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"Well, at least it's okay to bandage a wound."

However, there is no good result for emergency treatment.

"It's nothing. I just went to play in the ancient city yesterday, and encountered robbers on the way." Shen Lanfeng sighed helplessly, before he could continue his words.

"She got into a fight with a mugger?"

"I guess so……"

"If the other party didn't hesitate, she would have almost fallen into the water."


Lan Wenchen came here all day long, and Chen Yu could only settle down and get used to it.

Turning around, he turned to Lan Wenchen again, and whispered: "I really have you, Lan Wenchen."

If it wasn't for Shen Lanfeng...

In fact, she didn't know that one day things would develop like this.

"I'm going to contact the bureau, you just wait to be scolded."

Lan Wenchen's heart was a little cold, but when she arrived in City B, she was destined to not be so free.

The driver drove the car downstairs to the gate of Bureau Zuo, and his wife was already waiting for the two distinguished guests at the gate in advance.

"Ma'am, where is the boss?" Chen Yu asked, "Should I inform the boss in advance of her situation?"

The middle-aged lady glanced at Lan Wenchen, and said impatiently, "It's also possible."

Chen Yu walked away, Lan Wenchen also wanted to follow, but the middle-aged lady stopped her: "Don't follow the past to join in the fun, don't you think the situation is messy?"

"I'll explain it to you at the bureau seat, and bandage it with me first." The middle-aged lady said softly, "I'm not in the hospital, and I don't have an assistant. Can I ask Miss Shen for help?"

"When... of course."

She pushed the big iron gate outside the courtyard and walked in.This house is a mansion, and Shen Lanfeng has never entered such a big house in his life.

The house has three floors, the first floor is where people live, the second floor is a place for leisure and entertainment, and the third floor has a large warehouse, which is a place for cases.

Lan Wenchen sat obediently on the chair in the living room in a daze. His wife had already gone to get the medical tools.Seeing that she was not used to it, Shen Lanfeng drew the curtains of the living room a little.

It was only at this time that Lan Wenchen felt that it was a bit unnatural to wave his arms.

Although Shen Lanfeng gave her medicine, she didn't get better at all.

She slowly curled her body forward, holding her knees with her hands in a daze.

"Do you need something?" Shen Lanfeng asked beside her, "I'll help you."

After all, fighting the robbers by force is only for Shen Lanfeng.

"I want to drink water." Lan Wenchen replied without energy.


Ever since Shen Lanfeng fed her a bowl of porridge last night, Lan Wenchen was barely drained.

"Okay, wait for me."

Shen Lanfeng signaled her to be at ease, and then left.

It took about half a minute for the lady to come out with medical tools and a scalpel.She carefully observed the wounds on Lan Wenchen's arms, some places were deeply pierced into the skin, and they didn't look like knife wounds at all.

"A few stitches may be needed in some places." After checking the lady, she explained, "Please tell me honestly what happened."

"I accidentally got it during the fight." Lan Wenchen lowered his head and said implicitly, "A hook..."

How uncomfortable is she then?

"But with some medicine, it's much better than before."

"Will the medicine relieve your pain at that time?" Madam was sweating anxiously, "Lan Wenchen, I told you several times to solve problems calmly. Is there no monitoring or security in the park?"

You go up in person?

But there is one thing to say, Lan Wenchen was angry at the time, but he really didn't feel anything.Or maybe falling into the lake is worse than being stabbed by a hook.

The lady put anesthesia on her and began to stitch up the large gash on her right arm.

Shen Lanfeng came over with a cup of hot water and put it on the coffee table next to her. The wife was sewing stitches carefully, and she didn't dare to disturb her.

"Help me take a picture, I'm going to deal with these bruises."

Shen Lanfeng complied obediently.

The lady took the pliers and forcefully pierced the blood.


Lan Wenchen wailed.

"You still have the nerve to shout out?"

Madam seemed to want to curse, but couldn't.The voice was half gentle and half accusing, but Lan Wenchen still didn't dare to look up at her.


"Just hold on for a while, and you'll be fine."

Lan Wenchen had no choice but to follow suit. After suffering for more than ten minutes, this minor operation was finally over.

The last step is to bandage the wound.

But the "hard days" were not over yet, and the seats came out.Lan Wenchen knew who it was just by the sound of footsteps, a big man who couldn't even be held back when he went crazy.

"Lan Wenchen!!"

That blood, that needle.


"You just want to make trouble for me, don't you?"

How dare she?

Although no matter what mistakes he made, he could let the past go, but he never wanted to see Lan Wenchen get hurt.

Lan Wenchen stared at his wife with small eyes, hoping she could explain something to him.

"I'll explain her matter to you later, let the patient rest first." Madam gave Shen Lanfeng a look, "Take her to the room opposite, and I'll make some tonic soup for her in the evening."

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