She Made The Whole Cultivation World Cry

Chapter 735 Recuperation (July monthly ticket 2500 plus update)

Jiang Yuebai and his party were like victorious warriors. As soon as they returned to the Tianyan Sect's headquarters, they were warmly welcomed. True Lord Yuanying, True Lord Jindan and the foundation-building disciples below all watched the battle with respect in their eyes.

The same goes for the neighboring Zhuge family, who each sent people to congratulate and express condolences to each other.

There was a lively scene in the mountain. Only the Xiong family and the Tianxing Sect were silent and the atmosphere was desolate.

Tianyan Sect has already stolen the limelight and entered the public eye in the upper world with its perfect posture. It has even been directly compared with the top ten forces today.

As if they have become the dark horse of this Qingyun Association, both the Xiong family and the Tianxing Sect have realized that from now on, no matter what happens in the arena battle, the Tianyan Sect will no longer be an unknown person, and they will no longer be able to suppress it. power.

Thinking of this, Xiong and the Tianxing Sect together shamelessly sent people to congratulate him, and also gave him a lot of valuable elixirs that could speed up the recovery of the Nascent Soul cultivator.

After the excitement, everyone was tired and needed some quiet time to recuperate. Li Jiuchuan ordered Qi Ming to let everyone watching the battle leave their tents and try to ensure that each person had a room to rest and adjust their breath.

Later, when the disciples of the Jindan stage came back, they were treated the same way.

As for the stage of transformation into gods, there is only the arena battle. Tianyan Sect wins one and loses one, and the competition is still going on.

Jiang Yuebai returned to the tent assigned to her and continued to eat the spiritual stones given by Xie Jingshan, preparing to stay in seclusion.

Ten days is a bit short, but you still have to get yourself close to your prime. Most of the promotion lists are strong enemies.

Especially the leaders among the ten major forces, such as Pei Shengyue of the Jinlan Sect, Shi Yuming of the Five Mountains Immortal Sect, and Xie Jingshan representing the Zhenwu Immortal Sect must also be included. The progress of this boy during this period made Jiang Yuebai's hands itchy.

Then there is Ye Tianlang of the Scarlet Sun Sect, and the Wu family of the weapons family. The two twin boys in their families are said to be invincible at the same level if they are separated, and if they are together, they can kill and transform into gods.

The rumors were exaggerated, but Jiang Yuebai had paid attention to them during previous trials.

The ax is good, but it's a pity that I can't steal it for Bai Jiuyou.

Thinking about Bai Jiuyou killing indiscriminately with one hand and one axe, Jiang Yuebai was quite excited.

Behind them are Zhao Benlei from the Luofu Sword Sect, Feng Zhuxin from the Feng family who carries a large pen, Zuo Qiuhe from the Arctic Palace who plays the guqin, and Xing Tuozi from the Ruyi Sect who makes Jiang Yuebai dislike him.

These are all monks from the late Nascent Soul stage to the peak, and they are also the strongest in the Nascent Soul stage among the ten major forces.

As for Jiang Ling'er's Jiang Ling'er, it's poisonous. Jiang Yuebai stood still and opened his mouth, and it was fine even if Jiang Ling'er poured it in as hard as he could. Cross it out!

While Jiang Yuebai was meditating and recovering, he used his distraction to find out the intelligence on these people, especially the one given by Xie Jingshan, re-check and analyze it, and formulate tactics.

While busy, Jiang Yuebai always felt as if she had overlooked something, but the hunger hit her and she had no time to think.

In the Tianyan Sect's residence.

Tang Weimian had been waiting for Shi Xiaowu and the others to return to their base. After greeting others, he invited Shi Xiaowu, who was tired, to his tent and took out the formation diagram and calculation formula for re-calculation.

"I'm really sorry, Junior Brother Xiao Wu, I know you are very tired, but this matter is also very important to me. Look at this calculation to see if I made a mistake."

There was still a little blood on Shi Xiaowu's face that had not been wiped off. He took the paper handed over by Tang Weimian and sat at the table to look at it carefully.

