Shelter Game: I Can Synthesize Infinitely

311 The Road To Self-Rescue, The Strange Kidnapper!

"Most definitely.

Seeing that he was in a low mood, Hua Le could not help but comfort him. After all, he was also cheering himself up, "Before I passed out, I found an opportunity to leave some means, which should be able to spread the news that we were kidnapped.

"I just don't know when Brother Bai Ye will be able to find him."

Originally, Dahu had completely accepted their fate and thought it was impossible for them to escape this time, but after hearing the name Bai Ye, they suddenly looked at Huale in surprise, Mo Qi?"

"The Bai Ye you mentioned, does he look like this..."

When Huale was confirmed, Dahu was instantly excited, "Great!"

"It turns out you are Brother Bai's girlfriend. In this case, we will definitely be able to save you!"

After some exchanges, both of them understood that the original connection between them was Bai Ye, and they suddenly became much closer.

Dahu trusts Bai Ye very much. After all, the opponent is powerful. As long as Bai Ye knows the news and the opponent Huale, they will be rescued no matter what. It just depends on whether Bai Ye can catch up.

"Sister Bai, it's really thanks to you this time.

Hearing this, Hua Le blushed immediately and did not dare to look at the other party. He whispered, "Sister-in-law... I... The matter between me and brother Bai Ye has not been really determined yet. w

"Hahaha, whatever the sister-in-law says is whatever it is."

Dahu was in a good mood.

He looked at the other six people who were still unconscious and said, "They kidnapped us and didn't notify the captain and Brother Bai that they would redeem us, kill us, or break into our shelter."

It seems that it can only be a very dirty thing. "

"Sister-in-law, I may have to wrong you a little later."


Huale was a little confused, but after Dahu's explanation, he finally understood.

He pointed at the six unconscious people and the food piled randomly in the corner of the carriage, and said, "Ever since they were arrested, these people

He would check our physical condition from time to time, and if he saw someone harming himself, he would immediately stop him and send someone over for treatment.”

"So, I think the real messenger cannot accept people who are physically disabled or injured. At the worst, they need us to heal our injuries before we can take the next step.

Immediately after Dahu finished speaking, he suddenly hit one side hard, and his head was bruised and bloody. But he didn't care, and continued to Hua Le with a smile, "Sister-in-law, as long as you hurt yourself. , we can buy more rescue time for the captain and Brother Bai."

"Of course, this is just my guess. If you don't want to get hurt, sister-in-law, it doesn't matter. I will protect you when the time comes."

"If anything happens, I, Dahu, will be the first to come."

Hearing this, Huale felt very complicated.

She stared blankly at the opponent's wound for a long time. After a long time, she finally made up her mind and gritted her teeth and said, "Dahu, do it for me too!"

"You are right, only by working hard can we live longer until Brother Bai Ye and others come over.

"I'm sorry, sister-in-law!"

"Ah... it hurts..."

One after another, the six people around Huale and Dahu woke up. They were surprised to see the two men with their heads bleeding and they thought they had been taught a lesson by the kidnappers.

In this regard, Huale and Dahu had nothing to say, and still closed their eyes to rest.

I don’t know how much time passed, but everyone finally stopped feeling the bumps, and the door of the carriage was opened.

Familiar men in black robes appeared, and they asked people to drive them away. However, they were very unhappy when they saw Huale and Dahu being injured. One of them even glared at Dahu, "What do you want to do? When you got in the car, you didn't do anything. Injuried!"

"Haha, I would like to ask, what do you want to do?"

At this moment, Dahu was like a broken jar. He looked directly at the opponent's only exposed eyes and said with a smile, "They tied us up and didn't tell us the purpose. They didn't contact friends and family to redeem us. It seems there is something ulterior. It’s a secret.”

"Huh! You won't be able to laugh anymore later."

The man in black robe was very angry, but he had already arrived at his destination, so he had to suppress his anger and ordered the others, "Take them away first, and I will ask the woman for instructions!"


A group of eight people were brought into a room by them. Then, a man in a white coat came in with medical supplies and said to Dahu and Huale very unhappily, "You two better be honest. times, it is absolutely impossible to survive.

Hua Le has been observing here and found that the white coats were always very cautious when treating their injuries, even taking out only a few medicines. He immediately understood that these people's medicine reserves should not be much.

Treating both of them made her understand that Dahu's previous analysis was extremely correct. She relaxed a lot for a while and just murmured in her heart, "Brother Bai Ye, you should have seen the guard now, right? I hope." Can you come quickly..."

The two of them stayed in this room for a day before they were forcibly taken away by the men in black robes.

Together with others, they walked through the long corridor, went all the way down, and finally arrived in a wide hall.

Looking around, there were quite a few people brought there like them, but Huale and Dahu didn't see the rest of the people in the cellar.

Suddenly, the two of them understood that there should be more than one person doing this.

Not long after, a man still wearing a black robe, but with a special pattern embroidered on the collar, walked in, stood among them, and said loudly, ".||Everyone lined up, men and women on separate sides, to be inspected. !”

There was a lot of commotion in the crowd. After all, they didn't know what fate was waiting for them.

Soon, when everyone was divided into two long teams, the man in black robe continued to say, "Now, everyone comes forward one by one to be inspected."

Huale and Dahu deliberately lined up not far from each other, and could clearly see each other's expressions.

Ten minutes passed quickly. When it was Huale and Dahu's turn (good Wang Zhao), the white coats in front of them frowned when they saw the wounds on their foreheads, and then said in a cold voice, "Unqualified" !”

As soon as they finished speaking, two men in black robes walked up to them and took them away directly.

There are many people who have suffered like Huale and others, which made the others even more excited.

After being taken away by the men in black robes, Huale and Dahu thought that they would be dealt with directly or have other fates, but they were surprised to find that they were actually sent to a room with basic living conditions. Facilities, and the man in black robe also brought some food. Before leaving, he said, "You are not allowed to leave the room without an order."

"Those who violate this rule will be killed without mercy!"

Hearing this, Dahu and Huale breathed a sigh of relief, knowing that they had made the right bet before!

These people must have ulterior secrets when they arrest them, and they need their health!

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