Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 747: Good luck, but I will not favor fools (????????...

The night in Bilgewater Bay is already very deep now...

Sometimes, the stories of other people's homes may not be more interesting than what happened to me or the chances I encountered?

and so,

After listening to all the stories and legends about this place that she thought was interesting, the noncommittal Annie happily bid farewell to the complacent, fake and old witch who'lied' to her a dozen gold coins, and then A man left the tavern with fewer and fewer people, walked to the stinking dark and barely illuminated street in Bilgewater outside, and came to the iconic building of the city, and came to this place. Looking at the night scene here from the top of "Butcher's Bridge".

This is not so much a ‘Butcher’s Bridge’, but rather a huge stone beam?

But in fact, it was not a bridge at all from the beginning, but between the two tall stone mountains. Due to long-term seawater erosion and sea level decline, and after the land of the Python Islands gradually rises, chances are A long, volley stone path formed by eroded arched rocks that connects the mountains on both sides by coincidence!


Countless years ago, when those pirates or outsiders from other places came to the Python Islands and were allowed to land here, after the city was built here, the city of Bilgewater and the free port were gradually built... so, The top of the huge arched stone gate that can connect the two islands and mountains, the necessary traffic arteries, that natural stone road has been gradually transformed into such a magnificent street bridge now!

People walking on it can directly overlook the beautiful scenery on both sides of Bilgewater Bay on both sides of this street, or they can go to the bustling pier or the complex slums filled with people of all kinds.

Of course, you can also go to the temples of Nagakaboros from here...


Under normal circumstances, in the dead of night, unless it is for some very important things, or for some shady transactions and activities, one will be on the "Butcher's Bridge". Staying here in the street, no one will come to such a place in the middle of the night.

In fact, at this time in the middle of the night, no matter who it is, whether it is a local or an outsider, it is best not to easily walk on any unfamiliar street in Bilgewater, with people or no one!


In this city of Bilgewater, there is no police, no guards, no unified organization that can control the city's violence, and there is no law! Here, the closest thing to law and order is the bounty list, nothing more!


You can fully imagine how bad the order here is...

"La la la..."


Others dare not come out and wander around in the dead of night, but it does not mean that a little girl who is lawless and who likes to use her own power to act recklessly does not dare!

She always likes to do whatever she wants. After listening to those bedtime stories, she didn't rush to find a hotel to go to bed. Instead, she continued to wander around aimlessly, just like she did before when she was on earth. Like that.


∑(′△`)? !



"Tibbers, I suddenly discovered...the people in this city are really strange..."

o( ̄□ ̄;)o

Standing on the side of the wooden guardrail on the side of this street in the'Butcher's Bridge', the body that directly supports you, which is actually not too heavy, will always be squeaked and may collapse at any time. On the decaying wooden railing that fell and fell, I looked towards the outside of the stone bridge made by nature’s craftsmanship for a while, and saw the dock area, the slaughter area, the water grave area, and the stacked layers below After the slums, the gang-rich areas on the high mountains, and those port defense fortresses that don't know who they belonged, little Annie suddenly sighed with emotion.

Now this'Butcher's Bridge' street is dark and there is no one, and the owners of the houses on both sides of the street have closed the doors and windows of their houses long ago and went to that, In such a spacious arched rocky street with a bridge, apart from the dark environment and the stars in the sky, there is only her Queen Anne, a weak little girl who seems to have no power to bind a chicken, who does not return most of the night. Home sleeps while continuing to stay here.

(Where is it strange? The little one thinks it’s pretty good. The houses here are all made of wood, which is really great... If you let the little one out, let the little one run around randomly. Then something very interesting will happen...

?? 乛 乛?? →??

——In the entire city, almost all houses, except for a few temples and mansions, are almost all made of ship planks or other wood, and even the entire ship moved to the top of the mountain, the street or even the cliff to build Made!

and so……

This makes Tibbers always feel like he is eager to move...

