Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 837: Jiang Taigong electric fish, no worries about eating and drinking!


"Master, the disciple is now wasting 72 years old. Can he really help the Ming Master one day, as a general?"

Jiang Ziya wandered aimlessly outside, watching the horse and chariot in the barracks not far away running like flying, dusty, and he had to sigh heavily.

Although Jiang Ziya knows fortune-telling, in addition to carrying water, pouring pine, planting peaches, burning fire, fanning stove, and alchemy, he has also studied Yi Li and gossip. He is the most proficient in numerology and fortune telling, but he is not He dared to tell himself fortune-telling, so he was still a little worried about what his future would be like as Master said...


Jiang Ziya, who had no clue, sighed, then continued to pace forward aimlessly.

Leaving Kunlun to Dibang, Ziya married his wife today. A sixty-eight-year-old woman with a yellow flower, she has a rare life as a groom.

That’s right, when Jiang Ziya left Kunlun Mountain not long ago, left the Yuxu Palace where he lived and practiced for 40 years, and followed Master Yuanshi Tianzun’s instructions to go down the mountain to make a living and wait for another good opportunity. He is seventy-two years old, a lively old bachelor!

This is the world of the Dashang dynasty with a strong spiritual energy. If it is replaced by the earth more than three thousand years later, the old Taoist who has to go down the mountain until the age of 72 is basically considered to be more than half of the body. Already in the soil, in the case of unaccompanied, apart from waiting for a sudden burp and braid one day, and then waiting for the police to come to the door, and then call the crematorium car to be free to take to a place with smoke to give the crematorium Add the fire, and then throw the ashes into the rivers, lakes, and seas to feed fish or throw them out of the flower garden as flower fertilizer, and there will definitely not be a better ending...

However, it is different in this world, because his brother Jiang Ziya's righteous brother Song Yiren feels that Jiang Ziya is still very young even at 72 years old, and after seeing the other person alone, he feels, "There are three unfilial piety, no queen. "Being big", he resolutely opened up a good relationship for him Jiang Ziya, and he just found a 68-year-old girl named Ma Shi, who finally let him bid farewell to the days of bachelor.


Although this daughter-in-law was married, Jiang Ziya thought all day about the days when he cultivated the Taoism on the Kunlun Mountains, and wondered whether he was really like the master said, one day the road is expected, and Where are you in the mood to spend time with Ma Shi Mu Le Chaohuan?

In his opinion, if possible, he would rather go back to Kunlun Mountain and continue the hard labor of carrying water, pouring pine, planting peaches, burning fire, fan stove, and alchemy, rather than being driven down the mountain to wait for the enjoyment. Worship the kind of life that is extremely human.

and so,

Today, in a state of depression and nothing to do, he left the house of his righteous brother Song Yiren, left his "wife", and got rid of the woman who knew that Jiang Ziya was useless and not. People, came to Chaoge, thirty-five miles away, to hang out.


"Oh! King Zhou has no way. He has turned against the princes of the four hundred towns in the southeast. The Guozuo of the Shang Dynasty may soon be gone... I don’t know what the master said in the quotation of'assisting the sage as the father, the ninety-three worship will hold the military power' until the end Can you still count?!"

While looking at the military camp of Wucheng King Huang Feihu outside Chaoge City, watching the soldiers who practiced daily training in the school, the gongs and cannons in the camp, the sound of shouting and killing, and the diffuse dust far away It came from the ground, and after seeing the **** Jiang Ziya stopped for a while, he couldn't help but sighed, and became a little worried about his future.

Everyone with a discerning eye now knows that the Dashang dynasty is now raging with swords and soldiers, frequent floods and droughts, empty treasurys, and birthdays of the people. Under such circumstances, King Zhou is still licentious in wine, far and virtuous but close to ministers, ruining state affairs and even He also repeatedly killed Zhongliang, causing the people to resent and sorrow, forcing the four hundred towns and princes to oppose, and the whole country may collapse, and the national fortune for hundreds of years will be destroyed...

At that time, what should he do with Jiang Ziya? Will there really be a "Gao Ming Visiting Zixian" in twenty years, giving him a chance to become prosperous?

"Oh~! Compared to that, it is better to cultivate immortals..."

Compared to the prosperity and wealth of the world, what Jiang Ziya wants more, is obviously to become a fairy, and to live forever! But how can he have his own choice when he was ‘invited’ to go to Kunlun Mountain?


