"It's not good... the big thing is not good!!"

Mineta ran back to the classroom crying and crying all the way. At this point in time, only half of the classmates hadn't left yet.

Seeing Mineta's panic-stricken expression, monitor Iida frowned, stepped forward nervously and asked, "What's the matter, does your stomach hurt?"

"It must be too much." Sero, who was sitting on a chair to pack his things, said leisurely, "Just send him to the toilet."

"I don't think he ate too much." Kirishima observed Mineta's panting figure carefully, and his eyes suddenly brightened: "It should be caused by strenuous exercise after meals! It's a good job to not forget to exercise during lunch break." Yes, Mineta!"

"Huh? How could Mineta be that kind of person." Sero rolled his eyes helplessly: "I would rather think that he was discovered when he went to spy on the women's locker room, and then he was chased all the way here."

"Wait! Selu-san!" The deputy monitor, 800 million, glared at him sharply: "Your words are really vulgar, please don't continue!"

"Exactly!" Iida immediately pushed down his glasses in agreement, and if it wasn't for the blush on his face, he would have been very upright: "I think Kirishima is right, he should be diligent in exercising." Make it look like this."

"Oh! Sure enough, you think so too?" Kirishima smiled heartily: "It's amazing, we also have to learn from him."

Mineta had just learned a shocking news, so he ran back quickly all the way, thinking to tell the students in the class at the first time, but when he was panting for breath...the group of people started chatting regardless of him up!It's so hilarious! !

Mineta's eyes suddenly seeped a deep sorrow, his eyes were bloodshot like a ghost, his voice was faint, and he leaned on the wall and said sinisterly: "You bastards... I really misjudged you, it's useless for me to think I want to tell you shocking news!"

"Shocking news?" Sero blinked, and was just a little interested, but remembered Mineta's usual peeing, and calmly went back: "Anyway, it's about girls again, I'm not interested."

Seeing that everyone was still in disbelief, Mineta couldn't bear it. A puff of anger piled up in his chest, forcing him to shout: "Qi Mu is an undercover agent sent by the enemy!!"

Hearing this, everyone in the class looked at him with blank expressions.

This inadvertent focus made Mineta feel comfortable, and he raised his chin triumphantly.

However, the first thing that came out was a 'pooh' laugh, and Ashdo Sanna covered her stomach with laughter: "This joke is really interesting, is today April Fool's Day?"

"No no, hasn't April Fool's Day passed!" Feng Tian quickly retorted anxiously: "What I said is true, I heard it with my own ears!"

"Mineta-san." Standing beside him, Iida pushed his eyes seriously, and looked at him with sharp eyes disapproving: "Although Saiki's character is very violent, it's not right to frame him with such things. Good behavior, please stop!"

At this time, no one was standing beside him, but they were all looking at him with condemning eyes, Mineta couldn't help deeply doubting how attractive Saiki Hiiragi was, and he didn't even believe what he said was believing what he said. "I told you that I heard it with my own ears!" Feng Tian was anxious, and told all the things he did just now: "I went to the rooftop to eavesdrop on Qi Mu and Shang Ming's conversation..."

As soon as I said this, I received everyone's cold stares again, looking at the face of "I even have to eavesdrop on other people's conversations, it's too bad", Mineta swallowed a little nervously, and there was more in the following words Lack of confidence: "Then I heard Shang Ming questioning whether Qi Mu is from the enemy alliance, Qi Mu also admitted, and said that the USJ's sneak attack plan was made by them!"

After recounting the conversation between Qi Mu and Shang Ming incoherently, he spread his hands and said anxiously: "What I said is true! You believe me, Qi Mu is really an undercover agent!"

"Even if you say that..." Lugu stroked his hair in embarrassment: "But Qi Mu is very kind to us, and he has no malice. He doesn't look like a member of the enemy alliance at all."

"Indeed. He didn't show mercy in the process of fighting the enemy." Because of his strength, Hong Jiaodong, who often observed Qi Mu, also added: "It won't be a gang."

"Why is this..." Mineta looked at everyone in despair, obviously he heard it with his own ears, why no one believed it!

But at this time, someone really put forward the opposite opinion.

"Don't jump to conclusions so quickly." Shoko Mezo said cautiously: "Think carefully, the enemy can know the time of USJ's training and the whereabouts of All Might, which shows that someone has passed information to them, whether it is No one in our class is surprised."

"It makes sense." Eight million, who had been meditating just now, finally said, "Besides, Mineta-san and Qi Mu-san have no feuds, so there is no reason for such a frame-up for no reason."

"That's right!" Mineta's eyes lit up directly: "Why do you believe me? 800 million, you are so kind!"

"I'm just analyzing rationally." A trace of worry appeared on 800 million's eyebrows: "Actually, I can't believe that there are undercover agents sent by the enemy in our class."

The scenes of everyone playing together, chatting together, and having dinner together are clearly presented in the mind.

How could these lovely classmates betray them, no one wanted to believe it.

But after the calm lake broke the ripples, there was no way to restore it. The doubts about whether Qi Muhiira was an undercover agent were always engraved in everyone's hearts and lingered.

