【Dimiris】Trampled Anemone
Chapter 1: Fleeting Love
Although Claude is full of ghost ideas, it would be a mess if he were to be a matchmaker.He does it so obviously, it's downright cute (by Hilda), ridiculous (by Lorentz) and considerate (by Marianne).After the anemone bouquet incident (their class likes to call it that), Claude and most of the students in the Golden Deer class began to do various tricks so that their teacher could talk to the blond prince.For example, when Claude was talking to the teacher, he deliberately led her to the place where Dimitri was currently (because the students of the Golden Deer frequently provided him and Hilda with the latest information, he now always knows where the pair of mandarin ducks are ), and inadvertently brought his prefect classmate into the conversation.They negotiated a code that would allow an accomplice to approach them when the time was right and call Claude away to do something else.This matter can't be said too seriously, lest those two people follow along.Mariano even started having meals with Dimitri and the teacher, which would always be interrupted by accident: Hilda or some other Deer student would go and tell Mariano they needed her help, or It was something on the cathedral that she had to deal with immediately, so the only ones left to continue eating were her teacher and friends.
These are the most basic operations, but they do work.
However, Claude knew it could be done better.
As far as Claude von Rigon is concerned, one thing is indisputable: if he has the support of the entire Golden Deer School, he will be powerful; if he can get the support of other schools, he is simply unstoppable.
Everyone thought it was Sylvain who started it.Of course, who else could it be?If any Leo student could conspire with a Golden Deer prefect, it would be Sylvain José Gaudier, the Leo Lion's resident shit-stirrer.
But this time it wasn't him.
It was the cutie Janet Fontino Dominique.The idea of connecting her future king with Teacher Jinlu excited her so much that she sided with the heir to the Li Gang family.With Janet joining, Mercedes was naturally recruited.And Ash participated in their great cause out of the spirit of romanticism.
These three amiable new members of the Leo Lions managed to get most of the Leo Lions into the group.
After receiving this reinforcement, it became the new normal for the Qingshi class and the Golden Deer class to "coincidentally" go to the training ground to practice at the same time.The teacher of Qingshi will focus on teaching students who like to use magic, while the teacher of Jinlu will mainly teach students who like to use weapons more than magic.
The teacher did agree with Mr. Manuela's proposal to let the black eagle class also participate in the joint training.But the training ground is not big enough to accommodate all the students at the same time, so they can only let the students take turns in the order of the roster, and the students who cannot participate in the joint training in each class stay in the study room.She rejected the plan because it was not conducive to the growth of the fawns in her class.The days and times for using the training grounds are determined by Claude (sometimes he deliberately makes Ingrid choose the same time for the Leo), so the teacher sends him to coordinate with the Black Vulture prefect.
Things are going... not so well.
Edelgard immediately understood the true intention of holding the joint training.She wasn't exactly hostile, but she clearly didn't approve of it, that's for sure.
Claude joked about her, asking if she was interested in Dimitri or the teacher.She looked at him with disappointed and suspicious eyes, which he was used to.
So after all, they failed to arrange the last joint training with Black Eagle participating.
The growing friendship between Crown Prince Faerghus and the mysterious bearer of the Fire Emblem became the best kept secret in the Abbey.Claude wanted to emphasize that it wasn't his fault.The enthusiasm of his comrades-in-arms was beyond his control.
Fulian had been on the sidelines with a supportive attitude before, and since she joined the Golden Deer School, she has been more active in assisting.Most of the time, her role is to prevent her brother from interfering.She also seems to have brought in new helpers, nuns, monks, and even some knights.At the very least, Claude knew that Alois supported their cause.He also saw Cadolino chatting with the students, asking about the progress of the relationship between the two.
It was none of his business that there were suddenly more anemones in the monastery, and they were regarded as symbols of love.The purple and white anemone bed was known to be off-limits to anyone but the Blue Lion Prefect and his faithful entourage.Whoever dared to pick anemones from that flower bed would suffer Du Du's silent anger.The beautiful anemone accessories and pendants that suddenly became popular were, of course, Hilda's handiwork.And all this did not affect Dimitri's continued delivery of purple and white anemone bouquets once a month.Everyone knows that the teacher would ask Marianne to cast healing magic on the bouquets every time to make them bloom longer.
Everyone also knows that every time he receives a bouquet from the prince, the always expressionless teacher will have a slight smile on his face.
On the morning after the anemones were in full bloom, it became a morning ceremony for the general public (especially the golden deer and blue lion students) to secretly watch the little prince Farghas personally deliver the bouquet to the green-haired teacher before class.Claude even heard that the greenhouses began to use magically enhanced fertilizers to speed up the growth of plants.This may be due to the personal patronage of a member of the royal family.
So, in Claude's view, it's not his fault.
Well, he had to admit that he had persuaded Ignaz to create some drawings, which he sold to interested buyers.Ignaz needs to earn some money, and Claude, who trades on his behalf, only takes 10% (Ignaz is too shy to do this kind of thing himself).To be honest, he didn't really need the money himself, but Ignaz insisted that Claude also take a share, and 10% was the minimum amount the kid could accept.
There is a painting that depicts the teacher as a goddess, protecting Dimitri with divine power (“Anyway, Dimitri also believes in Bishop Cerro, I don’t think it’s a big deal.” “This is a blasphemy against the goddess , Claude!").Drillier bought the painting for Leia, offering the highest price he had ever seen.In his opinion, the archbishop basically allowed them to continue doing so.When Ignaz heard about it from Claude, he almost had a heart attack (because, of course, he followed Driel to find out the real buyer, and the little boy himself must have So much money to buy that painting.)
The short story book Ignaz and Bernardita collaborated on was a huge success, though it was Sylvain's fault, not Claude's.They were making unreasonably much money selling the books, and Claude had to ask Sylvain where the main source of the profits from the sale was, since he knew very well that this time it wasn't from the monastery.He didn't know which truth was more shocking: whether the Holy Kingdom of Faerghus had apparently heard and liked the budding love story between their future king and a woman blessed by the goddess, or Hill Van has the audacity to spread the word in the kingdom with the paintings he bought from Ignaz.Sylvain asked different Qingshi students to buy the paintings separately, so Claude didn't realize his intentions.When he confronted Sylvain about it, the Gautier heir simply shrugged and explained in a relaxed tone that everyone likes a good love story.Claude understood the deep meaning that the other party did not express clearly.
This whole set of events gave Claude a deeper understanding of the current state of the Holy Kingdom of Faerghus.