Before he knew it, when Jiang Ziya was gradually feeling hungry in his stomach, he unexpectedly found that he had already paced beyond the south gate of Chaoge, and came to this place near the teaching field, accessible by roads, crowded, and lively. An incomparable place for commerce...

But it's a pity that he was shy in his pocket and didn't have any shellfish in his pocket. He looked at the rice noodles and fish that were sold in the distance and waited for a while, so he sighed, turned his head and hurried to the road outside the city. Go.

Until now, his Jiang Ziya is still lodged in the mansion of his righteous brother Song Yiren. The family will provide him with food and shelter and even marry him. He is already benevolent and righteous enough. Where else would he ask for money?

Therefore, he felt that he had been shopping enough today and his stomach was already a bit hungry, so he prepared to go back the same way and return to his righteous brother's house, looking for some food to fill his internal organs and the one facing the home to let himself Ma's feeling more and more annoying.


However, when he was feeling bored, he didn't go far. About three miles or five miles away, Jiang Ziya quickly found that something was wrong. Then, with a turn of his hand, the Shimendao Fa wooden sword brought down from Kunlun Mountain was already there. Appeared in his hands.

"Where is the evildoer! Dare to haunt Chaoge?!"

Squinting, Jiang Ziya suddenly shouted!

The location chosen by the other party is very good. The time is still early to disperse, and there are almost no pedestrians on the road, and although it is not far from Chaoge, here, there are mountains, waters and forests, as long as there is not much movement. , I don't worry about disturbing the soldiers in Chaoge in this inaccessible forest trail. It is a very suitable place to ambush the road or seek wealth and death.


However, after waiting for a long time, Jiang Ziya found that the surroundings were still calm and calm. A certain monster that he had noticed monsters and strong hostility was still hiding, not planning to jump out? !


"Ignorance evildoer!"

After looking around, I found that there was indeed no one around, and after the monster still didn’t show the slightest meaning, I didn’t plan to entangle with the other person here. I just wanted to go home quickly to find some Jiang Ziya to eat, so he slammed his hand. The wooden sword inside pointed towards the puddle not far away, and then a thunder slammed into the center of the pool from the tip of his wooden sword!

"Look at the trick! The clear thunder method is as anxious as the law! When the evil animal does not fall, when will we wait?!"

Click! Boom~! !

Although the lightning is small, about the thickness of only a few hairs, it still smashed into the pool in front of it firmly, and while making a loud noise, it also exploded the water surface with countless drops of water and splashes. The bursts of steam and smoke even made a lot of fish and shrimp blow up on the spot.

Jiang Ziya, who used thunder method to fry fish and electric fish for the first time in his life, after seeing the situation where big fish and small shrimps floated in a pool, while guarding against monsters in his heart, he couldn't help but stunned secretly! Because, he suddenly felt that even if he no longer relied on his righteous brother Song Yiren in the future, he seemed to have spare capacity to make a living on his own?

His super clear thunder method, when there is no such kind of monsters and monsters to subdue him, he can first use it to catch a little fish and shrimp in the river to satisfy his appetite and support himself. Surely it will not be difficult? Perhaps, he can make a long wireless fishing rod without hooks, and directly use ink lines and straight hooks to stretch a section into the water. When the fish is powered up, it will be easier?


After Leifa, a dark shadow rushed out of the water...

"What a Jiang Ziya under the gate of Yuxu Palace!!"

"You do a lot of evil, rumors slander my teacher's school, insult my teacher's fire god, and now my giant salamander is ordered by the teacher to teach you, do you not accept it?!"

I originally wanted to hide in the water puddle and play an ambush. When the opponent passed by, he knocked a sap, and then slapped Jiang Ziya on the ground, but I thought that the other party was really good at it, not only found himself, but also A single thunderstorm made me tremble and his hands and feet twitched?

Therefore, as a last resort, the giant salamander could only endure his own desperate escape and anxiety, forcibly jumped out of the water, and turned into a chubby and slimy head over two meters high. The black giant salamander stood in front of Jiang Ziya, who was wearing a slightly worn-out gray linen gown and holding an evil wood sword still lingering with the power of thunder in his hand, and forcibly pretended to face the opponent calmly With a scream, it's a bravery for myself.