"Anyway, let's tell Teacher Aizawa about this first!" Ashdo Sanna anxiously said, "Wouldn't it be faster to ask Teacher to help!"

"Wait! Ashido-san." Midoriya hurriedly stopped him, "If you tell Mr. Aizawa, it's like telling Xiongying or the Hero Association. Regardless of whether Saiki is an undercover agent or not, it won't affect him very well. We Let’s wait until the news is confirmed.”

"Ah! Hmm!" Ashdo Sanna just adopted the most reasonable method, but after Green Valley analyzed it, she realized that doing so would cause Saiki Hiiragi to get into trouble, and immediately dismissed this idea.

"Are you going to question him?" Shoko Muzo said, "Since he has admitted it to Ming, then he will tell us as well."

"Don't!" Mineta yelled out in horror immediately, ran over and grabbed his collar and cried, "Then he will know that I'm eavesdropping, I don't want to die yet !"

"No, Qi Mu won't attack his classmates." Lu Gu reassured.

"How do you know! Don't you also don't know about him!" Feng Tian retorted: "Maybe Shangming is also in danger now!"

Green Valley was speechless when he refuted, he has always regarded Saiki as a friend, and he was sure that Saiki would not do anything to hurt others, but in fact, he did not know the real Saiki Hiiragi, and he was not qualified to speak for him at all .

But 800 million quickly settled everyone's hearts with wisdom: "Don't worry about Shangming, although Shangming looks like an idiot, he is not actually stupid. He deliberately chose a place with a camera on the roof, and it is in Xiongying's internal territory. No matter Qi Whatever Mu does, he will report to the teachers, so Qi Mu will not act rashly."

"However, I don't recommend directly asking Qi Mu or talking to Shangming. As long as there is a 0.1% possibility that our safety will be threatened, I don't recommend doing so."

Everyone looked at each other.

"Then what should we do, pretend we don't know?"

800 million thought for a while, then hesitated and said: "If we only rely on us to find out about Qi Mu... I can make a locator, and someone can help me quietly put it on Qi Mu's body to check where he left school. location, we can know whether he is an undercover agent or not!"

"Wow, that's a great idea, 800 million." Kirishima immediately gave a thumbs up: "Then I'll help you."

"If possible, I don't want to doubt my classmate..." 800 million silently sighed: "If you misunderstand, please wait until later to apologize to classmate Qi Mu."

A few people had a discussion about sticking the locator on that part so that it would be less likely to be found, but before the research results were reached, they saw Saiki Hiiragi came back with Kami Ming, and they got back together again.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief at the same time. If Qi Mu was an undercover agent, how could Shang Ming have eased his relationship with him? Mineta must have heard it wrong.

But in order to get peace of mind, Kirishima still walked towards Saiki Hiiragi in the eyes of everyone, and the two brothers hugged each other's necks, and said with a smile: "Qimu, have you eaten, let's go together Let's eat."

Saiki waved his hand away awkwardly, but Kirishima always liked this kind of action, and he didn't show any surprise: "It's all up to now and you haven't eaten yet?"

Kirishima withdrew his hand, and aimed vaguely at the fabric on Saigi Hiiragi's neckline, heaving a sigh of relief: "Ah...well, it happens to be together."

He deliberately placed the locator out of sight, so it wouldn't be noticed unless he checked it out.

At the same time, his heart suddenly felt a little more uneasy, as if he had betrayed his best friend, and his remorse almost overflowed.

It's strange, obviously he didn't think so much just now, but after seeing Saiki Hiiragi's trusting eyes, he suddenly regretted it.

"I invited you for lunch today." Kirishima forced a smile, using this method to make up for the uneasiness in his heart.

But Qi Muzhen also looked at him suspiciously because of his generosity, well, now not only dinner, but also lunch was packed.

Although I don't understand why Kirishima is so generous, it doesn't affect Saiki Hiiragi's good mood to agree quickly.

Everyone seemed to get along peacefully until after school, Saiki Hiiragi originally planned to go eat sushi with Naruto, but when he looked down at the text message in his hand, his eyebrows and eyes showed a serious look. "Sorry." Saiki Hiiragi sighed upwards: "I have something to do today, let's go tomorrow."

Originally, Shangming was ready to be sad and sad, but when he heard Qi Muhiira's breaking the appointment, he still couldn't react, he blinked slowly, and said nervously: "You can't be?!"

Given that there were so many students in the room, he didn't say the second half of the sentence.

But Saiki Hiiragi understood what he meant in an instant.

"Don't worry, I won't go back on what I promised you."

Saiki Hiiragi waved his hands lazily, picked up his schoolbag and walked outside, leaving Shangming's worried expression in vain.

And the follow-up team that was quickly established today also immediately packed up their schoolbags and went out.

There are five people in the tracking team: Kirishima, Lvgu, 800 million, Hong, and Iida. As the maker of all plans, 800 million needs to supervise them at any time.

Once in danger, evacuate immediately.