It has been thinking about... if it is someone who irritates this horrible little master of its family, and then asks her to throw herself out, and then it can try to release all the shadow flames and be in this city If you ran a full lap below, here... will surely be destroyed by flames soon, right?

At that time, the feeling of burning the city will definitely be very enjoyable...

As for the burning of people, where is it, Master Tibbers Bear? After all, it was originally an evil shadow creature. The humans of Bilgewater, where would it care whether they were pirates who do no evil or other good and bad people?

In Tibbers' eyes, they are nothing more than a group of ants that are not of the same kind as it. If it weren't for its little master, it would do even more evil things. )

"It's like this..."


"Tibbers, I suddenly discovered... the people here, they are really lazy and lazy..."


"Look, they can easily build more, better and taller houses here with a piece of wood, but they chose to carry so many boats directly to the mountain or to the land below. Just use it as a house, isn’t it lazy and stupid?"


At this time, Annie stretched out her hand by the guardrail and pointed to the distance.

In the direction of her instruction, the place where the eye enters, up and down, far and near, the entire city, whether it is the high mansions or the dock areas at the bottom, are all black shadows of masts...

And if she hadn't been for her ears and eyes, she could see the distant scene clearly in the dark environment at a glance, and saw that there were no sails on the masts, or even the furnishings inside the boat, I'm afraid she would have mistaken it for it. Did those sailboats accidentally drive up the mountain?


Annie also looked up to the other side of the Butcher’s Bridge. On the high mountains over there, there were even several giant sailboats as big as battleships. They were firmly fixed on the cliffs of the rocky mountains. Above, and pointed the ship’s side toward the sea at the entrance of the port, and a cannon with a long barrel protruded from those windows...

Obviously, those large warships must have been taken over by the weirdos here, and used as the city's defense turrets or some deterrent method?

Annie doesn't understand...

If those Bilgewaters need a house or a fort, wouldn’t it be easier and easier for them to build it out of pieces of wood than to transport an extremely heavy sailing ship to the top of the mountain by hand? ?

Although, for the handling of battleships, if you ask some wizards or other spellcasters to help, it may indeed be relatively easy... But, the high-level who are willing to do construction or coolies like that and waste precious magic power There are definitely not many mages, and the pirates of Bilgewater must not invite so many mages.

Because of this, while watching those strange things, Annie was curious and puzzled by the countless large and small boat houses and the pieces of smoke-like masts in this city.


(Report to the little master, because they have those labor-saving pulley sets and hanging wheels... You must have seen it yourself during the day today, the bigger and heavier behemoths in the sea, they can catch and drag Going back to the port and hoisting it to kill... But it shouldn't be too difficult for them to change to hoisting those sailboats to the mountain to fix them?

????? Super fierce!

——Although that kind of behavior seems to be time-consuming, laborious and a bit stupid, a bit laborious and unpleasant, and costly... But no one can deny that it is not without benefits, at least... it will appear that the city is very distinctive , And can make it feel a sense of accomplishment when Uncle Tibbers bear bears a fever one day in the future?


Whenever I think that one day I might be able to get those stupid Bilgewater people toiled to the shore, and the set of'houses' made of wooden sailboats on the mountain, it will always Can't help but have a strong desire to destroy! ! )

"That's right..."



"I still feel that they are too stupid. If they use those boats to pull wood from other places, they will be able to build a bigger and more beautiful city. Smelly and tattered look!!!"


The value of a sea-going ship is definitely much more expensive than the wooden boards of several similar sea-going ships! Moreover, a house built after a ship is filled with wooden planks must have a smaller area and a larger space than a sea ship...


Although there was a little bit of incomprehension and admiration for the perseverance of the people of Bilgewater and the perseverance of using the boat as a house to get to the mountain, after complaining, Annie turned around again. , Began to look at the beautiful night scenes of this city.