Sure enough, he knew that the bizarre, one-hundred-point master contribution point is a bit hard to earn...

If he came alone today, I’m afraid he would have ran away long ago, and how dare he jump out of the water and provoke him like a deadly provocation. He will definitely be better than his giant salamander. It’s just been a few days after he entered the gate of the Great Flame Fairy of Yunfeng , There is no such thing as a little demon who can learn two spells, Jiang Ziya who is more powerful?

But fortunately, today, his giant salamander did not come alone. He deliberately teamed up with the two sisters of Shimen, and prepared to fight each other in a group to demonstrate together. He will definitely not let the guy who dared to insult Shimen live well. ! !

"What a wicked animal!!"

"Langlang Qiankun, you dare to believe that silly words humiliate the poor, today Jiang Shang is determined to eliminate monsters, exorcise demons, and exorcise evil spirits, in order to repay his mentor and impart the true virtue!!"

He was inexplicably blocked by a monster who didn’t know what it was. He also said that he insulted the other’s teacher, and he spoke rudely. This made Jiang Ziya puzzled and at the same time, he couldn’t help but anger from his heart to the courage. , Immediately raised the exorcism wooden sword in his hand, let the lightning begin to linger from above, and was ready to attract another thunder method to kill the monster in front of him that was not very high, but the tone was very big!


"Senior sister and sister! Are you two going to get started?!"

Seeing that the sword in Jiang Ziya's hand began to surround the terrifying thunder and lightning, it seemed that he was really planning to chant a spell to kill him directly. The giant salamander was panicked in his heart, ready to use the shadow flames to escape at any time, but at the same time, he did not care about breaking himself. The disguise and sneak attack of the second senior sister and the little junior sister directly opened their mouths and screamed sternly.

Now he has no other offensive spells besides Water Dun, his newly exchanged master spell, Flame Art, and the escape skill, Shadow Flame, which he must comprehend....Moreover, he doesn’t think that Jiang Ziya Can give him a chance, let him rush to be fierce and punch the other's weak and withered body with his fist!


"What a evildoer, even with a helper?!"

Jiang Ziya originally planned to kill the strange fish spirit with a high-clearing thunder method and kill the people, so he quickly took some fish and shrimps back, but at this moment, behind him, he jumped from a big tree. Down a fat squirrel?


The opponent turned into a short and fat humanoid monster on the road, and as soon as he stretched out his hand, he summoned a burning fireball that was about the size of his head. It seemed that he was planning to unite with the strange fish spirit before and after him. Pinch?

Whoosh! !

In an instant, when Jiang Ziya didn't think about which evildoer to strike first, the little squirrel spirit behind him started first!

A fireball began to throw from the opponent's hand, and slammed towards his back...


"Don't you want to do it!!"

Seeing this situation, Jiang Ziya had to abandon the black Gundam monster fish spirit, and immediately turned around to face the monster transformed into the little squirrel, and turned the wooden sword in his hand behind him. The squirrel turned into a refined, nondescript little evildoer pointed.

"Shangqing thunder method, rush like a law!!"

Click! !

A long-prepared thunder method, under the traction of Jiang Ziya's evil wood sword, was led down from the sky by him on the spot, and struck the fireball that was heading towards him! !


boom! ! !

With a loud bang, under the strike of the thunder method of the upper clear, the fireball instantly burst, and the spreading flames also included the road and the bushes and trees on both sides of the road into the weird but yet again In the terrifying fire.


"What a wicked animal! Come on! What is the relationship between you and the fire demon who killed people and set fire to the village in Chen Tangguan?!"

In Chaoge, Jiang Ziya, whose news was blocked, did not know what happened at Chentang Pass, and no one came to pass on the information to him. Therefore, after the fireball burst, Jiang Ziya could easily recognize it at a glance. The breath of flames that he was already familiar with and remembered deeply...

However, what reassures him is that the two little monsters in front of him are still shallow, obviously not as powerful as the fire demon who was so horrified that he had to flee?

"Jiang Ziya!!"

"Up to now, I still dare to insult my master, slander my master, I will not forgive you, and die!!"

At this time,

The giant salamander had already taken advantage of that Jiang Ziya’s back to resist the fireball of the little junior sister. Not only was he slippery on the outside, but also slippery inside, he had already accelerated outrageously, went straight forward, and rushed not far behind the enemy. Are you ready to take the opportunity to slap the demonstrator who has not taken care of yourself on the ground, and then beat him to death with his fists?

