Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 755: The gods also charge tolls?

Sailing in the age of wooden sailboats, even in this rune world with magic and Hex technology, apart from the basic power of sails and ocean currents, there is no extra power. At least, now Annie buys The medium-sized sailboat we arrived has only three main and auxiliary sails and dozens of auxiliary sails of varying sizes. Apart from this, there is no more power.

Therefore, it is totally unreasonable to expect it to be able to drag the corpse of a huge, long sea beast floating on the sea and run fast! Now, with the help of the sea wind and ocean currents on the side, the ship can only drag its trophy to the south of the Python Islands and slowly sail on the surface.

‘! ! ’

‘That’s... land? ! "


‘Report to Master Captain! ’

'I found...I found that we seem to have reached the northwestern corner of the Python Islands now...Continue to the south, at most there will be half a day at most. Before midnight, our ship should be able to reach Bilgewater. The entrance of the harbor is near. ’

When night was about to fall, in the distant horizon, when the red sun above sea level was slowly sinking below the sea, another seaman, who was thin and dexterous, replaced the former sailor. In the hanging basket on the mast, after looking at the southeast direction with the single-binoculars for a long time, he reported aloud to the little **** the deck, the Master Master, who was scared by them. .

To be honest, if he had a choice, he would definitely not like the bad feeling of being so high and looking into the distance! Because, as the ship swayed from side to side under the action of the waves, he always had the illusion that he might fall down at any time, and then fell alive on the deck, or was it smashed into the sea and drowned half dead?

But there was no way. After being selected, he had to bite the bullet and come to this basket of sight!

Because, the looking hand before them, when the opponent dealt with the behemoth of the deep sea behind the ship in the morning, he had already been eaten by the opponent! Therefore, under the order of a terrible spell, the little girl captain who can easily subdue the legendary terrifying sea spirit, he had to come here and act as an unqualified person without going through any Trained looking hand...

The reason for choosing him is also a last resort, because now most of the sailors and sea hunters on this ship are eaten alive by the giant beast dragged by several thick cables and crossbow arrows. Up! If, until tomorrow morning, when the slaughter pier in Kegu Bay begins to slaughter the giant sea snake monster they have captured, then carefully look for the other party’s stomach, maybe you should be able to find those unlucky ones in its stomach or intestines. We haven't had time to digest the half-dissolved remains and corpse fragments?


‘Master Captain? We have reached the waters west of the Python Islands! ! ’

The incompetent looking hand who did not hear a response, the captain who thought it was them, did not hear his report, so he yelled again toward the lower deck and toward the bow of the ship.

Where, he could see, there was a small figure with a stuffed bear in his hand, that was their captain! In addition, there is another tall and sturdy fat harpoon Lars, as well as a certain humble, light blue skin hidden in the waves of the bow. The little guy in the legend?


e=(o`*))) Oh, it’s really slow...

"I heard it! Don't know yelling all day!!"


It is this time. If it wasn't for her own whim, if she had to go out to sea to join in the excitement and have fun and see the rarity, Anne would not, and she would definitely not be willing to come out on such boring sailboats and big boats I wasted my precious playing time at sea!

Of course, this voyage is actually not too boring?

At least, there are many fun things on this road, such as blue sky, white clouds, sea and gentle sea breeze, terrible storms, cunning murlocs, ferocious big beasts, etc... Of course, There is also a group of bad guys who have been conspiring before, trying to discuss in their dirty cabin how to overthrow this cute captain!

However, it's a pity that the only villains on the ship now don't have the guts to try to deal with her...

Because ah, she accidentally showed off part of her strength when she shot and caught a little murloc named Fitz, plus the previous practice of shooting the sea beast's eye sockets to establish the victory, it was already considered Completely suppressed the remaining few lucky sailors and sea hunters who were not killed by the giant beasts.

After some ignorant idiots who conspired to rebel were eaten by giant beasts, the remaining people, until now, have been honest and honest, and never dare to have the unrealistic that they were last night. Not thinking about it... That kind of inconsistent performance made Annie want to find an excuse to go to cross the river, break down the bridge, unload the grit and kill the donkey, and throw all of them into the sea, except for the helmsman. I couldn’t find a suitable excuse for his thoughts!

