see any expression for a while, then looked down at the violet orb in her hand again. Little Annie didn't immediately use it. Are you planning to study first?

However, some people with general knowledge will not let her waste any more time.

"Annie, hurry up! Launch it right here, otherwise I'm afraid it will be too late! We have delayed too much time, this world is likely to be over in the next second!"

Now Chromie has to be anxious, because at this time, time has passed for a long time...If the planet is reshaped and destroyed because of the delay in time, then this joke is really big!


Thinking about what little Chromie said seemed to make sense, Annie nodded and accepted the other's suggestion humbly.

In the next second, she slowly let go of the violet weird orb in her hand, and then as she entered her pure and powerful arcane magic power, the orb flew higher and higher until it reached Ulduar. When it was in the middle of the observatory, it suddenly exploded. After causing bursts of violent earthquake-like tremors, it quickly turned into a huge and violent violet beam of light and went straight into the sky. I don’t know where it was launched. Where did I go, let alone whether the so-called origin furnace and planetary system received this signal?

Anyway, this scene is not only here in Ulduar, but even the Azeroth Alliance, the Burning Legion, and the various races in Northrend as far away as Dragonblight. As long as the weather is good, they can be from the north. This magical sight is clearly seen in the sky!

It's just that none of them knows what it really means, and they don't even know that a little girl sank inadvertently, saving the entire planet of Azeroth and all the lives of life!

"The reply code has been successfully sent... Goodbye to mortals... Cherish your world..."

Seeing that everything was over, the observer Algalon didn’t want to stay longer for a moment, so he started directing the spell directly, intending to leave this sad place, and leave this mortal person to dare to beat him lawlessly. The Azeroth world of the Titan Messenger.

The law and order here is really too bad... Those Titan Guardians, don't know where they are now?


When the observer Algalon used his last mana to guide the successful spell and anchor the coordinates, he was about to cast an ultra-long-distance teleportation spell across the interstellar, and when he left directly here, he suddenly found that his spell , Was it directly countered by that little girl again? !


The turbulent flow of mana began to clash in his star-like body, making him almost spit out a mouthful of old blood! If he Algalon has blood, something that only creatures corrupted by the curse of flesh and blood have, then he might squirt it out, right?

"Little girl...I don't understand, why are you stopping me from leaving?!"

I have fought, and I admit to losing, and now, he has given the error correction code to the other party and successfully launched it. Then, why should she not let herself go, what else is she thinking? ?

"I don't know whether the thing you sent me is true or false. How could I let you leave casually, do you think we are a fool?!"

After a contemptuous glance at the other party, Xiao Annie turned her head and asked the bewildered bronze dragon Little Chromie:

"How long does it usually take for the destructive code he sent out before to work?"

Feeling that the other party's words were not credible, Annie asked directly about the Azeroth world know-it-all. She knows that this bronze dragon knows ten thousand years from the top and ten thousand years from the bottom. If you want to know something, it's not wrong to find the other party!

"Usually it is the time of a big hourglass...that is, about an hour. Counting our fighting time, it should be almost the same now?"

Think about the situations where Brian and other heroes that I saw in other timelines prevented Algalon from failing. Cromi is very sure. They had previously failed to defeat the opponent and launch the code within an hour. This Azeroth world will be destroyed and recast, that's for sure!

"Very good! Then, Algalon, listen to me: wait an hour, if this planet of Azeroth is still good, then you can go!"

Little Annie's mother, Amorin, taught her. For the bad guys, she couldn't listen to half a word, or even believe a word! Those bad guys like to make three cuts, say one thing on their lips, and do another one behind their backs. Anyway, those bad guys like to play tricks and tricks all day long...

Therefore, this kind of precautionary measures are necessary and necessary. Otherwise, if the planet will still be destroyed after the opponent ran away, wouldn't she be fooled by the opponent herself?


Algalon was silent. He did not continue to speak, but stood in the middle, looking at the little girl.

"as you wish……"

Nodded, Algalon didn't refute much, but stood still and slowly calmed down the power of confusion after being countered by the spell.

He didn't understand. At any rate, he himself could be regarded as the spokesperson of a Titan, and these mortals would even question themselves? Could it be that the reputation of the Titans is so bad? Or is Algalon's character really so unbearable?

Just as Algalon wanted to say something to the bronze dragon, suddenly, there was a noise outside the door... Then, the two huge closed stone doors were pushed open again from the outside. !

