"Aren't you going to look for Nian Kong in Prajna Temple?"

Walking in the market, Yun Shang pulled up the face towel to block the wind and sand, lowered the bamboo hat to avoid pedestrians, and asked Jiang Yuebai.

Flags are fluttering in the market, people are flowing in, and the roads are lined with earth and stone houses and various stalls, making it very lively.

Jiang Yuebai also wore a hat and a face scarf, and her cultivation was suppressed with Yun Shang until the late stage of foundation building. Along the way, she heard a lot about Prajna Temple.

In general, the current abbot of Prajna Temple, the monk Nian Kong who had just formed an elixir, had a very good reputation. He accepted many orphans from the Quicksand Area into the temple, which was highly respected.

But secretly, many people are saying that Nian Kong is kind-hearted and cruel, and is good at planning. He secretly instigates the Buddhist sect in the Quicksand Region to continue to oppose the Wuzong, and many small sects have been destroyed.

And these people who were destroyed were all the culprits who participated in the destruction of Prajna Temple.

Jiang Yuebai sighed and said, "I'm not going. I only wanted to confirm with my own eyes that Prajna Temple has been rebuilt and everything is fine. In this way, what I promised Ruosheng back then will be considered completed. The situation here is too complicated. , I have Tianyan Sect behind me now, and I don’t want to get into unnecessary trouble.”

Yun Shang held Jiang Yuebai's arm and stayed away from the street vendors who were eager to attract customers. "But Nian Kong misses you very much. In these years since you were gone, he has visited Tianyan Sect twice to look for you. You Don’t believe too much in rumors, Nian Kong is not that kind of person.”

Jiang Yuebai frowned slightly, looking across the main street of Fangshi and landing on the ancient Buddhist temple in the distance.

She subconsciously pressed her Dantian. Although the five heaven and earth spiritual beings in her body had all been integrated and swallowed up by the later energy of chaos, she could still feel some Ruosheng's breath coming from the Prajna Temple inexplicably.

Jiang Yuebai's intuition told her that it was better not to meet each other, otherwise it would be difficult to disconnect the cause and effect.

It may be cruel and unfair to Nian Kong, but human nature has a selfish side. Nian Kong made it clear when she chose to inherit the inheritance of Prajna Temple and Ruosheng's legacy.

All she can do now is leave a final farewell letter to Nian Kong.

"Find a tavern to rest for a while, and then we will go directly to Tieyu Country to find Shen Huaixi. You can control Poyun Chong on the way. I need to stay in seclusion for a while."

Jiang Yuebai pulled Yun Shang away from Fangshi. At the bottom of the lake, she was finally split open by Lei Ling who gathered all her power. The whole body was directly split apart, and the strongest spine in the body was split.

But this time the gain far outweighs the loss.

The desert is as sandy as the sea and the sun is as bright as fire.

In Prajna Temple, a young monk with a handsome face sits cross-legged under the bodhi tree, twirling Buddha beads and chanting sutras with his eyes closed. He is dressed in clean white monk robes, spotless.

Against the background of a tree full of red prayer cloths, the whole person is shrouded in holy light, pure and flawless.

"Host, someone gave this to you, saying it was an old friend of yours."

The little novice monk ran under the bodhi tree with a wooden box in his arms. Nian Kong's curled eyelashes trembled slightly, the chanting stopped, his fingers stopped twisting, and he slowly opened his eyes.

Those eyes were like a clear spring, bottomless yet very clear.

Taking the box from the little novice monk, Nian Kong opened it and found some jade slips and a letter inside.

He put down his rosary beads and opened the letter. After reading those few sentences, he chanted the Buddha's name and felt endless regret and helplessness.

"Amitabha, Sister Yuebai really doesn't want to see me again."

The letter is a farewell letter. From now on, we are strangers in the world, and we are all well.

The jade slips in the box were given as parting gifts from friends. They were all Buddhist scriptures collected by Jiang Yuebai in the upper world, as well as some Buddhist and martial arts techniques.


The wind blew the leaves, and the red prayer strips on the Bodhi tree fell one by one and flew into the air. They coiled up behind Nian Kong and turned into a human figure in the blink of an eye, wearing a red cassock and a charming face.

"Xiao Nian Kong, didn't you already expect this? What else is there to sigh about?"

Nian Kong's eyes were downcast, "It's just a little sad. Ruosheng, don't you want to see her again?"

Ruosheng sat next to Nian Kong and leaned over to look at the jade slips in the box.

"I'm not familiar with her, and if she knew that I had a hand in the past, I'm afraid she would kill me without hesitation. Now, she thinks that she has accepted my favor and paid off my debt. ,enough."

At the critical moment of life and death, Ruosheng told Jiang Yuebai that he had destroyed his spiritual consciousness and allowed Jiang Yuebai to devour him, as long as Jiang Yuebai promised to help him rebuild the Prajna Temple.

But in fact, he still left a ray of spiritual consciousness. In the original "Prajna Sutra" he gave Jiang Yuebai, as long as she read the entire sutra, she could awaken this ray of spiritual consciousness.

If he had advised Jiang Yuebai to be less kind at that time, he might not have been rewarded well, that's why.

He originally planned to let Jiang Yuebai devour him if his revenge failed, and then when Jiang Yuebai read through the "Prajna Sutra", he would parasitize that ray of spiritual consciousness in her body, and use the power that originally belonged to him in her body, Slowly influencing her, and eventually leading her to help him get revenge.

But Jiang Yuebai was interested in all books, but he just casually browsed the "Prajna Sutra" and threw it aside, focusing on practicing another "Nine Transformations of the Golden Body" that Ruosheng gave her.

If Sheng had never been a serious monk, how could he be kind to people he met by chance?

Jiang Yuebai is very smart. If she is still willing to associate with Nian Kong now, Ruosheng will still use her reputation as Lord Wangshu of the Tianyan Sect to complete her revenge plan.

For revenge, Ruosheng doesn't care about anything, including his own life.

Ruosheng casually threw the jade slip back into the box, his phoenix eyes slightly raised, "Xiao Nian Kong, you and I have been together in Wuchen Bald Donkey for these years..."

"That's my master." Nian Kong interrupted Ruosheng calmly.

Ruosheng raised his hand, "Okay, it's not easy to survive under your kind and compassionate master. It's not easy to get to this day. Fortunately, heaven has opened its eyes. Your master's inner demons are haunted, and his cultivation continues to decline. He needs to close his life and die." You must be imprisoned, otherwise we would not be able to return to Prajna Temple so quickly, and he would have to imprison you until you become a Buddha."

Nian Kong lowered his eyes and said nothing.

Ruosheng smiled and said, "Okay, okay, I know you want to pay off your master's debt and help me become a Buddha, but I am obsessed with it. If I can't take revenge, I swear I will never become a Buddha, and your master's inner demons will never be forgotten." To get over it, this is the fate of cause and effect, and it is the price he paid for not saving me when he was dead, and for preventing me from taking revenge."

He closed his eyes while thinking empty words, and began to twist the beads again, silently chanting sutras.

Ruosheng lay beside Niankong with his arms on his pillow, looking at the sky through the Bodhi tree.

At sunset and dusk, the rays of rays of light shine in the Prajna Temple. A monk in white is chanting under the tree, and a demonic monk in red closes his eyes and listens to the wind.

"You are willing to help me commit evil for your master, and I am willing to abandon the Buddha and become a demon for my master. Nian Kong, we are the same person..."

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