They lay in silence for a while, Chris' fingers running lazily at his throat. Sebastian's fingers twitch, eager to touch him, but before he can, Chris yanks off the D-ring. "Come here," he said, and Sebastian's mouth went dry suddenly. "I haven't fed you all day."
Sebastian lets himself be pulled to his feet, heavy, and Chris pulls him forward. "Sit at the table," he gestured, and Sebastian resisted the urge to get down on all fours and crawl over.
He was terrified by the thought.The collar makes him feel good, in a way that makes Sebastian sure he'll be content with it, but now that he has it, it just seems to fuel the desire for more.Maybe not.He'd spent all these years without realizing he needed this; maybe he'd always wanted it.It seems more likely that they have already started.Because he now has a ring of leather around his neck.
When he gets to the table, for a moment he considers sitting on the floor by the table, but before he has time Chris is behind him and pushes him gently into the chair. "Good boy," Chris said, leaning over to kiss Sebastian's temple, before heading into the kitchen.The chair was cold, and Sebastian squirmed.Halfway back, Chris shouted, "Don't move around."
Sebastian swallowed hard and stopped moving.He wasn't sure how long he'd been there when Chris returned with two trays of sandwiches.He put the first plate in front of Sebastian and said forcefully, "Eat it."
A certain stillness flows through Sebastian as he does what Chris says.He wondered if the sandwich would have tasted as good if he hadn't been ordered to.The thought caught him off guard, but Chris, still standing next to him, stroked his hair and said softly, "That's it," and sat down.
After they ate quietly for a while, Chris asked, "What are you going to do when you get home?"
Sebastian blinks.It took him a moment to realize that 'home' meant back to New York, not his hotel room. "Well?"
"I told you, I don't want you to be that serious. What do you want to do when you get back to New York?"
Sebastian looked down at his sandwich and took another bite, chewing for an answer that wasn't 'follow me'.
"I can text you," he swallowed. "I don't know, I can let you know wait—when things get serious, you'll be able to..." It seems weird to discuss this out loud. Sebastian felt spoiled and begging for something, so he let himself go silent.
"What can I do?" Chris asked. "Give you a mission? In the past?"
Sebastian sneaks a look at him. "Will you come? It's three hours away."
Chris shrugged. "I can't go every time," he said, as if it were obvious.As if if he wasn't busy with other things, the 'he's over' offer was as easy as walking across the street.
"If I had invited you before, would you have gone over instead of letting me come here?"
Chris looks surprised that this even counts as a problem. "Of course," he said, as if it was no big deal. "I promised to take good care of you. I don't have anything to do at home, and it won't be a problem at all."
Sebastian doesn't realize he's staring until Chris starts to look shy. "What's the matter? You came here on a whim. What's the difference?"
"No." Sebastian admits.He's still convinced it's different, but Sebastian isn't sure why.He wondered if Chris did it for others, too, or if he was special.He wanted Chris to tell him why it wouldn't bother him at all.He wants Chris to talk about itching his skin.He couldn't speak first, because it would ruin everything.He just needs to hear it.But Chris doesn't say anything, just looks at Sebastian. "No," he repeated.
"I don't have to," Chris finally said. "I could—we could just do this remotely. I could just give you orders, like, via text message. I just thought—when you came here, I thought you wanted to…"
"I think so," Sebastian interrupted.He felt like an asshole. "I just didn't, uh. I didn't expect you to do it for me."
Chris looked hurt, and Sebastian's heart tightened. "I didn't—say…" He didn't know how to make it sound like an innocuous misunderstanding.That's all. Chris gets up from his chair and kneels in front of Sebastian so he can look him in the eye. Sebastian blushed, trying not to think about the fact that he was still naked.
"What do you want me to do, Sebastian?"
Sebastian smiled. "Shouldn't that be my line?"
Chris has a serious expression on his face. "Mine first."
Sebastian's heart beat against his ribs so hard it hurt his chest. "M-could be just tasks. Little things. I'll…I'll let you know if I need more, I guess." Chris smiled brightly at him, and Sebastian smiled back, relieved. "What now?"
There was less pressure in Chris's voice as he repeated, "Now what?"
Sebastian licks his teeth nervously, then flashes a knowing smile. "What do you want me to do, Chris?"
Chris snorted and patted the back of his neck tenderly. "You're such a naughty bastard." Sebastian's smirk faltered because Chris' touch reminded him of the collar around his neck. Chris must have noticed too, because he asked, "Is this okay?"
"Do you still want to wear it?"
Chris looks back. "You look so beautiful," he said after a moment, feeling warm and pleasant in Sebastian's stomach. Chris' fingers slide slowly across Sebastian's chest and Sebastian whimpers, a shudder running down his spine. "Since you're spending the night here tonight, is there anything you'd like to try? Like more restraint?"
Sebastian wants to try everything.He nods, and Chris nods too. "I'm going to tie your ankles together and your hands behind your back." Sebastian moaned, and Chris added, "You're going to get on your knees and give me a blowjob, and then wait for my permission to come."
Sebastian squirms, and Chris runs his hands through his hair. "If you come before I give permission, I'll punish you. Is that okay with you?" Sebastian nodded, already trembling slightly. Chris smiled at him affectionately. "Do you want to choose the punishment (method) now?"
"Hit me," Sebastian replied instantly, and Chris' eyes flickered.
"If you want me to hit you," he said after taking a breath, "it doesn't have to be punishment." Since Sebastian didn't answer right away, he asked, "Do you want me to hit you?" Sebastian nodded. "Do you want to take it as punishment?"
Sebastian swallowed, shaking his head. "I'll be good," he blurts, and Chris smiles at him.
