The first time I saw this title.

Everyone present felt a little strange.

In this universe.

There is no Optimus Prime.


They can only understand the meaning of the three words "Optimus Prime" literally.

Optimus Prime...

Could it be a pillar that goes straight into the clouds?

Or a pillar that supports the ground and the sky?

Then how did this pillar kill Tony alone?

What is going on?

At this time.

It seems to answer the doubts in the hearts of everyone present.

A new picture appeared on the screen.

[On a road in the desert. ]

[An old Peterbilt 389 truck appeared on the road, rolling up a cloud of dust. ]

[Since this car was launched in 1978, it still has some rust on its exterior. ]

[At this time. ]

[A voice came from the truck's radio - calling all Autobots! ]

[At this time, a white truck came towards them. ]

[It scanned the old truck. ]

[After that, the old truck suddenly rusted away, revealing a blue metal shell. ]

[Various parts, including arms and body, popped out one by one. ]

[The blue truck suddenly flew up into the air. ]

[It did a beautiful backflip in the air. ]

[A nearly ten-meter-long giant robot full of metal mechanical beauty landed steadily on the ground. ]


Stank Industries.

Everyone present was stunned.

"This... Is this Optimus Prime?!"

Happy was the first to hold back.

"This, this is too big!!!"

"Tony, your Mark Armor is just a little Karami in front of it!"

"Not to mention your rebellious Mark 42."

"No wonder you were killed by it!"

Tony also frowned.

If the enemy is this guy.

It will be very tricky!

After all, the armors shown in the video are too weak.

Let's not talk about the rebellious Mark 42.

Let's talk about Mark 1 to Mark 7, which performed well before.

If you meet such a big guy, you can only run away in shame.


Tony remembered that he had asked Jarvis to create a folder called "Anti-Hulk Armor".

I don't know.

If I put on this anti-Hulk armor and fight Optimus Prime.

Who will win?


On the screen.

The video continues.

【In order to seize power in this country. 】

【Killian kidnapped Colonel Rhodes. 】

【And forced Colonel Rhodes out of the Iron Patriot under torture. 】

【Killian wore the Iron Patriot, disguised as Colonel Rhodes, and sneaked into Air Force One. 】

【In the air, he even hijacked the President of the United States and disappeared into the clouds. 】

【Tony, who had a premonition that the President might be held hostage, immediately asked Mark 42 to go to Air Force One for support. 】

【Mark 42 sneaked into the plane and caught the bald bodyguard who stayed behind. 】

【Mark 42 put his hand against the bald bodyguard's neck, and the palm thunder in his hand was ready to go. 】

【Mark 42: Where is the president? Tell me! 】

【The bald bodyguard sneered. 】

【Bald bodyguard: He is not here. ]

[After saying this, his body turned red and he grabbed Mark 42's hand. The huge burning sensation made it impossible for Mark 42's mechanical parts to connect smoothly. ]

[Bald bodyguard: Try this, man! ]

[After saying this, he threw a micro-bomb into the cabin. ]

[Boom! ]

[A huge hole was blown open on the right side of the plane. ]

[A huge airflow entered the plane. ]

[Due to the pressure difference, even if everyone present held on to the seats tightly and tried not to be blown out, they were eventually blown out in one go. ]

[Mark 42 knew that this was not the time to tangle with the bald bodyguard. ]

[The reactor in his chest gathered energy, and a beam of energy light directly melted the bald bodyguard's chest. ]

[No matter how powerful the desperate virus is, there is still a limit. ]

[Therefore. ]

[This bald bodyguard couldn't be deader. 】

【After solving this scourge. 】

【Mark 42 quickly flew into the air,

Check the situation. ]

[Mark 42: How many people are there in the air? ]

[Jarvis: 13, sir. ]

[Mark 42: How many can I carry? ]

[Jarvis: 4, sir. ]

[13 people, perhaps high-level officials of the country, waved their bodies in the air, trying to stop the fall. ]

[But they have never received professional training, and there are no objects around to support them, so no matter what they do, it is futile. ]

[Mark 42 saw this and ignored Jarvis's reminder. ]

[This time, he decided to save everyone. ]

[Mark 42 leaned down and rushed down, grabbing a female secretary first. ]

[Mark 42: Do you see that person? I will fly past him, you just need to hold him.