Tang Weimian said, "This is the formula for the Demon Appraisal Array. I checked it according to the method you and Zhenjun Lingjun discovered, but the formula does not hold true, which means there is something wrong with the Demon Appraisal Array."

"But everything before was indeed a trial. The demons have not invaded, which means that there is no problem with the demon detection array. That means I made a mistake in my calculations. But I have calculated it three times and it still doesn't work. Really, my mind is so messed up. "

Shi Xiaowu raised his head and looked at Tang Weimian, "Does it have something to do with whether there is a problem with the Demon Appraisal Array or not?"

Tang Weimian was stunned, his eyes opened wider and wider, and a chill shot straight to the top of his head.

"Then you mean...there's really something wrong with the demon detection's really possible for the demons to...invade?"


Shi Xiaowu didn't hear clearly what Tang Weimian said and pointed to a place in the calculation on the paper.

"You made a mistake starting from this step."

Shi Xiaowu took out his abacus, paper and pen, and helped Tang Weimian check the calculations again.

"From the calculation point of view, this formation is extremely complicated. The different arrangements of the nine types of runes here and the eight types of runes here should be... this number, so if you are wrong here, you will be wrong all the time. Let me tell you. Let me calculate it again for you.”

Hearing Shi Xiaowu say this, Tang Weimian breathed a sigh of relief. It was just her calculations that were wrong, otherwise something big would really happen.

Tang Weimian sat down and watched Shi Xiaowu's calculations carefully. As a result, Shi Xiaowu calculated more and more. Tang Weimian was dazzled and gradually began to have a headache.

Tang Weimian never expected that the complexity of this formation would take more than thirty pages to complete. She only finished one page...

The corner of Tang Weimian's mouth twitched. Sure enough, she was too naive when she wanted to figure out this formation on her own.

It’s so hard to count!

In the tent next door to Tang Weimian, Li Shenzhi and Shen Huaixi were arranged together.

The main reason was that Tianyan Sect was really not famous before, so it was arranged in a small mountain stream. The place was tight, so the two of them could only rest together.

After Li Shenzhi took stock of the losses, he beat his chest for a while, and recorded those who owed him money for his life in the account book, smiling happily.

After packing up his things, Li Shenzhi looked up and saw Shen Huaixi sitting cross-legged on the futon. He was not meditating, but was in a daze again.

This is the fifth time that Li Shenzhi has seen Shen Huaixi so lost in thought.

"Eh? Eh? Are you feeling springy? Do you want to be so absorbed?"


When Shen Huaixi came back to his senses, he didn't hear clearly what Li Shenzhi was teasing him about, and murmured, "I'm thinking, if the demons really want to wipe out all the elites of the upper world at the Qingyun Meeting, what is the success rate, and what should be prepared. "

Li Shenzhi held his chin, "If you say so, Qingyunhui is indeed a good opportunity for the demon clan. If we can kill the entire elite of the upper world at once, then the human clan will not be able to slow down for at least a hundred or two hundred years."

Shen Huaixi nodded, "It is true, so this opportunity is rare for the demon clan, but nothing has happened to the Qingyun Society in the past. I have also assumed various situations. With the Mahayana Immortal Lord here, basically everything can be said to be worry-free .”

"Yes, if the demons have the ability to kill all the Mahayana Immortal Lords, the human race in the upper realm will be doomed, and it will be useless no matter how hard we struggle."

"It's not necessary to kill them all. If we can contain them for a while, then..."

"Hey, don't scare me with your blind assumptions. I'm too timid to be scared. If you have the time, meditate and recover as soon as possible. By the way, pray for a good draw in the ring battle."

Li Shenzhi interrupted Shen Huaixi. His heart couldn't bear to listen to him anymore, but the words had already entered his ears. Li Shenzhi became inexplicably irritable. He took out the life-saving things on his body and took inventory again.

Shen Huaixi smiled when he saw this, "Brother Li, don't worry, I just assumed that without the necessary conditions, it will not succeed at all."

Li Shenzhi nodded, but his hand did not stop counting the life-saving items.

Shen Huaixi cleared his cluttered thoughts, closed his eyes and fell into concentration.

Hmm... maybe... and... maybe...

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