And if

Ignoring the terrible stench from the slaughter pier in the distance, and not looking at the dark and dirty streets and the run-down and ugly slum houses, the scenery here is actually quite different, which makes Annie feel it. Curious and fun.

In retrospect, although she herself has been to many worlds, she has seen many prosperous cities full of high-rise buildings in the world on different earth planes, and she has also seen the extremely high utilization rate of space between the stars. The advanced steel buildings in the world, such as the cosmic city of the God’s Fort Space Station or the capital of the Kepru District, Haiwen Star?

However, this is the first time she has seen this kind of architectural style, which is almost entirely composed of a large wooden sailing boat.

"It's so beautiful..."


"Tibbers, Mama Amorim must have never been here, right? No one has ever heard her say anything about it here!!"


The more you look at Annie, the more you feel that the villain Amoryn’s mother in your own family must have not come to this Bilgewater, otherwise, the guy would definitely tell her about this place! !



(Tibbers wouldn’t tell this horrible little master of his own family. In its own view, only this kind of strange city would be more enjoyable when it burned! And, now it’s secretly brewing Now, maybe, it can blow the'pillow wind' properly at a suitable time, so that its little master can let it destroy and set fire to fire under the frustration of its own little master?)



"Wow! It's so high... If ordinary people fall, they will surely be dead, right?"

Σ( ̄д ̄;)

Annie first leaned out to the outside of the somewhat shaky and decayed wooden fence, and looked under the'Butcher's Bridge', and found that the bottom was all the tumbling sea and the distance to the other side, not far from the inside of the Python Islands Not far after the vortex that was constantly swallowing the sea in that island, she turned her head back in fear, patted her little chest, and muttered something worriedly for the Bilgewater people here. .

Although, she certainly couldn't fall, and she certainly wouldn't be drowned or thrown to death... But if she was replaced by someone else, that might not be the case.


(● ̄(?) ̄●)

(Although Tibbers knows why his little master said that, it still focuses its attention on how to burn down this wooden boat city that makes its heart tickling. Seeing the villains in this city And the heart is full of it destroying desire, and it doesn't care about anything more.)


"Don't worry, little girl... Although I haven't experienced it, I know exactly what it feels like? And I believe that you will soon know that when it really falls, it is a kind of What kind of despair... I will definitely let you experience it yourself..."

At this time, on the other side of the Butcher’s Bridge, in those dark, only a little fire from the house came out to illuminate one or two light bands and a few yards of light. After the flickering shadow of the fire, two people suddenly appeared. Kindly, the man with his face covered.

They wore gray-brown, dirty-looking and foul-smelling clothes. They covered the position of their mouths with greasy headscarves that were also full of dirt. They only showed a pair of almost the same cruel eyes and Those hairs that had been completely glued together began to emit foul-smelling hairs.



"People are not stupid, so they won't fall from here!!"


Obviously, from the familiar and unpleasant smell of alcohol emanating from them, Annie can probably guess that the two of them who have just been there just staring at him secretly must have stayed by themselves before. Drink in that tavern!

Even, why the other party wanted to find herself, she herself could probably guess one or two.

"To shut up!!"

At this moment, another man who looked a little taller first looked around with his arms, especially on both sides of this Butcher’s Bridge, and looked for a while with his cruel bloodthirsty crazy eyes, and he was sure that he didn’t notice. After there was someone in the distance, he hurriedly shouted at the other person who had just teased with the little girl.

Just now when they were chasing the old witch, one of them was accidentally lost. That old guy was very cunning... So now they can only find this little girl and hope that the other party has no money. Being deceived by that old woman, wouldn't it make them run twice and return empty-handed today?

"You idiot!"

"Stop talking nonsense, go and grab her, find out all the money in her body, then throw her down, and leave here quickly!!!"

