Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 535: Who saved whom? !

   In the sky of planet AN-5367, a ‘battle cockroach’ shuttle landing craft dived down at a high speed at an angle of forty-five degrees to the ground! The super-high speed and the high temperature generated when rubbing the atmosphere has gradually approached the critical value of nine hundred degrees, which caused the outer wall of the small landing craft and the kinetic energy barrier to produce a flame-like light, like a meteor in the dim sky Falling straight to the ground is generally...

   Of course, this is not actually a meteor, but a UT-47 pull-down ‘Kodiak’ shuttle landing craft from Normandy SR-2 on an emergency airborne rescue mission!

  ‘Captain Shepard! ’

  ‘According to your current speed, the enemy will enter your threat range in twenty seconds! The number of them is more than 300. After calculation, I suggest that you retreat immediately, terminate the rescue operation, and end the airborne mission ahead of schedule! ’

Artificial intelligence EDI, when the beautiful girl with short silver hair, Etiy, had seen the ruins of the ruined colony underneath in the spaceship that Shepard and Miranda were riding in, she suddenly removed Shepard’s head protection'N7BreatherHelmet' A transparent holographic image of her popped up in her combat eyepiece and advised the captain who was about to start the operation.

   Now that the enemy is about to enter the contact distance, if they land forcibly at this time, it is likely that their captain and Miranda Commander will be surrounded by a large number of enemies!

   "Received! Please continue to observe!"

Shepard ignored Etty’s advice and suggestions. She just coldly observed the situation of the base below through the scanning equipment of the UT-47 shuttle landing craft. Judging from the number of fallen human corpses, she quickly It can be judged that the original collectors only robbed most of the humans and killed almost all of them, but did not completely clean up the entire battlefield.

Of course, she also saw those appearing in the distance, the blue and red lights that were almost visible to the naked eye, the corpses transformed by collectors or other transformed monsters were taking something to attack at high speed... It made her feel a little upset. They found that the time of this signal source was still a little too late. If it could be a little earlier, it might not be as embarrassing as it is now.

   It's a pity, now their landing craft can no longer be fast, otherwise, it will easily crash directly because of the high temperature!

  ‘Captain Shepard! ’

  ‘If you insist on implementing the landing operation plan, I suggest that you order the Marines to start landing and support you now. It is expected that they will arrive within 20 minutes of your contact with the enemy. Please authorize. ’

   Seeing that the other party did not intend to stop the action, and still let the UT-47 rub the air down at a high speed, the artificial intelligence EDI had to make a dutiful suggestion again.


   "Agree to authorize!"

   After saying the last sentence, Shepard turned off the communication a little impatiently.

   Now, they are about to engage in a contact war with the enemy. I only hope that the transformed monsters left by the collectors on this planet are not too powerful.

It’s okay if it’s just a normal monster with a shield and armor like a corpse puppet, because it nails other live extraterrestrial races or human corpses to mechanical spikes and quickly draws water, while controlling the unit. It is still very good to deal with monsters formed after injecting materials that replace minerals in the body!

The bodies and organizations that control the unit's activation of death can turn their bodies into terrifying killing machines without suffering and without any fear, but their wisdom is really unflattering. They, except Use their energy weapons to shoot randomly or charge directly at close combat, and you don't even know the most basic evasion!

  If the distance is enough, she and Miranda will be able to solve one by one shot, and quickly clean up hundreds of corpses!


   If there are other monsters and war equipment, then she would not dare to speak such big words!

She has fought many times with enemies, and she is not unfamiliar with reapers and collectors. Of course, she also knows the difficulties of some of these monsters... But now, only with her and Miranda. , Even if they have biological abilities, but in a battlefield with fewer enemies, if the opponent has high-level units or heavy armored targets, she can't guarantee that the two of them will be able to withstand the opponent's attack.


   "Sir! I have seen those enemies, we seem to be a little late! What should I do now, do I need to immediately raise the altitude and retreat at full speed?!"

At this time, the driver of the UT-47 shuttle boat sitting in the front cockpit was in the process of descending towards the destination, of course, he found the dense red eyes and the radiant light of blue alien energy substances on the ground in the distance. , Those enemies... they have dispersed outside the northwest corner of this abandoned human colony, and surrounded and swept toward their destination.

   Therefore, he can only question Shepard anxiously behind the cockpit.

   Because of this time, it is obviously not suitable to log in again! When he lowered the altitude and dropped the two in the air, those enemies would definitely not give them time to find the rescue target and quickly return and evacuate!

   "Sir? Do you want to evacuate immediately?!"

   The driver waited for a few seconds before asking again.

He feels that in this situation, even if it is stronger than Shepard or Miranda, the two chiefs must be very dangerous when dealing with so many enemies. It is best to take advantage of the distance from the enemy now. Is it better to evacuate as soon as it is far away?


   "Continue to descend, open the hatch at a height of five meters, and we jump down by ourselves!"

