Sherlock Holmes

Chapter 131 Heart, heart!

Sherlock opened his mouth slightly in shock.

He is not a person who is good at being surprised, because he knows that many things can be explained by reason. He was once surprised by his dreams, and was once surprised by the tentacled sun in the sky, which were things that he could not understand.

At this moment, the scene in front of him was also incomprehensible to him.

This feeling is extremely wonderful. He is not only able to see the perspective falling from the sky. At this moment, he can still see the ward in front of him, and he can also see the white quilt. Lord Nightingale is beside the bed, but at the same time, Moran's almost inactive body was also in his mind, and the two were strangely not in conflict with each other.

'What's happening here? ’

Sherlock thought subconsciously

And with this thought in his mind, the emergency room in his mind suddenly disappeared. Then he saw the endless mountains, and he turned into a wisp of wind, rushing along the ridges of the towering snow-capped mountains. After a while, , he came to a town again. A stream passed by the edge of the town. Children were playing in the water. He saw a fire. The firewood in the fireplace was burning. He saw an old man buying wine. I saw a drop of dew on a green leaf, and I saw the stars in the clear night sky.

He saw too many things. These things may have appeared one after another, or they may have rushed into his mind at the same time. Even with his thinking ability, he felt that it was a bit overwhelming, but he didn't know how. Stopping, he could only let the countless information wash over his consciousness like a rising tide. What was even more frightening was that he felt that a long time had passed, but unfortunately, he still had a true perspective. , so he knew that only two or three seconds had passed.

This time gap caused an extremely painful tearing sensation in his senses. He even suspected that a normal person would faint or even go crazy under such a wash!


"Are you really okay?"

A voice rang in his ears. At this moment, all the information in his mind suddenly disappeared. Sherlock returned to normal at this moment. He was so fast that he didn't even react. Then, he took a few big breaths. He breathed heavily and looked at Nightingale, who was looking at him with some worry:

"I" he hesitated for a moment, thinking that he might not be suffering from a disease like paranoia.

But he didn't really express this idea, because he could vaguely feel that the situation just now seemed to represent...

I have finally entered the second stage of being a contractor.

At the same time, twelve kilometers away, there was a large general hospital.

It was the family that Sherlock saw when he fell from the sky just now.

The entire hospital was now in a closed state, and the guards of the Guardian Knights were constantly patrolling around it. All the doctors and nurses in the original hospital were dismissed. Now stationed inside is His Royal Highness the Son's personal medical team.

However, at this time, the people in these teams did not gather around His Royal Highness the Holy Son, but all gathered around a maid.

This maid was the most seriously injured among the survivors of the entire disaster.

In fact, she can already be classified into the ranks of the dead.

The injuries all over his body are completely irreversible, his organs are almost exhausted, the nerves in his limbs have been broken into countless segments, and there are many more injuries, but there is no way to classify them, because these injuries have long exceeded what a human can bear. limit.

Outside the isolation window, Moriarty's expression was very calm, but he had been standing in front of the window motionless for two hours. Except for a few violent coughs in the middle, his eyes almost never left the person on the other side of the glass. That extremely miserable body.

Countless people were busy, and countless medicines and equipment were applied to Moran. A brass device was buckled on her chest. The slightly trembling dial represented that the heart was still beating weakly.

"It's been so many days and there's still no improvement?" Moriarty asked without any emotion.

A doctor on the side hesitated for a moment and then spoke slowly: "Ms. Moran's injury is extremely serious. We have stopped her bleeding and all her organs have been treated as perfectly as possible. But she lost too much blood. , coupled with the long-term overload of combat, her heart has entered a state of irreversible decline, and even the repair solution cannot."

"I want to hear the results." Moriarty interrupted the other party and asked coldly.

"The result is that she will die."

Moriarty's expression did not change at all, but he did not speak. He just remained silent and looked at the young servant in front of him without blinking.

Not long ago, he had spoken to Miss Nightingale. However, due to the long journey these days, treating patients, and running away all night, of course, the greatest possibility is that the five people in the metal barrier Minutes, in short, Miss Nightingale has no way to use her healing power in the short term. She even ignored the dissuasion and injected a stimulant, but it still didn't help.

Everything seems to be an arrangement of fate.

Moriarty had never believed in fate in his life, otherwise he would not have been so arrogant that he was a savior, nor would he have frantically escaped from the venue of the Day of Holy Love under the gaze of countless people.

He has always felt that fate can be changed.

But at this moment, he looked at the tremor detector that was fading a little, and finally felt the powerlessness coming from the bottom of his heart.

He could only watch like this. Finally, the beating hands stopped.

At this moment, Moriarty's eyes flashed with panic. He had never experienced such panic when he was eroded by the "Divine Comedy" in the British Library.

"What does this mean?"

He didn't know why he asked this. Of course he knew it meant that the heart had stopped beating. Could it be that he had become the kind of ridiculous person who tried to deceive himself?

"Your Highness the Holy Son, you should take a rest."

Next to him, a doctor tentatively said this.

For a moment, these words seemed to have a physical form, and they ferociously pounced on Moriarty, but they did not pounce on his ears, but on his throat, and then crazily penetrated into his trachea and pierced into his lungs. In his chest, this made him cough painfully, and his whole chest felt like being hit by countless shrapnel. He even couldn't help but cover his chest, staggered for a while, and gritted his teeth to prevent himself from bursting out in pain. The ultimate cry!

"Molan. Is he dead?"

He looked at the calm but bloodstained face on the other side of the window, thinking about their first meeting, their companionship with little communication for more than ten years, their common growth, and those sleepless nights. , the other party also stood waiting outside the study very quietly, thinking of them riding in a carriage, thinking of the umbrella the other party held for themselves, countless thoughts turned into a revolving door of just the two of them, at the moment of Moran's death , it seems that he is also following the other person in recalling these long scenes that passed in an instant. And the kiss that he dared not move under the light.

However, at this moment, Moriarty's memory suddenly flashed across a person who was completely incompatible with this situation.

The old man who met him once by the river.

At the same time, he thought of what the other party said.

When Moriarty saw this sentence at the time, it was just a bargaining chip with him, but when he thought about it now, it seemed to have some kind of prophetic hint.

The old man said that his heart stopped beating for a full 430 seconds! ! !

Moriarty raised his head suddenly!

"Find a way to contact Dr. Franklin, the challenger for next year's Castling Ceremony."


An entourage next to him couldn't help but be startled. He didn't follow His Royal Highness the Son's thoughts at all, and even felt that he heard wrong. However, as a professional, he responded quickly:

"But Your Highness, the Translocation Ceremony is one of the most important meetings within the imperial government. At this time, would it be inappropriate for us to contact Dr. Franklin?"

The man reminded His Royal Highness the Holy Son very professionally, but suddenly, he could not continue talking.

Because he saw His Royal Highness the Holy Son's extremely angry eyes and only looked at each other for a moment, he no longer dared to say any unnecessary nonsense. He immediately lowered his head and responded:

"Yes! Let's do it now!"

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