Of course, even if there is no need to kill, at least you have to slap and slap the opponent, and catch up until the opponent is convinced! !


"The evildoer died!!"

However, even though Jiang Ziya has no time to chant the spell to attract thunder, the evil wood sword in his hand is still surrounded by thunder. If the evildoer is pierced into the body with a close sword by him, then he is sure. Can't live either! !


In an instant, when Jiang Ziya was preparing to guard against the squirrel spirit that would set fire in the distance, while preparing to turn back and pierce the strange fish spirit that dared to attack him with a sword, he didn't know again. Who is playing a ghost? On the ground, under his feet, suddenly green vines grew, and they surrounded him in an instant, while confining his feet, they were still Continue to spread to him?

And in a hurry, according to the corner of his eyes, he found a monster that seemed to be a tree demon, rushing out of the woods beside the road, with strange magic tricks in his hand, which seemed to be the opponent. Controlling those vines restraining and tightening themselves?

Whoosh! !

At the same time, another fireball took the opportunity to strike him at high speed, and it had already passed the fire field that had just been blown up, and was whistling towards him unable to move.


Never imagined that three monsters would be besieging him this time...

There was a fireball in front, a big strange fish rushing in behind, and a deadly vine under his feet, Jiang Ziya was almost immediately forced into a desperate situation.

"Good evildoer! There are even helpers?!"

Anxiously, Jiang Ziya had no choice. He could not take care of the threat behind him. After hurriedly cutting off the vines that grew madly under his feet, he immediately moved the evil wood sword in his hand towards it. The weird fireball with the highest threat level was thrown straight away! !

boom! !

The wooden sword that hovered the Thunder Dao Fa was blown to pieces in an instant, and at the same time, the fatal fireball also broke open dangerously, and once again, it was no more than ten steps away from him, and another large group was burned. The blazing flames.


Bang! !

Finally, he could take care of the front and feet, but he could no longer care about Jiang Ziya behind him. Before he could turn around to cast spells or escape, he was slapped on the back of his head by the big slap of a strange fish spirit who came up. He drove him out directly, and rammed straight into the woods and bushes beside the road, and broke a lot of branches and branches...


"Senior Brother Si, how about it, is your demonstration mission completed?!"

Seeing the early ambush and the tacit cooperation of the three of my own parties, I finally succeeded in slapping the wicked man named Jiang Ziya to the fourth brother's powerful slap. I felt that the other party would be seriously injured even if he did not die. The squirrel spirit, who may have successfully completed the task, cheered loudly, and while running forward, he yelled and asked the senior salamander who seemed to be hesitant and wondered whether to chase into the woods and continue to attack.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!



Without waiting for the fourth senior salamander who was in the mouth of the squirrel spirit to answer, the second senior sister of the pine tree spirit suddenly stretched out his hand, letting countless pieces of green leaves float directly from the forest behind her, from the branches of those very ordinary trees. Coming down, after wrapping around her for a while, it tensed suddenly, and then after being solidified, it instantly turned into blades of leaves, directly towards the position where Jiang Ziya was knocked off. The place where the three demon's protest object disappeared, flew away like a thousand arrows!

Huh! Huh! Huh!

The woods on the opposite side were instantly chaotic. When the leaves were hit by the darts spells, and the low bushes and grass clippings were flying, they were almost flattened into a mess. At the same time, there were muffled noises. At the same time it came out...

Tuk! Tuk! Tuk!

That was the sound of those leaf darts that were enough to cut gold and jade. When they hit something hard and could not break through, they made the crashing and breaking sound.


It seemed that he had discovered more errors than his teammates. Therefore, the pine tree spirit did not care to explain, so he turned his arms into vines and inserted them directly into the ground under his feet, and then soon, behind her The three big trees of the tree made a groan-like "creak" sound, and slowly uprooted their roots from the ground, and directly turned into huge treants, and determined The ground, slowly moved towards the position where Jiang Ziya was beaten up just now.

"Ah? He, is he still dead?!"

After discovering the actions of the old tree of his own house, the little squirrel spirit who rushed to the other side also quickly summoned a group of shattering fire in his own hand, looking at the mess ahead, even the trees were The old tree's blade attack just smashed and broke the forest a lot.


