The situation was turbulent, Yu Qiuchi's face was stern, and he clenched his hands.

The screams pierced the sky, and the male cultivator in the middle stage of foundation establishment was pierced by more than a dozen swords, and was nailed to the ground half kneeling, blood flowing like a river.

Xiong Kuan was seriously injured and out of breath, paled in shock, swallowed his saliva, turned around and fled.

Yu Qiuchi's face remained unchanged, and with a wave of his hand, countless swords merged into a torrent of radiance, and the tiger roared and the dragon groaned, suddenly breaking through Xiong Kuan's back.

The blood sprayed, and the intestines flowed all over the ground.

Xiong Kuan lowered his head and saw the big hole in the water tank on his body, and through the hole, he saw Yu Qiuchi casually recalling the swords and putting them all back into the treasure box.


When the treasure box was closed, Xiong Kuan stared at him, and then fell to the ground, dying.

Yu Qiuchi's breath relaxed, and he didn't care about confiscating the spoils. He suppressed the surging blood in his body and hurriedly searched for Yunshang.

Before taking two steps, Yu Qiuchi saw Jiang Yuebai, followed by Ge Yuchan with blood on his face, and Gu Liu and Zheng Chong supported each other.

Jiang Yuebai and Ge Yuchan looked fine, Gu Liu's right arm was bloody, Zheng Chong's body was covered with wounds on his legs, it was very miserable.

"Where is Yunshang?" Yu Qiuchi asked anxiously.

Jiang Yuebai threw out the soul bottle to collect the remnant souls of Xiong Kuan and another mid-stage foundation-building monk, and helped Yu Qiuchi collect the spoils and hand them over to her.

After glancing at Zheng Chong and Gu Liu, Jiang Yuebai said, "Yunshang is not an unweaned child, nor is it your illegitimate daughter."

Zheng Chong's face froze, and Gu Liu bowed his head in embarrassment.

"No matter how much Senior Sister Yu is afraid of repeating the same mistakes, she can't selfishly restrict her freedom. If you die before her in the future, how will you let her protect herself?"

Yu Qiuchi clenched his fists, Jiang Yuebai stopped talking, and moved his chin forward.

The cloud and mist dispersed, and Yu Qiuchi saw Yunshang standing motionless on the spot. Not far away, the bald-haired giant ape squeezed the head of the early foundation-building monk.

The Lightning Sable ran like lightning, and a series of electric arcs wrapped around the body of another early foundation establishment monk.


The man screamed, suddenly cast the method of earth escape, appeared behind Yun Chang in an instant, swung his sword and slashed.

Yu Qiuchi was shocked and was eager to make a move, but was held down by Jiang Yuebai's horizontal knife. Yu Qiuchi could only watch helplessly as Yunshang was split open with the knife.

Ge Yuchan's eyes shook slightly, Zheng Chong and Gu Liu were also taken aback, but Jiang Yuebai remained calm.

The man slashed to the end with his sword, but no blood was seen. Yun Chang's split body dissipated like a phantom, and only a strange bug floated in the air. With a pout of its butt, it sprayed out a large amount of green mist.


The man covered his face and screamed, his whole face melted, exposing his bones, a cold light suddenly hit him, and he felt a chill in his heart.

Yun Chang's real body flashed, and he raised his hand to hold the flying blade.

Only then did Yu Qiuchi heave a sigh of relief, and Jiang Yuebai explained: "It's the shadow poisonous bug. Yunshang has been cultivating it repeatedly for three years before it has the effect of being fake and it is extremely poisonous. Senior sister Yu didn't see that just now. Is it a fake body?"

Yu Qiuchi pursed his lips tightly, unable to speak.

Ge Yuchan came over and said, "I have been in and out of the secret realm with Yunshang five times, and her talent in spirit insects and spirit beasts is something I have only seen in my life. To be honest, she has some tricks, and I think about it carefully, and I feel nervous."

After the battle was over, Yunshang breathed a sigh of relief, turned her head to see Yu Qiuchi, looked away indifferently, and landed on the faces of Jiang Yuebai and Ge Yuchan, Yunshang smiled shyly, her cheeks flushed slightly.

Jiang Yuebai ran over, "I knew that the two early stages of foundation establishment would be no difficulty for you, how are you doing, are you injured?"

Yun Chang smiled and shook her head, the bald-haired giant ape flashed with light, and turned back into a bald-haired little monkey, standing on Yun Chang's shoulders with the lightning mink.

"It's not suitable to stay here for a long time, pack up your spoils, and let's go."

Jiang Yuebai returned to Yu Qiuchi's side, and saw that she had a complicated expression and was tangled in her heart.

"Senior Sister Yu, I met a person from the Sanyuan religion just now, we'd better find a place to discuss it."

Jiang Yuebai showed Yu Qiuchi the ghost teaching token.

Yu Qiuchi's face darkened, "Change to a safe place."

Jiang Yuebai withdrew the formation, and Yu Qiuchi took everyone away for half an hour, and found a monster cave that had been cleaned up. It was very spacious inside, but it smelled bad.

After sealing the entrance of the cave with a protective array, Jiang Yuebai told the others about what happened.

After hearing this, Zheng Chong said: "Because of the frequent animal hordes around the camp, many rogue cultivators were recruited to help. It's not surprising that a Sanyuan Cult got in."

