After dawn, the people who came to help left one after another.

The people who left began to show off their relationship with Lieyantang. This operation went very smoothly and how wise Bai Ye's decision was.

The Flame Hall became famous again, but those who left first were sulking, blaming themselves for not persevering more.

More people came here because of the reputation, but they were all blocked outside.

"As an information collection center, it is not a good thing for the base area to be exposed to public view.

"I understand, our base will be changed soon, and we will take you to the specific place.

He Chongtian has already chosen a new base area and will be able to completely transfer it within a few days.

Bai Ye is very satisfied with this. After the matter here is resolved, it is time to return to the shelter.

When Bai Ye and Mina06 returned to the shelter, everyone greeted them.

What surprised Bai Ye the most was that the shelter had changed a lot. The interior was decorated like a palace, and it no longer had the aura of poverty before.

"This is my own decoration. If I'm not satisfied, I can restore it to its original state."

"No, you're not a decoration designer, are you?"

Bai Ye couldn't help but doubt.

The roe deer scratched his head in embarrassment and said that he was very interested in drawing and had always wanted to be a painter.

Now Bai Ye has officially handed over the management of the sanctuary to Roe Deer, believing that he can make the sanctuary more perfect.

"Can I?"

The authorized Roe Deer people were stunned and stood there blankly looking at Bai Ye.

Bai Ye laughed and said jokingly: "I will pay you, don't worry."

"No, no, no, I'm not like that.

The roe deer hurriedly explained, panicking for fear that Bai Ye would misunderstand.

Other people also laughed and congratulated Roe Deer for becoming a housekeeper, which is a responsible official position.

When the roe deer was embarrassed to accept the congratulations, the fox man appeared through the teleportation array, and he brought news about the Dark Empire.

"The patriarch has investigated the location of the Dark Empire, please follow me."

The fox people still have feelings of resistance to humans, their tone of voice seems a bit stiff, and they are even more angry when facing other people.

Mina was very dissatisfied and prepared to teach the fox people what respect meant.

The fox man leaned forward, stretched out his tail in a fighting posture, and his eyes were full of fierceness.

"Stop, now is not the time for internal strife."

Bai Ye rushed to the two of them and scolded them seriously.

Even though the fox man spoke harshly to himself, he did not cause any harm to himself. There is no need to pay too much attention to this matter.


Mina lowered her head to apologize, but the fox man turned his head arrogantly and walked towards the teleportation array first, as if he didn't want to stay for one more second.

Seeing the fox man look so arrogant, the people in the shelter were all dissatisfied.

"What kind of fox man, because you let people destroy the cause.

"That's right, my nostrils are turned up to the sky, how can it be so different from Jade Face!"

Dahu complained angrily. He could understand that the fox people had a cold temperament, but he couldn't accept it if he looked down on people.

Bai Ye didn't understand why Yumian sent this fox man here, and he was easily taught a lesson by everyone.

"Cangye, I just went to investigate the Dark Empire, right?"

"no problem."

Since coming to the shelter, Cangye has not performed well, and now he finally has the opportunity to prove his strength.

Mina, Dahu, and Zhang Hanhai also want to go together.

Bai Ye naturally refused. The risk factor of this mission was extremely high. Although Cang Ye did not know how to fight, his abilities were convenient and more suitable for their investigation.

The others gave up unwillingly and watched the two of them enter the teleportation array.


The Dwarf King and Yumian were still waiting. When Bai Ye arrived, they quickly introduced the information they had obtained.

According to the interrogation of the Holy Mage and others, they knew the contact information of the Dark Empire. This week they sent people to find the base of the Dark Empire.

"The base of the Dark Empire is near the village to the west of the Demon City."

"A village near the west of the magic city." 983

The only nearby village is the ruined village that Ye Li and I arrived at before. If that's really the case, maybe we can use Cang Ye's power to force it.

"Let's go, speed up."

On the one hand, they are worried about the safety of Ye Li and others, on the other hand, they are worried that the Dark Empire will escape.

The people who went this time were Bai Ye, Cangye, Yamian, the Dwarf King and the Goblin King.

Originally, Bai Ye did not recommend that the Dwarf King go with him, but the Dwarf King said that this matter was related to his good friend, the Goblin King, and how could he not do his part as a good friend.

After such impassioned speech, the Goblin King was so moved that he immediately wanted to sworn sworn brothers with the Dwarf King.

The deep brotherly love between the two made Bai Ye a little speechless. He didn't know when the two of them had such a good relationship.

Yumian shook his head and said that many things happened after Bai Ye left. He also accepted the Goblin race as their partner, but the Goblin character was not used to it yet.

Cangye was confused, and had no idea how the dwarfs and goblins could become partners. .

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