Shinigami: Start With The Invisible Empire

Chapter 145: Dimensional Arrow And Five Swirling Dragons Of Destruction! 【Please Subscribe】

Along with the collision of Zanpakutō, terrifying invisible impacts continued to be heard in the void.

The battle between Aizen and Qianye is a confrontation of extreme Reiatsu and a collision of extreme kendo.

In just a blink of an eye, hundreds of attacks and attacks broke out between the two. This was the pinnacle showdown between Shinigami in this life.

The speed of the two people reached the limit. If anyone was watching the battle around, they would probably only see mysterious flashes of light erupting in the void.

Aizen kept slashing with four to five combos, but Qianye caught it beautifully with his high-speed rotating Zanpakutō, and seized Aizen's fleeting opportunity to launch a surprise attack with White Hits.

However, as a nearly full-level hexagonal warrior, Aizen has the White Hits that are not inferior to Qianye's. He also blocked Qianye's attack with his feet. The moment the White Hits blasted each other, shock waves like ripples spread out, and even The background of Hueco Mundo seems to have become distorted.

At this moment, I don't know if it was due to the continuous high-speed and extremely powerful attacks, but terrifying radial cracks were produced under the feet of the two. These cracks continued to spread and instantly separated the desert of Hueco Mundo.

Reiatsu's storm began to stir up sand and dust, and the burst of light between the two also heralded the fierce battle.

"This is...the first time I have fought to this extent with a complete attitude!"

Qianye couldn't help but speak.

At this moment, he was almost fully attacking.

Reiatsu and Kendo, these are the two foundations that he has reached the limit. He has reached the Ultimate at this moment. However, facing Aizen, he did not have half a "three-nine-seven" advantage.

I thought Aizen's swordsmanship might be lacking. After all, even Sister Hua couldn't reach the end. Unexpectedly, Qianye's estimation was wrong.

Not only that, Qianye is not as fast as Aizen!

His Shunpo and flying sickle kicks have reached perfection, but they are far from the limit.

At this moment, while activating Shunpo, Qianye added Fei Lianjia and used the flowing spirit to speed up his speed, but he was still caught up by Aizen.

Because of the suppression of speed, at this moment, between the two of them, the balance of victory gradually began to tilt.

"Qianye, your Shunpo and flying sickle legs seem to be lacking!"

"Is it because of insufficient cultivation?"

Aizen showed a calm smile. At this moment, he seemed a little relaxed.

"If that's the case, then I'm coming!"

In an instant, Aizen accelerated beyond Qianye's perception.

Qianye had no choice but to use his probing nerves to capture, but it was still too fast and could only capture the slightest trace of Aizen.

With just one meeting, Qianye was suppressed.


Qianye was overwhelmed and was knocked away from the front.

The next moment, Qianye held up the Zanpakutō in his hand and was about to speak. Aizen seemed to know what Qianye was going to do and spoke faster.

"Hadō no Ninety - Black Coffin!"

In an instant, the extreme Reiatsu turned into a terrifying gravity torrent, hitting Qianye's body.

The huge gravity caused Qianye's body to tremble slightly, blocking his Shikai.

The next moment, the dark gravity countercurrents converged in the blink of an eye, forming a huge coffin, trapping Qianye inside, and densely packed gravity sword blades piercing into it, "as if laying a final epitaph for Qianye!"


At the moment when the black coffin was formed, terrifying dark clouds appeared in the sky of Hueco Mundo, and among the dark clouds, golden thunder continued to surge.

Aizen's eyes narrowed slightly, showing a solemn expression for the first time.

"Are you coming?"

“Even the weather in Hueco Mundo can be forcibly affected!”

"What an incredible power!"

In an instant, Aizen took a step forward and left the place at top speed.

At the same time, thunder fell down, hitting the desert where Aizen was just now, the Hueco Mundo desert, and exploded with a bang.

Then, in the formed black coffin, Qianye's voice sounded like terrifying thunder.

