Together [HP]

Chapter 106 Boggart

"How did you do it?" When Pansy walked into the restaurant, Jacqueline was already sitting at the table and gobbling.

"Do what?"

"I was still asking you questions just now, but you disappeared. Now you are sitting here eating again."

"I probably walked faster." Jacqueline said vaguely. "What's the next class?"

"Defense against the Dark Arts class with Gryffindor." Pansy curled her lips helplessly, "When I meet Gryffindor twice a day, I don't know whether to be happy or sad."

"En." Jacqueline replied casually while desperately stuffing pork chops into her mouth.

After dinner, when they arrived at the classroom of Professor Luhu's first Defense Against the Dark Arts class, Professor Lupine was not there.

They all sat down and produced books, quills, and parchment; they were talking when Luhu at last entered the room.

Lupine smiled, and put his battered suitcase on the desk.He was as shabby as when he arrived, but looked healthier than on the train, as if he had eaten a few solid meals.

"Good afternoon," he said. "Please put all your books back in your bag. It's a practice class today, and all you need is your wand."

The whole class put the books back in their schoolbags, and several students exchanged surprised glances.They've never had a practical Defense Against the Dark Arts class, unless you count the memorable one last year where the original teacher brought a cage of goblins and set them free come out.

"Well," said the professor, seeing that everyone was getting ready, "will you follow me?"

Confused but also interested, the whole class stood up and walked out of the classroom with Professor Lupine.He led them down a deserted corridor and turned a corner.There, the first thing they saw was the trickster Peeves, floating head-down in mid-air, stuffing gum into the nearest keyhole.

It wasn't until Professor Lupine was two feet away from Peeves that he looked up, and then he twirled his curled-toed foot and sang.

"Clumsy Lupine," Peeves sang, "Stupid Lupine, Stupid Lupine..."

Peeves has always been rude and difficult to rule, but he usually has a certain respect for teachers.All eyes turned quickly to the professor to see how he was being treated; to their surprise, he was still smiling.

"If I were you, Peeves, I'd get the chewing gum out of the keyhole," Lupin said cheerfully. "Mr. Filch can't go in and get the broom."

Filch is the caretaker of Hogwarts, a bad-tempered, uneducated wizard who is always against the students and against Peeves.However, Peeves ignored Professor Lupine's words and just blew loudly a wet raspberry.

Professor Lupin sighed slightly and took out his wand.

"It's a useful little spell," he said, turning to the class, "please look at it."

He raised his wand, shoulder-height, said, "Wadi Vasi!" and pointed at Peeves.

The little piece of gum came out of the keyhole like a bullet, and went straight into Peeves' left nostril; Peeves spun away immediately, and rose steeply, cursing all the way.

"Excellent, sir!" said Dean Thomas in amazement.

"Thank you, Dean," said Professor Lupine, putting away his wand again. "Shall we keep going?" They walked on again, and the whole class looked at the ragged professor with increased respect.He led them into the second hallway and stopped, just outside the faculty lounge.

"Go in, please," said Professor Lupine, opening the door and taking a step back.

The Faculty Lounge is a long room filled with old chairs that don't fit together, and there's only one faculty member there.Professor Snape sat in a low armchair, looking around as the class entered.His eyes were bright, and there was a mocking smile on his lips.Professor Lupine came in and closed the door behind him when Snape said, "Don't close it, Lupine. I'd better not look at it." He stood up and walked past the class, his black robes behind him Floating behind.On the porch, he turned and said, "Lupine, no one may have warned you, but Neville Longbottom is in this class. I advise you not to ask him to do anything difficult unless Miss Granger whispers in his ear." audible instructions."

Neville flushed.There was a burst of laughter from the Slytherin students.

Professor Lupine raised an eyebrow.

"I had expected Neville to be my assistant in the first phase of the operation," he said. "I'm sure he'll do well."

The Slytherins had grown their mouths, and no professor, or rather, anyone, had ever spoken to Snape in that way.

Neville was blushing even more now, if possible.Snape's lips puckered, but he left, slamming the door shut.

"Now, this way," said Professor Lupine, beckoning the class to the end of the lounge.There was nothing there but an old wardrobe where the teachers kept their spare robes.Professor Lupine walked to the closet and stood still. The closet suddenly shook and hit the wall with a bang.

"Don't worry," said Professor Lupine calmly, as several students jumped back in fright. "There's a Boggart in there." Most felt there was something to worry about.Neville glanced at Professor Lupine with terror in his eyes, and Seamus Finnigan peeked in fear at the now shaking cabinet doorknob.