Open the battle map in your visor, look at the dense red enemy markers fanning from the northwest with you as the center, and then look at the small green dot in the southeast house where you and others are now. , Shepard gritted his teeth and still gave the order to continue landing and launch rescue.

  Since she Shepard has come here now, and the mission objectives are all in front of her, how could she give up halfway?

   In the midst of her sudden changes in her mind, she has roughly formulated two feasible battle plans:

   First, find the little girl, and then lead the opponent to evacuate to a safe place, and then summon the UT-47 shuttle landing craft in the air to take them away quickly before the enemy is surrounded!

  Second, use the terrain to deal with the enemy below, and insist on what the artificial intelligence Itty said just now, and insist on the arrival of the large number of Marines dispatched from Normandy II! If it were with the cooperation of thirty or fifty Marines, she would be absolutely sure to wipe out the three hundred small groups of enemies who came here.

   However, Shepard thought about it for a while, and she quickly leaned towards the second plan!

   Because, she doesn't think it would be easy to evacuate with a little girl who will only get in the way in a chaotic battlefield! Besides, they still have only two of them now?


   nodded, the driver knew the urgency of the matter, so after hearing the order, he didn't say much.

After that, he pushed the joystick fiercely. When the landing craft dived to a height of about five meters, he pulled it again, changing the dived shuttle into a parallel and fast flight attitude, and then turned to avoid Looking at the broken and towering buildings, while using thick bulkheads and kinetic energy shields to forcibly resist the sporadic energy pulses fired by distant enemies, and at the same time opened the rear hatch of the landing craft for the first time.

   "Miranda, start fighting!"

   "We need to deal with the enemy here for at least 18 minutes, try not to let them rush into the communication center behind!"

   While rushing to the open hatch and jumping, Xue Bode directly issued a simple order to start fighting to Miranda who was following him.

   "If possible, wipe them all out!"

   Because she discovered: Those enemies in the distance are mostly human corpse puppets transformed by collectors, plus a small number of floating turrets and the three manned low-altitude transport ships of unknown type! If the two are more cautious, they should be confident enough to delay the enemy here, or simply eliminate each other directly.

   And the only thing they should pay attention to is not to let those difficult guys get close. As for breaking and scaring the other person away, Shepard had never thought about that kind of thing!

Because those disgusting modified monsters will not feel pain, fear, and will not die unless they are hit. They will certainly not be like normal creatures. They will run away or retreat if they can’t beat them. Fight with them until the last one falls!

   Or, fight until they both fall?


   Miranda, who has also entered the fighting state, did not say much, not only as an agent, but also as a powerful fighter, she would not be afraid or hesitate for such a scene.

   So, she didn't have time to think about it, so she followed Shepard directly and jumped out of the cabin.

   "Sir, the number of enemies is about three hundred and eighty... three hundred and eighty-two! Good luck to you!"

   "Oh! Damn! It's staring at me!"

After discovering that both of them had successfully jumped off the plane, the pilot of the UT-47 Shuttle Landing Craft was agitated, and while quickly avoiding the energy shooting site that suddenly became dense in the distance, he closed the rear hatch and let the enemy attack. While leaving red dots on the outer wall of his landing craft, he pulled the joystick fiercely, so that the core of the zero element of Mass Effect began to exert its maximum force, and then accelerated straight toward the high altitude!

   Those enemies below are all energy bullets, and that kind of energy pulse is very restrained against the "battle cockroach" he is driving!

That’s because the shield of the UT-47 Kodiak Landing Aircraft is a powerful kinetic energy barrier system. It has excellent defense against live ammunition and electromagnetic weapons, but for the energy specifically used to strike the shield and biochemical barrier. Attacks are particularly weak.


   "Wow, Tibbers... look at it, two kind elder sisters jumped down from the sky, they are here to'save' us!"


When Annie peeped from the window of this tattered metal house, when she saw the shuttle landing boat that swept past and was quickly beaten by the enemy and fled, two heavily armed fighters dropped down and dropped down. After starting the battle with the enemy, her M-92 mantis sniper rifle, which was already loaded and ready to attack, was gently released by her, and the insurance was slowly closed.

   "This thing seems to be a little fun now!"


At this moment, I saw the two big sisters who had just jumped off in the distance. They were using quick shots to knock down several monster enemies, and they also used the favorable terrain to compete with the enemies in the ruins of the interstellar colony. After the asymmetrical battle, Little Annie thought about it seriously, and finally decided: herself, it is better not to do it casually.

  Because, maybe people can wipe out those enemies easily without her meddling to help?

   When the time comes, she can continue to pretend to be harmless to humans and animals, easily mix into the spaceships of those guys, and then formally begin her enjoyable adventure in this world?

   That's right, it's so decided!


