She Made The Whole Cultivation World Cry

Chapter 139 Breaking through the sky

The night was heavy and the wind was howling.

Jiang Yuebai and Ge Yuchan, both dressed in black, jumped out of the ruined cave like twin sisters.

Roar! !

The roar of the evil corpse broke the silence of the night, making people creepy.

Ge Yuchan checked the surroundings for safety, Jiang Yuebai sealed the entrance of the cave again with ice and thorns, and pressed a lost trace array disk.

After putting away her eight-array disk, Jiang Yuebai saw Ge Yuchan silently jumping to her side like a cat walking at night, lowering her body, taking out three talismans and handing them over.

"This is a turtle's breath talisman drawn by myself. It can avoid most spells and spiritual detection. I can only give you three. One can last for half an hour. Be careful."

Jiang Yuebai generously accepted the talisman paper. The runes on it were special, like she had never seen them before. It should be one of Ge Yuchan's hidden cards.

"The name of your talisman is really unlucky, so change it as soon as possible."

Jiang Yuebai took out three skylark puppets, a viewing mirror, and three turtle armor charms and stuffed them into Ge Yuchan.

Explaining how to use it, Jiang Yuebai asked.

"You often go in and out of secret realms, but do you know what these evil corpses are afraid of?"

Ge Yuchan thought for a moment, "The evil corpses I met before could not move as long as their vertebrae were broken. Generally speaking, fire can restrain evil spirits, but the evil corpses here are not afraid of fire. I have seen that the spiritual water of Liuyunzong can restrain , and can try ice and thunder."

"Thank you."

The two didn't say any more, they ran in opposite directions and disappeared into the night.

The canyon was high, and Jiang Yuebai was wearing black feathers. He swung his arms vigorously all the way up, and rushed to the sky above the canyon until his arms were sore.

A gust of scorching hot wind suddenly hit his face, Jiang Yuebai turned upside down in the air, his body fell straight down with nowhere to go, and it took a lot of effort to regain his stability.

"A young eagle has to fall a few times for its first flight."

There are turbulent currents sweeping over the canyon, and there are swirling winds everywhere. If you are not careful, you will be sucked into it and it is difficult to get out.

"I'm afraid that's the reason why the people who came into the secret realm didn't bring flying spirit beasts with them."

Jiang Yuebai wore black clothes and black feathers, and covered his face with a faceless mask, simulating the breath of a monster. At this time, there were no traces of aliens from the Yu clan in his sight, so he was not afraid of being discovered.

Fly slowly at first, and after getting used to it, try to speed up, dodge left and right, try to stick to the top of the canyon and avoid the vortex.

"These wings seem to be able to infuse a lot of spiritual energy."

Jiang Yuebai frowned and tried. With the infusion of spiritual energy, she felt her body became lighter and her flying speed gradually increased.

After six breaths, one-tenth of the spiritual energy in the dantian was injected, and Hei Yu reached a certain limit, and suddenly forcibly drew nearly one-third of the spiritual energy in her dantian.

Jiang Yuebai disappeared in place and appeared a mile away in an instant.

Stabilizing his figure, Jiang Yuebai looked behind him, his eyes gradually brightened.

"Although activating like a talisman takes time and consumes spiritual energy, it is very suitable for escaping. Try using the five elements."

Jiang Yuebai rushed all the way to the outpost camp, making various attempts along the way.

After bumping into the mountain wall several times, she was pleasantly surprised to find that by transforming the five-element essence into Fengxing essence with the wind-attribute consciousness, she could teleport ten miles away in just three breaths, and the direction was controlled by herself.

However, doing so would damage Heiyu's wings to a certain extent, and its skeleton could hardly withstand such a violent and large amount of energy injection.

In other words, under extreme conditions, the wings can be used about twenty times.

"When it's time to escape, don't care about so many, how many times you can use it."

Jiang Yuebai named this method 'Sky Breaking Flash', and after a lot of tossing, she could already vaguely see the towering cliffs in front of her, as well as the large formation connecting the sky and the earth.

When they came, they walked for more than three days before they circled out of the canyon. At this time, it only took her more than two hours to fly back.

The distance was too close to avoid being discovered, so Jiang Yuebai stuck the turtle breath amulet given by Ge Yuchan on his body, and took out two middle-grade spirit stones and held them in his hands to restore his spirit energy.

