The two woke up, and the two were taken out of the warship by other ship girls of Wei'an and returned to the resting room.

"We didn't see it wrong."

The deep-sea submarine finally stayed in the same bed with her enemy, but now she had no romantic thoughts at all, only fear in her eyes.

"I'm not sure, but I can't feel the breath on the pendant wrong. It's definitely a deep-sea flagship."

The deep-sea light mother is now rarely arguing with the deep-sea submarine, and said in a serious tone.

"The flagships that are closer to the seas where humans and ship girls live should be the only ones, and they love purple..."

"It should be the only one in the southern waters."

The deep-sea submarine said suspiciously.

"So what it means now is that there is a flagship in the Deep Sea of ​​our so-called admiral!"

"Will we be bullied by her? I heard that she is very irritable. She destroyed the Deep Sea who didn't listen to her."

The Deep Sea Light Mother said with some worry.

"It should be okay. If she is also the Admiral Deep Sea, she should be restrained like us and should listen to the Admiral's command."

"If she bullies us at that time, wouldn't it be better to just hug the Admiral's thigh and cry? This is your strong point."

"As an admiral, he can't just ignore us."

The Deep Sea Submarine analyzed very seriously.

"What you said seems to make sense. We will do so when the time comes."

"What should we do now? Just wait here for him to arrange things for us?"

After knowing that there was no danger to life, the Deep Sea Light Mother was completely relaxed and looked at her little enemy with a comfortable face.

"Otherwise, he won't allow us to go out, we can't cause trouble for him, after all, we are also in the deep sea, if we are seen, something bad might happen."

"And isn't it good now? He told us what you want, just tell the maid later, now we should be able to easily get the supplies that were difficult to get before."

"Like that happy water, it's too hard to get, we can only get some by robbing some garrisons every time we are in the open sea."

The deep-sea submarine swallowed subconsciously.

"Good suggestion, I'll go to the maid tonight to ask if there is any, and I can finally read the sequel to the book about the forbidden feelings between the deep sea and humans that I read before."

The deep-sea light mother thought happily.

"I suddenly realized that it seems to be pretty good to become a human deep sea. At least I don't have to stay in that cold sea. I can get whatever I want and there is no danger."

"I agree."


"Brother-in-law, what are you looking at?"

Saratoga looked at Vian, who was drilling in and out of the deep-sea submarine, and asked with a puzzled look.

"Look for ship equipment that can be used."

Vian knew that the ship equipment used by the golden deep sea was far superior to that of the ship girl.

Especially now that he has captured a golden submarine directly, he dare not imagine what kind of powerful ship equipment it can have.

Because his previous energy was basically focused on the hull of St. George, the progress of the hull of the bluefish was not very smooth.

And the submarine he expected must be much more powerful than other existing submarines, and then the submarine's attack capability will follow.

Now that Xuefeng and the others have not returned yet, and the missiles have not been landed for the time being, the submarine now only has the ability to attack.

Why are submarines more threatening than other surface warships? Isn't it just the torpedoes launched in the dark?

Moreover, these torpedoes have their own guidance function, either acoustic guidance, wire guidance, or even wake guidance.

Because submarines can dive deep, they can get closer to the target than other warships and deliver a fatal blow.

But unfortunately, in Vian's memory, the torpedoes that come with the bluefin tuna do not have self-guidance capabilities.

There is not even passive sonar guidance.

But now the addition of the golden deep-sea submarine has given him an unexpected surprise.

What kind of ship equipment will the deep-sea submarine, which is much more powerful than normal ship girls, bring him?

You must know that as the deep-sea flagship, Baicai contributed a 510mm main gun to him.

Soon Vian took Saratoga to find the location of the torpedo tube and saw what he wanted.

For this, a long period of research was started, and even the sky outside darkened.

Come, Shropshire called him out for dinner but he didn't respond.

Because this ship equipment is exactly what he urgently needs now.

A dual-homing torpedo with acoustic guidance and wire guidance.

But it is not any torpedo he knows in his impression, just like the technology tree that Deep Sea deliberately skewed.

With both active sonar homing and wire guidance and dual homing capabilities, Wei An knew that he had to collect the data of this torpedo.

The possible disadvantage is that the speed of this torpedo is very slow, only 30 knots and the attack distance is only 5000m.

It is a little short for his current attack distance of more than ten nautical miles, and such a close attack is too risky for his ship girl.

This is what he needs to avoid.

So in the end, Wei An decided that he would only collect data for this torpedo and not manufacture it.

Then he drew the data of the torpedo into a drawing and gave it to Yubari, who had been nagging in his ear for a long time.

Let her help him perfect the torpedo plan.

If he was in a hurry to use it now, he could just split and disassemble the Deep Sea torpedo data and put it directly into the research and development to see if the acoustic guidance and wire guidance can be directly combined on the torpedoes that Xuefeng and the others are using now.

That's why Wei An was particularly serious when collecting the data of this torpedo, because it really concerns the important equipment that his fleet will use in the next period of time.

So when Wei An came to his senses, the sky outside had completely darkened, and he almost fell when he walked out of the submarine.

Because he was weak today and hadn't eaten well, but this was just physical fatigue.

His spirit was full of energy.

And with all the guarantees, Wei An fought for the opportunity to continue working this evening.

Last time he was interrupted when collecting the data of the St. George's ship equipment, now he wants to complete it together!

Under the moonlight, Wei An started working overtime with the care of a group of ship girls, and the two little Deep Seas who were sent back to the room to rest were temporarily forgotten by him.

He was really excited, and his ship girl was about to usher in a major ship equipment upgrade.

No matter how exhausted his body was, it couldn't stop his love for the ship girls and his fighting for them.

Shropshire and Saratoga had no choice but to stay by Vian's side while he worked, fearing that he might get into trouble.

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