"Hey... what a pity..."

If I knew it would be like this, maybe... she shouldn't have caught the little murloc in the public, otherwise, there will definitely be more fun things now, and it won't be so boring. Right?


Wow! !

At this moment, a big wave suddenly splashed under the sea surface, and little Annie, with quick eyes and quick movements, just dodged gently and avoided! And a certain harpoon who didn't know what he was thinking was not so lucky. He was taken to the spray and poured his body to cool down. He couldn't help but look at the guy with a head leaking out of the sea under the bow.


Fitz the Yordle showed a head on the sea, and asked with a grin at the sea hunter Harpoon Lars who was more talkable with her:

"Hey! Your clothes are soaked now anyway!"

"So... Lars, don't you really go to the sea to play? It's cool down below, and I can take you to the bottom of the sea, looking for the shiny gold coins you like? I just saw it. Many, they are hidden in the crevices of mud and stones on the seabed!"

Here is getting closer and closer to Bilgewater, due to countless superstitious captains habitually, or forced? Anyway, when they had to drop a lot of gold coins in this sea area when they had to go to sea and return with full load, then they would throw them into the sea as tithe? Therefore, Fitz, who lives in this sea area, can often find those shiny little things under the ocean floor.

Sometimes, she would often pick up those things and return them to their original owners, and by the way tease the hateful captains who dropped them to pollute the marine environment?

It's a pity that she was planted this time, and it was very miserable. She was planted in the hands of a little girl, the captain... After being caught by the other party, she had to'agree' to accompany him and play. For a while...Although, the stubborn Fitz has always liked playing with others, but she absolutely does not like being forced to accompany someone who is more curious than herself, stubborn, and weird. The amazing little human girl mage play together!

But it is a pity that now, whether she likes it or not, it is not for her to decide, because she herself has become the little girl's spoils, just like the dead beast dragged behind the ship! Everything about her, including her life, is up to the other party! !

"Going to the sea? Fishing for gold?"

After wiping the salty water on his face, Lars couldn't help but move a little after hearing the other party's words clearly.

"No! No! No!"

"This is not good, absolutely not!!"

After hesitating for a while, Lars quickly recovered.

"Master Fitz, you may not know that we have not prepared any diving tools on this ship. If I really go down to the bottom of the sea with you, I will be drowned alive..."

"But if you don't mind, you can catch me a little bit in your spare time?"

The depth of this sea area, Harpoon Lars, who has been on the sea all year round, could not have known it!

Therefore, without the support and protection of deep-diving anti-stress suits and the oxygen helmet provided by Hextech, if he really dares to swim under the sea with the opponent, he must be squeezed through the chest cavity by strong water pressure. , Squeeze the lungs, and then drown alive!

At that time, I am afraid that in a few days, he will become a pool of rotten meat on the bottom of the sea, and become the kind of delicious food in the mouths of small fish, shrimps and sea turtles...

and so,

In view of the fact that Lars, who followed Anne’s boat to go out to sea this time, just earned a huge commission and almost an entire huge sea beast (Captain Anne said that the ships and sea beasts were given to them after landing!), now it is. A man who has made a fortune! After arriving at the port, he can at least live a rich and luxurious life in Bilgewater for several years. Therefore, he does not want to risk his life in the deep sea, even the legendary sea below. Ling's advice is the same.

"You? Drowned?"

"Ah! I people can't breathe in the water, you are so boring!!"

He curled his lips and saw that no one would accompany him to the bottom of the sea to play, Fitz sank half of his head into the sea again, revealing only two big, round, frog-like aquamarine eyes. He kept blowing a steady stream of bubbles under the water, and showed off his ability to breathe underwater to that Lars who was lying on the railing of the ruined sailing boat and looking down at him.


"Hey! Little murloc! What are you so proud of? Let me tell you, I can breathe freely underwater too!"


"However, I won't go down to the bottom of the sea with you to collect gold coins. That's not fun at all!!"

(ˉ ̄~) Cut~~

Annie didn't think this ability to breathe underwater was so great...