   She has to look at the situation first, if the two big sisters who are hiding behind a piece of ruined obstacles and fighting with the enemy and shooting are not in any danger, then she will not take action! She just waited for them to come and rescue the ‘miserable’ plus the ‘poor, weak and helpless’ herself and leave this unfunny, still gray, tattered planet!



   (Tibbers didn’t want to comment on the behavior of his nasty little master, so he stayed motionless... there were no enemies at stake in the distance, and there was no room for him to take action, so let’s do it.



   "You guard the west, I'll guard the north, don't let them come around too fast, kill the wave first!"

Shepard abruptly stood up from a broken window sill, facing the group of corpses in front of which his eyes glowed red, his body was dilapidated, bones, stomachs, and even mouths were flowing with the disgusting and weird blue replacement unit fluid corpses A few bursts of shots easily blasted their heads! Then, he sprinted forward, avoiding the intensive shooting of the enemy on her and the position just now.

   Those monsters, their heads are the key, and so are the biochemical mass effect cores that emit blue light on the chest and abdomen!

   As long as it hits any point, it can easily make the enemy lose the ability to move and resist.

So, after a hit, she was already hiding behind a solid metal pillar, just calmly watching the enemy’s intensive attack hit the spot where she was hiding just now, and let it go. A lot of metal is melted by those energy weapons.

   It's a pity that the enemy's attack is destined to be futile, because she is no longer there!


   Miranda didn't say much, but just turned around and ran to a dilapidated building quickly, avoiding the remote shooting of countless half-human, half-mechanical puppets transformed by collectors.

   Then, immediately afterwards, a large group of melee puppets roared and rushed into the house with her...

In the next second, before the doubtful Xue Pode wanted to say something, the large group of corpse puppets with dozens of corpses who had just rushed in, seemed to be hit by some invisible beast. , Screaming and wailing, flew out from the door of the dilapidated house... and when they were still in mid-air, the biological barriers on their bodies were suddenly distorted, like being torn by a meat grinder. In an instant it turned into a pile of dilapidated limbs and fell to the ground...

   It turned out that Miranda deliberately attracted the enemy to follow up, and used the ability to kill the enemy!

   "Good job, Miranda!"

   "It's just that you'd better be cautious when using abilities, because now the battle has just begun!"

   Originally, when Shepard saw that Miranda was approached by a group of melee puppets and jammed into a house, she was still a little worried. But how can I think that the other party unexpectedly detonated with a shock wave and twisted, and killed the large group of enemies neatly!

   There are at least 20 monsters that just rushed in with the other party?

   "Shepard, you should take care of yourself! The enemies from the north are surrounding you. Do you need me to help you?"

   "If you need to, please don't hesitate to tell me, my master captain!"

   Miranda said, moving quickly between obstacles and broken barriers. Soon, she wiped out at least dozens of enemies and blocked the first round of attacks from the western enemies!

After replacing the overheated firearm with the thermal magazine, she decided to take a breath first, and waited for the enemy to rush up again, so as to facilitate her own close-range shooting, she was freely responsible for dealing with the northern enemy in the communication. Shepard teased.

She Miranda is a powerful super-skiller, and at the same time an agent and super soldier who is not lost to the Star Alliance N7. She knows how to fight, and she does not wish that Shepard, who was killed by the enemy in the distance, taught herself how to go. In battle, it is even more unlikely that you will lose the ability after using two special attacks casually!

   "No need!"

   Xue Bode suddenly appeared from behind the pillar he was avoiding, and after a shuttle bullet accurately named several enemies in the distance, he retracted almost as soon as the enemy attacked.


   There seems to be a big guy here!

Miranda, who had been paying attention to the battle map and surrounding sounds, didn’t know what she had sensed at this time. She turned the assault rifle in her hand upside down, and quickly put her back on a large strange weapon in a tactical position. I took it down and quickly released the insurance.

   Listening to a certain voice behind her getting closer, she narrowed her eyes slightly...

It's now! !

   When the peculiar sound reached a certain level, Miranda didn't need to look at it, nor exposed herself to the bunker, she just turned around and pointed the sight of her weapon in the direction of the sky.

  嗖~! Boom~! !

   Some kind of special ammunition was shot out by her instantly!

   Boom! boom! !

About a second later, two semi-biological and semi-mechanical spaceships that were modified from unknown sources suddenly exploded in the sky, and soon fell into the distance with heavy smoke... After two louder explosions erupted , The flames and thick smoke flashed, and illuminated the abandoned colony mining facility that was already very dilapidated in the distance, and the flames and thick smoke directly swallowed there!

   When Shepard heard the sound and looked over, she discovered that in the distance, Miranda was throwing away the used grenade to the side of the road.

It turned out that when the two enemy’s small carrier spacecraft flew more fiercely towards Miranda, which seemed to be more threatening, the opponent directly used the “M-920 Cain” missiles they carried to shoot them down. Two whole enemy spaceships!

   "Two birds with one stone... Nice job!"