Then, a large group of small dwarves, goblins and gnomes rushed in, carrying various muskets and pushing cannons! There were even goblins driving several siege tanks one size smaller, following behind the team fiercely, just rushing in with billowing black smoke and harsh noises.

"Quick, come in, everyone lined up!"

"Look! That should be Algalon the Observer, right?"

"It must be him who looks weird!"

"I saw it too! Strange... now that bronze dragon Chromie and that one, they seem to be confronting it?"

"Brian, Brian...Where are you, what should we do now?!"


"Let's let me go!"

"It is going to destroy our planet of Azeroth, what else can we do? The guns are loaded, lined up, and ready to fight!"

"As long as we win it, our world will be safe! Otherwise, what do you think we are here for now?"

"Uh, this is..."

A grumpy voice of a dwarf came from behind. When he held his double-barreled shotgun and pushed aside a large group of goblins and gnomes already lined up at the door, he saw the strange blue and white transparency at first sight The giant, and Chromie and the little girl Queen Anne!

However, what makes Brian? Bronzebeard feel something is not quite right: the bronze now, the little girl and the enemy on the opposite side, don't seem to have the tension of a sword?

This...what is going on?

This weird situation made Brian a little at a loss. He didn't know whether he was going to fight or not?

"Mortals...I don't understand, what are you doing again?"

The observer Algalon was a little panicked. These little men, these earth spirits who have been corrupted by the curse of flesh and blood, look at the current posture of the other party. They are arrays, guns, and even engineering equipment. They all drove in, this is obviously the rhythm to beat him to death...

Do the mortals on this planet like to turn their faces and deny it?

"I swear... the reply code I just gave you has really cancelled the planet reshaping instruction!"

This planet of Azeroth is really too dangerous, so it seems that these mortals should have been completely corrupted by the curse of the ancient gods... They have become greedy, depraved, without honor and credibility, and they are right Titans and their guardians or messengers don't have the slightest sense of awe at all!

And this is an obvious symbol of complete depravity!

Therefore, the observer Algalon secretly decided that if he had a chance to escape from this planet, he would never come back here again!

"Everyone, let's put down the weapons first, we have just negotiated, this observer Algalon has indeed sent the code to cancel the destruction of the planet, and now our world is safe."

As a member of the guardian dragon, Chromie stood up in time to explain to Brian, and asked the goblins and dwarf dwarves to lay down their weapons, so as not to embarrass the observer who had surrendered. .

"It's settled? How long has this been, and how did you talk about it?!"

Brian? Bronzebeard is a bit confused. If you count the time, it didn't seem to be long before he ran to call people to assemble and deploy a few heavy equipment. So, did they settle the matter? As far as Brian said he knew, those Titan Guardians were more stubborn! Is it possible that this Algalon is so strange that he can directly persuade him with words?

Also, what happened to the tremor that they had on their way here just now? Anyway, Brian is now at a loss, if he has a chance, he must catch that Chromie and ask him carefully!


On the front line of the Crystalsong Forest, when the sky was getting dark, the great demon fraudster Kil'jaeden and Kael'thas had led the remaining hundreds of Burning Legion demons to retreat to the Echo Valley demon camp where they confronted the undead. Back to the demon army commanded by the abyss demon lord Brutalus.

Now, at the pass above the Echo Valley, leading the undead to confront the army of the Burning Legion, is the legendary Lich Kel'Thuzad of the Undead Scourge! At this time, the undead above were obviously a little confused. Obviously, they must have felt the disappearance of the will of the Lich King Arthas and that something that bound them had stopped working.

Had it not been for the great Lich above to take over the control of the Lich King and restrain the undead, I'm afraid they would have become more frantic and rushed out to attack the Burning Legion or escaped?


Kil'jaeden knew that the lich above must have seen him, and it is likely that the other party already knew what was going on, and he must have felt something in his palm, right? But now, the other party is restraining the undead and staying there quietly. He must be a guy who is aware of the current affairs and is watching something. Kil'jaeden expressed a little satisfaction about this.

The big lich above should be a talent that can be used by the legion!

Of course, satisfaction goes to satisfaction. He is absolutely not worried about giving an important and powerful force like the Scourge to outsiders. Ner'zhul and what Alsace had done had already sounded the alarm for him. Therefore, this time, he planned to replace his own person in charge of this powerful force, and then work with his Burning Legion. Directly merge the army and wipe out all the resistance forces in the entire Azeroth world!