Because, not only can she breathe freely under the water, she can also survive in the sea of ​​fire, in the vacuum of the universe, or in other harsh environments with high temperature and high radiation, without any protective gear! Anyway, she was more powerful than the cunning little murloc who could only drill in the sea.


"I'm not a little murloc!"

"I have told you many times. My name is Fitz. I am a Yordel who can live in the deep sea. I am not a murloc. I have nothing in common with the fish in the sea!!!"

She Fitz, a Yordle who lives in the deep sea, is more and more different in appearance from those in Bandar City... But this is actually because of the nature brought about by her long-term life in the deep sea. Because of evolution!

She has hands, feet, and a mouth. She doesn’t have any gills that are unique to fish, and there are no such ugly parts as fins. The other party thinks she is a little murloc, and why she thinks she lives in water. It must be a fish?



"Well, you are actually a little frog princess Fitz. If you call you this way, you should be satisfied?"


After earnestly staring at the little man who jumped to the surface of the sea angrily and stood, holding a seastone trident in his hand, after watching for a while, Annie nodded and agreed with the other party. The term'little murloc'.

However, although the other party is not like the murloc that is everywhere in the world of Azeroth, but the other party is definitely like a frog, she is sure of this! Because, whether it is the head, eyes, arms, white belly, and the two thighs that can jump and are full of powerful jumping ability, they must be frogs!

It's just that the other party is not the kind of "frog prince" that I and Tibbles thought before, but a "frog princess"? Regarding this point, from the other party's body that looks slimy and greasy, the hand webbed fins with adsorption disks and three fingers on it, the cute little tail that has not completely degenerated, etc. What would it be if it wasn't a frog?

Oh, what a pity...

Little Annie has always felt that it is a pity: This big frog has been civilized, the other party can talk, can use tools, and is still a wise creature, otherwise...

(`) Hehehe...



"I'm not a frog either! Although I know that they look a bit like them, the body, hands and feet are alike, and they can jump... But I am really not a frog, let alone a sea frog! I am really just a date. Del! I'm from Bandar City!!!"

Fitz didn't understand, why is this little girl so stubborn?

She had clearly said that it was not a little murloc, and it was not even that kind of inexplicable frog-man, so why couldn't the other party keep changing? And if it wasn't because she accidentally lost the fight, or because she had the magic contract, she would have sneaked into the deep sea, far away from the other party, and would never provoke such annoying little girl. Up!

"Bander City?"

∑(△`)? !

"Wow! I remembered that, I said I wanted to go to that fun place to play again! Come on, frog boy, tell me, where is your Bandel City? !"


When playing with the old wandering teacher Rizhao, Annie heard the other person mention the Bandel City, and now she heard this frogman who is said to be a Yordle, she definitely wanted to go. Have fun in that magical place!


"do not know!!"

"Its entrance is changing. It may be in a hidden trench in the deep sea, under a thirsty desert dune, or in a forest or in a rift in the void? Anyway, it may be anywhere in Runeland anyway. , And often changes with time and space, no one can find its law, no one can find it!!!"

If she could find the entrance to Bandar City, where would her Fitz be here now? If she had known it, she would have returned to Bandar City long ago! Where would you spend thousands of years in the deep sea?

Therefore, the question of the little **** the bow is meaningless, and it makes no sense at all! !

"OK then……"


"Little fish frogman Fitz... hurry up! Your master captain is hungry now, hurry up and catch some delicious big fish for dinner. It must be that delicious, and it definitely cannot be last night. Those little nasty loaches you threw up!!!"

During the time he was playing in Bilgewater, this little fish and frogman was his servant, so it was not at all polite to ask Annie to shout. This is what the other party asked for. Who made this guy tease him for no reason, while he was digging a boat and sending a big beast?

It is also her Queen Anne who is omnipotent and can do whatever she wants. If she were replaced by someone else, she would have been sunk to the bottom of the sea to feed the **** or the big beast!

Therefore, no matter how she punishes the other party, it is reasonable and natural.

As for how to deal with it in the future, she hasn't thought about it yet...

Anyway, in any case, she definitely wouldn’t follow Teddy Bear’s idea, go to braised or steamed to eat the other party, that kind of evil thing, she can't do it under normal circumstances, nor can she do it. Do it like that!



