She Made The Whole Cultivation World Cry

Chapter 954 Cutting off the flow (asking for monthly votes)

All experiences in life are never useless and will always turn into a boost for one's progress at some point.

At this moment, Jiang Yuebai relied on the experience of the demon tribe to make grass, and condensed his mind into a point, which took root in the ground like a seed.

The five elements of spiritual energy on the body condense into essence, which takes root and sprouts from the seeds. The roots turn into filaments and slowly penetrate into the original root system of the fruit tree, like a strangled vine, absorbing the nutrients of the fruit tree and helping itself to grow.

From now on, she is just a sapling, waiting for the moment to blossom and bear fruit.

Making grass is easy for her.

There are still three hundred years before the original Chaos Erosion Spirit Fruit matures, so this practice has a long way to go.

Five hundred gold elixirs and longevity are enough in time!


Time flows.

The blue waves are rushing and the grass is luxuriant.

Mayfly transformed into an old fisherman wearing a bamboo hat, sitting on the big bluestone on the river bank, swinging a fishing rod and fishing.

There was no bait or hook, so the fish in the river were circling around to entertain themselves.

Not far behind Mayfly, there was Jiang Yuebai, who was sitting quietly cross-legged. She had not moved for more than thirty years and had small mushrooms growing on her body. There was also a candle dragon gun with flying red tassels stuck to her side. .

A bit of blue light flew from nowhere and landed on Mayfly's knees. Its wings vibrated and were received under the carapace, and the blue light on its body rose and fell like breathing.

Mayfly glanced at it, "Are you sure you won't shoot yourself in the foot by doing this?"

The light on Yu Chen's body continued to flash without making any sound.

Mayfly didn't know whether he understood something or was talking to himself.

"That person just wants to go back. If you send him back, it will be over. He will do so much trouble and disturb the leisure time..."

"...What? You can't give it away? Oh, she still doesn't believe it, right? She insists on killing you and then watching for herself? OK, OK, both of them are so stubborn, it's really bringing disaster to the fish in my river. "

"Ha~ You said earlier that you chose good chess pieces, but what happened? Both of them were killed without leaving a single piece of armor! Well, this one looks good, and the sweet and bitter one is also okay, but the result is... "

"I understand, so you, the old man, want to play a big game and flip the chessboard and we will die together, right? It's amazing to be able to force your old man to do this. Alas! No fish took the bait for a long time, so I stopped fishing."

"What? You say I'm impatient. I, a poor guy who can only live for one day, don't deserve something as advanced as patience. Do you understand? Patience kills me! Go, go, go, go wherever you like, wait as long as you like. , I won’t wait any longer anyway.”

Mayfly put away the fishing rod and stood up, with jade dust flying from her knees. It fluttered back to Jiang Yuebai's head and landed on her bun. The blue light on her body continued to flicker.

"Tell me to see how far and in which direction we should go in three hundred years, ah, this way!"

Mayfly, who looked like an old fisherman, raised one foot, and everything around him was suddenly pulled backwards, and spring, summer, autumn, and winter rotated rapidly.

When Mayfly's foot fell forward, the river of time was still the river of time, and nothing around him seemed to have changed, except...

Jiang Yuebai, who was sitting cross-legged behind Mayfly, had gone through years and wind and frost. His body was covered by rock formations and turned into a statue. His body was covered with mottled marks. Together with the candle dragon gun beside him, it was entangled by vines and bloomed with lavender wind chime flowers. .

When the breeze blows, the flower branches sway and the fragrance bursts.


The wind rose from the flat ground, and the grass waves intertwined with each other, shocking the jade dust above Jiang Yuebai's head that almost turned into stone.

The river suddenly boiled as it rolled eastward. Thousands of tributaries changed directions. The water rolled up and turned into water dragons, galloping and intertwined, all rushing towards Jiang Yuebai's location.

Schools of fish flick their tails and jump, water splashes, like stars in the sky, falling into the world.


