Sherlock Holmes

Chapter 168 Imperial Citizen Security Protection Department

The huge spray gun spit out scorching heat, and the 10-centimetre-thick seal was like a thick iron rod with a rich red light on the edge, melting little by little on the iron door.

Catherine looked at the scene in front of her, and her breath froze almost subconsciously!


"What are you doing?!"

Sherlock had never heard Catherine's voice be so angry, and he had never seen her so careless about her image, and she even violently pushed away the watching staff in front of her.

As a second-level contractor, her strength is far beyond that of ordinary people, so this push directly pushed the person to the side into the crowd, and then without losing her strength, a large number of people fell down with a crash. On the ground!

At this time, people around her also noticed her arrival, and looked sideways. Then they watched the old dean's daughter angrily walk towards the person holding the spray gun, glaring at him.

The man holding the spray gun also panicked. He knew exactly why Catherine was angry, so he quickly closed the spray gun and timidly explained: "Miss Katherine Kay, I am also following the instructions from above. Don't make things difficult for me."

"Above?" Catherine naturally would not embarrass the worker in front of her: "Who asked you to do this?"

"It's an order from us." A voice came: "We are affiliated with the Imperial Citizen Security Protection Department."

Catherine followed the sound and looked over, and then she saw two people wearing Imperial Army uniforms standing in front of the crowd. They wore badges with a sword as the icon on their chests, which were merit medals issued within the Imperial Army. , it can be seen that the two people in front of him have high positions.

"Why do you do this?!" Catherine didn't seem to have the slightest respect for the Imperial Army, and even walked over directly, looking between the two with extremely aggressive eyes.

However, the two men did not show any fear when facing the anger of a combat-type cleric. They just said coldly: "According to the investigation and review of our department, this machine developed by Professor Charles Darwin, the former dean of the Academy of Life Sciences, , has hidden dangers that endanger social stability, so we have the right to seal and destroy it."

"That's ridiculous!" Catherine gritted her teeth and squeezed her voice out from between her teeth. She held her hands tightly and seemed to be trying hard to suppress the urge to kick the two people in front of her away: "I have never heard of this department. Also, why do you say that this machine will endanger social stability?"

Every scientific researcher must regard his research results as precious as his life, and Professor Darwin is even more so. At this time, he learned that the machine that his father had spent all his efforts to develop was inexplicably linked to a 'hazard' In the name of social security, Catherine would of course be angry. Even Sherlock admired her ability to control her emotions. If it were anyone else, she would most likely have acted irrationally.

But the words have not yet fallen.

One of the supervisors from the security department slowly took out a document, handed it to Catherine, and said in a deep voice:

“This is a medical report from a volunteer from the Academy of Life Sciences.

On December 11, 5 years ago, he accepted Professor Darwin's invitation and conducted an experiment on the "Soul Visibility Device".

After the experiment, he returned home and felt headache, nausea, and shortness of breath.

In the five years since then, this feeling has been with him. Until three months ago, he suddenly jumped up in the hospital bed and attacked an attendant crazily.

Afterwards, the hospital conducted a series of examinations on him and finally determined that he suffered from some kind of mental illness.

However, there were no factors in this person's past experiences that could induce his illness. Therefore, looking back, there is only one possibility. It was the test about the [Soul Visualization Device] he participated in five years ago that caused him to suffer from the disease. Mania with violent tendencies.

According to the Imperial Social Security Law, such items that can induce people's violent tendencies must be destroyed."

He spoke word by word, but Catherine just flipped through the information in her hand. Then, without waiting for the other party to finish speaking, she just "stab", tore the entire report in her hand into two halves, and then threw it on both sides. On the supervisor's face, her eyes seemed to be looking at two bags of garbage:

"Are you fooling children?

Can such a report be used as a reason to destroy a machine that has been developed for thirty years? !

This is the School of Life Sciences!