Fitz the Yordel, who originally wanted to resist or refuse, finally decided to admit counsel temporarily after thinking about it.


As soon as she turned her head, she shook her own big, flat and soft'hair' like the big ears of a rabbit, and threw it directly under the sea, only for a certain little girl and The harpoon hands onlookers left a ripple of small waves slowly spreading on the sea.


"Excellent! It seems that I finally have fresh and delicious food in the evening..."

Seeing the legendary Tidal Sea Spirit, the Fitz finally dived straight into the sea honestly, and Harpoon Lars grinned at the little girl captain beside him, who seemed to be still a little dissatisfied, and his yellowish Ya's mouth widened, and exhaled a foul breath full of foul smell.

Seeing that they are about to return to Bilgewater, if there is no other accident, in the original plan, they must continue to eat those hard bread and pickles... And now, he seems to be able to get mixed up. A fresh dinner to celebrate the harvest?

Although they hunted a huge sea beast, but now, they have no way to slaughter or cut off a piece of meat, and no one dares to go to the sea to cut... Otherwise, a careless razor fish that followed behind With the mad dog sharks, they will surely gnaw any daredevil who dared to approach the corpse of a giant beast into a skeleton!



Seeing that this bearded man who seemed to never take a bath and never brushed his teeth turned towards her, Xiao Annie hurriedly pinched her little nose, with the expression of disgust on her face, and she just stepped back. Take a few steps, and use his eyes to beckon him to stay away from him.

In fact, as far as Annie knew, the other sailors and sea hunters were almost all the same as Lars in front of them. They were all smelly. They smelled like a bunch of rotten hair that had been left for months. The smelly broken socks are generally...Anyway, she had thought about throwing all these bad guys into the sea to drown, but there was no one reason at all!


Seeing the other party’s undisguised expression of disgust and the cute little face that was almost wrinkled, Lars could only scratch his light head with messy beard, and took two steps back. Continue to speak:

"Captain, there is one more thing I need to explain to you, but it's actually like this..."

"That tithe, do you remember?"

"Yes, yes! That's the kind of gem you threw into the sea the last time you went to sea... However, it was paid when you went to sea. Just drop some points. But now, we have won a big victory and returned with a full load. If you caught such a big guy, you have to pay more taxes..."

"Because the sea beast we caught is always valuable! Although you gave it to me, you are now the captain, so..."

So Lars wanted their captain to continue to pay taxes, because they had gained a lot from the deep sea, so they had to give back part of it to the ocean and part of it to the'Ms. Beard'. This thing is actually It's so simple!

But if you do the calculations seriously, since this Captain Anne has given him Lars the broken ship and the smelly monster, it stands to reason that it must be him if he pays tithes now. It’s reasonable for Lars to pay...but it’s a pity that he doesn’t have any money on Lars. The mere lucky Kraken coin in his pocket is definitely not enough to pay the huge tithe. .

and so,

Now he has no other way except to hit the captain of this seemingly rich little girl in front of him...

After all, tithing must be paid!

As for those who did not pay tithes and the fate of the ship, he Lars has seen and heard a lot, such as the "Hydrax" and the greedy ship they used to go hunting in the sea. The stingy captain?


"I obviously paid the tax, and now I want it again. Are you still making sense?!"


To be honest, Little Anne had never thought that the so-called'beard lady' in this ocean would be so unreasonable, and even wanted to collect two taxes from her Queen Anne, which would be shameless. Up?

This kind of thing is simply unreasonable!

Anyway, she has been to countless planes and worlds, and she has never seen such a shameless indigenous **** or a certain national power!

"Ship, Master Captain..."

"The tax you paid at that time was the tax for going to sea... But now, we have harvested such a big sea monster, then we must pay the'Ms. Beard' another tax as a tribute, or else, just We will definitely send terrible guys to sink our ship, we must all be buried under the sea!!"

Lars explained patiently...

A foreign population like this little girl who is not a Bilgewater is troublesome. It doesn't matter if she does things stubbornly, she is still unwilling to abide by certain rules in their sea area?