   Seeing that the opponent was able to kill the enemy's two most threatening heavy equipment with a single missile, Shepard was a little relieved.

   "Don't be eager to be happy, the other party has a small spaceship!"

   After eliminating the enemy's two most threatening heavy equipment, Miranda picked up the M-8 Avenger from one side of the ground again, and continued to run and shoot.

   Now, she has almost eliminated the melee corpse puppets that only charge quickly, and the rest are the troublesome guys who can only shoot at her from a distance!

   It's just that she has a way to deal with them slowly!

After all, Miranda is a powerful person with biochemical capabilities, and she is also proficient in various technological combat weapons and skills. As long as there is a place to hide, as long as she is not besieged by the enemy and the shield on her body is destroyed, she will There are 10,000 ways to solve those enemies one by one!

For example, using her unique talent ability to overload the enemy's shield, directly tearing the opponent's body, or suspending the opponent or grabbing it, exposing it to the biochemical ability or the next behind her. Under the blow of weapons.

   "Another one?"

   "No, we may not need to worry about the other ship for the time being! Because I just seemed to have seen it fly high into the sky, chasing our UT-47 shuttle landing craft."

After revealing half of his body, two quick bursts to accurately headshot the two enemies in the distance, Shepard hid behind the huge thick iron pillar, allowing the enemy's energy attacks to continue shooting Just pasted in the thick.

   As long as the enemy doesn't have powerful mass effect kinetic energy weapons or heavy equipment, the big pillar behind her can keep her hidden for a while.


   "Interesting...I hope that timid guy has not been shot down by the enemy yet, right?"

   Miranda knows that, except for the slightly higher armor and kinetic energy shield, the UT-47 pull-down shuttle landing craft has no arms at all! Now being chased by the enemy's aircraft, that guy must be unable to do anything except flee and pray, and no one will give him any support.

   "Captain Shepard, if you look at the map, I find that more enemies are surrounding you. Do you really need me to help you?"

   continued to glance at the map, looked at the sparse red dots on her side, and then at the densely packed Shepard side, Miranda had to ask ‘concerned’.

   "Please believe me, if you accidentally die again, Cerberus really doesn't have more human and financial resources to resurrect you again!"

"Now the materials in the Lazarus Institute of Engineering have been destroyed by the enemy, as well as the high-end equipment! Now the threat of the Reaper is very urgent, but we have no time or opportunity to complete another'Laza Ross Engineering'!"

   Miranda is actually a bit dissatisfied with Cerberus’s leadership Phantom Man who places too much emphasis on Shepard’s role! As the project leader in the Lazarus Institute of Engineering, she knows better than anyone how much manpower, material and financial resources it took to resurrect the Shepard in the distance.

   They are Cerberus. If they are replaced by the Star Alliance or the Castle of the Gods, she Shepard would never want to live again!

  If the other party accidentally died here, she definitely does not want to be the project leader of the second ‘Lazarus Project’!

   "Thank you for your kindness, they still can't break through my defenses, and they can't help me!"

Shepard found that the enemies were still suppressing and shooting to her side. She was faintly impatient. She was short, with the biochemical ability shield on and the kinetic energy shield of her N7 armor, and she was violently facing As he flew out on the side with less shooting volume, he directly released a 【Singularity】to the large groups of corpse puppets or other strange monsters who were shooting at him in a group in the distance!

A dark sphere soon appeared above the enemy. When a high-strength mass effect field was created, the enemy was instantly sucked into the sphere by unstable gravity, and could only helplessly struggle to float towards the singularity. Go empty...

   After looking at the red alarm on his shield, Shepard turned black and jumped out from the bunker again, raising his hand, and shooting intensively at the enemies! In a short period of time, the semi-life and semi-mechanical transformation monsters who were sucked into the air by their own singularities quickly gave headshots one by one!

  Da! clatter! clatter! clatter!

   After the effectiveness of the singularity disappeared completely, the monsters that had been headshot and lost their ability to move again could only fall one by one onto the streets of the dusty abandoned colony, making waves of abnormal noises.

   Just now, she was indeed a little bit angry, and actually let her shield drop to such a dangerous threshold... Next time, she can't do that again! Before her shield slowly returned to its normal value, she had to linger a little bit.

   "Shepard, I'll start with the past and suppress the enemy from the west in the narrow street over there. Be careful on your side!"

After skillfully using the terrain to kill the monsters one by one, and then smoothly destroying the enemy’s several small combat machines with floating cannons, Miranda, who was on the right time, rushed out of herself. The bunker took the initiative to rush towards the enemy in front of him at high speed, and continued to shoot, and soon disappeared from Shepard's sight.

"Roger that!"

   "Be careful yourself, don't die!"

He hid silently behind another thick steel wall, slightly filtered the noise of the enemy attacking the wall, listened to the sound of the enemy shooting in the distance, and roughly judged the distance between the opponent and himself and the approximate direction, Xue Pade took out two arc grenades directly, and after opening the insurance, he directly threw them through the bunker towards the place where the gunfire came from!