Since that tragedy, Dimitri has been isolated from the subjects of the kingdom.This was mostly for his protection, as both the royal family and his uncle feared that, as the last remaining coat of arms of the Bredade blood, he would be the next to be targeted.It was a beautiful love story in itself (he had read Bernardita's, he didn't read much romance, but he personally thought it was one of the best ones he had read).And this story can also be used to show the people of Faerghus what kind of person Dimitri is and what kind of king he will become.
The most interesting part is that the description of Dimitri's character in Bernardita's story is quite accurate, so Sylvain must have intervened.
He absolutely loves the plan.Use a short story to advertise?Being able to come up with such a witty idea shows that the heir of the Gautier family has more than just a handsome face.
God, he really wanted to poach this red-haired nobleman to the Golden Deer, but his loyalty to his monarch was unquestionable.To be fair, Sylvan did transfer back after the mock battle, but he went back to the Blue Lions the next week.When Claude asked for details, the teacher only said that Sylvan told her that he was not the type to get involved in a budding relationship, and that Dimitri needed his help more.She didn't quite understand what this meant, but Claude did.
Because, although Dimitri and Sensei were undoubtedly smart people, they were both so insensitive to each other that they all felt as if they were watching the most protracted love story in the world.This was the main reason Claude and Hilda had to intervene.If they let it go, it would be nice for two people to realize after five years that they actually love each other.
Also, thanks to everyone's involvement in the prince's and new teacher's love story, Claude can now easily walk around and ask his comrades about the situation without attracting the two people's attention, and his team members This includes students and faculty members.Hilda was wrong about one thing—he did promote this love story out of the kindness of his heart.The fact that the results will ultimately help him realize his dreams is only part of his blueprint.
During the month of the Griffon War they... didn't really have any plans.Everyone is busy preparing for the three-party mock battle, and there is really no energy left to toss about other things.Ignaz even took a break from drawing to prepare for his assassination exams.All three classes want to win.Claude proposed to work with the green lion to kill the black vulture first, and then fight between the lion and deer, but the teacher rejected it, because Dimitri's self-esteem would not allow such a trick.They also didn't want to wait until the two squads of Griffins were finished and then pick up the omissions and kill the remaining one, because they wanted a complete victory.This means that they need to complete the most breakouts on their own.
Claude discussed with the teacher for hours, trying to come up with a solution that both of them could accept.It was the funniest experience Claude could remember.He suddenly realized that in the process of trying to push her towards Dimitri, he had unknowingly drawn himself closer to the two of them.He even knows their tea preferences (she likes a lot of milk, he likes no sugar or milk at all).This is really... amazing...
They finally settled on a plan that both parties were happy with.It was a little late, and they were going to have dinner together.He wasn't surprised when he saw Dimitri waiting for her at the cafeteria door.He was surprised that Dimitri had invited him to dinner, and she smiled and agreed with the proposal.He agreed because he really wanted to spend some time with them too.It was one of the funniest dinners he had ever had at Fordola.
Then he saw the two men fishing by the pier, even though the fishing contest was over.It's so fun to watch them act like an old married couple.
The two hadn't even started a formal relationship, and they already looked like this.Claude found it particularly funny.
They still beat Dimitri to the ground in the Gryphon fight, but it was a very close victory.The Black Eagle class also needs to be careful, they have obviously trained hard for this moment.Thanks to their previous joint training experience, the Golden Deer and the Blue Lions, who were not formally allied, teamed up to defeat the Black Eagle.People often see Felix and Hilda looking after each other on the front lines, while Lystia and Yanette provide magical support from a safe distance.Mercedes and Mariano took turns treating the members of the Blue Lion and the Golden Deer, Dudu protected them, and Rafael drew fire so that Ash, Ignaz and Leonie could recover at the right time. Shoot a rain of arrows.The joint training of the two schools also made it difficult for them to gain the upper hand when the Black Eagles all conceded and turned to fight against the Blue Lions.Both Felix and Hilda were so familiar with each other's movements that their confrontation reached a stalemate.Both Mercedes and Mariano were too busy interfering with each other to heal their teammates.Everyone stayed away from the flame magic duel between Lystia and Yanette in the center of the field.When Sylvain and Lorenz dueled, their horses galloped as if they were juggling, which looked amusing and ridiculous.In the end, everyone else retreated, leaving only him, the teacher, Dimitri, and Ingrid on the field.Ingrid had been wrestling with him, so Dimitri and Sensei were one-on-one again like in mock battle.
He and Ingrid stopped abruptly as they saw the teacher pin the prince to the ground and straddle his hips in a dangerous position.Her iron sword was pressed against Dimitri's neck, and both were breathing deeply.
He was sure that everyone present felt the sexual tension in the air.God, he can even be sure that even from the far-sighted perspective of the archbishop, he can feel the sexual tension in it.
Now everyone sees it all.They finally broke that delicate balance.
As soon as Dimitri surrendered, Claude shot an arrow at the absent-minded (and flushed) Ingrid.So the Griffon War ended with the victory of the Golden Deer.
The dinner that followed was one to remember.The Black Eagle class also joined the celebration, as if the three major powers of Fodora had finally broken their barriers and united together, even if it was only for one night.Even Edelgard participated in the celebration, sitting at Dorothea's table, along with Ingrid and Hilda.If Claude's dream can come true, it should be like this.
He sat at the same table with Dimitri and the teacher for most of that night, watching other people come to congratulate their class for winning (most of the time, they also praised Dimitri), not forgetting to make jokes.He noticed that Dimitri looked smug whenever someone came to congratulate the woman sitting between the two prefects.This made him can't help but laugh.
Finally Claude couldn't take it anymore, so he had to leave the table to complain to Hilda, saying that there was a husband at his table who was very proud of his wife.When another student (that is, Ferdinant) went to Claude's table to praise the teacher of the golden deer, the face of the young man beside her shone with pride.Seeing this scene, Ingrid almost choked on the meal, while Dorothea and Hilda exclaimed.Even Edelgard chuckled, Claude smug about it.
Later, he ate a lot of delicious food and was satisfied.He grinned when he saw both the teacher and Dimitri smiling back at him.
The annual ball had unfolded somewhat differently than he had envisioned.The fact that the teacher chose him to represent the Golden Deer in the Egret Cup that day was still a nightmare for him.He was delighted to have managed to beat Dorothea (who was surprised) and Felix (who was surprised in another sense) in the dance competition.
