Shinigami's Full Level Becomes a God

Chapter 196 Overwhelming Power

"I'm not interested in opponents who are too weak.

Liuyun stared at Xubai with great interest, but when he saw the severed arm, he said with a little disappointment: "Oh, it seems that you have been seriously injured, so the battle will become even more boring."

"Liuyun is the leader of the Kidō, don't underestimate him, this guy has the strength of a captain!" Shiba reminded with a solemn face.

"Don't worry, the more powerful the opponent is, the more interested I am. No one has taken me seriously over the years." Liuyun didn't take Shiba's single-minded reminder to heart, but said lightly.

Zanpakutō【Invincible】hasn't had a Shikai since his duel with the post-Bankai Unohana Retsu six years ago.

Gradually, Liuyun once again felt

How lonely it is to be invincible!

That's why he agreed to Matsumoto Rangiku's request without hesitation, on the one hand to protect Shiba secretly, and on the other hand to find out the whereabouts of the captains who defected from the Soul Society.

Liuyun didn't know, his calm appearance angered Xubai.

Ring and turn!

Without any warning, Wei Bai appeared in front of him instantly.

With one arm raised high, the sharp blade slashed down in the air.

"You have Reiatsu, but your combat style is similar to Shinigami's. It seems that you are very different from Hueco Mundo." Liuyun said slightly surprised.

He played against Yammy, Nnoitra, Holly Bell in Hueco Mundo. Although they are powerful, they rely more on their virtual instincts and the primitive animal nature hidden in their bones to fight.

Blank but different!

He's more of a "Kon and Shinigami cross".

With sharp blades hanging above his head, Liuyun said calmly: "But speed alone is not enough. Because... I am faster than you!"

In the next second, everyone saw a dumbfounded scene.

Liuyun's words had just reached their ears, but his figure appeared strangely behind Xubai.

"Hadō one, rush!"

Liuyun pointed in the air, on Sunday's back.

A blast of air shot out along his fingertips, piercing through the thick black armor. Xubai (cabi) was hit hard, and the huge recoil caused his body to fall to the ground

The whole process only takes a few seconds!

"It's too strong!" Shiba Yixin and Kurosaki Masaki exclaimed from the bottom of their hearts.

Especially Shiba's single-mindedness caused huge waves in his heart. Although he received a back slash from Aizen, in Shikai's case, he was suppressed the whole time, and he was even helpless to fight back.

Although Xubai had an arm cut off by him, his combat effectiveness was not greatly affected.

If Kurosaki Masaki hadn't arrived in time, I'm afraid he would be beheaded by Xu Shiro!

However, Liuyun easily repelled Xubai with just one of the most basic Hadōs without even using Zanpakutō.

As the saying goes, there is no harm without comparison, and the comparison highlights Liuyun's powerful strength.

"It's only been six years, has he reached this level of control over Kidō?" Shiba said with a lingering fear as a drop of cold sweat rolled down his cheeks.

On the other side, Kong Wang.

"Captain Aizen, he has become stronger!" Ichimaru Gin's eyes flickered, and the smile on his face was rarely the same as before. Even though he was far away from that battlefield, he still felt deeply afraid.

"Lord Aizen, what are we going to do?" Tousen Kaname rested his palm on Zanpakutō's sword hilt, ready to strike at any moment.

He looked at Liuyun's back, his eyes were full of hatred. Being defeated by Liuyun in Rukongai back then became an indelible shadow in his heart.

In the past few years, Tousen Kaname has been thinking about revenge all the time.

It's a pity that the gap in strength between him and Liuyun is getting bigger and bigger.

Liuyun is like the bright moon in the nine sky, the afterglow reflects the sky of Soul Society. And he is just an inconspicuous star, whose light is completely covered up.

"Don't act rashly, continue to wait and see!" Aizen ordered solemnly.

It's not that he's afraid of Liuyun, but that he doesn't want to expose himself easily. What's more, this is not Soul Society, nor Hueco Mundo, but this world.

Once he fights against Liuyun in this world, it might easily destroy this place, and even attract Gotei 13's attention.

Either way, it went against his plan!

"Liuyun..." Aizen murmured in a low voice, a cold light flashed deep in his pupils. He is not waiting, but looking for a suitable opportunity to make a move.

Aizen, who is used to controlling everything, will only take action when he is completely in control of the situation. But now it seems that Liuyun has almost no flaws!


Xubai roared to the sky, and the berserk Reiatsu surged out. Even with a broken arm, he still rushed towards Liuyun like a killing machine [without fear, he launched a sudden offensive.

swipe swipe...

He swung his single arm wildly, slashing down one after another.

"After all, one arm was broken, you are still too weak!" Liuyun shook his head in disappointment, and did not plan to continue entangled with Xubai.

Immediately afterwards, Bakudō chant came from his mouth.

"Thundering chariot, gap in the spinning wheel, this thing has clusters of light divided into six!"

"Sixty-one of Bakudō, six-stick light prison!"

A beam of light suddenly appeared, and then quickly turned into six thin bands of light, directly trapping Xu Bai's body.

"Roar!" Xubai roared crazily, struggling desperately, but the more he struggled, the more his body was immobilized, especially the one arm, which was unable to move.

"Although you are different from those Menos Grande in Hueco Mundo, you are still too weak to make me serious. Well, it's over!"

There was a hearty smile on Liuyun's face, he came to the white body, raised his finger, and pointed the sun in the air.

"Hadō no 4, Shirai!"

A ray of bright thunder shot out along the fingertips, and under everyone's shocked eyes, it actually pierced through Xubai's head!

PS: Today is Chinese New Year's Eve. I wish all readers a happy new year, a healthy family, and a prosperous Year of the Rooster!

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