Among the dragons guarding it, a crack appeared on the statue's face, and the stone skin fell off, revealing the fair skin underneath.

The shadow of a short tree, across time and space, coincides with the statue, flickering in and out.

There is a green fruit on the tree, slowly showing its mature glory.

Mayfly, who looked like an old fisherman, looked at the nearly cut off river in the distance and the increasingly majestic river behind Jiang Yuebai, holding his hands and smiling.

"The time is just right!"


At the same time, the land of chaos in the earthly and spiritual world.

After Li Jiuchuan dealt with the sect's affairs, he returned to Jiang Yuebai's retreat, cleared out a wave of ferocious beasts around him, inspected and strengthened the formation, and replaced the formation nails that were about to break.

The sun and the moon fly by, and time changes.

Li Jiuchuan is approaching the late Nascent Soul stage, and he has studied the formation here clearly. However, his good disciple, who has been practicing hard in seclusion for three hundred years, has not left seclusion for three hundred years, and there has been no movement.

Today, Li Jiuchuan entered the depths of the formation on a whim and worriedly, and opened the barrier inside the cave.

Li Jiuchuan was shocked when he saw the situation deep in the cave.

Jiang Yuebai is missing!

Instead, there were two Chaos Spirit-eating Fruit Trees that looked exactly the same inside and outside the mirror.

Li Jiuchuan clearly remembered that there was only one tree here.

After careful inspection, he found that the lines on the branches, the veins of each leaf, and even the number of leaves in each branch of the extra tree were exactly the same as the original ones.

The only difference is that the original tree had five about-to-ripen fruits, but the new one only had a solitary green fruit.

At this time, the five fruits on the tree began to tremble slightly, and wisps of gray mist overflowed from the center of the green fruit. The green fruit also began to become foggy, and the peel appeared with swirl-like lines.

The Chaos Erosion Spirit Fruit is about to mature!

Li Jiuchuan suddenly became nervous and quickly opened all the protection of the formation.

Immediately afterwards, the green fruit on the subsequent fruit tree also vibrated, and tiny air currents wrapped around the green fruit, creating a whirlpool.

The gray mist on the five fruits condensed into filaments, like tentacles, slowly probing towards the single green fruit.

They are like indistinguishable identical fruits on a tree, gathering the power of five fruits to ripen a single fruit.

The moment five wisps of gray mist pierced a single green fruit, the Chaos Erosion Fruit Tree instantly turned into dust. Among the dust was Jiang Yuebai's almost transparent body.

The golden light in her dantian was brilliant, and the heavenly golden elixir, which was as transparent as glass, absorbed five rays of chaotic energy and stirred up a small vortex in the center of the golden elixir.


The surging airflow suddenly broke out, and Li Jiuchuan was caught off guard and was knocked back by the airflow.

The sky shook and the earth shook, and the rocks cracked.

Over the entire land of chaos, violent winds howled, and the mixed energy was driven by the weak vortex in Jiang Yuebai's dantian, forming a majestic giant vortex that covered thousands of miles of land. It madly absorbed the turbulence between heaven and earth, and even the space was torn apart. crack.

All the ferocious beasts in the Land of Chaos sensed the crisis and fled in all directions, wailing. The cultivators who were undergoing training also panicked and turned into streaks of escaping light, moving away from the range covered by the vortex.

Li Jiuchuan felt Jiang Yuebai's rapidly rising aura at close range. He jumped from the golden elixir to the Yuanying, and then directly broke through from the Yuanying to the transformed spirit. It was terrifying and had no tendency to stop at all.

The entire formation was torn apart, and the cave began to collapse from above.

Li Jiuchuan couldn't bear the power exuded by Jiang Yuebai, so he could only take a deep look and turn around to leave.

Li Jiuchuan was both happy and sad at the same time, because he had already had a premonition that his daughter was leaving here. (End of chapter)

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