His little lion partner (that is, Yanette) told him that the representative players of their class were determined by lottery, but Mr. Hanneman agreed to this selection plan for some unknown reason.Felix was the unlucky one who got the "loser" note ("It should have been written 'representative', but it was written by Felix, who wrote 'loser' himself! Let me say , he deserves it!”).He is now certain that this is what happened the day they heard a huge commotion erupting in the Blue Lion classroom on the way to class.The teacher had to walk out of the classroom to ask what happened.
Then, of course, as a litter of curious baby deer, the entire Golden Deer class eavesdropped in the safety of their own classroom.Even Lorenz was there, he wanted to stop Hilda and Claude, but no one bought him.
Dimitri came out and was talking to Teacher Jinlu outside the door of the Qingshi classroom.The lion cubs in the green lion class don't seem to be able to pass the assassination qualification test, because their eavesdropping skills are really terrible. (It's cute though)
His fellow prefects apologize the entire time for the disturbance in their class.His blushing was so cute that almost all the girls in the Jinlu class whispered.And when the former mercenary put a hand on his forearm, oh my god, screams erupted from both classes.Ignaz even started drawing sketches right away.They later made a fortune selling the finished product to a very happy anonymous customer...and that anonymous buyer was Sylvain.The two people outside the classroom in the picture only drew Dimitri's bright smiling face. They considered all possible interested candidates, but they never expected that the buyer would be Sylvain.
Claude later discovered that the red-haired noble had sent the painting to Felix's father.The latter is clearly heavily invested in this love story as well.
Claude wanted to say that he didn't dislike singing and dancing at the banquet, but the elegant dance of the Egret Cup competition and the ball was not his thing.However, tonight is an excellent time to advance the relationship between the two.His fawns and the lion cubs next door agreed on this.So Hilda dressed up for her teacher.If Hilda was alone, the former mercenary teacher would have escaped easily, but Mercedes, Yanette, and Marianne were all there to support her.The teacher was so focused on the four girls in front of her that she didn't notice Raphael standing behind her (he had obviously learned how to hide his breath from Samia).If she wanted to run, the big guy could hug her from behind.
Hilda originally wanted to dress up her teacher, but Sylvain dissuaded her with the reason that Dimitri would be tense and stiff.It's a very funny scene, but it certainly defeats their ultimate goal.Therefore, Hilda only bought a simple light blue backless evening dress for the teacher.Mercedes and Janet brought a plain yellow pendant, and the three of them helped the teacher put on makeup, while Mariano put on her makeup with freshly picked white and purple anemones (provided by Dudu) Dot your hair.
His comrades made a big fuss.
He likes it that way.
Because of this, the teacher was a little late, and Dimitri had to dance first with a girl in his class.That's okay, Claude is good at playing on the spot.The first dance was about to end when the teacher arrived, and she was accompanied by the four girls and Raphael, who immediately rushed to the table.Everyone stared at Jinlu's teacher, and Claude even noticed that her outfit made some people's jaws drop in shock.
Those four girls surrounded the teacher, and as long as anyone dared to approach her, they would stare at each other with smirks (except Marianne, she just looked down at them, but that look was more terrifying than the other three), okay Let them get out of trouble.Claude joins them in the arena.He took her hand, gave everyone a wink, and pulled her onto the dance floor just as the music was ending.He led her all the way to Dimitri.Dimitri blinked and looked at Claude, seeing the beautiful woman beside the Golden Deer prefect, his eyes widened.
Everyone present stopped and stared at them.
The black-haired guy cleared his throat, bowed to the blond young man, and said loudly, "Prince Dimitri, may I present you the beautiful Beles Eisner from our Golden Deer class?"
"Claude, you are..."
Without letting the teacher finish his question, he took the frozen prince's hand and placed hers on top of it.He grinned at them and said nonchalantly, "It's a beautiful night for a first dance, isn't it?"
He winked at the flushed Dimitri, walked away from the beauties, and noticed that the teacher was blushing a little now too.He turned to the orchestra, saw Lorenz already standing beside one of the musicians, and nodded to him.Lorentz sighed, shook his head, and whispered a few words to the musician closest to him.The musician turned back to whisper to the rest of the orchestra.They finally set up their instruments and started to play the next piece.
It was a very romantic slow song.
This is too blatant.Claude wanted to laugh, but he restrained himself, turned around and bowed to the girl who had danced with Dimitri earlier: "May I dance with you, miss?"
"Huh?" The girl focused on the blushing couple behind them, and was stunned for a few seconds before realizing that Prefect Jinlu was talking to herself.She nodded shyly: "Yes, of course, I am honored, Master Li Gang."
Claude didn't bother to correct the title, and danced with the girl with the knowledge he had learned from the Egret Cup, because he was somewhat sorry for the fact that the girl was immediately thrown aside.In fact, he didn't need to feel guilty, because the girl he was hugging sighed contentedly while watching the scene behind him.He glanced over and saw the teacher and Dimitri dancing behind him, both smiling and staring at each other, and he laughed too.He turned to face his partner, and heard her say softly, "I have never seen His Highness so happy."
His partner smiled gratefully at him and said softly, "Thank you, Lord Rigon."
When the music ends, the last part of tonight's battle plan begins.As long as anyone wants to get close to Dimitri or Mr. Jinlu, he will be dragged to dance by one of Claude's accomplices immediately.Even the blue lion girl who danced with him joined the fight - she stopped a black vulture student who was trying to approach their teacher and asked if he could dance with her.
Maybe he should ask her what's her name, because she is also a like-minded comrade in arms.
…Then he saw that almost all the Blue Lion students were intercepting potential interferers, and realized that in this way, he would have to write down all members of the Golden Deer and Blue Lion classes.
If the two classes can work together to ensure that Mr. Jinlu and the Qingshi prefect can dance together without being disturbed by outsiders, he would be happy to make such a sacrifice.
The two couldn't leave before the next piece started, so they had to continue dancing together.
Well, judging from their sweet smiling faces, Claude is sure that this is not a burden for the two of them.
Nothing went wrong with the plan.They interrupted Edelgard three times.Claude wondered if she wanted to dance with the teacher or Dimitri.Maybe both.
If it's the last situation, Claude can fully understand it.
It's also funny to see how Sylvan teases Edelgard.The most surprising thing was that the person who stretched out her hand to invite Edelgard to dance the third time turned out to be Dorothea.Claude was wondering if he should also recruit a few big names from the Black Eagle class to join their matchmaking business.