"Accept the punishment from heaven amidst the thunder!"



The terrifying golden thunder soared into the sky, pulling the dark clouds in the sky. Three lightning bolts fell instantly, completely cracking the black coffin, and then formed a terrifying thunderstorm that exploded directly in Hueco Mundo.

Along with the golden flash all over the sky, a figure walked out of the terrifying thunderstorm.

Qianye's whole body was shrouded in golden thunder, and the sand around Hueco Mundo floated around him due to the electromagnetic force of thunder, looking somewhat inexplicably holy.

Lei Shu-Yu Lei Ciyi!

Feeling the terrifying power of annihilation in the thunder, Aizen smiled and couldn't help but clapped his hands.

"What a powerful force!"

"Thunderbolt...The strongest lightning element Zanpakutō!"

"His Shikai, no matter how many times you watch it, it always sparkles with the aesthetics of violence!"

Hearing this, Tian Ye smiled.

"You should have seen this move at Shuangji Hill!"

"So, you should know that just relying on speed advantage is no longer tenable in front of me, right?"

The moment he finished speaking, Tian Ye stepped out.


Along with the thunder, Qianye disappeared instantly, like lightning.

The power carrier's magnetism continues to push Qianye forward, accelerating to Ultimate and facing Aizen.

"Thunder-Thunder Punishment!"

Pay attention to the terrifying blow of Thunderbolt, released from the tip of Zanpakutō, and directly kill Aizen's head.

Aizen looked calm and made no move.

Qianye narrowed his eyes slightly, anticipating Aizen's actions.

Dodge? Or take the blow with Zanpakutō?



Aizen calmly raised his right hand and caught the terrifying thunder that was coming directly with his bare hands.

Seeing this, Qianye's pupils shrank and she was very surprised.

The next moment, Aizen grabbed Thunder with his bare hands.

His arm was originally destroyed by the power of annihilation, but the thunder stopped a few millimeters away from Aizen's palm.

Qianye narrowed his eyes slightly.

"This is... Negación!?"

"No, not exactly——!"

Aizen smiled.

"Qianye, do you think I will come to fight you without any preparation?"

"This is the [Negación Shield] I formed by layering Menos Grande's [Negación] and my Reiatsu on each other using Hōgyoku!"

“Because of the spatial structure of [Negación], millions of layers of Reiatsu shields were superimposed on the palm of my hand just a few millimeters apart.

Hearing this, Qianye narrowed his eyes slightly.

Is it the [Million Dong] used by Aizen in the original work?

No, that level of defense couldn't possibly block his electric attack.

"Is it because of Negación..."

Qianye increased his output and found that the thunder could not get close to Aizen's skin. It was as if there was a separate space above the [Negación Shield]. "

"I see. Is this a countermeasure created solely to deal with my thunder?"

Hearing this, Aizen smiled.


"After all, your Raijin and the captain's Ryūjin Jakka have almost the same level of destructive power. Even I need to pay attention!"

Suddenly, while speaking, Aizen raised his other hand, pointed it directly at Qianye, and spoke calmly.


"Zanken Kizai, except for Kidō, I have already understood all of your other skills!"

"I just don't know what your Kidō attainments are?"

A moment!

As Aizen's words fell, a terrifying Reiatsu was instantly compressed and condensed in Aizen's palm.

The next moment, the corners of his mouth moved slightly and he spoke calmly.

"Hadō no 99 - Five Swirling Dragons of Destruction!"

In an instant, the compressed limit Reiatsu turned into five giant Reiatsu dragons soaring into the sky. The terrifying instant output caused the desert Hueco Mundo where the two of them were to suddenly collapse. There were even broken [black cavities] emerging around them, even the space. It can't be stabilized anymore.

Five Reiatsu dragons rose into the sky and charged towards Qianye.

Qianye's eyes narrowed slightly. Due to Aizen Zanpakutō, he lacked effective means of output. Therefore, his Kidō attainments were quite terrifying and had reached the limit.

