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"Xiaoniao, do you know where to get some good sushi around here?"While Ye Lin was drinking Kofi, he suddenly turned his head and looked at Nan Xiaoniao beside him and asked

"sushi place???"

"Yeah." Ye Lin nodded and said,"Tomorrow I will compete with others in a food battle, and the theme of the food battle is sushi. But I don't know how to make sushi, so I want to find some sushi restaurants to taste it."

Just as Ye Lin said before, he did not immediately train to make sushi, but came to the maid cafe and had something to eat.

And he was not kidding, after leaving Totsuki, he really came to the maid cafe.

But the reason he came here was because he wanted to calm his irritable mood for a few days, so that he could deal with the enemy in the best condition before the game started.

And the so-called eating, is really eating. But not eating other dishes, but eating sushi.

For Ye Lin, the fastest way to understand unfamiliar dishes is to taste that dish.

So after his mood has almost recovered, he will ask if there are any sushi restaurants with better taste near Minami Kotori.

"You said you want to have a food battle?"

Before Minami Kotori could say anything, a cry of surprise came from not far away.

The two turned their heads and immediately saw the store manager, the older sister, stretching her neck and looking at this side in astonishment. Obviously, she had completely overheard the previous conversation between the two.

680 and the others also knew that Ye Lin was a student of Totsuki Academy. And Totsuki's food battle system can be said to have extended beyond Totsuki Academy. How could they not know about it?

As the manager of a maid cafe, she knew more than Minami Kotori and knew the cruelty of food battle.

Perhaps in the eyes of Minami Kotori and other people who didn't know, the so-called food battle is nothing more than a duel between chefs, but those who know about food battle know that this is not only a duel between chefs, but also a duel with everything at stake. How could she not be surprised when she heard Ye Lin actually said that he wanted to have a food battle with others?

"Xiaolin, are you sure?"At this time, the smile on the face of the maid cafe owner Himura Yuki has disappeared, replaced by a solemn look.

It's not just that Ye Lin helped her cafe, but also that Himura Yuki likes Ye Lin, a gentle and humble boy, very much, and doesn't want him to go back to his career as a chef because of this.

"I still have confidence. To put it simply, my level 100 character will have no problem winning against level 30 or 40 characters." While drinking coffee, Ye Lin's face showed no worry at all.

However, after listening to Ye Lin's analogy, the expressions of both Minami Kotori and Himura Yuki became a little strange.

Although this analogy is very easy to understand, it seems to be a bit inconsistent with Ye Lin's personality.

Obviously, Ye Lin didn't care about this matter at all."But the only problem now (ahcd) is that I have never made sushi, and the only sushi I have eaten is the ordinary sushi sold in stores. So I want to find a good sushi restaurant to try. After all, as a chef, there is no better way to understand cooking than eating."

"I see."

Hearing Ye Lin's words, Himura Yuki immediately pointed at his chin with his index finger, thought for a while and said:"If that's the case, I do know a sushi restaurant that tastes very good."


"Turn left after three red lights and walk about three meters. There is a Tezuka Sushi restaurant. Although the restaurant is a little small, the sushi made by the owner is still very delicious."When Yuuki Himura was waiting, his throat could not help but move. This subtle movement was immediately noticed by Ye Lin.

"Tezuka Sushi? I remember that you, the manager, often go there to eat sushi." Minami Kotori seemed to have thought of something and immediately looked at Himura Yuuki.

Ye Lin's eyes lit up when he heard that. Since Yuuki often went there, the sushi restaurant obviously tasted very good.

Himura Yuuki saw that Ye Lin was a little moved, and a sly smile appeared on the corner of his mouth."I'll tell you a secret, the owner of that restaurant, Tezuka Mitsutomu, was once one of the ten outstanding people of Totsuki."

"What? ? ?"Ye Lin was shocked when he heard this.

The title of the Ten Great Masters of Totsuki alone was enough to show the strength of that person.

"that、、、"What is Shokugeki?" Minami Kotori looked at Ye Lin with a puzzled look and asked. Seeing the solemn expression of the store manager, Minami Kotori always had a bad feeling in her heart. Himura

Yuuki came to Minami Kotori and stretched out his hand to rub Minami Kotori's head, and said:"The so-called Shokugeki is a chef showdown in Totsuki. And this kind of showdown is often a duel where the chefs on both sides bet everything they have. I remember that once two chefs bet their cooking careers, and the loser never stepped into the kitchen again in his life. I don't know what you are betting on, kid, but no matter what, Shokugeki can only be won, not lost."

"A chef's career? ? ?"

After hearing the manager's words, Nan Xiaoniao looked at Ye Lin in shock. Although she didn't know what a chef's career meant to a chef, she knew that it must be very important to Ye Lin.

"What do you think, Kotori, do you want to go and watch his food battle match tomorrow?"

"this、、、Isn't this bad?" Minami Kotori was stunned when she heard Yuuki Himura's words.

Although she wanted to see the Shokugeki competition in Totsuki, she was afraid that she would disturb Ye Lin.

However, Ye Lin didn't care about it at all."It's okay. The Shokugeki competition is held in the academy. Generally speaking, there will be no outsiders except the judges. But if you want to come and see it, I can take you in then."


"It's settled. I'll give you half a day off tomorrow, go and cheer up Xiaoye."

Himuru Yuuki winked at Minami Kotori, as if to say that I have created a good opportunity for you.

Minami Kotori covered her face with the tray, her face flushed, wondering what to say.

She drank the rest of the coffee in one breath, said hello to Minami Kotori and the other staff in the store, and left.

"Xiaoye, if you want to learn from that guy, just tell him that you are my friend, and he will definitely teach you."

Just when Ye Lin just arrived at the door, the voice of Yuki Himura suddenly came from behind him. Hearing Yuki Himura's words, Ye Lin stretched out his hand without looking back.

In a luxurious villa in Yuanyue, Erina looked at the dozen plates of spicy shrimp in front of her, her face was very ugly.

For three days, she had not successfully copied Ye Lin's dishes for three whole days.

You know, she is the tongue of God. No matter what kind of food it is, as long as she has tasted it, she can copy it in half a day at most.

But after meeting Ye Lin, this ability of hers seemed to be ineffective. The fried rice was like this before, and now the spicy drunken shrimp is like this

"Erina-sama、、、Lady Erina is not well.、、、、、、"

"What's wrong?"

"Ida Jinkyū from the Sushi Research Society challenged Ye Lin and said he wanted to avenge Erina-sama."

"What, this idiot." Hearing that someone actually challenged Ye Lin in her name, Erina's eyes suddenly became angry.

Erina knew that although Ye Lin's strength was not as good as hers, he had unique means. It was precisely because of this that she lost to him.

Now someone actually challenged Ye Lin, isn't this looking for death?

"The challenge will be held tomorrow, and the theme is sushi."

"Sushi?!!"Erina raised her eyelids, and her previous slightly angry expression suddenly turned into a thoughtful one.

"In that case, why not go and see it tomorrow?" After hearing the theme of the duel, Erina thought for a while and decided to go and see it tomorrow.

But then she changed the subject and looked at Hisako in front of her with a smile."Hisako、、、、、、"

"No, Erina-sama.、、、、、、"Before Erina could say what was going on, Hisako begged. However , it was useless. With Erina's evil smile, she took the spicy drunken shrimp beside her and stuffed it directly into Hisako's mouth.

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