Fulian was in charge of intercepting her brother, and she didn't know whether he wanted to dance with the teacher or simply wanted to separate the two.Considering the blue veins on his forehead, the latter is more likely.Claude was surprised that his temper did not break out until the sixth dance was played.
The most unexpected stopper was the Archbishop himself.Even more unexpected than this, the person who stopped the number one authority of the order was Gerald the Bad Blade, and he even danced with the archbishop.Claude nodded when he saw the teacher's father staring at him.
Okay, now that her father approves, it's good.
After the end of the seventh piece, the prince and his partner left the hall.They probably thought no one was paying attention.
Of course not.
He and his closest pink-haired accomplice celebrated with high fives on the dance floor.
Some handed the money to the winner of the bet before leaving.
Many young lion students seem to have handed over their money to Dudu and Mercedes.Claude couldn't help but wonder if there was any conspiracy.
All in all, Claude sees it as a huge success.
Then he saw the Archbishop also leave the meeting place.
This piqued his curiosity.
He just wanted to make one thing clear: no matter what Lorenz and Hilda might say, it was entirely by accident that he overheard the conversation between those two in the Tower of the Goddess.He argued that it was Leia he was following, not them.But when he got to the Tower of the Goddess, he lost the Archbishop, and saw the two of them unexpectedly.As soon as he heard Dimitri's voice, he hurriedly hid. He wanted to leave, but Dimitri just said, "When I graduate, can you come back to Ferdia with me?"
oh my god.
O merciful God Palmyra.
Then he would never be able to leave.
He needs to know what's next!
Moreover, he also let his imagination fly.They had been laughing at the poor prince for being too slow to move, and when he made a move, he hit the nail on the head.
Honestly, it sounds like a disaster is about to happen.
And Claude likes to watch disaster scenes.
He secretly promised that he would collect Dimitri's body when he was bombed beyond recognition, and help him prepare for the next time.
"I..." Claude couldn't see them, and he didn't want to take the risk of being discovered on such a critical occasion, so he could only concentrate on listening to them.His eyes widened when she answered in a soft voice he had never heard before: "I would love to, Dimitri."
No. Yes!
"You, would you like to?" Dimitri's surprised tone directly reflected Claude's current feelings.The teacher probably nodded, because the young man went on, "Uh, oh, oh! I... I... I'm so happy I don't know what to say."
"I promise you, I will make you happy, teacher, no..." Dimitri's soft, loving voice was not directed at Claude, but Claude heard the prince's voice While whispering, I still felt my heart skipped a beat: "My dear."
That's it.
Claude von Riegand felt that he was going to be crushed to death that day.
It's a happy way to die.
However, he was not killed.
In fact, he had to run away as quietly and quickly as he could, because he heard them kissing.Even though he was intimately involved in their love story, he wanted them to keep some privacy.
...the next day he became notorious for being a nosy bum who prevented couples from going to the Tower of the Goddess.
Alas, it's all for those two fools who are in love.
Surprisingly, on the second day after the Tower of the Goddess incident, no substantial changes occurred.He keeps it a secret from everyone because he doesn't think it's right to tell anyone else (not even Hilda).Besides, no one would believe him.It didn't take long for them to go to the subject of the month as usual.But Claude did see her saying goodbye to Dimitri in the corridor that led from the hall to the training ground.They didn't kiss (which was disappointing), but they held hands the whole time they talked.He couldn't hear what they were saying from his current position, but it was too risky to keep approaching, so he just let them go.Ignaz rushed to the meeting point 10 minutes earlier than the scheduled time (he has improved, because last month the poor man ran to the meeting point three 10 minutes early), Claude first Greeted him cheerfully (loudly).Then immediately started laughing at him for being so early. After 1 minute their teacher came over.She looked him in the eyes, said nothing, but nodded gratefully to him.He blinked in response.
Geralt's death was a terrible blow to everyone.He couldn't help thinking that he could have done something.He would have been able to do something.He had long felt that there was something wrong with the girl he rescued with Fulian that day, but he just classified it as another unsolved mystery of Fodora and left it behind.When he heard that Hilda had the same suspicion about the red-haired girl, he should have pursued it to the end.
If he had scouted her then, spent more time watching her, Geralt wouldn't have...
Now is not the time to dwell on what-ifs and what-ifs.The fact that the teacher's father is dead won't change, and she hasn't seen anyone for a whole day.He is very worried about her.Therefore, seeing Hilda and other Golden Deer members accompanying Leonie to comfort her, he set off to find the teacher.She wasn't in his room, so he decided to check out her father's office.When he approached the door of Bad Blade's office, he heard Dimitri's gentle voice from inside: "Stay here until you calm down. As for Lady Leia and everyone, I will deal with it appropriately. .”
Claude leaned his back against the wall by the door, and slowly turned the doorknob without making a sound.He heard the prince continue to say softly: "I will explain it to Claude, I believe he can understand."
He could barely hear her murmur of thanks, and he pushed the door open a little so that he could see inside.
The two stood in the middle of the room, just a step away from each other.
"We will always be waiting for you." Dimitri gently took one of her hands and continued, "I don't think only those who never stop are strong."
He closed his eyes: "Being able to stop and mourn for the dead is also the strength of human beings... I think so."
Claude folded his arms and rested his head against the wall behind him.He was thankful that Dimitri came first.If he was standing in the prince's position now, he might not know what to say.Both his parents are there, so it is difficult to personally understand the teacher's mood at the moment.He might even heartlessly tell her to get out of the pain and move on.While this is certainly helpful advice, sometimes people just need some time to process their grief.
And the teacher seems to be such a person.
"But..." Dimito gently stroked her face with his other hand, and said, "No matter how sad, tears will dry up one day."
Claude could hear the pain and sorrow in the blond youth's voice, and understood that what he said was from his own experience.
Dimitri put down the hand that was stroking her cheek, and took her other hand, with a clear and firm voice: "I live to achieve something... I can only hold on to this goal and move forward .”
"Target?" she asked softly, with a blank tone in her tone.
Dimitri explained to her what happened four years ago, and Claude wondered if he should avoid it.Admittedly, the conversation contained a lot of information, but it was too personal.He may want to know everything that might be useful later, but right now he still feels guilty about overhearing a private conversation between two of his best friends.
Then he heard the anger in Dimitri's voice: "...it was me who survived alone that day, and it was my duty to do so."
After that, his tone was still soft, but Claude could hear the anger hidden under the voice.He explains how this responsibility drives him forward.Seeing the way she looked at Dimitri, Claude knew that she felt the anger in it too.