"Kael'thas little bug...If I give you this helmet of dominance, can you command those undead natural disaster troops for me?"

Looking at the Helm of Domination in his palm, after careful consideration for a while, Kil'jaeden found out: Now his subordinates seem to be except for the dead man Kael'thas who was resurrected by fel? Sunstrider. Besides, it seems that there is no better choice for the time being?

Think about it...

Wearing the helmet of dominance, becoming the new Lich King and commanding all the undead natural disasters, this kind of technical work, like Brutalus, a simple-minded fighter with well-developed limbs, it will definitely be impossible to play! And like the other Dreadlords in the Legion, Shivarra or Eredar mages, Kil'jaeden is a little uneasy...

Therefore, after thinking about it for a long time, his only choice now is to summon himself for revenge. The other party not only seems to be loyal to him, but also made a lot of merits, and he is a dead man's victory. Ersas? Sunstrider?

"My respected master... As long as you need it, your will is my mission!"

Frozen, after hearing what the other party said, Kael'thas's expression was dull for a while, and then quickly knelt down on the other's big feet, and deepened his head inlaid with fel crystals. Lowered deeply towards the ground.

"Very good! Kael'thas bug, now it's yours..."

Seeing the other's thin body and weak strength, Kil'jaeden frowned. He always felt a little dissatisfied, because he found that this little bug in front of him seemed a little too weak? But... think about it carefully, he still feels that this guy who has done a great job and is loyal to him, it is good to be weaker, and that will help control.

Finally, after hesitating for a short while, Kil'jaeden threw the Helm of Dominance pinched in his palm directly in front of the opponent.

"Kael'thas, pick it up...then, put it on..."

Now this helmet now has no Ner'zhul's soul in it. Some are just powerful and absolute control over the undead natural disasters! In fact, now anyone can easily become a new Lich King with them, at best, it is just a little bit strong or weak.

"Yes! My master..."

Kneeling carefully and moving forward two steps, when Kael'thas tried to suppress the bursts of ecstasy in his heart, he used his slightly trembling hands to carefully hold up the silver gray that fell in the snow. helmet.

Then, he slowly stood up, holding the helmet high in his hands, and holding it up to the top of his head, which had only gray hair and a thin face. Now, as long as he lets go and crowns himself with this helmet, then... he Kael'thas? Sunstrider, will be the new Lich King! !

At that time, the entire Northrend hundreds of thousands, and even more undead creatures, will all be his Kael'thas alone! At that time, he will become a real king again, no longer a humble bug!


After being silent for a breath or two, Kael'thas finally concentrated his eyes, gently closed his eyes, and then gently turned the helmet of dominance that represents the highest authority and supreme power of the kingdom of death. I put it on my head, directly covering my face and most of the pale and long hair.

A strong fluctuation instantly centered on Kael'thas and spread to the surroundings instantly!

At the same time, on the side of the Undead Scourge in Echo Valley, those undead who had just gained a short period of freedom, including the great lich Kel'Thuzad, knelt down here again...

Later, when Kael'thas opened his eyes again, his green eyes that originally represented fel energy had turned into pale death flames. Correspondingly, his body burned uncontrollably. Layers of blue and white death ice cold energy.

These energies are expelling his original evil energies and are constantly transforming his tyrannically transforming him from a body of evil energy directly into the physique of a lich, and will gradually become The new Lich King!

"My master, it may take a while for me to digest this new power..."

With the fire of soul burning in his eyes, the newly promoted Lich King Kael'thas once again knelt down on one knee toward the deception in Kil'jaeden, and reported it respectfully.

This is not his excuse, but that his own current power really cannot be controlled at will. In addition to the powerful power, there is too much knowledge in this helmet of dominance, even if Kael'thas himself was originally A powerful mage, but this also requires him to take some time to digest and consolidate them slowly.

"Yes! But, Kael'thas... remember, you must not let me down, and don't let me wait too long..."

"Three only have three days!"

"At that time, you will lead the Scourge of the undead to go south with me, ready to fight against the bugs of Azeroth!"

Seeing that the opponent could recover his sanity and move freely so quickly, Kil'jaeden nodded with satisfaction. Sure enough, the Lich King still wanted a mage to be more reliable.

"Yes! My master, you will surely see my value when you arrive!"

Lowering his eyes that burned with the magic flame of the soul, the Lich King Kael'thas lowered his head deeply again



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