Then, at the moment when she saw the blue arc light lit up, she jumped up, and at the moment when she jumped over the next bunker obstacle, the'M-76 Revenant' assault rifle in her hand began to volley. The electromagnetic bullets with mass effect allow those high-speed kinetic energy warheads to easily kill the monsters that have been blown up one by one.


   Taking advantage of the opportunity for more enemies to encircle, Shepard breathed a sigh of relief and quickly replaced himself with a thermal magazine, restoring the overheated weapon to its best condition.

   Although there are a lot of enemies and a bit difficult to deal with, but at the current pace, with the favorable position of the ruins, if there is no major accident, the two of her and Miranda are enough to destroy them!

  ‘Captain Shepard! ’

   "Reinforced Marines will arrive on the battlefield in ten minutes!"

At this time, when Shepard was checking the detailed position information of the enemy and ourselves from her combat map, suddenly, the artificial intelligence EDI in the Normandy II spacecraft above the orbit of the planet jumped out from her combat panel and reported. Write.

   "Yitti, just pay attention and help us observe the battlefield situation. Maybe, we might not need them to help!"

Looking at the red dots behind him on the map, plus Miranda, who has now burst into the ruined streets of the colony to the west, Shepard breathed a sigh of relief, intending to cheer up and make persistent efforts to save what he has left. Less than a hundred enemies were wiped out one by one!

   In that period of time, the two of them had already wiped out at least more than a hundred enemies, plus two low-altitude aircraft! In the remaining ten minutes, their pressure will definitely only get smaller and smaller. It is estimated that it is only a matter of time before they completely annihilate these enemies.

  ‘Okay, the captain! ’

   After answering one sentence, the artificial intelligence EDI turned off the communication interface again, and did not intend to interfere too much with the opponent when Captain Shepard was fighting.


"not good!!!"

She was preparing and learning Miranda to rush forward to assault the enemy, becoming passive to active Shepard. I don’t know why. After perceiving a certain abnormality, her heart became excited, and she couldn’t even think about other things. , Rushed forward with all his strength, and dodged the attack of a fireball like a big fireball from an unknown blow.


   Affected by the explosion wave, Shepard was surprised to find that not only did the shield on her body disappear instantly, but the armor on her back also showed some damage?

   Those enemies... there are even powerful abilities? !

   A donkey rolled and hid further away behind a slightly thicker and safer low wall. As soon as Shepard appeared, he saw the monster slowly coming towards him in the distance!

It was a blue creature power shield with a circle of black and blue skin. It seemed to be a monster transformed from an Asari, with a hideous big head, waving sharp and long black. The paws and a monster with a big belly like a pregnant woman moved so stiffly and uttered an extremely permeating scream, and walked towards her step by step.

   "Damn it! What kind of monster is that?!"

   Obviously, the ability bomb just now must have been sent towards him by the opponent!

  Da! clatter! clatter!

   So, Shepard didn't even think about it, and directly hit the opponent's hideous head with three shots!

   However, it is a pity...

Her attack only caused the shield on the opponent to flash a few times quickly, but then nothing happened... That monster still led the group of corpses, robots, and floating corpses that were shooting at her step by step. Artillery equipment and other things constantly fired towards her position and surrounded her.

   "Damn it! The shield is so strong?!"

   "Miranda! Are you there? I ask for support. A new situation has appeared here. A new monster with abilities has appeared. I can't seem to defeat its shield!"

   After taking the risk of hitting a whole number of ten bullets, and discovering that there was indeed no way to break the opponent's biological ability shield and harm the opponent, Shepard had to quickly call his teammate Miranda in the west.

   If it is one-on-one, she is sure to kill the other party with her own power!

   However, there are still a lot of monsters behind the other party, so she really has no good way to come up and compete with the other party in high-end power level! Otherwise, those damned corpse puppets and robots in the distance will beat her directly into a honeycomb!

   "Special monster?"

   "Is it the kind of disgusting guy with blue skin, an ugly face, a chubby belly and sharp black claws, but who moves very slowly?!"

   Soon, Miranda’s frustrated voice and anxious holographic facial images rang in Shepard’s communicator.

   "How did you know...Is it even on your side?!"

   Shepard was taken aback, and there was a faint feeling of bad feeling in his heart.

  Since the other party can explain the appearance of that monster in one go, it is very obvious, Miranda's situation. I'm afraid the situation is not so good.

   "Of course I know! Because I have two here, two!"

   "They are leading a group of gangsters around me, damn, I'm going to retreat to your side, if you have a chance, give me support!"

   Miranda was still talking in angrily, and then Shepard discovered that the blue light spot on the opponent's radar was indeed rushing to his side.


   Shepard didn’t know what to say, she was still beaten up by the enemy and she just wanted Miranda to support herself, so where would she have a chance to rescue her?