"Now that Lord Gerald is gone..." The tenderness in his tone did not diminish the determination within it.He stared at her with those clear blue eyes, and held her hands tightly, as if afraid that she would suddenly drift away: "My dear, what is your mission?"
He lowered his head and leaned forward, touching his forehead to hers, closed his eyes, took her hand on his chest, and let her feel his heartbeat. "My dear, you have already made up your mind, haven't you?"
They watched each other silently.After a moment, Dimitri took a step back and let go of her hand: "There is only one thing
These are the most basic operations, but they do work.
However, Claude knew it could be done better.
As far as Claude von Rigon is concerned, one thing is indisputable: if he has the support of the entire Golden Deer School, he will be powerful; if he can get the support of other schools, he is simply unstoppable.
Everyone thought it was Sylvain who started it.Of course, who else could it be?If any Leo student could conspire with a Golden Deer prefect, it would be Sylvain José Gaudier, the Leo Lion's resident shit-stirrer.
But this time it wasn't him.
It was the cutie Janet Fontino Dominique.The idea of connecting her future king with Teacher Jinlu excited her so much that she sided with the heir to the Li Gang family.With Janet joining, Mercedes was naturally recruited.And Ash participated in their great cause out of the spirit of romanticism.
These three amiable new members of the Leo Lions managed to get most of the Leo Lions into the group.
After receiving this reinforcement, it became the new normal for the Qingshi class and the Golden Deer class to "coincidentally" go to the training ground to practice at the same time.The teacher of Qingshi will focus on teaching students who like to use magic, while the teacher of Jinlu will mainly teach students who like to use weapons more than magic.
The teacher did agree with Mr. Manuela's proposal to let the black eagle class also participate in the joint training.But the training ground is not big enough to accommodate all the students at the same time, so they can only let the students take turns in the order of the roster, and the students who cannot participate in the joint training in each class stay in the study room.She rejected the plan because it was not conducive to the growth of the fawns in her class.The days and times for using the training grounds are determined by Claude (sometimes he deliberately makes Ingrid choose the same time for the Leo), so the teacher sends him to coordinate with the Black Vulture prefect.
Things are going... not so well.
Edelgard immediately understood the true intention of holding the joint training.She wasn't exactly hostile, but she clearly didn't approve of it, that's for sure.
Claude joked about her, asking if she was interested in Dimitri or the teacher.She looked at him with disappointed and suspicious eyes, which he was used to.
So after all, they failed to arrange the last joint training with Black Eagle participating.
The growing friendship between Crown Prince Faerghus and the mysterious bearer of the Fire Emblem became the best kept secret in the Abbey.Claude wanted to emphasize that it wasn't his fault.The enthusiasm of his comrades-in-arms was beyond his control.
Fulian had been on the sidelines with a supportive attitude before, and since she joined the Golden Deer School, she has been more active in assisting.Most of the time, her role is to prevent her brother from interfering.She also seems to have brought in new helpers, nuns, monks, and even some knights.At the very least, Claude knew that Alois supported their cause.He also saw Cadolino chatting with the students, asking about the progress of the relationship between the two.
It was none of his business that there were suddenly more anemones in the monastery, and they were regarded as symbols of love.The purple and white anemone bed was known to be off-limits to anyone but the Blue Lion Prefect and his faithful entourage.Whoever dared to pick anemones from that flower bed would suffer Du Du's silent anger.The beautiful anemone accessories and pendants that suddenly became popular were, of course, Hilda's handiwork.And all this did not affect Dimitri's continued delivery of purple and white anemone bouquets once a month.Everyone knows that the teacher would ask Marianne to cast healing magic on the bouquets every time to make them bloom longer.
Everyone also knows that every time he receives a bouquet from the prince, the always expressionless teacher will have a slight smile on his face.
On the morning after the anemones were in full bloom, it became a morning ceremony for the general public (especially the golden deer and blue lion students) to secretly watch the little prince Farghas personally deliver the bouquet to the green-haired teacher before class.Claude even heard that the greenhouses began to use magically enhanced fertilizers to speed up the growth of plants.This may be due to the personal patronage of a member of the royal family.
So, in Claude's view, it's not his fault.
Well, he had to admit that he had persuaded Ignaz to create some drawings, which he sold to interested buyers.Ignaz needs to earn some money, and Claude, who trades on his behalf, only takes 10% (Ignaz is too shy to do this kind of thing himself).To be honest, he didn't really need the money himself, but Ignaz insisted that Claude also take a share, and 10% was the minimum amount the kid could accept.
There is a painting that depicts the teacher as a goddess, protecting Dimitri with divine power (“Anyway, Dimitri also believes in Bishop Cerro, I don’t think it’s a big deal.” “This is a blasphemy against the goddess , Claude!").Drillier bought the painting for Leia, offering the highest price he had ever seen.In his opinion, the archbishop basically allowed them to continue doing so.When Ignaz heard about it from Claude, he almost had a heart attack (because, of course, he followed Driel to find out the real buyer, and the little boy himself must have So much money to buy that painting.)
The short story book Ignaz and Bernardita collaborated on was a huge success, though it was Sylvain's fault, not Claude's.They were making unreasonably much money selling the books, and Claude had to ask Sylvain where the main source of the profits from the sale was, since he knew very well that this time it wasn't from the monastery.He didn't know which truth was more shocking: whether the Holy Kingdom of Faerghus had apparently heard and liked the budding love story between their future king and a woman blessed by the goddess, or Hill Van has the audacity to spread the word in the kingdom with the paintings he bought from Ignaz.Sylvain asked different Qingshi students to buy the paintings separately, so Claude didn't realize his intentions.When he confronted Sylvain about it, the Gautier heir simply shrugged and explained in a relaxed tone that everyone likes a good love story.Claude understood the deep meaning that the other party did not express clearly.
This whole set of events gave Claude a deeper understanding of the current state of the Holy Kingdom of Faerghus.
Since that tragedy, Dimitri has been isolated from the subjects of the kingdom.This was mostly for his protection, as both the royal family and his uncle feared that, as the last remaining coat of arms of the Bredade blood, he would be the next to be targeted.It was a beautiful love story in itself (he had read Bernardita's, he didn't read much romance, but he personally thought it was one of the best ones he had read).And this story can also be used to show the people of Faerghus what kind of person Dimitri is and what kind of king he will become.
The most interesting part is that the description of Dimitri's character in Bernardita's story is quite accurate, so Sylvain must have intervened.
