Sherlock Holmes

Chapter 38 My Domain (Part 2)

In order to avoid contact with that crazy gaze in the sky again, Sherlock did not raise his head to look at the sun in the sky, but quickly but extremely cautiously stepped onto the long street. And with a few breaths, he turned all his perceptions into information. , presented in the mind.

Temperature, sand, sound, and thick air

If this is really hell, then maybe Sherlock is the only one who has set foot in hell.

Oh, no, there was another person who entered hell once, Lord Dante, who once killed the evil god of hell. Speaking of which, why did Lord Dante never disclose the appearance of hell to the empire after returning to the world?

Maybe he had made the description public before, but as a civilian, he didn't know it.

Sherlock just thought, observed, and analyzed as he walked along the edge of the building, his fingertips touching the wall that had weathered for countless years, and watching the mottled surface decompose into lines of fine sand. , as the wind of hell blows into the distance.

Everything around him has a fatal attraction for him

He wanted to look through the ruins aside to see what was hidden in the dark shadows. He wanted to walk through this path and see the wider street view outside the corner. He wanted to go very far, very far.

However, this is not a tourist area after all! Therefore, the danger that had been foreseen finally came.

In this hot and bloody world, Sherlock, as a human being, smells almost like opening a can of herring in a closed space filled with top-quality perfume.

That smell is impossible to hide.

Oh, this may be a bit contradictory, but... demons hate top-notch perfumes, and they love canned herrings!

So, at this moment, an idle corpse dog suddenly raised his head, his nasal cavity that had rotted into his skull quivered, and then he turned his eyes incredulously and looked in the direction of Sherlock.

A human and a demon just looked at each other across the long street of hell.




With a sudden but expected roar, the carrion dog stood up after rubbing against it, and then rushed towards Sherlock crazily.


Sherlock sighed helplessly, but he was not afraid. Such corpse dogs can be found everywhere in the real world. As long as they smash their heads and mess up their brains, they will not get up again.

In fact, most demons will die obediently as long as their brains are messed with, so Sherlock is very keen on messing with his brains, which can give him a sense of security.

However, in the next second.

"Ouch, ouch, ouch——"

"Ouch, ouch, ouch -"

Several more roars were heard.

In the real world, due to the protection of the Holy Light, it is almost impossible for demons of the same race to gather together. Therefore, Sherlock did not know that the Carrion Dog was originally a kind of social demon, often wandering in groups of three or five.

In short, following this howl, similar sounds came from at least three directions, and then a chaotic and chaotic rushing sound rushed towards this direction.

"excuse me."

It is impossible to give up the desire for exploration, but if you fight with a group of hell demons now, you are not dedicating yourself to the desire for exploration, but you are simply stupid.

Fortunately, he must have been prepared for this situation. On the way here and from his observations in front of the apartment window just now, he was able to determine that there was no place where a huge demon could lurk around, at least when he ran back. During these 15 seconds in the apartment, no demon should suddenly jump out and block the way back.

So, go back to the apartment, close the door, and see if that room can keep the devil out as before. Even if you can't, you can calm down quickly and spend about three to five seconds to wake up in the real world.

Without saying much, Sherlock turned around, increased his speed to the limit, and ran like crazy along the route he came from.

And the hell dog is also chasing after him!

Fifteen seconds passed in a blink of an eye, and Sherlock rushed into the apartment. Unexpectedly, the dog behind him was not slow and actually caught up with him!

"Well, it looks like I have to kill you first." He sounded quite apologetic.

Thoughts haven’t settled yet!

The carrion dog had already rushed over, opening its bloody mouth to take a bite of the rare food in front of it. In the process, its paws inevitably crossed the doorway of the room.

In other words, the contracted devil who set foot on Sherlock was the area where the caterpillar crawled.

A moment! ! ! !


Sherlock frowned. He was ready to open the dog's head, but suddenly he found that the corpse dog in front of him had stopped moving.

Well, although it's a bit strange, this demon who was so overwhelmed by appetite just a second ago stopped the moment he stepped into the room!

In fact, it can't be said to have stopped completely, because Sherlock could see that this guy's body was shaking violently, as if he had stepped on a place that he should never touch, which created a fear that transcended reason and instinct.

It wanted to escape, but couldn't.

The skinny body was roasted by the scorching heat of hell, sending out bursts of green smoke, floating slightly in the small room. The hell dog had a gaping mouth full of sharp teeth, and one eye had fallen out of its socket due to decay and the wild run just now. Connected by a thin nerve, it buzzes near the mouth.

It was so difficult to maintain a fixed posture,

Sherlock had a weird illusion. If the devil also had sweat glands, then the poor little guy must have been frightened and sweating profusely at this moment.

It was this weird intuition that made Sherlock frown even deeper, because he didn't know what frightened the demon into this state.

Then he moved forward and even waved his hand to his mouth.

However, the carrion dog had completely lost its desire for human flesh and blood at this time. It was just trembling and whimpering, like a flying insect stuck on flypaper. It could only accept it with fear and misery. own death.

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