Shinigami: Zanpakutō Of The Wood System, The Spirit King's Palace Transforms Into A Buddha!

Chapter 67 Wood Style Secret Art Upgrade! The Strongest Seat In History!

tree bondage!

Bury everything!

I haven't waited for everyone to react.

The five-fold Kidō enchantment originally occupied by splashes and waves.

It becomes green in the blink of an eye!

Looking around, countless huge vines are intertwined with each other!

like a wooden mountain,

The suppression was on Shiba Kaien.

No matter how the latter struggles.

The shackles of vines will only become more and more difficult to break free!

Even to the end.

Wrap around Shiba Kaien's body tightly!

Leaving his arm with obvious strangulation marks one after another!

It directly leads to the loss of Shiba Kaien's strength!

In the end, even the barrel of the trident couldn't be held firmly!


"Dang bang!!!"

The sound of metal falling to the ground.

In the empty contest venue, it was extraordinarily loud.

The thick sound was like a thunderbolt!

It hit everyone's heart hard!

It brought an indescribable shock!

The audience was silent.

The needle fell silently.

The rising sun in the early morning.

At the moment it is hanging high above the head.

But at this moment, there is a strange chill in the air!

Surrounding the five-tiered Kidō barrier.

The officers and soldiers of the Thirteenth Division.

Or look dull.

Either pupil quake.

Everyone stared blankly at the bottom of the vine-like tree.

See Shiba Kaien's embarrassment!

I was so shocked that I couldn't even say a word!

"Too violent!!!"

"Captain Kaien's aura has just reached its peak!"

"It was suppressed in an instant!"

"Bai Chen's wood system, Zanpakutō, is too scary!"

Until this moment.

Everyone really realizes that the rumors are true!

Bai Chen's Zanpakutō "Wooden Dragon"!

Really has super attack power comparable to Ryūjin Jakka!

And what just happened.

It is undoubtedly the best example.

In the case of Reiatsu peers.

The strongest "Nejibana" of the flowing water system.

In the face of the Wood Style secret technique, it has no power to parry, and it will shatter when touched!

Such a disparity in strength.

It intuitively shows how big the gap is between these two Zanpakutō!

"I lost..."

"Kaien, he has no power to fight back......"

among the crowd.

Shiba's expression was extremely complicated.

In addition to feeling distressed for her husband.

She also realized her own perception of Bai Chen's strength.

How superficial it is!


Three seats are also good.

Adjutant is also good.

In fact, they are not worthy of Bai Chen's strength!

The person he should really challenge should be Jūshirō Ukitake instead!

Only the identity of "Captain Shinigami".

Only then can it really show the power of Zanpakutō "wooden dragon"!


"This is not a life-and-death battle between enemies..."

"Otherwise, Vice Captain Kaien would have been completely buried by now..."

From the side came Xiaochun Xiantaro's panic-stricken voice.

In the process of tree binding.

As long as Bai Chen has any killing intent.

Shiba Kaien has long since disappeared into this world!


Xiaochun Xiantaro soon found out.

Although because of Bai Chen's mercy.

There is no obvious injury on Shiba Kaien at present.


His Reiatsu!

And the power of Zanpakutō "捩々" flower"!

It seems that it is being continuously absorbed by the roots wrapped around its body!


Huge tree roots, constantly driven.

During every ups and downs.

They are constantly absorbing, all the Reiatsu around!

“Compared to when we were in Karakura Town...”

"Those two Arrancar slaves devoured by the wooden dragon..."

Reiatsu from "Zanpakutō "Nejibana", sure enough lived up to my expectations...

Ignore the sensation and amazement around you.


Bai Chen is immersed in it.

Those twining giant roots, after absorbing the Shikai Reiatsu of "Nejibana".

Synchronize feedback to your own feelings!


Everything was as Bai Chen expected.

Reiatsu of Zanpakutō "Nejibana".

It can indeed be turned into nutrients! It brings obvious strength increase feeling!


The attack range of trees and vines!

Absorbed the advantages and forms of those flowing water and waves!

Later in the process of violent growth.

It will be more silky and expand the attack range!


Because of the nourishment of the spirit seed water flower.

The strength and hardness of the trees have also been significantly improved!

In other words.

Whether it's Wood Style mysticism.

Or the power of Bai Chen himself.

All because of this duel, they upgraded and became stronger in situ!

"about there………"

"If you continue to suck it, Shiba Kaien will be squeezed dry at once..."

A few minutes later.

Bai Chen raised his hand and waved lightly.

Removed the "Tree Binding Forever Burial" spell.


In the eyes of everyone's incomparable dread.

The vine-like wood that rolled all over the sky gradually degenerated into green spiritual seeds.

Until it disappears a little bit!

And with the disappearance of the huge trees, the riots in the competition venue were finally subsided.

As for the unlucky Shiba Kaien, after getting rid of the shackles.

So soft and exhausted!

Finally, powerless, he fell to the ground!

"Thank you Bai Chen!!!"

"If you didn't know how to measure and show mercy in time..."


"Kaien is going to have permanent sequelae!!!"

At the same time that the tree binding eternal burial disappeared.

Jūshirō Ukitake also ordered the chairmen to remove the five Kidō barriers.

at this time.