"I know you're good." He ran his hands through Sebastian's hair and asked, "So do you need me to use a belt, if you need to be punished?" Sebastian took too long to answer, and Chris' hand snapped over his face. "answer me."
Sebastian sees stars, and the pain seems to send something straight to his cock.Carefully lick your lips and smile. "Yes, sir."
Chris looks like he's about to jump up and drop him to the ground, and the way he can't help it creates a heady sense of strength that flows through Sebastian. "More." He begged, his voice low. "beg--"
Chris interrupts the word, knocking his head back, and Sebastian can feel the heat of his palm stinging against his skin. Sebastian's legs spread out.He's vaguely aware that this shouldn't feel so good, but that's okay. Chris was looking at him the same way he'd been looking at him from the bed.It was as if he was barely controlling himself.
Sebastian looked down at him. "Come on," he says, not really sure what Chris wants to do, but he doesn't care anyway.
Chris lunges forward, and Sebastian's teeth catch him by the neck, just above the collar, when he hears a vague fuck.
Sebastian's entire body shudders in anticipation, but Chris backs away, teeth not digging into his skin. "No." Sebastian's voice sounded pathetic: "Come on, please..."
"I can't," Chris said firmly. "When it's about someone, it's about everyone."
"I don't care." Sebastian flinched under his own tone.He's like a petulant child.
"You will." Chris stepped back and looked at him. "I can not."
Sebastian glared at him.With a sudden thought, he roared, "Red."
There was a moment of bewilderment on Chris's face, and he backed away abruptly. Before Sebastian could take it back, Chris understood and gave a hesitant smile. "Are you using safe words to keep me from doing something?"
Sebastian feels like he's won. "Yes."
Chris giggled and ran his hand over Sebastian's arm. "I don't think that's the way the word safe is used."
"Who said that?" Sebastian pouted.
Chris sighed, still smiling. "Come on." He reaches to unclasp Sebastian's collar. Sebastian makes an angry noise and ducks back, but Chris just coaxes him, "I'll put it back on for you. I give in."
Sebastian is still, and Chris leans forward, biting the skin on the heel of his throat, where he's been bitten before.His teeth sank and Sebastian melted back into the chair. Chris almost crawls on top of him and Sebastian shudders when he hears a soft, muffled growl echoing from the depths of Chris's chest.
Sebastian wonders how much he's kept, and if Sebastian asks him to stop trying, Chris would be willing to let him see how much. The image of Chris pinning him to the floor with his teeth in Sebastian's carotid makes him dizzy.
He makes a soft movement, and Chris's teeth bite into the base of his neck, hard enough that Sebastian is almost sure Chris can taste blood right now.The thought just made Sebastian moan louder. Chris finally let go of Sebastian's throat and said in a voice that couldn't be disputed, "Wear shirts with collars for the next few days. Understand?"
Sebastian nods before Chris puts the collar around his throat. "That's my good boy," he said, kissing Sebastian's temple. "Get down on your knees now, I'll be right back." Sebastian slid out of his chair to the floor and Chris kissed the top of his head before disappearing into the hallway.
Chris came back with a shoebox under his arm.He put the box away from Sebastian and asked, "Is it comfortable?"
Sebastian nods, and Chris makes a sound of approval, like teasing a puppy. "You're always so pretty on your knees." Sebastian nods, blurry, and Chris smiles. "Every time you stand up I want to push you back to where you should be."
"Yes, sir," Sebastian muttered blankly, falling forward.
Chris was flabbergasted at him. "Stand up, Sebastian." Sebastian wobbles to his knees and sits up, but Chris has already turned his attention to the shoebox.
Sebastian knows he pulls out his ties, one tying his wrists behind his back and the other around his ankles.He knew there was something else in the box, or he wouldn't have taken it out, but Chris didn't move anything.He stood in front of Sebastian, pulled off his jeans, and pulled out his cock.
"Come on, Seb," he said, and Sebastian struggled to his knees, "do what you were born to do."
When Chris said that, Sebastian's body lit up and he took Chris' cock in his mouth. Chris thrusts his hips forward, and Sebastian starts moaning, relaxing his jaw, screaming more of him into his mouth.I was born for this.
The tie wasn't too tight unless he pulled hard, so he forced his arms and legs to struggle as hard as he could, just to feel the silk against his skin.He moves his head back and forth because Chris hasn't moved yet. He was looking down at him, panting, when Sebastian looked up.
"You're beautiful." Chris sounded shocked, trying to keep his voice steady despite the sensitivity on his cock. "Look at you." He stroked Sebastian's face with one hand, his fingers lightly tracing the outline of his cock under the skin.
"As soon as I open my mouth, you're going to be like this forever, right?" It's just a question, not even serious, but Sebastian has slipped back because of it.His body began to grow heavy, and his eyes closed tremblingly. "That's it," he hears Chris say, only his voice matters now. "This is my good boy."
Chris grabs Sebastian's hair and jerks his back, and then it's like flipping a switch and the atmosphere changes.With collars, bindings, everything is different.He belongs here.Like a pet.The air was cold against his skin, but he could feel the sweat on his neck, running down his spine.He just wants this.think here.I want to be good.
Chris has never been a particularly quiet guy, but at the moment he's blah, almost insane. "Just a good boy, Sebastian. My beautiful and perfect good boy." He gasped, and Sebastian fell silent, still not coming, and Chris continued to push his hips. "My sweet boy, why should I ask you to do anything else?"