   "Shepard, you have to be careful, those who walk slowly, they can use teleport at a distance of 50 meters, be careful!!"

   while madly rushing forward and running away without looking back, Miranda did not forget to remind Shepard the most important thing. Just now, she was beaten to death by the monster that suddenly teleported to her when she stepped on it!

   Thinking about the horrible scene where the iron frame of the implementation was severed by the opponent's paw, the cold sweat on Miranda's face almost couldn't stop.

   "Fifty meters, do they still have teleport ability?!"

not good! ! !

   Shepard looked at the red dot on the map, and silently estimated the opponent's position from him. Now, isn't it within fifty meters?

Therefore, Shepard, who sensed the danger, didn’t even think about it. While venturing to stand up directly from behind the bunker, he pushed forward with both hands fiercely, pushing the enemy far ahead and the sudden A burst of blue light of supernatural power flashed and teleported to him, and he was about to use his claws to push the enemy he had cut down.

   The power bursts out with all strength!


   Twisted and detonated! !

Regardless of reservations, after two of his most powerful abilities in a row, Shepard did his best to push the opponent away from him, and directly used his abilities to detonate that hideous target. The biochemical barrier on the body!


Shepard was a little surprised: the other party was only detonated by her shield, and immediately after that, the guy quickly reached out to mobilize the biochemical ability, and continued to put on a blue The shield?

   Then, without waiting for Shepard to make any other reaction, the other party suddenly disappeared again!

  Oops! ! !

Shepard, who had a foreboding of something, had only time to block forward with her assault rifle...the next second, her tough and sturdy mass effect rifle was instantly cut into several segments by the enemy. At the same time, the armor on her chest was deeply cut into several claw marks, and the alphanumeric combination symbol of'N7' was directly divided into two sections!

  咚! Bang!

Shepard, wearing a black-gray tight-fitting special metal suit, was hit by the enemy and flew upside down, and hit a metal wall heavily. After receiving a serious impact, she fell in embarrassment. On the dusty ground...

   Fortunately, thanks to her subconsciously parrying with a weapon, her own body did not suffer too much damage except for the fact that the armor on her chest was broken to give an alarm and was blown into the air. However, there might be something wrong with the chest shield. In addition to his own biochemical barrier, the kinetic energy shield may no longer protect his predecessor.

   "I forgot to say that they can be teleported multiple times, you must be careful!"

   "Try to stay away from them!!"

   At this time, Miranda's anxious tone came through the communicator again.


   Are you going to die after talking? !

Seeing the monster appearing instantly in front of him once again, and then raising the round-bellied ferocious monster with sharp long claws high, Xue, who had lost his weapon, was squatting on the ground and taking out a few arc grenade. Pade could only look up at the other party in a daze.

   Now, she has no time to dodge, and she has no time to release her abilities or anything! Even, she didn't even have the opportunity and time to detonate the grenade and destroy the enemy together...



   "It seems I can't count on them!"


Seeing the two big sisters in the distance, one was chased all over the ground, while the other was simply beaten twice. Seeing that she was about to die under the claws of monsters, Annie had to reluctantly. Raised the weapon in his hand.

   Those two guys clearly looked amazing, but in the end they had to force her, Her Majesty, to do it herself, it was really useless!


  呯! !

   A slightly low voice, the sound that belongs to the M-92 mass effect sniper rifle began to rang in this broken base.

Almost in the next instant, the big-bellied claw monster in the distance was about to smash the enemy's claws several times. It was staggered by the powerful kinetic energy weapon bullet, and its claws fell directly into the air, but its shield unexpectedly fell. Did not disappear.

   (M-92: powerful mass effect sniper rifle, very accurate in long-distance combat, but the rate of fire is relatively slow! It is very effective against armored targets, but it is not effective against shields and biochemical barriers.)

   "Huh? You have a shield to be great? If you want to cheat, I will too!!"


  呯! ! !

Seeing that the monster in the distance dared to use a powerful biochemical barrier to resist his bullet, Annie felt an old fire, and the weapon in her hand suddenly flashed red. In the next instant, a mass effect bullet was accelerated by the electromagnetic device. Flew precisely towards the head of the enemy in the distance!


The banshee’s shield instantly disappeared, and then at the same time, the mass effect bullet with huge kinetic energy directly made its head disappear... After the ugly headless body shook twice, it finally rushed back directly. On the ground.


  Hoo! !

   "Thank you for saving me, Milinda! I owe you another life!"

Seeing that the monster in front of him was blown to his head by two shots, Shepard quickly jumped up. First, he threw the arc grenade in his hand directly to the distant ones who had just been hit by his own shock wave, and now he was about to climb. After getting up in the monster group, he hurriedly took out his spare pistol "M-3 Predator", thanked his partner and comrade Milinda in the communicator, and shot a floating floating in the distance. mechanical.

   Just now, she really almost thought she was dead again!