However, in view of some of the other's special features, Lars patiently explained to their captain, and explained the necessity and importance of paying taxes!



At this time, I heard that Harpoon Lars finally mentioned the tax payment to the captain. Other sailors and sea hunters who had thought about it a long time ago, including the competent helmsman who would only be foolishly sailing. Inside, they all looked at the bow side.

Now they are waiting for the response and decision of the small boat master...

Because ah, that kind of thing is not a trivial matter, but is related to the lives of all of them, but it is not at all sloppy! Especially, after hunting such a big sea beast, it must be executed!

If their little captain finally makes some stupid decisions that shouldn't be made, then the consequences are definitely not something they can and are willing to bear.


(* ̄ ̄)

Annie didn't speak, she just pressed her mouth angrily, and then began to squint her eyes, looking at those sailors or sea hunters on the deck who were nervous but had to pay attention to her reaction nervously. .

Then, the beautiful little eyebrows on her blue eyes suddenly stood up, and she quickly made up her mind:



"Why, I just didn't pay it. I have the ability to let that'Ms. Beard' send someone to arrest me!?"

(ψv) Hey...

Annie is not in a good mood now. She was a little helpless when she paid the tax last time, but now, these people still talk to herself about that annoying thing over and over again, so she just happened to be this time. Don't pay it!

Those giant beasts grew up in the sea, and who is preventing her from coming here to hunt?

So, she has to take a good look. If she says nothing, she just doesn't pay, what can that ‘Ms. Beard’ take her?

Is it possible that you dare to take action to deal with your failure? !


Anyway, she has decided now, she just won't pay it! Let some guys use a hundred courage to tease her Queen Anne's "tiger whiskers" to try and see if she won't be able to beat her to death when she comes! She doesn't believe it anymore, there is really such a courageous guy who dares to receive her Queen Anne's head when collecting taxes? !

(The little master is mighty, the little master is domineering, and the little admiration of the master is like sea water...

Super fierce!

Seeing that there was a good show to watch, Tibbers naturally started to booze on one side!

To be honest, it actually wanted to do something with the so-called aboriginal gods of Bilgewater, and of course it also included the wooden port city that was almost entirely composed of sailing houses. It just suffered from no excuses! But now, it's finally possible to stir up trouble and fish in troubled waters, where is there any reason to let it go? )


"Ship, boat, captain... are you really sure?!"

Hearing what the other party said and seeing that kind of determined expression, the legendary Harpoon Lars suddenly stammered when he spoke, and became a bit awkward.

Because this kind of thing is really extremely serious for them! !

"Of course it is sure and sure!!"


"People just didn't pay the tithe of the rookie this time. I said that if you don't pay, you don't pay. If you don't pay it now, you won't pay it again! If you have the ability, you will let the bad woman with long beard Mrs. Beard), let me come to me!!!"

Let's have fun together...

The thing Annie has made up her mind to is something that a hundred dragons can't pull back!

Anyway, she has seen all the fun things she has done this time when she goes to sea, and now, it seems that she hasn't seen the inexplicable'Ms. Beard'... just right, she is about to return to Bilji now. Walt, then she has to hurry up, otherwise, there will be no chance!

If the other party really dares to come, see if she can't beat her to death! !

‘This, this...’

'not good! ! ’


‘Run! The captain refused to pay taxes! ! ’

‘Run! ! ’

'fast! Throw the boat down...’

‘Asshole. Don't squeeze, tap it! ! ’

‘Uh~! ! ’

‘Now, let’s run! ! ’

boom! !

噗咚!噗咚! Puff!


(\'Huh? Huh? Huh?


(● ̄ ̄●)

In the stunned little Annie, under a certain bear’s inexplicability, when the legendary harpoon Lars was terrified and did not recover, the sailors and sea hunters who had just gathered on the deck confirmed their After the captain would definitely not pay taxes, he was so scared that he rushed to the side of the ship...

They quickly threw the wooden lifeboat tied to the side of the ship into the sea, and then they were like dumplings falling into the water. They jumped directly from the ship into the sea and squeezed into the rickety ship. The boat, began rowing desperately, and began to flee in the direction of the nearest Python Islands.