Sebastian groaned to relax his jaw.What was entrenched in the hollow of his chest just tightened.He couldn't help it.He needed to hold back, but he couldn't help it.He whimpered, and Chris pulled it out of his mouth. "You want to come, don't you?" he asked, his voice sincere and apologetic. Sebastian nods frantically, murmuring as he loses the weight on his tongue. Chris strokes his face. "Then why don't you?"
Sebastian's tongue thickened in his mouth as he tried to speak, and all that came out was a faint gasp. "No, permission."
"Right," Chris grunts, thrusting his cock back into Sebastian's open mouth. "Just wait." Sebastian made a small sound of approval, and Chris's sudden thrust forward was enough to make Sebastian choke.
A white light exploded in front of Sebastian's eyes, and everything went numb for an instant.
A second later, all perceptions doubled tenfold, and he wanted more.fuck me fuck me fuck me!He can't speak, but Chris seems to understand and fucks deep into Sebastian's mouth, touching the back of his throat.
Chris's chatter turns into a gnashing of teeth, like a stray dog, and Sebastian wants that.He meets Chris' eyes, begging silently, and Chris nods, looking a little dazed, before letting his hips sway against Sebastian's face, deeper and more deliberate.
Chris' fingers grip Sebastian's hair so tight it feels like it's ripping from his scalp.He murmured, his orgasm hovering on the razor's edge. Chris pulls harder and Sebastian blinks until his eyes fall back on Chris. "No, Sebastian."
He could feel Chris' body tensing up, and then whimpering.He needs Chris to come out more than he needs to come out himself. Chris thrusts into him so hard Sebastian sees stars.His jaw was on fire.It was starting to hurt where his arms were bound behind the back.His knee poked painfully on the hardwood floor.Nothing has ever felt so pure and perfect.
Chris cums down his throat without warning, and Sebastian groans wordlessly begging him to touch him, and Chris just pushes Sebastian away so quickly that the cum trickles down his jaw. "Watch me," Chris ordered, but Sebastian couldn't focus.He couldn't help it, he just wanted to come.
"Please..." he choked out, and suddenly Chris' hand fell hard on his face, knocking him off balance and onto the ground.
Sebastian is lost in the time it takes to get to his knees.He's sure he didn't get up by himself, and Chris is kneeling beside him, with one hand on his shoulder, looking like he's about to ask a question. Sebastian had that disembodied feeling, buoyant, dizzy, and it took him a moment to answer. "I'm sorry." He murmured, his voice muffled. "I didn't... mean to..."
Chris looks at him curiously. "What on purpose?" Sebastian didn't understand, looking down at himself.He heard Chris ask, "Did you think you ejaculated?"
Sebastian exhales loudly.I am still stiff.I am still obedient. "I……"
"Sebastian…" Chris gripped his jaw, forcing eye contact. "I need you to talk to me or I'm going to stop. How do you feel?"
Sebastian licks his lips.He was too clouded to tell the difference between one feeling and another.All the emotions cacophony on top of each other at the same time, mixed with the restless desperation under his skin, into something relaxing.He feels controlled.He feels free.He doesn't want this to stop.
"Want to," he finally managed to say.
The hand on Sebastian's chin starts to stroke his face. "Do you want to cum?" Chris asked, his voice low and sweet.Gently prodded.
Sebastian took a shaky breath. "More."
Chris looked at his face for a moment, then stood up. Sebastian watched him walk towards the box, to find something.It was difficult to concentrate, so he closed his eyes and waited. Sebastian's chest tightens suddenly as something tugs lightly on his collar, the slight click of a (dog) leash hook on a D-ring.
"Do you need me to untie your feet or hands?" Chris asked, holding Sebastian's head until he opened his eyes and looked at him. Sebastian's confusion must have shown, because Chris patted his face and said, "Do you want to walk, or do you want to crawl?"
Sebastian's back stiffens.The humiliation curled up in his stomach, making everything more exciting, more intense. "Hands," he decides aloud, and Chris wraps his arms around Sebastian's shoulders, kisses his temples before reaching to pull the knot around his wrist.
"Good boy," he whispers into Sebastian's ear, and Sebastian feels like he's melting into him. "What a good boy." He massaged Sebastian's wrist to regain consciousness, kissed his fingers, and repeated.
Sebastian was on his knees waiting when Chris stood up again. Chris looks at him, and Sebastian smiles up at him.He's so close to the edge, all Chris needs to do is tell him. "Please." He said again, tensing his body and waiting for the slap, and immediately, the slap landed on his face.He shuddered, biting his lip to control himself. Chris lifts his chin, examines his face, and for a moment Sebastian wishes Chris had a bruise.
He opens his mouth to ask, but before he can, Chris tugs on the (dog's) leash and Sebastian's hands jerk out to support himself.At first he's too shocked to move, then Chris tugs again and Sebastian moves forward.
He was panting and hot, and he could feel his knees scraping the hardwood floor as his feet were bound and he struggled to crawl forward. Chris just helps him by tugging at him, the pressure on his throat making him shudder.
He followed Chris' feet obediently, stopping when Chris sat on the edge of the bed. "Tell me the safe word, Sebastian." Chris said calmly, without taking off his belt.
"Red. Yellow." Too many syllables to explain what each one meant, but he got it. After watching him for a moment, Chris put the belt on the ground and cupped the back of Sebastian's head.
"If you can't speak when you want to say the safe word to me, I want you to hold out two fingers," he said firmly, taking Sebastian's hand and forcing him to make a V with the first two fingers. "Like this. See? Is it that simple?" Sebastian watched dazedly, and Chris let go of Sebastian's neck, snapping his fingers to make him look up again. "You have to answer me, baby."
Sebastian shivered, feeling warm all over, but Chris didn't seem to notice what he said. "Easy," Sebastian repeated softly, pulling his hand back.