"Boggarts like dark, closed spaces," said Professor Lupine. "Wardrobes, voids under beds, cupboards under sinks. I once came across one hidden in an old grandfather's clock. This one was yesterday afternoon." moved in, and I asked the principal to ask the faculty if they could leave it alone and give my third graders some practice."

"So, the first question we have to ask ourselves is, what is a Boggart?"

Hermione raised her hand. "It's a shape-shifting thing," she said, "and it can take on whatever image it thinks will scare us the most."

"I can't say it better myself," said Professor Lupine, and Hermione was pleased. "So the Boggart sitting in the dark in the closet has not taken any shape yet. It doesn't know anything yet. Stuff can scare people outside the door. No one knows what a Boggart looks like when he's alone, but as soon as I let him out, it immediately becomes the thing that scares each of us the most.

"That means," said Professor Luhu, deliberately ignoring Neville's slight voice of terror, "that we have a huge advantage over the Boggarts before we begin. You find this Have an advantage, Harry?"

Hermione sat next to Harry, jumping up and down on tiptoe.Her hand went up again, and it was embarrassing to answer the question under the circumstances, but Harry couldn't help it. "Oh, because there are so many of us, it doesn't know what beech it should turn into, is that right?"

"Exactly," said Professor Lupine, and Hermione put her hand down, looking a little disappointed. "The best way to deal with a Boggart is to have a lot of people. It just gets confused. What should it be? A headless corpse, or a flesh-eating slug? I once saw a Boggart Gert made the mistake of trying to scare two people at the same time, so he turned himself into a half-slug. Not scary at all.

"The spell to repel a Boggart is simple, but it takes willpower. You know, what really scares a Boggart is laughter. All you have to do is force it into what you think is ridiculous.

"Let's say this spell without a wand first. Please tell me, it's funny!"

"Funny!" said the whole class in unison.

"Indeed," Malfoy sneered, glancing at Lupine's clothes, "very funny."

"Okay," Professor Lupine continued, ignoring Malfoy, "very well. But, I'm afraid that's just the easy part. Saying the spell isn't enough, you know. It's up to you, Neville. "The wardrobe was shaking again, but not as much as Neville. When Neville walked forward, it was as if he was going to the gallows. "Okay, Neville," said Professor Lupine, "first thing: tell me, what are you most afraid of in the world?"

Nacheng's lips moved, but no sound came out.

"Didn't hear, sorry, Neville," said Professor Lupine cheerfully.Neville looked around eagerly, as if begging someone to help him, and said in a whisper, "Professor Snape."

Almost everyone laughed.Even Neville himself grinned apologetically.However, Professor Lupin seemed to be thinking deeply.

"Professor Snape... um... Neville, I assume you live with your grandmother?"

"Oh, yes," said Neville nervously, "but I don't want a Boggart like her either."

"No, no, you didn't understand me," said Professor Lupine, now smiling. "I don't know. Could you tell us what your grandmother usually wore?"

Neville seemed taken aback, but he said: "Well, always wears the same hat. It's the tall one with the stuffed old vulture on top. And a long dress, green, usually , and sometimes a fox fur scarf."

"And handbags?" Professor Lupin encouraged him to go on.

"A big red handbag," said Neville.

"Okay," said Professor Lupine, "can you describe the clothes in great detail, Neville? Can you see the clothes in your mind?"

"Yes," Neville replied blankly, apparently not knowing what was going to happen next.

"By the time the Boggart bursts out of the closet, Neville, and sees you, it will take on Professor Snape's form," said Lupine. , and yelling 'funny funny', and trying to concentrate, thinking about your grandmother's clothes. If all goes well, Professor Boggart Snape will be forced to transform into a hat with a stuffed old vulture on top , a person wearing a green dress and carrying a large red handbag."

The whole class laughed.The wardrobe shook even more.

"If Neville succeeds, this Boggart may turn his attention to each of you in turn." Professor Lupine said, "Now, I hope that each of you will take a moment and think about you. What are you most afraid of, and imagine how you can force it to look ridiculous..." The room was very quiet.

Jacqueline didn't need to think, she knew what she was afraid of, that person.

Many of the students had their eyes closed, and Ron muttered to himself, "Take its legs off."

Malfoy also closed his eyes tightly, "No, Dad," he said unhappily, "I, no..."

"Is everyone ready?" asked Professor Lupine.

Jacqueline felt a wave of terror, she wasn't ready.How could you make that person less scary? But she didn't have any more time; everyone else was nodding and rolling up their sleeves.