Now that no one here does not mean that no one else will pass here in the future, so they must take advantage of this excellent opportunity to grab all the gold coins or other valuable items on that little girl, and then The other party left it to the sea, and then left here quickly, so as not to be seen by other malicious people.

of course,

He is even more afraid that after being discovered by others, that little girl's family will increase his amount on the bounty list drastically? At that time, he might really be dead! !

"Yes! Captain, you are optimistic!!"

Although he was scolded and scolded by his sturdier companion, the man who appeared thin and wretched didn't mind or dared to refute it. He just nodded and bowed, then quickly turned his head towards The little girl who was still standing pretty at the guardrail and holding the stuffed bear in her arms strode over.

The captain let him out. It was enough for him to deal with a little girl alone, and he would certainly not waste much time.



"What do you want to do? I tell you, I won't be afraid of you two dirty bad guys!!"


She unexpectedly encountered this kind of money-robbing villain again, which made Annie express her unhappy! !

She just intends to take a look at the scenery here, find a place to rest and sleep, and then go to the small restaurant tomorrow, let the lady who is good at cooking continue to make some delicious or strange sea for herself The meat of the beast, and enjoy the delicious seafood here in this city for a while.

She really doesn't want to cause trouble now...

But how can I think that there are really so many bad guys in this city of Bilgewater, she herself has just walked out of the door of the tavern not far, these bad guys, actually so fast Are you here? !

In this way, she must burn these bad people here today. Otherwise, some bad guys really think that Queen Anne is a bully?

"Come here, kid!!"

The wretched skinny man who walked quickly to the wooden guardrail didn’t care at all about the little girl’s seemingly weak verbal threat, but directly reached out to him, which was also dirty, full of dirt and The black hand, with the stench of alcohol and sweat mixed in, grabbed the other side's white and delicate neck.

His plan is very good. He feels that he only needs to grab the opponent’s neck to prevent the opponent from making a sound, then empty the opponent’s pocket, twist it hard, and throw it down, and everything will be solved. It will definitely not waste too much. More time, there won't be much movement!


It is only possible that at the end, there will be a ‘poof’ sound when a heavy object falls from a height to the surface of the sea? !



Originally, Annie was still wondering if she would directly give the other party a big ball of fire...

However, she suddenly remembered something just now. After a sly light flashed in the big blue eyes, she suddenly pretended to panic, shrank her head and twisted her waist deftly. The bear holding his own dodged the big dirty hand of the other party, and directly backed up to the other end of the wooden fence, standing a little closer to the cliff.


"Asshole! Even dare to hide?!"

Realizing that I didn't even grab the opponent, I felt that he was the insane man who had been humiliated. He gritted his teeth and roared, speeding up and opening his hands wide, after his big hand blocked any possible retreat. , Rushed up, intending to hug the clever little girl directly!

At the same time, he was a little embarrassed in his heart and decided: after catching the other party, she must eat enough bitterness before throwing her into the sea to feed the scavenging fish, such as those slaughtered at the dock in the nearby sea. The kind of razorfish and mad dog sharks that are about to flood that are attracted by the smell of blood? !

"Hey! I warn you!"

"If you dare to come, you will regret it later!!"


Xiao Anni pretended to be a little bit fierce, and her body continued to retreat in small steps, wanting to be farther away from the other party?


The skinny, wretched man obviously ignored Annie’s words, still spreading his teeth and claws, with his hands wide open, forcing her into the corner of the guardrail of the'Butcher's Bridge', and suddenly he used something faster than before. Speed ​​rushed up, ready to catch her in one fell swoop, and then snatched all the items on her body and the shiny gold coins that had been seen in the tavern?



Crackling! !

A sharp scream and a strange sound of breaking the decaying guardrail suddenly sounded, and then soon, still watching the ‘captain’ on both sides of the street behind him, when he turned his head, he only saw:

His subordinate, his obedient crew member with swift hands and feet, don’t know why, at this moment, he slammed into the fence and fell on the ground beside the fence and kept facing the Butcher’s. Slipped off the cliff outside the bridge?