Chris nodded. "Okay."
The next moment, Chris' fingers wrap around Sebastian's throat.The leather of the collar was pinched to his skin, and a pair of thumbs pressed against his windpipe.He could breathe, just barely, if he gasped, but his lips were starting to go numb.
Sebastian keeps his hands clenched into fists at his sides.
Everything started to feel blurry from the edges, everywhere, except for the hot tension that was building just under his navel.He wants to come so badly, but Chris just watches him silently, glancing at his hands every few seconds.
The world starts to lose focus, and Sebastian can feel himself squirming, hips looking for friction that doesn't exist.He began to forget why he hadn't relaxed, and the edge of his vision began to turn gray.His heart was beating so loudly in his chest that he was pretty sure Chris could hear it too.
Please make me beg you please let me beg you!
"Cum," Chris says, letting go of Sebastian's neck and catching him as he collapses.He felt like every nerve in his body was exposed, and the pleasure mixed with the sharp pain was as strong as wine.He could even feel his orgasm in his fingertips.His head was dizzy and fluttering.
All he can focus on is Chris' rapid breathing.
After a while, Chris' voice broke the silence, confused. "You... I didn't touch you."
"Tell me," Sebastian replied, his voice hoarse and panting.
"Yeah," Chris said, also sounding out of breath, "I did. God, you..."
Sebastian's skin stings with sudden cold and he begins to shiver, curling up against Chris until he hugs Sebastian into his lap. "You've done a great job," he said, reaching to undo the knot on his ankle.He rubbed Sebastian's feet with one hand to restore circulation, and ran his hand up and down Sebastian's arms to keep him warm. "You've always been very good for me."
Sebastian leans closer to Chris, nuzzling against him like he's trying to penetrate his skin and into him.He pressed his face into the hollow of Chris' shoulder, breathing. Chris is like a furnace.The hand on his arm pushed him gently, and Sebastian grunted to show he was listening.
"You need some water, Seb."
The threat to leave makes Sebastian whimper, but Chris just hugs him again. "I've got it by the bed. I just need you to look up."
Sebastian looks up reluctantly so Chris can place the bottle over his mouth.He thinks back to the time the tour was in the restaurant, when Chris had fed him water.As soon as the water touches his tongue, he realizes how right Chris is.He was getting frustrated by Chris' 'always knew'. Sebastian gulped the water gratefully, then turned his head and buried his face back in Chris' neck.
When Sebastian falls asleep, Chris still holds him.
The bed sank and Sebastian was woken up. Chris was leaning over him, tucking his hair behind his ear. "Hi," he says, and Sebastian winks at him. "Sorry, I put you to sleep. I didn't mean to wake you up. You seemed, uh, extremely unresponsive just now, and I thought you needed it." Sebastian curled up, facing Chris.
"Are you okay?" Chris asked softly. "You..." he swallowed, sounding nervous. "You were really slow to react just now."
Sebastian shivered and mumbled, "Good."
Chris is quiet, stroking Sebastian's hair. Sebastian could feel himself falling asleep again when Chris asked, "Would you like some water?"
Sebastian nods sleepily, and Chris pulls him to his chest, the water bottle against his mouth. "Time?" Sebastian mutters, his voice hoarse, and Chris puts the water bottle back on the nightstand.
He ran his hands reassuringly through Sebastian's hair. "It's almost two o'clock at night, Seb. Go to sleep, okay?"
"Stay," Sebastian said sleepily, struggling to focus on what he was saying.He curls up against Chris, his fingers gripping Chris' shirt. "Stay with me."
"I'm here," Chris said, with a smirk. "This is my room, Seb." He broke away from Sebastian's grip on the shirt and stroked his fingers with his thumb, and Sebastian moaned and choked up.He curled his fingers around Chris's as hard as he could.
"Don't go." Sebastian tried to remind him firmly, but it was accompanied by barely audible sleepiness rather than awake slurs. Chris' low laugh falls silent, Sebastian murmurs blankly, and Chris pulls Sebastian closer to his chest.
"I'm not leaving," Chris said again, this time in a serious tone. "I'm right here, I promise." Sebastian nuzzled against his shoulder, grunting gratefully, and Chris pressed a kiss to his temple.
When Sebastian wakes up the next morning, Chris is pressed against his back, kissing his shoulder.He hums happily, and Chris leans in and kisses his neck. Sebastian rolls over on his back and reaches over Chris's head for a kiss, a shudder in his chest as Chris wraps his arms around him and cups his neck.
Sebastian felt a strange shudder run down his spine at the realization that he had fallen asleep with his collar on.
Chris pulls away. "how do you feel?"
Sebastian laughs, and heat creeps up the back of his neck when he notices how Chris' eyes light up when he does it. "Sore like fucked up," he replied, and Chris smirked.
"Appropriate metaphor."
Sebastian snorted, and Chris looked down at him in silence for a moment before petting, "You need a shower." Sebastian pretended to be offended, and Chris added, "You smell like you were outside some wife-swapping club." night."
"I don't?" he asked in mock surprise. "But it's Thursday!" Chris laughed, smacking him gently on the side of the head.
"You look like that too," Chris said, but the playfulness was gone in his voice.He sounds almost proud, a little fascinated, as he leans down to kiss Sebastian's neck, lips brushing the edge of the leather.
"Would you like to wash it for me?" Sebastian said to Chris's hair, and Chris nodded, teeth nibbling softly on the underside of his jaw.
"We've got to take this off," Chris said, pulling the collar off slightly. Sebastian didn't mean to, but he must have reacted, because Chris pressed against his skin and said, "I'll put it back on for you." Sebastian relaxes, and Chris murmurs, almost to himself : "I don't like taking it off you either."