   That kind of terrifying biochemical transformation monster, not only can bullets, biological barriers, but also multiple instantaneous movements within a short distance... She was almost finished when she had never seen it before and was caught off guard!

   "What will save you?"

   "Don't talk nonsense! Come and save me when you are done with you, I am about to be unable to stand it here! Help!!!"

   Miranda is now overwhelmed by herself. She is running away desperately. How can she save Shepard when she has time? !

   You know, her side, but there are two horrible monsters with round belly! She had just shot out all the bullets, and she couldn't break the enemy's shield. If it weren't for her ability, she would have been teleported by the enemy to cut off her head.


   "It wasn't you just now?!"

   Shepard didn’t understand. Just now, didn’t the other party rescued him? So, who will it be? With the support of Normandy II, Jacobs should still be fighting against the atmosphere over the planet at this time, right?

  呯! !

   Before Shepard could understand some of these things, another gun sounded. Then, she turned her head in amazement and looked to the south of the ruined base.

   It seems...

   Where did the gunshot come from? In addition to Shepard and Miranda, there are other people here who are here to help?

   Who is that person? !

  呯! Huh!

   A gunshot sounded without haste, very firm and precise, and it was deadly! After the sound of each bullet fired, whether it was the round-bellied terrifying monster chasing Miranda in the distance, or other corpse puppets or war equipment, they all hated the powerful mass effect sniper rifle after the gunshot!


   "That voice seems to be an M-92 mass effect sniper rifle, code-named ‘Mantis’..."

   Shepard, who was once a lieutenant colonel of the Star Alliance and the ghost of the Castle Council, is no stranger to the standard rifles of various humans and other races! Therefore, after she listened intently for a while, she quickly analyzed it: The gunshot should be the special sound made by the mass effect weapon belonging to their Star Alliance!

   Here on this planet, there is still hidden a highly skilled sniper who will help them at this critical time?

   "Who will be going on..."

Looking at the dark and deep ruins in the distance, Shepard, who had restored his own power barrier, did not continue to evade, because there were not many enemies left, and those farther away could not attack her here. Even if it hit her, there was not much threat.

  呯! Huh!

   However, at this time, in the distant darkness, the dull gunfire still rang calmly. With every gunshot, there is always a monster headshot and fell to the ground, of course, including the last monster that is chasing Miranda not far away that can only move instantaneously and support the tough mythical barrier!

   After the gunshot, the opponent's blue shield disappeared instantly, and he lost his head, leaving only a funny body with a round belly.

   "Ha! Sheppard, thank you so much!"

   "I just thought I was going to die soon! That kind of monster is really terrible. When the two cooperate together, I have no power to fight back at all!"

Finally, as the gunfire continued, after all the monsters were headshot and fell one by one, the image of Miranda, panting, appeared again in the information bar of Shepard’s mask. .

   "Actually, I didn't save you..."

   "Huh? What are you talking about?"


   Shepard ignored Miranda and did not continue to explain, just turned his head and looked to the south.

   She is now very puzzled, because in the life detector of the radar, there seems to be only a little girl's life signal, but...who actually rescued them? Could it be some ghost mechanical creation without life and heat?

   "Shepard, is that...?"

When Miranda, who was also puzzled, found that the battle was basically over, and that there were no enemies, she walked to Shepard’s side. Following Shepard’s helmet, she was also surprised to see the dim light in the distance. In the environment, a little girl was slowly walking out of the ruins of the communication center.

The other party, at this time, was carrying a stuffed bear in one hand, and the muzzle of an M-92 Mantis sniper rifle in the other. Except for civilian clothes, he didn't have any armor on the boat, so he dragged it backwards and just helped them both Human weapons left a long series of small footprints and rifle butts in the thick dust on the ground. Step by step, they slowly walked in front of the two of them, and then raised their heads and asked them cheerfully:

"That one……"

   "How are you big sister... Are you the good people who came to save me?"


   These two big sisters are really good people. They came to'save' themselves all the way, but unfortunately they seemed to have lost so much of their skills, and they were almost beaten up by three little monsters! In the end, she had to take action to clean up the mess, which was really useless!

   Now, let’s see that Queen Anne is still more powerful. With a single shot, it takes only a short time to get everything done. No one escapes!



   (Little master, if you don’t need to break the bullets, you will end with them!)


   Miranda looked at the little girl who was dragging her weapon, and then at Shepard who was sluggish, she seemed to have guessed something.

   "What's the matter?"

   " didn't mean to say, just now, this little guy just saved us both?!"

Miranda looked like he had seen a ghost, and took off his helmet, revealing a sweaty face and long black hair that was soaked, and pointed at someone in front of them with a rifle upside down. The little girl asked like Shepard in surprise.

   It was obviously that they were going to rescue this little girl, but in the end, they let the other party save it... After returning to Normandy II, they would definitely be laughed at by those guys? She Miranda plus Shepard, who is almost the most powerful elite in the human world, was actually saved by a little girl? !