They don't need to follow closely behind Saiki Hiiragi, as long as they follow the locator, they can keep a certain safe distance and find the final location of Saiki Hiiragi.

And their heroic school uniforms are also very conspicuous, and they went to a [-]-yuan store to buy some wigs and clothes to change into, wrapping themselves into mature adults, and finally walked carefully towards the position of the locator.

At this moment, Nakahara Chuya and Saiki Hiiragi were indeed in the bar base, talking to Shigaraki and Kurogiri.

Regarding the last sneak attack, Kurogi was eager to know what action the hero had taken, and Shigaraki also said yesterday that someone was tracking Saiki Hiiragi, which also made Kurogi a little uneasy.

"Xiongying is searching our location, but there is no problem so far." What Qi Muhira has to do is to stabilize them, so as not to make them suspicious: "I have already taken care of the other follower, and fooled him today. He believed it."

"Really?" Black Mist asked suspiciously, "Did he believe it so easily?"

"Well, I have a good reputation in the eyes of my classmates." Saiki Hiiragi said without exaggeration: "It seems that he saw the two of us talking at the USJ training ground, but because you left immediately, I lied to him that I If it's a battle of wits, he has no doubts."

"So don't talk to me outside, it will be easy to expose." Saiki Hiiragi looked at Heiwu with a condemning expression: "Now you understand, if it really exposes our two undercover agents, we will be locked up directly. prison!"

"Sorry, I really didn't think carefully."

The black mist gentleman lowered his head and apologized, and the doubts in his heart gradually dispelled.

And just as the atmosphere gradually eased, Shigaraki, who was lazily sitting in front of the bar and looking at Saigi Hiiragi, suddenly narrowed his eyes, and the crimson pupils reflected a gleam of light.

He pointed to the position behind Saiki Hiiragi's collar, narrowed his eyes and said, "Hey, what is that thing?"

"What?" Saiki Hiiragi blinked inexplicably, his eyes drifted to his shoulders, but he didn't see anything.

On the other hand, Zhong Yuanzhong also touched the collar for him, and a round patch suddenly appeared in the middle of his palm, reflecting the cold light.

Saiki Hiiragi looked at Yuanka with a confused expression, but the image of Kirishima smiling on his shoulder unconsciously appeared in his mind, and the corners of his eyes twitched.

A bad premonition almost swallowed him, Saiki Hiiragi quickly picked up the small disc and held it in his hand, pretending not to care and said: "Probably the garbage got on it, I threw it away."

"No, show me." Hei Wu opened his body seriously, and slowly stretched out the black mist toward his palm.

Saiki Hiiragi pursed his lips subconsciously, he had no choice but to pass the small wafer over.

Hei Wu put his eyes under his eyes to observe carefully for a while, then suddenly suppressed his voice extremely, and said coldly: "This is a locator, Qi Mu, you are being followed!"

Hearing this, everyone was shocked.But what they thought of for a moment was not to investigate who released it, but the question that someone should be watching nearby.

Shigaoki directly opened the window and jumped out, his eyes swept around, searching for the sneaky guys nearby, the black mist even teleported his body, and at the same time shouted at Qi Mu and his two: "Go search! We must not let them escape!"

Only Saiki Hiiragi and Nakahara Chuya were left in the empty room, and Nakahara Chuya frowned suspiciously: "What the hell is going on, who put it on!"

"...should be someone from our class." Qi Muhiiragi quickly clarified the facts: "Someone overheard my conversation with Shangming, and told all the students about it. The locator made by 800 million, Probably trying to confirm my identity."

Nakahara Nakahara had already heard about Qi Muhiiragi and Kami Naruto, but he didn't expect that it would become more and more chaotic in the end, until the whole Class A got involved in this matter, and immediately rubbed his head violently: " Ah, this guy is really troublesome, what should I do now."

"Shikaragi and Kurogiri don't necessarily know the people in Class A. They are probably looking for heroes." At the critical moment when the lives of the students were hanging by a thread, Saiki Hiiragi calmed down even more: "Let's find them first. , and then drive them away, and act separately, we must be faster than Shigaraki and the others!"

"Understood!" Nakahara Nakahara sighed in great trouble, but still obediently flew away from the window, and Saiki Hiiragi set off from another direction, and quickly searched the nearby streets.

Along the way, Qi Muzhen desperately prayed that the students in the class would be smarter, and never forget to bump into Karagi's arms, but often times, people's wishes did not come true. When Qi Muzhen was still running around all over the street, Just happened to meet Sigangmu staring at a group of strangely dressed people, looking dangerously at them.

At first, Qi Muhiira didn't think there was anything interesting about those people in flashy clothes, but after he inadvertently took a second look, he suddenly realized——

Damn, why does the guy with the fake beard look so familiar? !

...Wait, the blonde next to her seems familiar too!

In the end, he carefully looked at these five people of different shapes, and took a sharp breath, my mother...these people seem to be familiar...

Isn't this, isn't this his classmates? !

The author has something to say: The enemy alliance cannot stay, but we still have Hong Kong gangsters!

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