Sebastian is short of breath and Chris climbs on top of him, hands on top of him
Sebastian lets himself be pulled to his feet, heavy, and Chris pulls him forward. "Sit at the table," he gestured, and Sebastian resisted the urge to get down on all fours and crawl over.
He was terrified by the thought.The collar makes him feel good, in a way that makes Sebastian sure he'll be content with it, but now that he has it, it just seems to fuel the desire for more.Maybe not.He'd spent all these years without realizing he needed this; maybe he'd always wanted it.It seems more likely that they have already started.Because he now has a ring of leather around his neck.
When he gets to the table, for a moment he considers sitting on the floor by the table, but before he has time Chris is behind him and pushes him gently into the chair. "Good boy," Chris said, leaning over to kiss Sebastian's temple, before heading into the kitchen.The chair was cold, and Sebastian squirmed.Halfway back, Chris shouted, "Don't move around."
Sebastian swallowed hard and stopped moving.He wasn't sure how long he'd been there when Chris returned with two trays of sandwiches.He put the first plate in front of Sebastian and said forcefully, "Eat it."
A certain stillness flows through Sebastian as he does what Chris says.He wondered if the sandwich would have tasted as good if he hadn't been ordered to.The thought caught him off guard, but Chris, still standing next to him, stroked his hair and said softly, "That's it," and sat down.
After they ate quietly for a while, Chris asked, "What are you going to do when you get home?"
Sebastian blinks.It took him a moment to realize that 'home' meant back to New York, not his hotel room. "Well?"
"I told you, I don't want you to be that serious. What do you want to do when you get back to New York?"
Sebastian looked down at his sandwich and took another bite, chewing for an answer that wasn't 'follow me'.
"I can text you," he swallowed. "I don't know, I can let you know wait—when things get serious, you'll be able to..." It seems weird to discuss this out loud. Sebastian felt spoiled and begging for something, so he let himself go silent.
"What can I do?" Chris asked. "Give you a mission? In the past?"
Sebastian sneaks a look at him. "Will you come? It's three hours away."
Chris shrugged. "I can't go every time," he said, as if it were obvious.As if if he wasn't busy with other things, the 'he's over' offer was as easy as walking across the street.
"If I had invited you before, would you have gone over instead of letting me come here?"
Chris looks surprised that this even counts as a problem. "Of course," he said, as if it was no big deal. "I promised to take good care of you. I don't have anything to do at home, and it won't be a problem at all."
Sebastian doesn't realize he's staring until Chris starts to look shy. "What's the matter? You came here on a whim. What's the difference?"
"No." Sebastian admits.He's still convinced it's different, but Sebastian isn't sure why.He wondered if Chris did it for others, too, or if he was special.He wanted Chris to tell him why it wouldn't bother him at all.He wants Chris to talk about itching his skin.He couldn't speak first, because it would ruin everything.He just needs to hear it.But Chris doesn't say anything, just looks at Sebastian. "No," he repeated.
"I don't have to," Chris finally said. "I could—we could just do this remotely. I could just give you orders, like, via text message. I just thought—when you came here, I thought you wanted to…"
"I think so," Sebastian interrupted.He felt like an asshole. "I just didn't, uh. I didn't expect you to do it for me."
Chris looked hurt, and Sebastian's heart tightened. "I didn't—say…" He didn't know how to make it sound like an innocuous misunderstanding.That's all. Chris gets up from his chair and kneels in front of Sebastian so he can look him in the eye. Sebastian blushed, trying not to think about the fact that he was still naked.
"What do you want me to do, Sebastian?"
Sebastian smiled. "Shouldn't that be my line?"
Chris has a serious expression on his face. "Mine first."
Sebastian's heart beat against his ribs so hard it hurt his chest. "M-could be just tasks. Little things. I'll…I'll let you know if I need more, I guess." Chris smiled brightly at him, and Sebastian smiled back, relieved. "What now?"
There was less pressure in Chris's voice as he repeated, "Now what?"
Sebastian licks his teeth nervously, then flashes a knowing smile. "What do you want me to do, Chris?"
Chris snorted and patted the back of his neck tenderly. "You're such a naughty bastard." Sebastian's smirk faltered because Chris' touch reminded him of the collar around his neck. Chris must have noticed too, because he asked, "Is this okay?"
"Do you still want to wear it?"
Chris looks back. "You look so beautiful," he said after a moment, feeling warm and pleasant in Sebastian's stomach. Chris' fingers slide slowly across Sebastian's chest and Sebastian whimpers, a shudder running down his spine. "Since you're spending the night here tonight, is there anything you'd like to try? Like more restraint?"
Sebastian wants to try everything.He nods, and Chris nods too. "I'm going to tie your ankles together and your hands behind your back." Sebastian moaned, and Chris added, "You're going to get on your knees and give me a blowjob, and then wait for my permission to come."
Sebastian squirms, and Chris runs his hands through his hair. "If you come before I give permission, I'll punish you. Is that okay with you?" Sebastian nodded, already trembling slightly. Chris smiled at him affectionately. "Do you want to choose the punishment (method) now?"
"Hit me," Sebastian replied instantly, and Chris' eyes flickered.
"If you want me to hit you," he said after taking a breath, "it doesn't have to be punishment." Since Sebastian didn't answer right away, he asked, "Do you want me to hit you?" Sebastian nodded. "Do you want to take it as punishment?"
Sebastian swallowed, shaking his head. "I'll be good," he blurts, and Chris smiles at him.
"I know you're good." He ran his hands through Sebastian's hair and asked, "So do you need me to use a belt, if you need to be punished?" Sebastian took too long to answer, and Chris' hand snapped over his face. "answer me."