Carefully approaching and approaching, Jiang Yuebai landed very close to the outpost camp, hiding behind a boulder, looking into the distance through a gorge.

There wasn't such a large barrier formation when we came here, so it should have been arranged later.

Wherever you look, there are all aliens from the Yu clan, armed with long soldiers, guarding everywhere.

There are also a lot of strangers carrying things in boxes, too far away to see clearly.

Jiang Yuebai released three skylark puppets, leaned against the rock and took out the viewing mirror.

The skylark puppet turned into a red-tailed sparrow in the secret realm, and landed on the rock at the edge of the formation.

The two male aliens carrying the boxes stopped to wipe their sweat.

"With these explosive bombs, when the group of monks fled back to the canyon, we just need to drop them from the air, and they will definitely have no bones left!"

"If the news in the secret realm spreads, other sects must not let Eclipse Sect lightly. The young master is wise. I hope that in the future, as the young master said, the aliens in the world will no longer suffer from slavery."

"What are you two talking about, hurry up, and be careful not to miss the important event of the Lord!"

A black-clothed male cultivator with a grimace mask came over, and the two strangers gave a sneaky look, and continued to move boxes inside.

The black-clothed male cultivator was at the early stage of foundation establishment and had no identity certificate on him. At this time, apart from strangers, there were more than 20 such foundation establishment monks in places that could be seen through the skylark puppets in the outpost camp.

Jiang Yuebai couldn't help being surprised that one or two members of the Trinity Sect could be said to have been negligent for a while, and it was unreasonable to get in so many times.


Jiang Yuebai suddenly remembered that Yunshang told her before that many foundation-building monks from various sects died in the secret realm in the past four months, did they slowly sneak in in batches and batches?


With a sharp shout, one of the Skylark puppet was caught off guard and shot down by a bloody needle.

The black-clothed male cultivator rushed out of the barrier of the big formation waving the seven evil flags aggressively. Jiang Yuebai immediately manipulated the remaining two skylark puppets and blew himself up.


The black-clothed monk fell into the air, and the aftermath of the explosion hit the barrier of the formation. The formation instantly locked onto Jiang Yuebai according to the fluctuation of the consciousness on the puppet.

All kinds of light gathered in all directions, concentrated at one point, and shot towards Jiang Yuebai's location.

Jiang Yuebai immediately threw out the earth escape talisman.

The explosion was earth-shattering, and dust mixed with gravel splashed wildly in the sky.

Jiang Yuebai shook off the dust all over her body, and saw that most of the rocks in the place where she was hiding just now disappeared, and all of them were turned into gravel and dust in the burst of light, which made her scalp tighten.

The power of this formation is definitely not something that the foundation-building cultivators can resist. Coupled with the explosive bombs prepared by the aliens of the Yu clan, it is difficult to escape from here.

But when the big formation was triggered just now, she seemed to see...

"over there!"

A group of aliens from the Yu clan came to kill with a group of ghosts billowing in black mist. Jiang Yuebai took a deep look at the cliff in the distance, spread his wings and fled.

Twice, he used all his strength to launch the Breaking Flash, and he escaped twenty miles away in an instant.

Jiang Yuebai rushed back to everyone's hiding place non-stop, seeing hundreds of corpses moving in the collapsed area of ​​the canyon from a distance, her heart tightened.

Jiang Yuebai flew over the evil corpses. Although they were strong and powerful, they didn't know any spells, they just had the power of fire evil.

Some beast corpses found Jiang Yuebai and kept jumping up from the ruins, trying to catch Jiang Yuebai. If they couldn't touch her, they would be helpless and furious.

Roar! !

Jiang Yuebai made a formula with both hands, together with the two leaf hands in the sea of ​​consciousness.

Cloud thunder breaks!

Four bursts!

Rainstorm lily, thunder exploded, lightning surged, and the vast silver sea was dazzling.

Jiang Yuebai landed on the ruins, with the black feather wings folded, watching hundreds of corpses howling in agony, annihilated in the thunderstorm, and the world was clean.

"Sure enough, Lei is still useful!"

Not daring to delay, Jiang Yuebai hurriedly found everyone's hiding place and found that the ice thorns had been destroyed and the cave was empty.

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