Do you understand? ]

[The female secretary was screaming because of the fear of weightlessness, and it seemed that she didn't listen. 】

【Mark 42 continued. 】

【Mark 42: I will electrify your arm so that you will not let go. We can do it! 】

【After saying that, Mark 42 grabbed the female secretary and flew to a man in a suit. 】

【The female secretary seemed to have regained her composure under the influence of Mark 42's electrification. 】

【Seeing that the time was right, she immediately grabbed the man in the suit's foot. 】

【Mark 42: It's very simple, isn't it? There are still 11 of us!

Remember the game called Monkey Catching the Moon? That's what we're going to do!

Come on, everyone, catch your monkey! 】

【Fourteen thousand feet! 】

【Ten thousand feet! 】

【Eight thousand feet! 】

【Four thousand feet! 】

【As the altitude continued to drop, more and more people joined the monkey catching game. 】

【Finally. 】

【13 people formed a big circle. ]

[Tony controlled the speed of the flight. ]

[Put 13 people on the lake. ]

[The 13 passengers cheered for surviving the disaster, and at the same time, expressed their best gratitude to Mark 42! ]

[This rescue can be said to be very successful! ]


Stane Building.

Tony saw the highlight of himself saving so many people in the video.

He couldn't help but be arrogant.

"Hey, look at Pepper, how awesome I am!"

"Even Jarvis thought I could only save 4 people at most, but I still relied on my genius brain to save everyone!"

"Come on, Pepper, praise your boss!"

Pepper praised several times.

"Oh, Tony, my dear boss, you are awesome."

But in fact, she had already rolled her eyes at Tony in her heart.

Tony, her current boss and future boyfriend, is good in every way.

But he is just too arrogant.

At this time.

Rhodes reminded.

"Wait, Tony, don't forget the title of this video - Optimus Prime kills Iron Man alone!"

"The danger has not been eliminated yet!"

Hearing Rhodes' reminder.

Tony was shocked!


The title is "Optimus Prime kills Iron Man alone", but Optimus Prime has not appeared yet.

The danger has not been eliminated!

Tony narrowed his eyes slightly.

I don't know how I will solve this crisis in the future.


[Hear the cheers of the rescued passengers. ]

[Tony smiled. ]

[Mark 42: Good job, guys, great! ]

[While speaking, Mark 42 flew out. ]

[Mark 42: Okay, Jarvis, the mission is only half done now, we still have to save Pe--]

[Before Mark 42 finished speaking, a large truck smashed Mark 42 to pieces. 】

【Only parts of Mark 42 were scattered on the ground. 】

【Tony was nowhere to be seen. 】

【The scene changed. 】

【Tony took off the remote controller. 】

【Appeared on a speedboat. 】


Stark Tower.

Seeing that it was just that.

Tony breathed a sigh of relief.

"Hey, I thought something big happened!"

"It turned out that it was just a big truck that looked like Optimus Prime that smashed Mark 42."

"Fortunately I was not in it, but was remotely controlling it somewhere far away."

Colonel Rhodes breathed a sigh of relief.

I couldn't help but think.

Although Tony's Mark 42 armor looks very rebellious.

But maybe Tony used it wrong.

In fact.

This armor should not be worn by humans at all.

Its real use.

It should be like

Just like what Tony did in the video.

It should be controlled remotely!


Since Mark 42 is detachable!


The military can completely process the parts in an assembly line.

Just assemble them at the end.

This is much simpler than simply building a battle armor for people to stay in.


Since it is remotely controlled.

The safety factor of the soldiers is greatly improved.

No additional training is required.

You can even sit comfortably at home and control the battle armor to fight.

If this is the case...

Rhodes' mind can't help but become active.

At this time.

A new title appeared on the screen.

"Famous Scene 9: Grand Fireworks-The Iron Family was annihilated!"

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