Shinigami's Full Level Becomes a God

Chapter 144 One Against Two 【For Automatic】

"You guys...Who allowed you to attack the people who moved the 11th team?" Zaraki Kenpachi had an astonishing aura in his body, and that ferocious face was filled with a terrifying aura.

"You speak loudly, Zaraki Kenpachi, do you know what you're doing?" Komamura Sajin's majestic voice came out of the mask, shaking like thunder.

"Che, you idiots, relying on your captain's status to take action against the fourth seat of the team, you really lose face to the captain." Zaraki Kenpachi fought head-to-head, even facing two powerful captains alone, he still did not lose the wind.

He stepped over and stood in front of Liuyun. He tightly held the long sword in his hand, his arms trembling uncontrollably, not because of fear, but because of excitement~.

Being able to fight with the two captains makes the blood in Zaraki Kenpachi - boil!

He roared excitedly: "If you want to take Liuyun away, then kill me first.

"Captain!" Liuyun stood behind, looking at the stalwart figure of Zaraki Kenpachi, he was inexplicably moved. Although he has not joined the 11th team for a long time, Zaraki Kenpachi is willing to stand up for him at the risk of being punished by Central 46. This friendship is worth a thousand dollars!

"It's nothing, it's just some annoying flies, don't worry about me." Zaraki Kenpachi turned sideways and showed a confident smile at Liuyun.

"Xiao Jian is really manly, hee hee!" Kusajishi Yachiru stood on Liuyun's shoulder, showing a cute smile at Zaraki Kenpachi.

"Hey, Yaqianliu, you and Liuyun just watch from the sidelines, this battle will end soon." Zaraki Kenpachi held Zanpakutō high and slashed down in the air, a shocking crack appeared on the ground, undoubtedly showing the His mighty!

"But..." Liuyun wanted to say something, but was interrupted by Madarame Ikkaku.

Madarame Ikkaku patted Liuyun's shoulder and said with a hearty smile: "Ha, don't worry. I don't think you have seen the strength of the captain when he took off the blindfold, so just take this opportunity to enjoy it."

Ayase Chuan added in person: "Yes, the captain didn't give his best when we fought against you last time. Don't forget, he is the man who bears the title of [Kenpachi]. Even if two captains join forces, it is not necessarily able to beat the captain."

"Oh." Liuyun sighed helplessly, and could only nod slightly.

In fact, he wasn't worried about Zaraki Kenpachi, but he didn't want Zaraki Kenpachi to stir up this muddy water. If Zaraki Kenpachi is implicated because of his own reasons, I'm afraid he will feel bad in his heart.

In fact, Liuyun is very aware of Zaraki Kenpachi's character. Once he decides to do something, he will complete it without hesitation.

That said, it's going to be a never-ending fight that will never end unless Zaraki Kenpachi falls!

"Arrogant guy, you are truly a lunatic in Zaraki District." Komamura Sajin squeezed Zanpakutō tightly, obviously irritated by Zaraki Kenpachi's arrogant attitude.

"Ignore his provocation, Komamura."

Tousen Kaname stretched out his arm to stop Komamura Sajin, and said indifferently: "Since he joined Gotei 13, he has always been like this. A beast is a beast after all. Even if it is bound by rules, it will still find ways to expose its nature. Your existence is a great threat to the entire Jing Ling Ting, Zaraki Kenpachi!"

"Cut, don't talk to me about righteous truths. If you want to fight, just come at me." Zaraki Kenpachi sneered disdainfully, and roared impatiently: "Even if it's two-on-one, it's not enough for you to test the knife. .”

In front of countless people, Zaraki Kenpachi actually underestimated the two captains. As soon as he said this sentence, it immediately caused an uproar.

"Obviously the captain, why is Zaraki Kenpachi so arrogant?"

"Is he really confident that he can defeat the combination of the two captains?"

"Could it be that he is overly confident in order to make a strong shot? No matter how strong he is, he can't beat the two Bankai."

The residents of Rukongai are talking, they are not optimistic about Zaraki Kenpachi, but think he is bluffing. Although Zaraki Kenpachi bears the title of 【Kenpachi】, but he is also the captain, how can he be one against two!

0 for flowers...

"It's annoying to be so annoying, hurry up and let the horse come here. If you are afraid of making a move, then it's my turn." The figure of Zaraki Kenpachi surged out, swung Zanpakutō and slashed at Komamura Sajin fiercely.

"It really is a lunatic!" Through the hole in the helmet, it is obvious that Komamura Sajin's eyes flickered with a trace of solemnity. Facing the menacing Zaraki Kenpachi, he hastily pulled out his Zanpakutō.


The sharp blades collided with each other, bursting out a crisp enjoyment.

At the same time, an astonishing Reiatsu erupted from both of them at the same time.

Two extremely terrifying Reiatsu shrouded the Run Lin An block, sweeping every corner like a storm. All residents can feel this terrifying Reiatsu. Their faces were pale, and they even hid in the house and dared not go out, for fear of being implicated innocently.

"Ha, the power of this slash is not bad, it can barely be regarded as a warm-up exercise in the morning!" Zaraki Kenpachi kept waving Zanpakutō, and at the same time roared ferociously, as if enjoying the fun brought by the battle.

"You dare to provoke so weakly, that's why I say you are too arrogant, Zaraki Kenpachi!" Komamura Sajin fixed his eyes and held the Zanpakutō handle angrily. He lifted Zanpakutō high and slashed down in the air.

The powerful Reiatsu condensed and formed, turning into a terrifying sword pressure and continuously spreading forward along the ground.

Click, click, click...

The ground shattered, stone chips flew across, and countless cracks appeared on the flat street.

"As I said, an attack of this level is useless at all!" Zaraki Kenpachi hissed and roared at the top of his lungs. He also swung Zanpakutō vigorously, and a golden Reiatsu slash broke through the air and collided with the sword pressure in front of him.

Reiatsu rioted, sword pressure overflowed, but did not cause any damage.

Zaraki Kenpachi was unscathed, still dismissing the provocation.

"It's too weak, let's take a shot together!"

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