And then,

Without waiting for him to come back to his senses, his subordinates are no longer visible...

Except for the dark butcher’s bridge over there, apart from the howling sea breeze and the dark sky, and the broken wooden fence, there is only the one standing in the corner shivering and looking Poor, weak and helpless little girl?

"Ship, captain..."

"Help... Hurry, come and save me..."

At this time, when the stunned captain behind was thinking that some of his subordinates who had not succeeded or failed, were dead, he suddenly heard a trembling voice with boundless fear.

Then, he hurriedly took a look in consternation, and finally saw with a little glimmer:

It turns out that before, his subordinate who had not succeeded enough to fail, did not fall directly, but outside the broken and decayed guardrail, he firmly grasped a protruding stone with both hands. The veins were violent, and he was struggling to maintain the weight of his body with the protruding stone, so that he didn't immediately fall into the sea?

"What a **** trash!!"

Seeing that this was actually the case, the'Captain' screamed fiercely, and directly drew out a dagger from his waist, and went straight forward, preparing to go forward and kill the cunning little girl and steal the other party. 'S belongings, and then go get that idiot up again?

He promised that he had been in this lawless Bilgewater for many years, and he had done countless murderous transactions. He was very familiar with this kind of thing, and he would definitely be able to solve the problem in a few breaths. Everything!



"Don't come here, I didn't lie to you, you should look at the ground first, it is very slippery here, do you want to slip outside like him?!"


Seeing that the other party drew the knife and rushed towards her fiercely, Annie hurriedly pretended to be a little scared, and at the same time did not forget to point at something on the ground very kindly, facing the'captain' who was about to rush over. The bad guy reminded timidly.


Even under the dim firelight, it is not difficult to find out. On the ground, I don’t know which one of the unintentional or uneducated guys is here, spilling a large area on the dangerous rocky ground near the cliff edge of the bridge. Already a bit rotten oil layer?


It must be the soup of leftovers leftovers from a certain neighboring resident eating leftovers... Then, ah, the other party was too lazy to walk to the fence and dump it into the sea, so he spilled it directly from a distance? As a result, after years of behavior, a large part of the soup was not directly splashed into the sea under the cliff, but remained on the rocky ground, and after a long time, accumulated a lot of it over time. Thick, greasy and greasy layer full of fat residues from various marine fishes and sea monsters?

And this is the reason why the skinny wretched man just lost his balance instantly and slipped and broke through the guardrail and rushed outside. At this time, his life was hanging by a thread, and he might fall at any time! !


as expected!

After hearing the little girl's words and the "kindly" reminder, the "Captain" who was holding a sharp blade and was about to make money and kills, immediately stopped, and did not dare to go forward easily, but was a little embarrassed and embarrassed. Stand in place.


He also discovered that the rocky ground that had been sprinkled with greasy substances by which **** damned it was still a terribly small **** facing outwards? And if he insists on walking over, he will probably follow in the footsteps of his subordinates and slide directly into the deep sea below?

If that's the case, he wouldn't be as lucky as his hapless subordinate, able to catch such a protruding rock in time! !

‘Captain... Hurry, help, help...’

Another faint cry for help came.

Obviously, the skinny and wretched man whose body slipped to the edge of the cliff, and whose weight all depended on his hands to grasp the protruding rock so as not to fall off, is now gradually a little unable to hold on... He desperately needs them The'captain' from here came over to pull him, or threw him a thick rope that could save his life?



"Forget it, although you all look bad, let me help you now..."


Seeing that the'captain' was standing in the distance, she didn't dare to rush over and act rashly. After thinking about it for a few seconds, Anne kindly found a fence that had just broken apart and collapsed. Then carefully tiptoe, walked to the place where the thin man was under the gaze of the two, and stretched out the wooden stick in his hand towards each other. The other party reached out and grabbed her stick.