"Master, Senior Sister! The idea seems to be a bit tangled, shall we withdraw it first?"

The giant salamander has retreated a little...

Because he knew that his slap just now, although it looked fierce, he also felt that there seemed to be some magic weapon to protect that Jiang Ziya, and his attack, there was no way to pile up the slightest, and it was impossible at all. Hit the opponent's flesh! !

"I don't know how to die!"

Sure enough, at this moment, Jiang Ziya was actually holding a transparent object like a shield of Yin Yang fish that was slowly rotating, and at the same time, his face was dark, and there was fresh blood on his forehead. He was gritting his teeth, step by step from the forest. Walked out, and at the same time viciously locked the three strange fish spirits, squirrel spirits and a certain tree monster outside!

"Today, Jiang Shang will surely frustrate yourselves!!"

After glancing at the three slow-moving giant Treants, Jiang Ziya locked onto the three strange monsters in the same place.

Although Jiang Ziya didn’t know why the monsters came to him and asked him Jiang Ziya’s troubles, he kept saying some strange things he couldn’t understand, but he only knew that he couldn’t go around them today, and he must let them be wiped out in Kunlun. Under the evil thunder method! !




You can tell from the expression on Little Annie that she is very unhappy today...

Because, I don’t know why, today, after she slept in the sun on that big bluestone, she splashed and rolled and beaten the little bear on it for a long time, and finally she had to hit Aqin and ran to When she was in the drop-shaped'dong mansion', she suddenly realized that today's lunch seemed a bit too rich? Therefore, after the meal, she is very unhappy, very dissatisfied, and has a kind of urge to anger others or beat the chef! !

Of course, Xiaobai must not be beaten. If it is beaten, no one will cook her fresh dishes every day. However, it seems that it is not impossible to be angry with a certain bear or something?


● ̄?? ̄●



"Tibbers, what about these monsters, why didn't I see any of them?!"


Originally intending to account for some of the guys who were responsible for catching animals, but after discovering that there were no four monsters on Cuiping Mountain's Izuun Peak, Little Annie had to ask curiously.

(do not know……)

● ̄?? ̄●

(Tibbers knows, but it just doesn’t say, who made its horrible little lord come to beat him after he wakes up? So, what’s the matter with love, it doesn’t care about a certain horror today What a mess of the little master!)





(Jingwei bird carried small stones to fill the sea...

● ̄?? ̄●

——Under the threatening gaze of a certain little master, Tibbers had to compromise and honestly began to explain the whereabouts of certain monsters, even though the other party could feel that kind of thing himself? )



(Fengshen Bang, it is sleeping, in the crevice of the big bluestone where you just slept...)

● ̄?? ̄●


!? ??\'\'??????

"How can it be lazier than me?!"


Queen Anne said she was very angry. She couldn't forgive a subordinate who could sleep better than herself, and be lazy...Anyway, that kind of thing is absolutely impossible! !


● ̄?? ̄●;

——Tibbers really wants to say, ‘I’m lazier than you, what kind of anger are you at? "However, it did not dare to do that! So, it continues to report...)

(The three giant salamander essence, squirrel essence and pine tree essence teamed up to find Jiang Ziya's trouble!)



∑??△`? !

"They don't seem to be opponents of that guy, right? I know that thief Taoist priest. He is still a bit powerful. He runs fast, and he is also bad at being careful..."


A certain thief and Taoist named Jiang Ziya, at the time, if the other party had not taken a kid as a shield when they ran, then she would have been burned to ashes by a fireball, and there would be those things that happened later. So many things? !

(Don't worry, little master, their little monsters exchanged a lot of worthless one-time things, and they will definitely not lose too ugly...

● ̄?? ̄●

—— Tibbers, who had always been paying attention to the guys who were secretly discussing things under the'foot' of the main god's big ball of light, saw the things exchanged by the lifeless monsters and thought they were still It was a little brainy, it didn't worry about the life and death of those guys like a bad little master in its family. )



"What is it, let me see..."

o,,??????,, o??

Little Annie, who didn’t know what the bear Tibbers was selling, thought about it, and arbitrarily pulled a list from the main god. Then, after she saw the list of supplies exchanged by the monster disciples, After thinking about it, she blinked with big blue eyes, and came to the same conclusion as her own little bear Tibbers, and decided not to worry about the little monsters. Anyway, those guys have things and skills to escape, even if It should be fine if you can't beat it.