He absolutely loves the plan.Use a short story to advertise?Being able to come up with such a witty idea shows that the heir of the Gautier family has more than just a handsome face.
God, he really wanted to poach this red-haired nobleman to the Golden Deer, but his loyalty to his monarch was unquestionable.To be fair, Sylvan did transfer back after the mock battle, but he went back to the Blue Lions the next week.When Claude asked for details, the teacher only said that Sylvan told her that he was not the type to get involved in a budding relationship, and that Dimitri needed his help more.She didn't quite understand what this meant, but Claude did.
Because, although Dimitri and Sensei were undoubtedly smart people, they were both so insensitive to each other that they all felt as if they were watching the most protracted love story in the world.This was the main reason Claude and Hilda had to intervene.If they let it go, it would be nice for two people to realize after five years that they actually love each other.
Also, thanks to everyone's involvement in the prince's and new teacher's love story, Claude can now easily walk around and ask his comrades about the situation without attracting the two people's attention, and his team members This includes students and faculty members.Hilda was wrong about one thing—he did promote this love story out of the kindness of his heart.The fact that the results will ultimately help him realize his dreams is only part of his blueprint.
During the month of the Griffon War they... didn't really have any plans.Everyone is busy preparing for the three-party mock battle, and there is really no energy left to toss about other things.Ignaz even took a break from drawing to prepare for his assassination exams.All three classes want to win.Claude proposed to work with the green lion to kill the black vulture first, and then fight between the lion and deer, but the teacher rejected it, because Dimitri's self-esteem would not allow such a trick.They also didn't want to wait until the two squads of Griffins were finished and then pick up the omissions and kill the remaining one, because they wanted a complete victory.This means that they need to complete the most breakouts on their own.
Claude discussed with the teacher for hours, trying to come up with a solution that both of them could accept.It was the funniest experience Claude could remember.He suddenly realized that in the process of trying to push her towards Dimitri, he had unknowingly drawn himself closer to the two of them.He even knows their tea preferences (she likes a lot of milk, he likes no sugar or milk at all).This is really... amazing...
They finally settled on a plan that both parties were happy with.It was a little late, and they were going to have dinner together.He wasn't surprised when he saw Dimitri waiting for her at the cafeteria door.He was surprised that Dimitri had invited him to dinner, and she smiled and agreed with the proposal.He agreed because he really wanted to spend some time with them too.It was one of the funniest dinners he had ever had at Fordola.
Then he saw the two men fishing by the pier, even though the fishing contest was over.It's so fun to watch them act like an old married couple.
The two hadn't even started a formal relationship, and they already looked like this.Claude found it particularly funny.
They still beat Dimitri to the ground in the Gryphon fight, but it was a very close victory.The Black Eagle class also needs to be careful, they have obviously trained hard for this moment.Thanks to their previous joint training experience, the Golden Deer and the Blue Lions, who were not formally allied, teamed up to defeat the Black Eagle.People often see Felix and Hilda looking after each other on the front lines, while Lystia and Yanette provide magical support from a safe distance.Mercedes and Mariano took turns treating the members of the Blue Lion and the Golden Deer, Dudu protected them, and Rafael drew fire so that Ash, Ignaz and Leonie could recover at the right time. Shoot a rain of arrows.The joint training of the two schools also made it difficult for them to gain the upper hand when the Black Eagles all conceded and turned to fight against the Blue Lions.Both Felix and Hilda were so familiar with each other's movements that their confrontation reached a stalemate.Both Mercedes and Mariano were too busy interfering with each other to heal their teammates.Everyone stayed away from the flame magic duel between Lystia and Yanette in the center of the field.When Sylvain and Lorenz dueled, their horses galloped as if they were juggling, which looked amusing and ridiculous.In the end, everyone else retreated, leaving only him, the teacher, Dimitri, and Ingrid on the field.Ingrid had been wrestling with him, so Dimitri and Sensei were one-on-one again like in mock battle.
He and Ingrid stopped abruptly as they saw the teacher pin the prince to the ground and straddle his hips in a dangerous position.Her iron sword was pressed against Dimitri's neck, and both were breathing deeply.
He was sure that everyone present felt the sexual tension in the air.God, he can even be sure that even from the far-sighted perspective of the archbishop, he can feel the sexual tension in it.
Now everyone sees it all.They finally broke that delicate balance.
As soon as Dimitri surrendered, Claude shot an arrow at the absent-minded (and flushed) Ingrid.So the Griffon War ended with the victory of the Golden Deer.
The dinner that followed was one to remember.The Black Eagle class also joined the celebration, as if the three major powers of Fodora had finally broken their barriers and united together, even if it was only for one night.Even Edelgard participated in the celebration, sitting at Dorothea's table, along with Ingrid and Hilda.If Claude's dream can come true, it should be like this.
He sat at the same table with Dimitri and the teacher for most of that night, watching other people come to congratulate their class for winning (most of the time, they also praised Dimitri), not forgetting to make jokes.He noticed that Dimitri looked smug whenever someone came to congratulate the woman sitting between the two prefects.This made him can't help but laugh.
Finally Claude couldn't take it anymore, so he had to leave the table to complain to Hilda, saying that there was a husband at his table who was very proud of his wife.When another student (that is, Ferdinant) went to Claude's table to praise the teacher of the golden deer, the face of the young man beside her shone with pride.Seeing this scene, Ingrid almost choked on the meal, while Dorothea and Hilda exclaimed.Even Edelgard chuckled, Claude smug about it.
Later, he ate a lot of delicious food and was satisfied.He grinned when he saw both the teacher and Dimitri smiling back at him.
The annual ball had unfolded somewhat differently than he had envisioned.The fact that the teacher chose him to represent the Golden Deer in the Egret Cup that day was still a nightmare for him.He was delighted to have managed to beat Dorothea (who was surprised) and Felix (who was surprised in another sense) in the dance competition.
His little lion partner (that is, Yanette) told him that the representative players of their class were determined by lottery, but Mr. Hanneman agreed to this selection plan for some unknown reason.Felix was the unlucky one who got the "loser" note ("It should have been written 'representative', but it was written by Felix, who wrote 'loser' himself! Let me say , he deserves it!”).He is now certain that this is what happened the day they heard a huge commotion erupting in the Blue Lion classroom on the way to class.The teacher had to walk out of the classroom to ask what happened.
Then, of course, as a litter of curious baby deer, the entire Golden Deer class eavesdropped in the safety of their own classroom.Even Lorenz was there, he wanted to stop Hilda and Claude, but no one bought him.