Gu Liu nodded. He was just a person, so he couldn't explain anything.

Ge Yuchan sat aside and wiped the dagger silently, not participating in the discussion, just waiting for the result.

Yun Shang took the old ginger and wiped the little monkey's bald hair without making a sound.

Yu Qiuchi glanced at Yunshang. She is the team leader. To complete the task, she must also ensure the safety of the team members. It's just that a monk of the Trinity Sect is nothing. I'm afraid that the Trinity Sect has infiltrated and plotted against the law.

"Hurry up and recover, let me think about it."

Several people nodded, and each occupied a corner to adjust their breathing and recover.

Jiang Yuebai took out the Shadow Moon Son-Mother Blade, the Condensing Mirror and the Black Feather Cape for sacrifice, and turned these things into his own strength and hole cards.

There is a gap in her defense now. Although the physical body is strong, it is the last barrier of life and death. It is still unknown how powerful the condensing mirror is.

The eighth-rank talisman is not easy to draw. Before she came out, she only successfully drew eleven turtle armor talismans, five clone phantom talismans and some nine-rank five-element escape talismans.

The defensive power of the Spirit Turtle Armor Talisman is equivalent to that of an eighth-grade magic weapon, and it can still handle it in the early stage of foundation establishment, but it is not enough for monks in the later stage of foundation establishment.

If you can't get the defensive magic weapon later, you have to be more cautious.

It took more than an hour, and after initially refining the three items, Jiang Yuebai took out the jade slip of 'Blade Flow Wind Kill'.

Just as he was about to check, he suddenly heard a loud noise, the ground shook and the mountains shook, and dust and gravel fell from the top of his head.

Yu Qiuchi was the first to go out to check, followed by Jiang Yuebai.

In the vast darkness, flames shot up into the sky far away in the north, Jiang Yuebai had better eyesight, and could faintly see several hair-thin streamers flying in mid-air, a group of people chasing each other, bursting into flames from time to time.

Before Jiang Yuebai could think about what it was and why he was able to defend the sky, another series of explosions came from behind.

This time the distance was so close that Jiang Yuebai's head was shaking and his ears were hurting.


Yu Qiuchi stretched out his arms to protect it, and three screens flew up from the treasure box and unfolded one by one. The aftermath of the explosion hit it hard with smoke, dust and bones.


Yu Qiuchi snorted, bleeding from the corner of his mouth.

Jiang Yuebai was fine with the others, and Yunshang nervously held Jiang Yuebai's arm.

Fire fell from the sky, the earth trembled, and amidst the smoke and dust, the canyon when they came was collapsing rumblingly.

Zheng Chong took two steps forward stunned, "Too bad, the canyon is the only way to the teleportation array. With such a large area of ​​collapse, I'm afraid that all the roads inside will be blocked."

Jiang Yuebai also took a few steps forward, staring at the direction of the canyon and asked Yu Qiuchi, "Senior Sister Yu, have you seen the sky above the canyon, there are many..."

"It's a stranger from the Yu clan." Yu Qiuchi said in a deep voice, "They blew up the way out, and something must have happened to the outpost camp."

"Then, what should we do now?" Gu Liu asked Yu Qiuchi nervously, "No, the aliens of the Yu clan don't have the imprisonment collar of the Eclipse Sect on their necks, so how could they rebel? Could it be the Eclipse Sect..."

Ge Yuchan and Yunshang both looked at Jiang Yuebai.

Jiang Yuebai shook his head, "An accident happened in the land of Cangyan, the Sun Eclipse Sect must be the first to be suspected and questioned. There are only Foundation Establishment disciples inside, but there are all Jindan Daoist and Yuanying Zhenjun outside. Is it possible that Eclipse Sun Sect dares to follow?" Are all the sects in the entire Central Plains against each other?"

"Who is that?" Zheng Chong asked.

Jiang Yuebai held the token of Ghost Spirit Sect and said in a deep voice, "Sanyuan Sect and Ghost Clan! But what is their purpose?"

As soon as the words fell, a strange wave spread rapidly from the center of the Cangyan Land.

The wind blew on the face, and the back felt a chill. The ground under everyone's feet shook again, and the cracks extended vertically and horizontally, as if something was awakened by the disturbance of the wave.

A dry and blue hand suddenly rushed out from the ground.

The dead bodies buried deep in the ground crawled out one after another.

There are people, and there are monsters.

Tomb of Ten Thousand Beasts, the place where corpses are buried, the evil spirit is overwhelming!


Outside the secret realm, in the medical camp.

Shen Huaixi stood by the window, looking at the full moon in the sky, dazed.

Xie Jingshan came over with roasted rabbit legs, looked at Shen Huaixi, then stretched his head out to look outside, frowning in confusion.

"What are you looking at so preoccupied with?"

Shen Huaixi looked sad, "Today is my mother's death day..."

Xie Jingshan bit the mouth of the rabbit's leg, put the rabbit's leg behind his back embarrassingly, and patted Shen Huaixi's shoulder with oily hands.

"That... the deceased has passed away, and the grief will change."

Shen Huaixi suddenly smiled, "There's nothing to be sad about, how about brother Jingshan accompany me for a drink?"

Xie Jingshan nodded thoughtfully.

Today's fourth update, there are still 6 chapters left for the leader.

There are a lot of things on weekends, so keep double updates and continue to pay off debts next Monday.

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