  What does Shepard say about this matter? It's just that, in fact, it seems to be really like this?

   "Little girl, why are you here?"

With some suspicion, Shepard did not care about Miranda, but took off his helmet as well, revealing his sweaty and wet red short hair. After thinking about it, he frowned. With her blue eyes, she slowly squatted down, looked at the little girl who seemed to be only a few years old, and asked gently.

"I do not know either……"

   "Anyway, I was here as soon as I came out!"

   That's right, Annie walked out of the portal and arrived here. It was very troublesome to explain this matter, so, she didn't know it.

   "Sure enough, is it that kind of dormant warehouse?"

   nodded, Shepard thought that the other party was what he thought, and just came out of the refuge-style dormant cabin, so he sent the signal for help?

   It’s just that the opponent’s marksmanship...

  啧! This thing is really weird!

   She thinks that even her, even the best sniper of the Star Alliance, may not be able to achieve the amazing accuracy that the other party has just shown that the terrifying guns and guns are not missed?

  ‘Sir, help... Help me stop it, I am about to make a crash landing! ’

   At this time, before Shepard could say anything, suddenly, in the helmet communicator she was holding on her chest, the voice of a raging man rang out! Then, there were waves of howling and weapons firing in the sky at the same time!

   When they looked up, they only saw:

In the distance, at a height of about 100 meters, a smoking UT-47 shuttle landing craft was rushing towards them at high speed, and the one following the other was a horrible and weird ship. The semi-biological and semi-mechanical modified aircraft seems to be the one that was destroyed by Miranda before?

  At this time, the other party was chasing frantically behind the landing craft, firing frantically at the landing craft, and from time to time he punched a few big holes in the back of the landing craft with sparks.

"not good!"

   "Quick! Let's hide first, and wait for Normandy II's support force to arrive before going to deal with it!"

   Shepard, who felt that the opponent's height was too high, felt that his power attack could not be hit, and did not have any effective heavy weapons, so he decided to hide for a while and wait for their follow-up reinforcements to come down before making plans!

   As for the shuttle landing craft and the unlucky pilot on it, she is a little helpless! In this situation, maybe we can only hope that the other party can work hard to persist until the arrival of the large forces?

  呯! ! !

   A gunshot sounded, and then, taking away the enemy who was happily chasing the UT-47 pull-down shuttle landing craft, he suddenly staggered, and then quickly burned with flames and smoked and fell to the other side slantingly...

   Boom! ! !

   The explosion sounded quickly.

   "This weapon is too long and too heavy, it's not fun at all!!"


After destroying the last enemy, in front of the original Star Alliance Navy N7, the ghost of the Castle Council, and Miranda, Cerberus’s strongest agent, Xiao Anni complained. The weapon in his hand was thrown on the ground.

   This weapon is far worse than the custom-made large-caliber weapon she obtained from the Kepulu region! Now this one is too heavy, too small in caliber, and too weak to be powerful enough to be worthy of her, the head of the heroic federation of the Kepru region plus the chief ghost agent!

   This kind of tattered, without a caliber of thirty, can it be called a gun?

   "Also, this universal tool is also very heavy. If you don't take advantage of it, it doesn't look pretty at all!"


   After complaining about the weapon, Annie also naturally complained about the universal tool, took it off, and threw it on the ground full of yellow-brown dust on the planet.


   "Is this little girl a monster?"

   Miranda muttered to herself...

   If the sniper who had just killed those enemies, she still suspected that it was not this little girl, now that she saw the opponent lightly shot the next aircraft, she would not know what to say.

   "You are the monster!"


   "Then why did you kill so many enemies alone, and almost wiped them out..."

   "How did you do it?"

Miranda and Shepard eliminated less than one-half of their enemies together, and the rest was almost all of the opponent's record... And, if it weren't for the opponent's they said I may hate this AN-5367 planet only!

   Who is going to save whom?

   "They stand still and let me fight... Can you blame me?"



   "Well, Miranda, it's still dangerous here, I'm afraid there will be other monsters coming later, let's go back and talk about it!"

Shepard stood up and reached out to stop Miranda who still wanted to say something. Anyway, this little girl is not their enemy. There is no need to entangle too much here. Go back to Normandy No. 2 first, and get away from this danger as soon as possible. Planet!

   After all, no one knows if there are any enemy ships or other powerful combat units nearby.

   "Normandy II, rescue and rescue missions have been completed, the enemy has been wiped out, we are about to return, please send a spacecraft down to pick us up immediately!"

After looking at the UT-47 pull-down shuttle landing craft that was on fire in the distance and risked to fall directly to the ground, and looking at the pilot who was escaping from it in embarrassment, Shepard could only call the track. Normandy number two on board.

  ‘The order has been confirmed! ’

  ‘Captain Shepard, the supporting Marines arrived in three minutes. ’


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