Dimitri came out and was talking to Teacher Jinlu outside the door of the Qingshi classroom.The lion cubs in the green lion class don't seem to be able to pass the assassination qualification test, because their eavesdropping skills are really terrible. (It's cute though)
His fellow prefects apologize the entire time for the disturbance in their class.His blushing was so cute that almost all the girls in the Jinlu class whispered.And when the former mercenary put a hand on his forearm, oh my god, screams erupted from both classes.Ignaz even started drawing sketches right away.They later made a fortune selling the finished product to a very happy anonymous customer...and that anonymous buyer was Sylvain.The two people outside the classroom in the picture only drew Dimitri's bright smiling face. They considered all possible interested candidates, but they never expected that the buyer would be Sylvain.
Claude later discovered that the red-haired noble had sent the painting to Felix's father.The latter is clearly heavily invested in this love story as well.
Claude wanted to say that he didn't dislike singing and dancing at the banquet, but the elegant dance of the Egret Cup competition and the ball was not his thing.However, tonight is an excellent time to advance the relationship between the two.His fawns and the lion cubs next door agreed on this.So Hilda dressed up for her teacher.If Hilda was alone, the former mercenary teacher would have escaped easily, but Mercedes, Yanette, and Marianne were all there to support her.The teacher was so focused on the four girls in front of her that she didn't notice Raphael standing behind her (he had obviously learned how to hide his breath from Samia).If she wanted to run, the big guy could hug her from behind.
Hilda originally wanted to dress up her teacher, but Sylvain dissuaded her with the reason that Dimitri would be tense and stiff.It's a very funny scene, but it certainly defeats their ultimate goal.Therefore, Hilda only bought a simple light blue backless evening dress for the teacher.Mercedes and Janet brought a plain yellow pendant, and the three of them helped the teacher put on makeup, while Mariano put on her makeup with freshly picked white and purple anemones (provided by Dudu) Dot your hair.
His comrades made a big fuss.
He likes it that way.
Because of this, the teacher was a little late, and Dimitri had to dance first with a girl in his class.That's okay, Claude is good at playing on the spot.The first dance was about to end when the teacher arrived, and she was accompanied by the four girls and Raphael, who immediately rushed to the table.Everyone stared at Jinlu's teacher, and Claude even noticed that her outfit made some people's jaws drop in shock.
Those four girls surrounded the teacher, and as long as anyone dared to approach her, they would stare at each other with smirks (except Marianne, she just looked down at them, but that look was more terrifying than the other three), okay Let them get out of trouble.Claude joins them in the arena.He took her hand, gave everyone a wink, and pulled her onto the dance floor just as the music was ending.He led her all the way to Dimitri.Dimitri blinked and looked at Claude, seeing the beautiful woman beside the Golden Deer prefect, his eyes widened.
Everyone present stopped and stared at them.
The black-haired guy cleared his throat, bowed to the blond young man, and said loudly, "Prince Dimitri, may I present you the beautiful Beles Eisner from our Golden Deer class?"
"Claude, you are..."
Without letting the teacher finish his question, he took the frozen prince's hand and placed hers on top of it.He grinned at them and said nonchalantly, "It's a beautiful night for a first dance, isn't it?"
He winked at the flushed Dimitri, walked away from the beauties, and noticed that the teacher was blushing a little now too.He turned to the orchestra, saw Lorenz already standing beside one of the musicians, and nodded to him.Lorentz sighed, shook his head, and whispered a few words to the musician closest to him.The musician turned back to whisper to the rest of the orchestra.They finally set up their instruments and started to play the next piece.
It was a very romantic slow song.
This is too blatant.Claude wanted to laugh, but he restrained himself, turned around and bowed to the girl who had danced with Dimitri earlier: "May I dance with you, miss?"
"Huh?" The girl focused on the blushing couple behind them, and was stunned for a few seconds before realizing that Prefect Jinlu was talking to herself.She nodded shyly: "Yes, of course, I am honored, Master Li Gang."
Claude didn't bother to correct the title, and danced with the girl with the knowledge he had learned from the Egret Cup, because he was somewhat sorry for the fact that the girl was immediately thrown aside.In fact, he didn't need to feel guilty, because the girl he was hugging sighed contentedly while watching the scene behind him.He glanced over and saw the teacher and Dimitri dancing behind him, both smiling and staring at each other, and he laughed too.He turned to face his partner, and heard her say softly, "I have never seen His Highness so happy."
His partner smiled gratefully at him and said softly, "Thank you, Lord Rigon."
When the music ends, the last part of tonight's battle plan begins.As long as anyone wants to get close to Dimitri or Mr. Jinlu, he will be dragged to dance by one of Claude's accomplices immediately.Even the blue lion girl who danced with him joined the fight - she stopped a black vulture student who was trying to approach their teacher and asked if he could dance with her.
Maybe he should ask her what's her name, because she is also a like-minded comrade in arms.
…Then he saw that almost all the Blue Lion students were intercepting potential interferers, and realized that in this way, he would have to write down all members of the Golden Deer and Blue Lion classes.
If the two classes can work together to ensure that Mr. Jinlu and the Qingshi prefect can dance together without being disturbed by outsiders, he would be happy to make such a sacrifice.
The two couldn't leave before the next piece started, so they had to continue dancing together.
Well, judging from their sweet smiling faces, Claude is sure that this is not a burden for the two of them.
Nothing went wrong with the plan.They interrupted Edelgard three times.Claude wondered if she wanted to dance with the teacher or Dimitri.Maybe both.
If it's the last situation, Claude can fully understand it.
It's also funny to see how Sylvan teases Edelgard.The most surprising thing was that the person who stretched out her hand to invite Edelgard to dance the third time turned out to be Dorothea.Claude was wondering if he should also recruit a few big names from the Black Eagle class to join their matchmaking business.
Fulian was in charge of intercepting her brother, and she didn't know whether he wanted to dance with the teacher or simply wanted to separate the two.Considering the blue veins on his forehead, the latter is more likely.Claude was surprised that his temper did not break out until the sixth dance was played.
The most unexpected stopper was the Archbishop himself.Even more unexpected than this, the person who stopped the number one authority of the order was Gerald the Bad Blade, and he even danced with the archbishop.Claude nodded when he saw the teacher's father staring at him.
Okay, now that her father approves, it's good.
After the end of the seventh piece, the prince and his partner left the hall.They probably thought no one was paying attention.