Hadō No. 99, even facing Qianye at this moment, is quite oppressive.

"Well done!"

Qianye's face hardened, and he raised his hand to respond with thunder.

But Aizen is fast enough...

"Don't be too anxious, Qianye!"

Aizen looked calm and grabbed it with his bare hands.

Qianye suddenly felt that something was blocked in the sky, and an invisible strange barrier opened above Qianye's head.

And this barrier prevented the surging golden thunder from falling.

Qianye narrowed his eyes slightly.

"Aizen, you don't think my thunderbolt is just able to control the thunder and lightning in the sky, do you?"

"Of course I don't think so!"

"But it's enough for you to pause for a moment!"

Qianye wanted to draw the thunder out of his body, but at this moment, the Five Swirling Dragons of Destruction had arrived and it was too late.

"You have planned this all!"

"In this case, let me be the first to break the deadlock!"

With that said, Qianye gave up the idea of ​​dealing with the Five Swirling Dragons of Destruction. When he raised his hand, a bow and arrow appeared, and Tian Ye directly pulled it up.

"Dimensional arrow!"

That's the inability to feel Reiatsu's attack!

It doesn't belong to Shinigami, nor does it belong to the Quincy!

It is the power of the transcendent!

At this moment, Aizen's face condensed and showed a serious expression.

"Are you coming?"


Qianye shot the arrow directly.


As the void exploded, the arrow flickered in front of Aizen like a flash of light, releasing a brilliant brilliance.

At the same time, Five Swirling Dragons of Destruction engulfed Qianye.

Qianye directly blocked it with [Thunder Armor] and [Blood Equipment], trying to withstand the blow forcefully.

Aizen on the other side also instantly drew out his Zanpakutō in the face of this attack!

On top of Zanpakutō, there is the construction of [Negación Shield].

"What an amazing power!"

Aizen slashed at this [Dimensional Arrow].

However, the shield that was enough to block the output of [Thunder Killer] could not isolate the power of the Transcendent, and directly shot through it.


Aizen's Zanpakutō was bounced away. The terrifying power was not enough to resist the arrow, and it went straight towards Aizen.


The next moment, the Dimensional Arrow and the Oolong Transformation exploded at the same time, engulfing both Qianye and Aizen. The sky was filled with smoke, obscuring all sight.

At this moment, everyone who sensed this battle was stunned.

Because just now Qianye and Aizen's Reiatsu experienced terrible fluctuations at the same time.

That kind of confusion is a sign of weakness!

At this moment, as the smoke dissipated, two figures slowly emerged.

Qianye's skin is covered with azure vein patterns, and at the same time, the thunder of thunder emerges.

However, both 5.9's defenses were broken, and Qianye was injured, leaving Qianye covered in blood.

Aizen on the other side was also in a very embarrassed state.

His shirt was torn open on his left shoulder.

A terrifying bloody hole was discovered.

A dimensional arrow directly penetrated Aizen's spirit body!

"As expected of Kidō No. 99!"

"This is the first time I've been hurt like this!"

Qianye lamented that last time someone from the Masked Legion used Kidō No. 99 on him, but it had no effect at all.

However, when released with Aizen Limit Reiatsu, they are completely two concepts, and their power is not in the same dimension at all.

Qianye immediately used [Spiritual Repair] to restore his own injuries.

At the same time, Aizen on the opposite side also smiled.

"I should praise you!"

"Qianye, Kidō No. 99 released by me, Reiatsu, only caused you this little injury! 21

"You have grown beyond my imagination!"

"At the same time, I should also thank you!"

"You showed me my limits, my limits as a Shinigami!

"Take this, it will be my growth!"

"No, it should be called...evolution!"

The moment he said these words, the hole in Aizen's shoulder suddenly shrank and recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye.

At the same time, Aizen took off the clothes on his chest, revealing the [Hōgyoku] embedded in his chest that was emitting a strange light!

"You see, Hō responding to my expectations!

PS: Please give me flowers and votes!


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