Never imagined that a little girl who might have been murdered by the two of her own money would be so kind. This situation caused the two villains to become silent.

at this time,

In their two dirty black hearts, it seemed that there was a trace of guilt involuntarily?



However, without waiting for the two to consider whether the stick could successfully pull the person up, the little hand that Annie had just stretched out quickly retracted again, and the skinny man almost fell without letting go. Go down.

"Or not!"


"You just said clearly, you want to let me experience the feeling of falling, don't you? So... I have now decided: let you help me experience that kind of amazing Free fall motion?!"

?(ψ???ˇ??)? Hehehe...

Annie herself has always done what she thinks of. Therefore, after she retracted the wooden stick in her hand, she first smiled and glanced at the'captain' who was standing in the distance and dared not rush over. While pinching his little nose, he used the wooden stick in his hand to stain a small liquid-filled pit on the slippery ground, and the stick head was stained with a little smelly greasy inside. After the material, he hurriedly reached the edge of the Butcher Bridge again, and reached the hands of the villain who dared to attack himself before!

"Hey! You have to hurry, this dirty water is slippery and slippery..."


"If you can't catch it and fall down...Look, there is such a height here, if you will be shot to death by the sea then I don't know!"


Let the smelly grease on your wooden stick drip between your opponent’s fingers, and successfully lubricate the opponent’s hands and the stone that has been drenched in wind and rain for countless years. After getting up, Annie waved her hand and whirled the stick in her hand to the outside of the Butcher Bridge.


She once again under the horrified or resentful eyes of the two, holding her little bear playfully and stepping back to a foothold outside, blinking innocently with her beautiful, bright blue eyes. He smiled and looked at the two bad beasts in the night.


(● ̄(?) ̄●)

(Ah... really stupid Bilgewater...)

for a long time……


A faint voice came from a distance in the noisy sea breeze...

Obviously, the height here is so high that it takes a long time for even a piece of wood to fall... and if you are an adult, falling from such a high place, even the sailor who is most familiar with water will definitely not be able to fall. Survived! !

"You bastard!!"

Seeing the cruel approach of the evil little girl, although the'captain' wanted to rush to kill the opponent and save his subordinate quickly, but... seeing the large slippery ground in front of him, he still couldn't make that determination after all .

"Help, help..."

Finally, I felt the wretched man who was already struggling to grasp the protruding rock with both hands. After being dripped from the gap between the fingers of his hands by the greasy grease, it gradually soaked with the grease liquid. , Soon, his hand slowly slid down, even if he gritted his teeth hard, it wouldn't help...

Ever since,

"Wow~ ah ah!!!!!!"

With a stern, long, scream that almost resounded throughout the city of Bilgewater, after that tragic scream lasted for more than ten seconds, there was a huge'puff'. The sound came up far away.

After that, there was no other sound...

The scream that was obviously a hapless person falling into the sea just now, although it must have spread throughout almost half of Bilgewater, but it did not produce too many in this Bilgewater city. Waves.


The people here have long been used to all this.......

In fact, even if someone sees someone wiped their necks on the streets in the city in broad daylight, the Bilgewater people will not look more or care about each other. Not to mention that in the dead of night, most people desperately need sleep!

I am afraid……

Not only is no one caring, but many awakened people will curse and become angry, right?


‘Crap! ! ’

‘If you want to die, let the uncle die away, don’t know all day to come and fight on this bridge! ! ! ’

‘¥%@###¥! ! ’

Sure enough, at this time, I don't know which house in the "Butcher's Bridge", but there really were waves of angry roars and unknown curses from a certain man.



"Captain Shu, look, he seems to have experienced the feeling of falling, do you want to try it now?"

(? ̄? ̄?) Hey...

Still standing pretty on the edge of the cliff, little Annie, who might fall off as long as she stepped back, stretched her head out on tiptoes, and glanced at the dark black sea below, she seemed to see something faintly. Circles towards the waves spreading around, she saw the waves that blew up and saw that the other party could no longer float up, she asked about the'captain' who couldn't move forward in the distance. .