"Neville, we're going back," said Professor Lupine. "Let's give you a clear space, okay? I'll call the next person up. Now, everyone, get back and let Neville have a clear space." .”

Everyone backed away, back to the wall, leaving Neville standing by the wardrobe by himself.Na Cheng's face was pale.He looked terrified, but he had rolled up the sleeves of his robes and had his wand in his grip.

"I'll count to three, Neville," said Professor Lupine, pointing his wand at the wardrobe too. "One, two, three, go!"

A burst of sparks shot from the end of the Professor's wand, and the spark hit the wardrobe door handle.The closet door burst open.Professor Snape, with a hooked nose and a menacing expression, came out and stared at Neville with piercing eyes.

Neville stepped back, his wand raised, speechless.Snape came at him aggressively, shoving his hands into his robes.

"Slippery, hilarious!" screamed Neville.

There was a noise, like the cracking of a whip.Snape stumbled; he was wearing a long, lace-embroidered dress, a tall hat with a moth-eaten stuffed old vulture on top, and a huge scarlet scarlet dangling from his hand. handbags.

The Gryffindors burst into laughter, and the Slytherins were all frightened.

"He's going to die." Jacqueline said to Pansy with a grin. "Professor Snape won't let him go after he finds out."

The Boggart paused, bewildered; Professor Lupine called out, "Parvati, step forward!"

Parvati walked forward with a straight face.Snape walked around her.There was another pop, and where Snape had stood was now a bandaged, bloodstained mummy; its sightless eyes turned to Parvati and started walking towards her, very slowly, Scuffing, stiff arms raised, "Funny funny!" Parvati exclaimed.

The bandages on the mummy's feet came undone; it staggered under the unraveled bandages, fell face forward, and rolled its head off.

"Seamus!" cried Professor Lupine.

Seamus hurried over Parvati and stepped forward.

Crack! The place where the mummy stayed is now a woman, with black hair dragging all the way to the ground, with a skeleton face, still green, a female ghost.She opened her mouth wide.An unearthly sound filled the room, and a long, wailing cry sent horror into the class. "Funny funny!" Seamus exclaimed.

The female ghost made a tearing sound, grabbed her throat, and her voice was gone.

Crack! The ghost turned into a rat, circling around for its own tail, and then, crack! turned into a rattlesnake, slithering and twisting, and, crackling, it became a bloody eyeball.

"It's lost its head!" cried Professor Lupine. "We've gone one step further! Dean!"

Dean hurried forward.

Crack! The eyeball became a severed hand, and the hand bounced around and began to crawl along the floor like a crab.

"Funny funny!" Dean exclaimed.

With a crisp sound, the hand was caught by the rat clip.

"Great! Ron, you're next!"

Ron jumped forward.

Crack! Several people screamed.A huge, hairy spider, six feet tall, was crawling towards Ron, waving its claws menacingly along the way.For a while.Ron was too scared to move.Then, "Funny funny!" Ron yelled, and the spider's legs disappeared.The spider rolled and rolled; Lavender Brown screamed and dodged, and the spider rolled and stopped at Jacqueline's feet.

She subconsciously raised her wand, ready to see that person, but what appeared in front of her was not that person, but a

An old, even a bit dilapidated Gothic church.

The door of the church opened slowly, and a milky white body appeared in front of her, looking down at the place where she was standing, "I, here... just, here..." The man said slowly, Jie Guilin gritted her teeth, she knew what it was.

"You, come and tell her," the milky white body pointed in front of it and said, "Where are you..."

Jacqueline was trembling all over, and the wand in her hand seemed likely to fall off at any moment.

"Quickly say it's funny." Hermione shouted anxiously from the side.

Jacqueline couldn't speak, the tears almost came out of her eyes.She couldn't say "funny funny" to that body.

"" The milky white body seemed to have changed, and the voice became younger, "I still remember..."

"Stop!" Professor Lupine suddenly shouted, rushing forward.

Crack! The milky white body disappeared.

"No!" Jacqueline yelled subconsciously, rushing towards the place where the Boggart disappeared.Lupine reached out to grab her, put her in his arms, and handed her to Pansy, who quickly supported her.

For a second, everyone was stunned.Then they saw a silvery-white sphere hanging in the air before Lupine, and Lupine almost lazily said, "Funny funny!"

The author has something to say:

An old man, a dog, sits on the stairs.

When he went to the laboratory this morning, he petted the dog and said hello to the passers-by on the road, and when he returned home at night, he was still petting the dog and saying hello to the passers-by on the road. . . .

Decided to add a dog to Jacqueline's family, and was thinking about whether it should be a stupid and cute Erha or a proud VIP. . .

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