he killed his lover

Chapter 10 The First Dead

Sewell chewed a mint leaf in his mouth, and the cool taste spread in his mouth, and the more pungent taste drilled into his nose along the mouth, and then continued upwards, into the brain.Nice to wake up his nerves tired from the long vigil.

The forest was still very quiet, almost silently reminiscent of certain solemn occasions, such as attending a service in a church full of pews or a funeral with white wreaths.

Funerals are the most annoying things.

The whole forest here is a tomb, a black tomb, a dark tomb, a burial tomb.

I hate funerals.

He looked up at the sky above him.

A clear moon hangs low there.

He was lying behind a slightly protruding rock, perfectly concealed by the rocks and accumulated leaves.

In front of him was their small camp. Under the inconspicuous light, he could clearly see every move below. There was a very good weather tonight.It was past midnight, but it was still early in the morning.

There was a familiar temperature on his right leg, and something solid and heavy was pressed against his leg.It was the temperature of the gun, he knew it.At the same time, his left hand kept rubbing the handle of the long knife.The touch was rough, but it was real.

Don't worry, it will always appear.he told himself so.

He swallowed the leaves that had been sucked out of the juice in his mouth, and the rough fibers slipped down his esophagus into his stomach cleanly and smoothly.

Come on, come on.

That bodyless figure that is always sneaking around, those long hands that always hide behind people.I will catch you.

I know you're here, you've made up your mind from the start, you mean, ugly bastard.If you're going to show up to take Joe tonight, whatever you are, taste the bullet.

Although now I no longer have the previous identity.

Oh, but do you think I'll just sit back and watch Joe be taken away?

He felt more and more energetic now, and watched the camp in front of him more and more closely, temporarily abandoning all unnecessary thoughts, and vowed not to let go of any troubles below.

A flying insect hit his eyelid dizzily, his eyelid twitched slightly, he blinked uncontrollably, but he opened it again soon.

The moment he blinked, and when he opened it again, he saw a small figure sneaking out through the small opening of the tent door.He was still wearing the long-sleeved pajamas, with a somewhat confused look on his face.


Sewell almost cried out.

Come back, boy, and don't go into the forest.

But the boy obviously didn't understand his silent words, his small body swayed from side to side as if he hadn't woken up.Then, without the slightest hesitation, he walked into the dark forest in that direction.

Sewell stood up from behind the stone that had hidden him, and followed without hesitation.

Countless cluttered branches stretched out their teeth and claws more and more wantonly under the cover of the night, and Sewell had to use the long knife to push those protruding plants aside.

Please hurry up!Don't let this tragedy happen again.

He could hear the gasping, the low growl of a wild animal.

Then he suddenly realized that the voice came from his own mouth.

He squatted down halfway, and slowly moved forward in an uncomfortable way, observing the surrounding plants.

These creatures take up nearly all of the surrounding space.Leaves that are emerald green during the day turn indistinct black at night.

They don't even need light, the only condition they need to grow is to give them enough room to occupy them.

Is light necessary for plants?He suddenly considered this question in his mind.

Maybe it is not necessary, just like there is no love, no kindness and beauty, but people can still live.

Wherever the branches and leaves of all plants grow, it is a dark field.

He found a small, narrow path.

Joe used to walk through here.

He stood up from the wet and soft ground, and quickly chased inside.

The further you go forward, the narrower the road ahead will be, with dense tree trunks stacked on top of each other, leaving almost no gap for people to move forward.

Sewell took a deep breath and looked up at the sky.

But the leaves were thick enough to hide it from the moon to tell what time it was, but it had been about half an hour since he had seen Joe enter the woods.

half an hour.

He frantically brushed aside the vines that fell on his face, and the thorny plants left bloodstains on his face, but Sewell continued to stride forward.

The surrounding scenes made him inexplicably familiar, and this familiarity made him even more uneasy.

There was a faint smell of blood.It is in the direction of the wind.

It was very close, and a small voice in his heart said to him inexplicably.

The smell of blood became more and more intense, and finally became so strong that it was almost suffocating.

This is the direction of the wind, and the wind blows from that direction.His sweat-soaked body felt cold.

He obediently slowed down his steps, and slowly squatted down to push aside the last cluster of sage in front of him that blocked his view, and looked forward.

In front was a low depression, where the leaves of the deciduous broad-leaved trees had accumulated thickly. There was still no moon, and the forest was still dark without seeing the sun, but such a short distance could not be a reason to block the line of sight.

He saw the dead moose at a glance, and he also knew the deer.It was the first day he came here, and he was shown off by Joe as a baby, but he was taken aback at the time.

If that moose could still be called a "deer" now.

It has almost become a huge skeleton now.All barely edible parts of the body have been torn away.

One of the big gentle brown eyes that had remained the same even after death had disappeared, leaving only a hollow eye socket.

Black with an ominous tinge of red.Sewell knew it was the color of blood soaked in it.

This huge skeleton has a strange pink color as a whole, and even the smell is bloody with a touch of sweetness.Its upper body was darker, with a tinge of brown oozing through it.But the lower body is still fresh.

Fresh that has just been eaten.

Of course, he also saw Joe.His body was stained with blood stains, and the blond hair that was originally like an angel was covered with solidified blood.Sewell was glad he couldn't see his eyes from this angle.

Almost the whole body of the boy lay on the ground, in a beastly posture, trying to tear the last bit of flesh from the poor deer's leg.

Sewell noticed that he barely chewed through his teeth while doing this.He hated his keen observation ability at this time.

The last piece of flesh was quickly and smoothly swallowed by the boy.Standing up from the ground, he is like a real human being, no different from other ordinary little boys.

The boy burped a small, incredibly cute burp.

The author has something to say:

Ding~ Qiao compared a heart with a bone and gave it to you

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