If the other party wants to give it a try, she will definitely be happy to do it for you!

Of course, even if the other party does not want to, or wants to run away without playing with her, she will definitely find a way to throw the other party down and'swim' with the hapless guy just now. She has the means and strength to be able to Do that kind of thing! !




"Damn bastard!!"

Some captains who were unable to advance or retreat saw the little girl hiding in the distance, and for a while, he really didn't know what to do.

To be honest, it was true that they had never thought before that the little girl was so cunning that she would hide in such a difficult place at this time, which not only caused him to lose an obedient person in vain. The subordinates even made him dare not to advance, retreat and dare not retreat, his heart was full of anger and unwillingness, but he was a little helpless? !


He deliberately took out his musket and pointed it at the opponent’s little head. But, if he did that, that little **** would definitely fall into the sea after he died. Then, not only would he not get any silver in the end. Sea snakes will even waste a bullet in vain! !



"Hey! Uncle, are you really not coming? I still have a lot of gold coins here, don't believe me? And ah, it's not slippery at all here, as long as you are careful, you can definitely come over! "



In order to entice the other party to come bravely towards her, Annie even took out a small shiny gold coin from her small pocket and proudly showed off to the other party.

Now that the gold coins are in her hands, and there are many, many in her pockets, she doesn't believe that the greedy bad stalks will not be fooled! And as long as the other person walks over, then she will have fun again!


(● ̄(?) ̄●)


"Little bastard!"

"I swear, I won't be able to forgive you later!!"

Looking at the other party's gold coins, looking at the nasty expression on the other party's face, and thinking about the subordinate who just died in vain...Finally, this ‘Captain’ lord became a little uncomfortable.

Therefore, he held his dagger directly, carefully weighed the road ahead, spotted the point where he could probably stand, and then looked at the broken guardrail over there before he moved forward resolutely. , Ready to go and catch the nasty little girl standing on the side!

Because he feels that if you slow down and don't rush directly, even if you really slip, it shouldn't directly smash the guardrail like his subordinate.



"You really come here, be careful you fall!!"


Although in my heart I wanted the other party to come over, in order to act more like that, Annie still pretended to be anxious and scared, and hurriedly warned the other party.


(Little master, someone is coming again...)


(Even if my heart is a little reluctant, even if he knows that his mischievous little master is playing, he doesn't need to speak up, but Tibbers still dutifully reminded such a sentence.)

Huh! !

Suddenly, at this moment, a gun shot made the "captain" who was just about to grab someone and grab money, instantly as if he was hit with a heavy punch, his eyes were instantly rounded, and then, there was no time to say something. He opened his mouth slightly, face down heavily, and fell directly on the cold stone ground of the Butcher Bridge.

At this time, on the back of his head, there was a hideous wound with blood pouring out...



Is there another bad guy coming?

Seeing that the captain's bad cockroach fell dead not far away, Annie was not too surprised. Instead, she raised her head and looked at the dark street in the distance, looking at the sound of gunfire and the fire. Direction.


For a while, when Annie felt that the other party might not dare or plan to leave, a young lady with red hair and a hot body held a pistol with exaggerated caliber, walked out silently, and drew water from her waist quickly. With a hand knife, the **** head of the villain captain was chopped off with a single knife.

"Humph! I won't let him fall too!"

At this time, amidst Xiao Annie's doubts and frowns, the fierce young lady finally spoke.

"He is my prey, his head is worth three hundred silver siren, but I have been staring at him for a while...little guy, thank you for creating such a great opportunity for me!"

In the same way, after putting the blood-bearing head into a torn sack, the red-haired lady with the long knife in the sheath and the musket slipped into the sleeve, she slipped her trophy and stood up, as if explaining Usually, I said this to the little girl in doubt.

"Goodbye, don't thank me, in fact, I wanted to wait for you to die before taking action, and then I might get a little more loot..."