Watch as Reiatsu suffers a lot of plunder.

And Shiba Kaien, who almost fell asleep, fell to the ground.

Jūshirō Ukitake's eyelids fluttered.

If it weren't for Shiba Kaien's body, there would be an obvious life fluctuation limit.


With his heart attached to his adjutant, Jushiro can no longer keep his composure!

"Captain Jushiro..."

"Although don't worry, "Loyalty needs to be cultivated in a short period of time......

"Vice Captain Kaien will soon be able to return to his prime!"

When Bai Chen uttered the words "vice captain".

Immediately reminded Jūshirō Ukitake, and all the members of the 13th squad.

according to rules.

Because in a fair duel.

Witnessed by the common eyes of all the officers and soldiers.

Bai Chen with overwhelming strength.

Defeated Shiba Kaien very strongly.


The post of "Vice Captain" of the latter will change hands!

From now on, Bai Chen will be the new lieutenant!


Looking at Bai Chen.

Another glance at Shiba Kaien who fell unconscious on the ground.

Jūshirō Ukitake shook his head, sighing helplessly.

Has been for decades!

He has long been used to it, and Shiba Kaien is by his side.

Time to take over team duties for yourself!

Think here.

Jūshirō Ukitake couldn't help feeling very sorry.

But feelings are one thing, but rules have to keep promises!


After tidying up the mood.

Jūshirō Ukitake announced loudly:

"Bai Chen..."

"Your strength is impeccable!"

"Sufficiently perfect for the position of "Adjutant"..."

"So from now on..."


Jūshirō Ukitake hadn't finished speaking.

But it was suddenly interrupted by Bai Chen:


"Captain Jushiro, I need to clarify..."

"Actually, in my eyes, "challenge" and "responsibility" are two different things!"

"And as a "newcomer", I am not perfect for the position of adjutant as you said...

"So... please allow me to refuse your appointment!"

Although Bai Chen's tone was flat.

But his eyes and attitude are quite firm.

That's not even waiting for Jūshirō Ukitake to announce his appointment.

So he directly predicted in advance, and rejected the other party in one tone!

And this move.

Sudden reversal.

Once again, everyone was surprised!


"Did I hear wrong?"

"Bai Chen actually voluntarily gave up the competition for the seat?"

Shiba Kaien's wife.

Shiba opened his mouth wide in astonishment.

The face under the black hair has an expression of disbelief!

She really didn't expect it.

Bai Chen would give up so simply!


"But in Gotei 13, the position is second only to Captain Shinigami!"

"It is the identity that countless people dream of, and the person they admire!"

"I actually said I gave up and I gave up..."

Shiba is all around.

Hu Che's voiceless and beautiful eyes flowed.

Once again, in Bai Chen, I feel a quality that is different from others.

As a result, the favorability has increased again!

"Bai Chen, what do you mean?"

Jūshirō Ukitake frowned.

Refuse appointment, don't want to be adjutant?

Isn't this taking the regulations of Gotei 13 as a child's play!


Just when he was about to say something.

Bai Chen went on to give a reasonable rationale:

"Captain Jushiro..."

"I know, because of your physical condition, you can't handle team affairs for a long time..."

"So in the past few decades, Kaien's deputy captain has basically been in charge of the Thirteenth Division..."

"And I just joined the team today! I basically don't know much about the specific things in the team...

"So, in order not to affect the operation of the fan team, the vice-captain Kaien should stay on!"

Meet everyone's eyes.

Bai Chen expressed his attitude calmly.

He really doesn't want to be the vice-captain!


"Bai Chen, I understand what you're thinking!"

Jūshirō Ukitake nodded slightly, and said in agreement:

"Since you insist on asking, then I will not force others! What's more, in terms of team affairs, Kaien is indeed inseparable!"


Jūshirō Ukitake looked away.

He looked at (to Li Zhao) Shibadu who stood at the top of the crowd.


"Your "Three Seats" position, take the initiative to give up to Bai Chen, do you have any objection?"

Jūshirō Ukitake said decisively.

Bai Chen will serve as the third seat.

In the beginning, Shiba proposed it on his own initiative.

And do so.

It can be regarded as humility to Bai Chen just now.

Necessary sophistication!

"no problem……………"

"Captain Jushiro, your arrangement is very appropriate!"

"Bai undoubtedly the most suitable candidate!"

Shiba nodded without thinking.

And turned to look at Bai Chen, and responded with a warm smile.

"very good……………"

"Since everyone has no opinion..."

"Then this battle for seats will come to an end!"

After proper arrangement.

Jūshirō Ukitake breathed a sigh of relief.

Three seats.

Second only to the captain and adjutant.

It is the highest seat in a team.

Arrange like this.

Neither has wronged Bai Chen.

Also kept Shiba Kaien decent.

At the same time, it also convinced the members of Team Thirteen!

It can be said that everyone is happy!


"Once the news gets out, the whole Gotei 13 will definitely be a sensation again, right?"

Jūshirō Ukitake looked at Bai Chen.

He muttered to himself in a low voice:

"Bai Chen clearly possesses the strength of a captain..."

"However, he succumbs to the position of the third seat!"

"From now on, without a doubt, he will be the first person in the history of Soul Society..."

"The strongest seat ever!!!".

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