Of course not.
He and his closest pink-haired accomplice celebrated with high fives on the dance floor.
Some handed the money to the winner of the bet before leaving.
Many young lion students seem to have handed over their money to Dudu and Mercedes.Claude couldn't help but wonder if there was any conspiracy.
All in all, Claude sees it as a huge success.
Then he saw the Archbishop also leave the meeting place.
This piqued his curiosity.
He just wanted to make one thing clear: no matter what Lorenz and Hilda might say, it was entirely by accident that he overheard the conversation between those two in the Tower of the Goddess.He argued that it was Leia he was following, not them.But when he got to the Tower of the Goddess, he lost the Archbishop, and saw the two of them unexpectedly.As soon as he heard Dimitri's voice, he hurriedly hid. He wanted to leave, but Dimitri just said, "When I graduate, can you come back to Ferdia with me?"
oh my god.
O merciful God Palmyra.
Then he would never be able to leave.
He needs to know what's next!
Moreover, he also let his imagination fly.They had been laughing at the poor prince for being too slow to move, and when he made a move, he hit the nail on the head.
Honestly, it sounds like a disaster is about to happen.
And Claude likes to watch disaster scenes.
He secretly promised that he would collect Dimitri's body when he was bombed beyond recognition, and help him prepare for the next time.
"I..." Claude couldn't see them, and he didn't want to take the risk of being discovered on such a critical occasion, so he could only concentrate on listening to them.His eyes widened when she answered in a soft voice he had never heard before: "I would love to, Dimitri."
No. Yes!
"You, would you like to?" Dimitri's surprised tone directly reflected Claude's current feelings.The teacher probably nodded, because the young man went on, "Uh, oh, oh! I... I... I'm so happy I don't know what to say."
"I promise you, I will make you happy, teacher, no..." Dimitri's soft, loving voice was not directed at Claude, but Claude heard the prince's voice While whispering, I still felt my heart skipped a beat: "My dear."
That's it.
Claude von Riegand felt that he was going to be crushed to death that day.
It's a happy way to die.
However, he was not killed.
In fact, he had to run away as quietly and quickly as he could, because he heard them kissing.Even though he was intimately involved in their love story, he wanted them to keep some privacy.
...the next day he became notorious for being a nosy bum who prevented couples from going to the Tower of the Goddess.
Alas, it's all for those two fools who are in love.
Surprisingly, on the second day after the Tower of the Goddess incident, no substantial changes occurred.He keeps it a secret from everyone because he doesn't think it's right to tell anyone else (not even Hilda).Besides, no one would believe him.It didn't take long for them to go to the subject of the month as usual.But Claude did see her saying goodbye to Dimitri in the corridor that led from the hall to the training ground.They didn't kiss (which was disappointing), but they held hands the whole time they talked.He couldn't hear what they were saying from his current position, but it was too risky to keep approaching, so he just let them go.Ignaz rushed to the meeting point 10 minutes earlier than the scheduled time (he has improved, because last month the poor man ran to the meeting point three 10 minutes early), Claude first Greeted him cheerfully (loudly).Then immediately started laughing at him for being so early. After 1 minute their teacher came over.She looked him in the eyes, said nothing, but nodded gratefully to him.He blinked in response.
Geralt's death was a terrible blow to everyone.He couldn't help thinking that he could have done something.He would have been able to do something.He had long felt that there was something wrong with the girl he rescued with Fulian that day, but he just classified it as another unsolved mystery of Fodora and left it behind.When he heard that Hilda had the same suspicion about the red-haired girl, he should have pursued it to the end.
If he had scouted her then, spent more time watching her, Geralt wouldn't have...
Now is not the time to dwell on what-ifs and what-ifs.The fact that the teacher's father is dead won't change, and she hasn't seen anyone for a whole day.He is very worried about her.Therefore, seeing Hilda and other Golden Deer members accompanying Leonie to comfort her, he set off to find the teacher.She wasn't in his room, so he decided to check out her father's office.When he approached the door of Bad Blade's office, he heard Dimitri's gentle voice from inside: "Stay here until you calm down. As for Lady Leia and everyone, I will deal with it appropriately. .”
Claude leaned his back against the wall by the door, and slowly turned the doorknob without making a sound.He heard the prince continue to say softly: "I will explain it to Claude, I believe he can understand."
He could barely hear her murmur of thanks, and he pushed the door open a little so that he could see inside.
The two stood in the middle of the room, just a step away from each other.
"We will always be waiting for you." Dimitri gently took one of her hands and continued, "I don't think only those who never stop are strong."
He closed his eyes: "Being able to stop and mourn for the dead is also the strength of human beings... I think so."
Claude folded his arms and rested his head against the wall behind him.He was thankful that Dimitri came first.If he was standing in the prince's position now, he might not know what to say.Both his parents are there, so it is difficult to personally understand the teacher's mood at the moment.He might even heartlessly tell her to get out of the pain and move on.While this is certainly helpful advice, sometimes people just need some time to process their grief.
And the teacher seems to be such a person.
"But..." Dimito gently stroked her face with his other hand, and said, "No matter how sad, tears will dry up one day."
Claude could hear the pain and sorrow in the blond youth's voice, and understood that what he said was from his own experience.
Dimitri put down the hand that was stroking her cheek, and took her other hand, with a clear and firm voice: "I live to achieve something... I can only hold on to this goal and move forward .”
"Target?" she asked softly, with a blank tone in her tone.
Dimitri explained to her what happened four years ago, and Claude wondered if he should avoid it.Admittedly, the conversation contained a lot of information, but it was too personal.He may want to know everything that might be useful later, but right now he still feels guilty about overhearing a private conversation between two of his best friends.
Then he heard the anger in Dimitri's voice: "...it was me who survived alone that day, and it was my duty to do so."
After that, his tone was still soft, but Claude could hear the anger hidden under the voice.He explains how this responsibility drives him forward.Seeing the way she looked at Dimitri, Claude knew that she felt the anger in it too.
"Now that Lord Gerald is gone..." The tenderness in his tone did not diminish the determination within it.He stared at her with those clear blue eyes, and held her hands tightly, as if afraid that she would suddenly drift away: "My dear, what is your mission?"
He lowered his head and leaned forward, touching his forehead to hers, closed his eyes, took her hand on his chest, and let her feel his heartbeat. "My dear, you have already made up your mind, haven't you?"
They watched each other silently.After a moment, Dimitri took a step back and let go of her hand: "There is only one thing
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