Sebastian sees stars, and the pain seems to send something straight to his cock.Carefully lick your lips and smile. "Yes, sir."
Chris looks like he's about to jump up and drop him to the ground, and the way he can't help it creates a heady sense of strength that flows through Sebastian. "More." He begged, his voice low. "beg--"
Chris interrupts the word, knocking his head back, and Sebastian can feel the heat of his palm stinging against his skin. Sebastian's legs spread out.He's vaguely aware that this shouldn't feel so good, but that's okay. Chris was looking at him the same way he'd been looking at him from the bed.It was as if he was barely controlling himself.
Sebastian looked down at him. "Come on," he says, not really sure what Chris wants to do, but he doesn't care anyway.
Chris lunges forward, and Sebastian's teeth catch him by the neck, just above the collar, when he hears a vague fuck.
Sebastian's entire body shudders in anticipation, but Chris backs away, teeth not digging into his skin. "No." Sebastian's voice sounded pathetic: "Come on, please..."
"I can't," Chris said firmly. "When it's about someone, it's about everyone."
"I don't care." Sebastian flinched under his own tone.He's like a petulant child.
"You will." Chris stepped back and looked at him. "I can not."
Sebastian glared at him.With a sudden thought, he roared, "Red."
There was a moment of bewilderment on Chris's face, and he backed away abruptly. Before Sebastian could take it back, Chris understood and gave a hesitant smile. "Are you using safe words to keep me from doing something?"
Sebastian feels like he's won. "Yes."
Chris giggled and ran his hand over Sebastian's arm. "I don't think that's the way the word safe is used."
"Who said that?" Sebastian pouted.
Chris sighed, still smiling. "Come on." He reaches to unclasp Sebastian's collar. Sebastian makes an angry noise and ducks back, but Chris just coaxes him, "I'll put it back on for you. I give in."
Sebastian is still, and Chris leans forward, biting the skin on the heel of his throat, where he's been bitten before.His teeth sank and Sebastian melted back into the chair. Chris almost crawls on top of him and Sebastian shudders when he hears a soft, muffled growl echoing from the depths of Chris's chest.
Sebastian wonders how much he's kept, and if Sebastian asks him to stop trying, Chris would be willing to let him see how much. The image of Chris pinning him to the floor with his teeth in Sebastian's carotid makes him dizzy.
He makes a soft movement, and Chris's teeth bite into the base of his neck, hard enough that Sebastian is almost sure Chris can taste blood right now.The thought just made Sebastian moan louder. Chris finally let go of Sebastian's throat and said in a voice that couldn't be disputed, "Wear shirts with collars for the next few days. Understand?"
Sebastian nods before Chris puts the collar around his throat. "That's my good boy," he said, kissing Sebastian's temple. "Get down on your knees now, I'll be right back." Sebastian slid out of his chair to the floor and Chris kissed the top of his head before disappearing into the hallway.
Chris came back with a shoebox under his arm.He put the box away from Sebastian and asked, "Is it comfortable?"
Sebastian nods, and Chris makes a sound of approval, like teasing a puppy. "You're always so pretty on your knees." Sebastian nods, blurry, and Chris smiles. "Every time you stand up I want to push you back to where you should be."
"Yes, sir," Sebastian muttered blankly, falling forward.
Chris was flabbergasted at him. "Stand up, Sebastian." Sebastian wobbles to his knees and sits up, but Chris has already turned his attention to the shoebox.
Sebastian knows he pulls out his ties, one tying his wrists behind his back and the other around his ankles.He knew there was something else in the box, or he wouldn't have taken it out, but Chris didn't move anything.He stood in front of Sebastian, pulled off his jeans, and pulled out his cock.
"Come on, Seb," he said, and Sebastian struggled to his knees, "do what you were born to do."
When Chris said that, Sebastian's body lit up and he took Chris' cock in his mouth. Chris thrusts his hips forward, and Sebastian starts moaning, relaxing his jaw, screaming more of him into his mouth.I was born for this.
The tie wasn't too tight unless he pulled hard, so he forced his arms and legs to struggle as hard as he could, just to feel the silk against his skin.He moves his head back and forth because Chris hasn't moved yet. He was looking down at him, panting, when Sebastian looked up.
"You're beautiful." Chris sounded shocked, trying to keep his voice steady despite the sensitivity on his cock. "Look at you." He stroked Sebastian's face with one hand, his fingers lightly tracing the outline of his cock under the skin.
"As soon as I open my mouth, you're going to be like this forever, right?" It's just a question, not even serious, but Sebastian has slipped back because of it.His body began to grow heavy, and his eyes closed tremblingly. "That's it," he hears Chris say, only his voice matters now. "This is my good boy."
Chris grabs Sebastian's hair and jerks his back, and then it's like flipping a switch and the atmosphere changes.With collars, bindings, everything is different.He belongs here.Like a pet.The air was cold against his skin, but he could feel the sweat on his neck, running down his spine.He just wants this.think here.I want to be good.
Chris has never been a particularly quiet guy, but at the moment he's blah, almost insane. "Just a good boy, Sebastian. My beautiful and perfect good boy." He gasped, and Sebastian fell silent, still not coming, and Chris continued to push his hips. "My sweet boy, why should I ask you to do anything else?"
Sebastian groaned to relax his jaw.What was entrenched in the hollow of his chest just tightened.He couldn't help it.He needed to hold back, but he couldn't help it.He whimpered, and Chris pulled it out of his mouth. "You want to come, don't you?" he asked, his voice sincere and apologetic. Sebastian nods frantically, murmuring as he loses the weight on his tongue. Chris strokes his face. "Then why don't you?"