In the blink of an eye, on this entire medium-sized sailing ship, there were only two people left with Little Annie and a certain tangled harpoon Lars, who was considering whether to follow him or not?

"Huh! Don't want to scare me! Why, I just didn't pay it, let them arrest me!!"


Seeing the reactions of the sailors, Annie got angry and jumped on her hammock, closed her eyes, and prepared to make a blind eye!

Anyway, Annie is now determined, and now she is very stubborn! And the more the sailors panic, the more they run away, the more she refuses to pay... Now she wants to take a good look at whether the badass woman with the long beard is better (Ms. Beard) or the Queen Anne is better. ?


"No matter! Fight it!!"

Seeing everyone running away in an instant, seeing that the only lifeboat in the distance is getting farther and farther and that he can never catch up with them while swimming, Harpoon Lars gritted his teeth cruelly , Ran towards the vacant rudder position ahead.

Now, he has no other choice!

Besides, now this ship belongs to him Lars, and the big beast that can sell for a lot of money behind is also his Lars! Therefore, under the temptation of such a huge amount of wealth, he who is unwilling to lose them helplessly, he has to fight for everything!

"The fish is coming, catch it!!"

Click! Click!

for a long time,

A large sea fish weighing tens of pounds of white flowers was thrown onto the empty deck. After it was released from the sea, when it was full of decks, a sea-blue skin held a handle of the sea. The figure of Shi Trident jumped from the sea to the deck, and looked at the big live fish that no one had to deal with with some doubts.


"What about them, why can't I see them?!"

Fitz looked around curiously, then listened to the movement under the deck again, and finally she was surprised to find:

On this boat, it seems that only the little girl captain who is still lying on the net bag hammock at the bow and the one at the stern who are gnashing their teeth, don’t know what they are muttering, are driving the harpoon Lars. Are you two?

"It's nothing!"


"Fiz, the fish frogman, hurry up, go and cook the fish, I want to drink fresh fish soup tonight!!"


There is still not a short time before dark, and it will take longer to reach Bilgewater, so Annie has decided: she must eat and drink first, and then wait for the bearded lady to come to her. ! When the time comes, she will have to see, who is going to clean up whom?

If the other party really dares to come, then it's dead! !



"Director Diablo! Coleson is my friend and an important member of the Bear Shield. Please don't..."


Seeing that the atmosphere of the conversation between the two took a turn for the worse, Bruce Banner, who was an introductory person, could only hurriedly come out and plan to give each other a step down, but he suddenly realized that he was actually caught up by the director Di. With a wave of his hand, Apollo knocked his soul away from his body, and then watched the other party walk to the sweaty Colson, but he was powerless?


"Humanity, no mortal has ever dared to be so arrogant in my King of Fear!!"

"Now, you have successfully angered me... I will let you see, what will happen if I anger the King of Fear?!"

The Bear Shield Headquarters or something, Diablo didn't care much about it!

Right now, he has already planned it. Maybe, after he slowly digests the earth and the universe of this world, he might attack the plane world of the Bear Shield headquarters?

Of course, that is not the present, it may only be something in the very distant future. He is not in a hurry, because the last thing he lacks in the King of Fear Diablo is time...whether it is a hundred years or For a thousand years, it didn't make any sense to him... Anyway, in the end, he could definitely achieve his goal!

In this regard, he is very confident!

But now, the first thing he has to do is to properly handle the earthlings who dare to run in front of his Diablo to look good! !


As if someone had performed a hold technique, Coleson's expression was tangled, and Han Sui began to flow down his head unconsciously... He tried, but he still couldn't move the slightest, even trying to keep himself alert. With his right hand pulling out a weapon from his waist to counterattack the opponent, he couldn't do anything...


"Please relax, I will grab your soul, read your memory, and finally throw you into my burning hell, suffering that eternal torment! At that time, you will definitely find, Death is not the end, but just the beginning..."

"Hum hum……"

Never before has a yopu dare to talk to his Diablo like this, and never has a man on earth dare to be so presumptuous in front of him! So, a demon black hand with sharp claws began to reach out in front of Coulson, ready to do what he just said?


"I advise you, it's better not to do that, my dear big pineapple..."