"These two guys are still a little too stupid. It takes a long time to deal with a little girl. Even I can't stand it anymore..."

This is the truth. Just now, this red hair and hot body woman really thought that way, otherwise, she would not wait until now to do it!


Unexpectedly, isn't it? The methods of a certain little girl who has no power to restrain the chicken seems to be too cunning, and if she doesn't do it again, I am afraid that even the head of this person will not be able to get it later!

Therefore, just now she had no choice but to choose to shoot, sneak attack from behind, and successfully won the head of the innocent pirate captain on the bounty list.




Annie felt that the fake old witch who deceived herself with a large amount of gold really did not make a mistake. In this free port city of Bilgewater, it seems that there really is no such good person who is kind and helpful to others?


(● ̄(?) ̄●)

"Now! Little girl, my sister kindly reminds you..."

"Good luck, it won't always favor fools who put themselves in danger!"

"Away from home, you should better be accompanied by an adult for a cunning kid like you... If you don't have one, don't go out to wander around at night. If you really want to wander around, it's best not to let people know you have gold coins? Hmph, you don't want the old witch to be so cunning just now, and hide out of sight after a few trips!"

While turning around and walking to where she came from, the red-haired woman casually carried her trophy with one hand while swinging her other hand towards the little girl behind.

This kind of reminder is incidental. Without payment, she can only say so much... Anyway, she would definitely not be so kind enough to **** the kid back, or take the other party to find a parent who is not doing his job! If the other party runs out of luck, she will definitely not mind seeing the other party’s little rotten bones that no one can recognize one day in a certain dirty ditch...


This is Bilgewater, the closest place to heaven and hell! !

"Huh! I don't care about you!!"


That young lady was kindly, maliciously sabotaging her evening entertainment, and she took care of her own business to teach herself, how could Annie easily give her a good face? After all, she wanted to get rid of the two bad guys with her mind without using any of her power. Who made that guy jump out and shoot and make trouble? !

Don’t take care of her Queen Anne’s affairs! !


"By the way, do you really still have a lot of that kind of gold coins?"

At this moment, the red-haired **** woman who was about to walk into the dark street suddenly turned her head again, and looked a little eager to talk.

"Of course there are, there are many, many more, don't you want to come over and grab my gold coins too?!"


If that's the case, Annie doesn't mind playing with the other party. Who would fall off the bridge first is the kind of fun and thrilling bungee jumping entertainment. Moreover, there is still no safety rope at all. Kind! !


"No! Forget it..."

"I am a principled bounty hunter. I am not a robbery. This is the case for Goodbye kid, you are very smart, but don't be too complacent. good luck?!"

Although hesitated and wanted to say something, the red-haired **** woman finally looked at the pretty and helpless cunning little girl standing on the edge of the cliff, and finally shook it with a smile. Shaking his head, and firmly turned and walked into the street under the night, there was no more figure.


(ˉ▽ ̄~) Cut~~

"Don't bless you, people's good fortune will always be full value, the kind that bursts out!"


Angrily made a grimace towards the opponent's back, until the opponent completely disappeared into the distance, Xiao Annie jumped forward directly, and walked onto the slippery sloping rocky ground without any scruples. The slightest bit about to slip.


Without even looking at a certain headless villain, she glanced at the slum on the left of the bridge, and then at the huge boat houses on the right. In the end, she still chose the little redhead My sister walked towards the dock area in different directions...

Because, those ‘big houses’ here might be better, maybe let her find a luxurious hotel for a few days?


(● ̄(?) ̄●)


On the edge of the cliff of the Butcher’s Bridge, beside the broken guardrail, there is only a headless corpse and the carnivorous crows and the wharf rats arguing fiercely for food. sound……

Presumably, at sunrise tomorrow, there will only be a corpse that has been chewed up to only part of the hard bones, right?


? Ask for a ticket?

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