Sebastian's tongue thickened in his mouth as he tried to speak, and all that came out was a faint gasp. "No, permission."
"Right," Chris grunts, thrusting his cock back into Sebastian's open mouth. "Just wait." Sebastian made a small sound of approval, and Chris's sudden thrust forward was enough to make Sebastian choke.
A white light exploded in front of Sebastian's eyes, and everything went numb for an instant.
A second later, all perceptions doubled tenfold, and he wanted more.fuck me fuck me fuck me!He can't speak, but Chris seems to understand and fucks deep into Sebastian's mouth, touching the back of his throat.
Chris's chatter turns into a gnashing of teeth, like a stray dog, and Sebastian wants that.He meets Chris' eyes, begging silently, and Chris nods, looking a little dazed, before letting his hips sway against Sebastian's face, deeper and more deliberate.
Chris' fingers grip Sebastian's hair so tight it feels like it's ripping from his scalp.He murmured, his orgasm hovering on the razor's edge. Chris pulls harder and Sebastian blinks until his eyes fall back on Chris. "No, Sebastian."
He could feel Chris' body tensing up, and then whimpering.He needs Chris to come out more than he needs to come out himself. Chris thrusts into him so hard Sebastian sees stars.His jaw was on fire.It was starting to hurt where his arms were bound behind the back.His knee poked painfully on the hardwood floor.Nothing has ever felt so pure and perfect.
Chris cums down his throat without warning, and Sebastian groans wordlessly begging him to touch him, and Chris just pushes Sebastian away so quickly that the cum trickles down his jaw. "Watch me," Chris ordered, but Sebastian couldn't focus.He couldn't help it, he just wanted to come.
"Please..." he choked out, and suddenly Chris' hand fell hard on his face, knocking him off balance and onto the ground.
Sebastian is lost in the time it takes to get to his knees.He's sure he didn't get up by himself, and Chris is kneeling beside him, with one hand on his shoulder, looking like he's about to ask a question. Sebastian had that disembodied feeling, buoyant, dizzy, and it took him a moment to answer. "I'm sorry." He murmured, his voice muffled. "I didn't... mean to..."
Chris looks at him curiously. "What on purpose?" Sebastian didn't understand, looking down at himself.He heard Chris ask, "Did you think you ejaculated?"
Sebastian exhales loudly.I am still stiff.I am still obedient. "I……"
"Sebastian…" Chris gripped his jaw, forcing eye contact. "I need you to talk to me or I'm going to stop. How do you feel?"
Sebastian licks his lips.He was too clouded to tell the difference between one feeling and another.All the emotions cacophony on top of each other at the same time, mixed with the restless desperation under his skin, into something relaxing.He feels controlled.He feels free.He doesn't want this to stop.
"Want to," he finally managed to say.
The hand on Sebastian's chin starts to stroke his face. "Do you want to cum?" Chris asked, his voice low and sweet.Gently prodded.
Sebastian took a shaky breath. "More."
Chris looked at his face for a moment, then stood up. Sebastian watched him walk towards the box, to find something.It was difficult to concentrate, so he closed his eyes and waited. Sebastian's chest tightens suddenly as something tugs lightly on his collar, the slight click of a (dog) leash hook on a D-ring.
"Do you need me to untie your feet or hands?" Chris asked, holding Sebastian's head until he opened his eyes and looked at him. Sebastian's confusion must have shown, because Chris patted his face and said, "Do you want to walk, or do you want to crawl?"
Sebastian's back stiffens.The humiliation curled up in his stomach, making everything more exciting, more intense. "Hands," he decides aloud, and Chris wraps his arms around Sebastian's shoulders, kisses his temples before reaching to pull the knot around his wrist.
"Good boy," he whispers into Sebastian's ear, and Sebastian feels like he's melting into him. "What a good boy." He massaged Sebastian's wrist to regain consciousness, kissed his fingers, and repeated.
Sebastian was on his knees waiting when Chris stood up again. Chris looks at him, and Sebastian smiles up at him.He's so close to the edge, all Chris needs to do is tell him. "Please." He said again, tensing his body and waiting for the slap, and immediately, the slap landed on his face.He shuddered, biting his lip to control himself. Chris lifts his chin, examines his face, and for a moment Sebastian wishes Chris had a bruise.
He opens his mouth to ask, but before he can, Chris tugs on the (dog's) leash and Sebastian's hands jerk out to support himself.At first he's too shocked to move, then Chris tugs again and Sebastian moves forward.
He was panting and hot, and he could feel his knees scraping the hardwood floor as his feet were bound and he struggled to crawl forward. Chris just helps him by tugging at him, the pressure on his throat making him shudder.
He followed Chris' feet obediently, stopping when Chris sat on the edge of the bed. "Tell me the safe word, Sebastian." Chris said calmly, without taking off his belt.
"Red. Yellow." Too many syllables to explain what each one meant, but he got it. After watching him for a moment, Chris put the belt on the ground and cupped the back of Sebastian's head.
"If you can't speak when you want to say the safe word to me, I want you to hold out two fingers," he said firmly, taking Sebastian's hand and forcing him to make a V with the first two fingers. "Like this. See? Is it that simple?" Sebastian watched dazedly, and Chris let go of Sebastian's neck, snapping his fingers to make him look up again. "You have to answer me, baby."
Sebastian shivered, feeling warm all over, but Chris didn't seem to notice what he said. "Easy," Sebastian repeated softly, pulling his hand back.
Chris nodded. "Okay."