∑??△`? !

"Whose letter is this?"


Suddenly, Xiao Anni saw a letter placed on her desk. It seemed that Xiao Bai had just placed it here. She thought it was a rag just now.

"Nezha, this word is even uglier than mine..."


Unfolding the letter written on the rags, Little Annie instantly became proud...because the Nezha character above is much more ugly and ugly than her ghost characters. Up! !

"The day after tomorrow? Real Taiyi...oh! That fat guy, he is going to reshape the golden body for Nezha, and invite me to the ceremony?"


Pinching people... It seems, so fun?

Originally, Xiao Anni didn’t plan to play with the fat guy named Nezha or Taiyi real person, because she knew that the other party would do everything possible to take away her cooking gas stove ( Nine Dragons God Fire Cover)! However, after reading the letter, she suddenly felt as if she should go and make trouble for them, to demonstrate the presence of her Queen Anne and the flame fairy? !


● ̄?? ̄●


"Shan Hai Jing Recipe Collection"

(↑Dashang Dynasty Wild Animal Edible Research Institute and the authoritative work designated by the Plant Medicine Association!!)

Recipe Three?? Black Pepper Double Beef Fish Fillet??

specific methods

An invulnerable anchovy was caught from Yingshan, a bull's head, bighead and bighead carp were caught from streams and lakes in Xi?? Mountain, and several fresh mountain eggs were found in Cuiping Mountain.

Kill wild anchovies and bighead carp and cut the back non-spine ligament meat into strips. Use soy sauce (two spoons), yellow cooking wine (two spoons), pheasant protein (appropriate amount), soda powder (one spoon), starch ( One spoon), **** juice (a few drops) and marinate for two hours.

Shred one onion, green pepper, garlic, and ginger.

Heat the pan with oil, deep-fry the marinated double beef fish until it is half cooked, then remove it and drain it. Fry the onion half-cooked in oil, add some salt and chicken essence, and save it on a plate for later use.

Saute the minced chili, garlic, and **** with oil, then pour in the double beef shredded fish, onion, two spoons of black pepper, one spoon of oyster sauce, one spoon of spicy soy sauce, one spoon of sugar, two spoons of tomato sauce, some water, A few drops of sesame oil and a spoonful of starch are quickly stir-fried over medium heat with the samida covered with Jiulong Shenhuo. When the juice is collected, add black sesame seeds to serve.

Efficacy The black pepper double beef fillet is soft, crispy, tender and fragrant, so that people will not be troubled by sores after eating.

Anchovy and bighead and bighead carp, the former screams like a cow, the latter is shaped like a plow bull, and beef is rich in sarcosine, and its sarcosine content is higher than any other meaty food, which is good for increasing muscles, strengthening strength and health Physical fitness is particularly effective! Pepper is pungent in taste, hot in nature, enters the stomach and large intestine meridian; it has the effect of warming the middle and lowering the qi, eliminating phlegm and detoxification.

?? Queen Anne’s comment s????vev????ゞWhat the **** are all the monsters Are they lazy? Why are there only two fishes and cut meat? It's only spicy after being fried. It's really delicious, but it's not enough to eat~! ! ??????????????????????????

Recipe origin and main ingredients

1 柢山. Lots of water, no vegetation. There are fish Yan, which resembles a cow, lives in a mausoleum, and has wings on the tail of a snake. Its feathers are under the ray, and its sound is like an ox. Its name is 鯥, and resurrected after death in winter. There is no swelling of the food.

2 The head of Dongshan is the mountain of 樕?? To the north is dry, fresh water flows out of Yan, while the northeast flows into the sea. Among them, there are many bighead and bighead fish, which resemble a plow ox, and their sound is like a humming.

3 At the foot of Izuun Peak, Cuiping Mountain, a nest of innocent pheasant eggs...

Chef Xiaobai, the inventor of the recipe!

Recipe feeder: Giant Salamander Jing (Demonstration Jiang Ziya has gone, has given up the daily capture mission), Jingwei Bird (captured one each of Anchovy and Bighead Bighead), Squirrel Jing and Pine Tree Jing (helped the Giant Salamander Team to demonstrate towards Chaoge Jiang Ziya has gone, has given up on his daily arrest mission).


????╰╯`???? tickets??????╰╯`??

Shadow Bear Tibbers' Plane Tour https://

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