The old man was very happy.

If you insist, she saw the shadow of a ship girl in Akagi.

She felt that he looked a bit like Hood from the E-United Division.

Although she never mentioned her opinion of the admiral, as the person closest to Akagi.

Kaga saw the changes in Akagi and her obsessive attention to a certain admiral, she saw it all.

"How is it possible? Do you think I am like those shipgirls who are given away for free? I was fooled by those admirals' sugar-coated bullets without knowing why."

"Especially that Hood, he didn't work as the flagship of the E-Union Department, but went to compete with a group of shipgirls for a playboy."

"Why can an admiral have so many marriage ships! Anyway, your sister is definitely not like them."

"There can only be one love."


Before Kaga said more, he saw Akagi in front of him wipe his mouth hurriedly, and retorted with a ruddy face.

Now Kaga felt that she didn't need to doubt it. Her sister was good at everything, but she was a little stubborn.

Now she looked very guilty when she was in a hurry to explain, which was very consistent with her performance when she was stubborn.

A small flat attack directly exchanged for Akagi's ultimate move.

"So you want to contact her shipgirl? This is a good opportunity."

Kaga directly ignored Akagi with a blushing face and went straight to the point.

"Go, why not? I came to you today just to tell you about this, but it's not because of me. It's just that Veneto is trying to get along well with him, which makes me a little concerned."

"It's definitely not my selfishness."

Akagi, with a hot face, didn't dare to look at Kaga's eyes when she spoke, and could only bury her head to eat the food on the table.

"Well, I know, it's not my selfishness, so how long will we go."

Kaga said expressionlessly.

"Just... just wait and see what they come out. Would it be too offensive to go directly to others? Don't leave a bad impression on others."

"But you must pay attention in time, don't let others leave before we know it."


Looking at Akagi's intermittent words, Kaga became more determined in his mind.

This sister is finished.

If she wanted to meet someone, she wouldn't be so shy. In the past, she would just find someone to knock on the door and visit.

It's changed, everything has changed.

"Okay, let's eat, let's eat."

Looking at Kaga's eyes that never moved away, Akagi urged uncomfortably.



"Damn Deep Sea!"

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Her ruby-like eyes stared fiercely at the Deep Sea fleet that was gradually surrounding her, and at the same time she kept manipulating the main guns to fire at the Deep Sea that was closer to her.

Whoosh! Whoosh!

But now they were at a disadvantage and could not beat the Deep Sea after all. The air supremacy in the sky had been lost, and the Deep Sea's bombers were rushing towards her fleet desperately.

Bang! Bang!

While she was evading, the anti-aircraft guns on the battleship were not idle either, and shot down two diving fighters.

At the same time, she was somewhat glad that she had spent a lot of money to install the anti-aircraft guns before leaving the U-League port area this time.

Although it was a bit of a burden on her mind and body now, it was better than being helpless.

"Constellation! Evacuate quickly, the damaged warships have already gone to the rear and entered the channel."

A carrier-based aircraft in the sky above the fleet informed everyone.

Constellation came back to her senses and looked at the other warships in the fleet. Now they were all injured. If they continued to be besieged, they would follow the two ports that had just been lost.

At least now, relying on anti-aircraft guns, they could also block the attack of deep-sea carrier-based aircraft. The follow-up support from the U-United Department was still coming in a steady stream.

"Okay! Everyone, evacuate quickly!"

Constellation's ship kept pouring out artillery fire while commanding the surrounding warships to evacuate this sea area. It was just a little regretful to see the two islands with thick smoke in the direction of the deep-sea fleet.

The two ports that were still trying to resist before have now been lost, and three ship girls have sunk because they did not evacuate in time.

When she sailed past here, she happened to meet the fleet that was resisting the deep sea.

As a ship girl of the U-League, she chose to put aside her own affairs and support the two ports.

However, the scattered ship girls gathered nearby were limited in strength after all. All they could do was to buy some time for the ship girls evacuating the port.

Delay the pace of the deep sea's advancement.

Now we can finally go.

Quickly control the ship to turn and rush towards the garrison 40 nautical miles behind the two ports, where a new line of defense has been built by the ship girls.

"These deep seas are really annoying. I just want to find my sister and you all come to disturb me."

Constellation cursed fiercely, and the main gun on the rear deck did not stop firing at the deep sea.

But even the large number of ship girls in a port area did not hold on at this time. The strength of the deep sea must be strong this time.

"My lord, these ship girls have withdrawn. Should we continue to chase them?"

A white-haired girl standing on a deep-sea giant ship asked the gray-haired lady with golden lines on the battleship next to her.

"How many of those disobedient deep seas are there in our fleet, and what are their opinions?"

The gray-haired lady sat on the main gun on her front deck, flipping through a book popular in the deep sea and said without raising her head.

"They said they would follow your command, sir. As for the deep sea we are chasing, only 40% of them have been solved."

The white-haired girl bowed and reported.

"Then let's keep moving forward. We can't leave these deep seas unsolved, otherwise we won't be able to sleep peacefully."

"It's not good for these ship girls to run so fast. We need to help them improve their fighting spirit."

The white-haired sister waved her hand and continued to read her storybook.

The white-haired girl next to her saw the golden giant ship next to her make a violent roar, and the warship started moving quickly.

At the same time, the main gun that the white-haired sister Yu was sitting on began to rotate, and the other main gun behind this main gun was also involved.

She was aiming.

Boom! Boom!

The violent flames erupted from the muzzle of her warship, and the huge smoke did not dissipate for a long time. The terrifying recoil of the ship gun made the warship tremble.

And now the direction where her ship gun is aimed is 16 nautical miles away from those ship girls, and the ship girls' warships are still sailing.

And if you look with the naked eye, the warships 16 nautical miles away are just a small black dot.

Half a minute later..

Bang! Bang!

A violent explosion sounded in Constellation's ears

"My warship is damaged! It's taking in water! It's taking in water..."


A destroyer ship following Constellation was hit by two shells, and the core area was hit directly.

In Constellation's eyes, the little girl who was still alive and kicking just now was quickly losing consciousness.

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