The next moment, Chris' fingers wrap around Sebastian's throat.The leather of the collar was pinched to his skin, and a pair of thumbs pressed against his windpipe.He could breathe, just barely, if he gasped, but his lips were starting to go numb.
Sebastian keeps his hands clenched into fists at his sides.
Everything started to feel blurry from the edges, everywhere, except for the hot tension that was building just under his navel.He wants to come so badly, but Chris just watches him silently, glancing at his hands every few seconds.
The world starts to lose focus, and Sebastian can feel himself squirming, hips looking for friction that doesn't exist.He began to forget why he hadn't relaxed, and the edge of his vision began to turn gray.His heart was beating so loudly in his chest that he was pretty sure Chris could hear it too.
Please make me beg you please let me beg you!
"Cum," Chris says, letting go of Sebastian's neck and catching him as he collapses.He felt like every nerve in his body was exposed, and the pleasure mixed with the sharp pain was as strong as wine.He could even feel his orgasm in his fingertips.His head was dizzy and fluttering.
All he can focus on is Chris' rapid breathing.
After a while, Chris' voice broke the silence, confused. "You... I didn't touch you."
"Tell me," Sebastian replied, his voice hoarse and panting.
"Yeah," Chris said, also sounding out of breath, "I did. God, you..."
Sebastian's skin stings with sudden cold and he begins to shiver, curling up against Chris until he hugs Sebastian into his lap. "You've done a great job," he said, reaching to undo the knot on his ankle.He rubbed Sebastian's feet with one hand to restore circulation, and ran his hand up and down Sebastian's arms to keep him warm. "You've always been very good for me."
Sebastian leans closer to Chris, nuzzling against him like he's trying to penetrate his skin and into him.He pressed his face into the hollow of Chris' shoulder, breathing. Chris is like a furnace.The hand on his arm pushed him gently, and Sebastian grunted to show he was listening.
"You need some water, Seb."
The threat to leave makes Sebastian whimper, but Chris just hugs him again. "I've got it by the bed. I just need you to look up."
Sebastian looks up reluctantly so Chris can place the bottle over his mouth.He thinks back to the time the tour was in the restaurant, when Chris had fed him water.As soon as the water touches his tongue, he realizes how right Chris is.He was getting frustrated by Chris' 'always knew'. Sebastian gulped the water gratefully, then turned his head and buried his face back in Chris' neck.
When Sebastian falls asleep, Chris still holds him.
The bed sank and Sebastian was woken up. Chris was leaning over him, tucking his hair behind his ear. "Hi," he says, and Sebastian winks at him. "Sorry, I put you to sleep. I didn't mean to wake you up. You seemed, uh, extremely unresponsive just now, and I thought you needed it." Sebastian curled up, facing Chris.
"Are you okay?" Chris asked softly. "You..." he swallowed, sounding nervous. "You were really slow to react just now."
Sebastian shivered and mumbled, "Good."
Chris is quiet, stroking Sebastian's hair. Sebastian could feel himself falling asleep again when Chris asked, "Would you like some water?"
Sebastian nods sleepily, and Chris pulls him to his chest, the water bottle against his mouth. "Time?" Sebastian mutters, his voice hoarse, and Chris puts the water bottle back on the nightstand.
He ran his hands reassuringly through Sebastian's hair. "It's almost two o'clock at night, Seb. Go to sleep, okay?"
"Stay," Sebastian said sleepily, struggling to focus on what he was saying.He curls up against Chris, his fingers gripping Chris' shirt. "Stay with me."
"I'm here," Chris said, with a smirk. "This is my room, Seb." He broke away from Sebastian's grip on the shirt and stroked his fingers with his thumb, and Sebastian moaned and choked up.He curled his fingers around Chris's as hard as he could.
"Don't go." Sebastian tried to remind him firmly, but it was accompanied by barely audible sleepiness rather than awake slurs. Chris' low laugh falls silent, Sebastian murmurs blankly, and Chris pulls Sebastian closer to his chest.
"I'm not leaving," Chris said again, this time in a serious tone. "I'm right here, I promise." Sebastian nuzzled against his shoulder, grunting gratefully, and Chris pressed a kiss to his temple.
When Sebastian wakes up the next morning, Chris is pressed against his back, kissing his shoulder.He hums happily, and Chris leans in and kisses his neck. Sebastian rolls over on his back and reaches over Chris's head for a kiss, a shudder in his chest as Chris wraps his arms around him and cups his neck.
Sebastian felt a strange shudder run down his spine at the realization that he had fallen asleep with his collar on.
Chris pulls away. "how do you feel?"
Sebastian laughs, and heat creeps up the back of his neck when he notices how Chris' eyes light up when he does it. "Sore like fucked up," he replied, and Chris smirked.
"Appropriate metaphor."
Sebastian snorted, and Chris looked down at him in silence for a moment before petting, "You need a shower." Sebastian pretended to be offended, and Chris added, "You smell like you were outside some wife-swapping club." night."
"I don't?" he asked in mock surprise. "But it's Thursday!" Chris laughed, smacking him gently on the side of the head.
"You look like that too," Chris said, but the playfulness was gone in his voice.He sounds almost proud, a little fascinated, as he leans down to kiss Sebastian's neck, lips brushing the edge of the leather.
"Would you like to wash it for me?" Sebastian said to Chris's hair, and Chris nodded, teeth nibbling softly on the underside of his jaw.
"We've got to take this off," Chris said, pulling the collar off slightly. Sebastian didn't mean to, but he must have reacted, because Chris pressed against his skin and said, "I'll put it back on for you." Sebastian relaxes, and Chris murmurs, almost to himself : "I don't like taking it off you either."
Sebastian is short of breath and Chris climbs on top of him, hands on top of him
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