Snapped! !

A whip sound suddenly sounded, and when Diablo's hand was about to catch Coleson's head, a fiery red whip was drawn directly, and he had to retract it for the first time. The black hand of a devil.


"Huh! So you...?"

When he turned his head, and found that he was carrying a flame whip in the distance, it was an old ‘acquaintance’ of his own fire demon, Diablo gritted his teeth and snorted coldly.

"Why, you haven't appeared for many years... Now, if you don't continue to enjoy your luxury life, you want to manage even if I want to kill someone now?"

Diablo had killed many people on Earth, so he didn't believe that the other party would be willing to embarrass himself because of the so-called special agent sent from the headquarters.

"If I can, I really don't want to care about your business, dear Diablo..."

"But I must kindly remind you: This Mr. Coulson is very important to our master, very important... If you want to get into trouble, I might not mind fighting with you. Although I know that your strength has recovered a lot over the years, but I am confident that I will not lose to you."

"Maybe you don't know? My eternal fire has recently become stronger and stronger......"

With a sneer, he did it on a sofa in the office, and while slowly rolling his flame whip onto his hand to play with, Erheizi Yanma slung his legs up to face it. Standing in front of the desk, with a gloomy expression in his eyes, Diablo, the King of Fear, who seemed to be uncertain for the time being, ridiculed the acting director of the Bear Shield of this world.


"Don't want to use that **** little girl to press me down, Balrog, I tell you, I am not afraid of her! I am not afraid of her at all now!!"

The flames began to burn on Diablo's body, and as the expensive suit caught fire and peeled off every inch, quickly, one with red skin, hideous fangs and claws, horns all over his body, and eyes that feared evil. The true body of the Hell Demon finally appeared in this office, and made Bruce Banner and Coleson who were unable to move their eyes stared straight.

Obviously, Diablo seems to be going to be real, planning to fight the Erheizi Balrog who doesn't know how to appear in this office?

"Actually, dear Big Pineapple..."

"You may not believe it, but my opinion is just the opposite... As I become stronger, I am afraid of her, very afraid! Listen to my advice, sometimes, don't give me your ignorance. Bring unnecessary troubles to yourself?"

Seeing that the other party was planning to do something, Er Heizi Flame Demon also slowly stood up from the sofa.

Then, as the smoke began to rise from his body, a body with devil's horns, dark as a rock and even burning with terrible flames, and a terrible head, claws, hooves, wings, and tail. A small demon who seemed to be full of flames also appeared in this office, and confronted the red demon in front of the desk with a flame whip and a hot sword.


Oh, God!

What is going on on this earth, how can it be such a monster? !

Coleson still couldn't move, but he felt the terrible mental pressure and the uncomfortable horrible heat in this not too big office... His sweat was constantly flowing from his Mediterranean Sea On the hairstyle, it kept slipping from his back.

If possible, does he really want to quickly complete another mission in this world, and then hide back in their own world?


"Huh! See you off!!"

Finally Maybe you are worried about something, maybe you have followed the advice of your ‘old friend’, or maybe you have no chance of winning in the fight?

Anyway, after a ten-second standoff, Diablo, the King of Fear, suddenly let go of his mental pressure, and once again changed back to the red-skinned Latino human chief, and hummed coldly. Sitting back to the position behind his desk, Bruce Banner and Coleson recovered with just a wave of hands, and at the same time issued an order to leave.


"I already know your attitude, goodbye!!"

Coleson, who lost without losing the battle, took a deep look at the terrifying monster chief behind the desk, and tightened his sweat-soaked collar, and he didn't even care about wiping his forehead. Sweat, turned his head, hurriedly pulled the embarrassed and angry Banner, and hurriedly left this almost fatal place.

Obviously, the Bear Shield of this world has been out of the control of the headquarters... After all, what will happen in the future is not for him Coulson can foresee.

"Wise choice!!"

"Hey... Diablo, it seems that you really learned to be smart..."

After seeing the two earthlings leaving, only after himself and Diablo were left in the dark office, the Erheizi Balrog put away his weapons, and went directly to that diablo. Under his eyes, his figure gradually dissipated in the air...


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