How dare the imperial government exercise power indiscriminately here? "

"The Academy of Life Sciences is also within the government's territory, and the staff of the Academy of Life Sciences are also citizens of the government, so we naturally have the right and obligation to protect the safety of citizens!"

The two supervisors were completely unafraid and refused to give in.

However, Sherlock looked forward very suspiciously.

Of course he was not looking at the crowd, but was wondering about the information that had just emerged in his mind.

Because the information he saw about the [Imperial Citizen Security Protection Department] showed that this organization is actually a very small government department.

Although it sounds like a great name, in fact, those who can protect the safety of citizens include the police station, the army, and urban security deployment. However, the [Imperial Citizen Security Protection Department], a purely civilian department, can hardly protect anything. , reporting on the battle situation on the front line was basically handed over to the Holy Journal, and they were not even needed to print the slogan "Beware of Small Demons".

Since the establishment of the empire, the number of people working in this department at the same time has been only 6 at most.

How could such a completely useless department suddenly have such high authority?

The weird meaning revealed in this, even a fool can see it!

Oh, you can’t say that, because ordinary citizens of the empire definitely don’t have Sherlock’s mind. They have no idea what this department is like. Its name is enough to scare people, so in their eyes, this department seems to have real rights. Very big.

"Just because of this case, you want to destroy a machine that may change the future of the empire?!

Also, how could you so hastily prove that the people in the data got the disease from this experiment?

Did he say it himself? Or are you just making it up and randomly writing the results on a piece of paper?

I need to speak directly with the person involved! I need audio of his revelations of the Light! "

But the two supervisors in front of him said tepidly: "Because the patient was extremely dangerous when he fell ill, he had already undergone a lobotomy a week ago."

Catherine's breathing gradually became heavier.

"Also, according to us, Professor Darwin's machine was a failure. He even died because of this machine. Therefore, we destroyed it without any loss. Please understand. .”

After these words, Catherine's eyes became colder. She looked at the two people in front of her very seriously. She knew that these two people were not contractors, let alone powerful soldiers who had experienced life and death on the front line of the war, so as long as she took action, You can easily shoot these two people to death!


"I'm sorry, I don't understand." Catherine said.

In fact, she now clearly understands that the purpose of these two people here is to destroy her father's machine. It has nothing to do with the security of the empire, so the information in their hands is just a better-looking cover. That’s all.

But while she was angry, she also held on to a glimmer of hope.

Because in the past few days, the deputy dean has personally appeared to obstruct it, and Baskerville's chief of staff has spent more than a week traveling from the coast of Redeker Strait, and now he wants to directly destroy his father's soul visualization device. .

Academy of Sciences; Crusaders; Imperial Government;

All forces seemed to be putting pressure on the investigation into his father's death.

This further proves that my guess is correct, there is something fishy about my father's death!

Moreover, such concentrated obstruction seems to prove that the current investigation is in the right direction!

So, Catherine ignored the two supervisors and stopped having meaningless arguments with them. She just turned around and came to the door of the laboratory, then pressed a piece of seal between her hands that had not been welded, and started Break it apart

A Sister of Judgment who has received the most professional training from the Holy See specifically for fighting, her strength is naturally not too small, and the seal has just been welded, and those hot and scarlet welding points have not completely cooled down.

So, she just started to tear down the seal with an extremely tough attitude and extremely direct brute force.


Loud, piercing sounds echoed down the corridor, hitting the walls, and then compounded into an even more piercing sound.

Those who were listening could not help but plug their ears.

And the two supervisors didn't seem to expect that the daughter of Dean Darwin could be so arrogant.

But instead of appearing panicked, they showed a curious, long-awaited smile.


A man slowly took out a gun from the inside of his clothes!

At this time, Catherine was facing away from the two supervisors, so she didn't see the black muzzle, which was already aimed at her back.

These two chapters were rushed out in a hurry. The quality is not great, but the sensory experience should not be too bad. Also, please give me a vote.

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