Together [HP]
Chapter 132 132 (1)
The dark ward is gone.Harry felt like he was flying, fast, backwards.All kinds of blurred clouds and shapes flitted before my eyes, and there was something banging in my ears.He wanted to yell, but he couldn't hear his own voice.
Then he felt solid ground under his feet, and everything came into focus again.He was standing beside Hermione in the empty front room, a ray of golden sunlight hitting the floor through the open front door.He watched Hermione eagerly, the timer's chain strangling around his neck.
"Hermione, what?"
"Come here!" Hermione grabbed Harry's arm and dragged him across the hall to a closet door where the broom was kept; she opened the closet door and pushed him in with the bucket and rag, and He followed in, and closed the door behind him.
"What, how, Hermione, what happened?"
"We've gone backwards in time," Hermione whispered, taking the gold chain off Harry's neck in the dark, "three hours backwards." Harry touched his leg and wrung it violently. a handful.It hurts, which seems to indicate that he is not having a weird dream.
"Hush! Listen! Someone's coming! I think, I think it could be us!" Hermione put her ear to the cupboard door, listening.
"Footsteps in the hall. Yes, I think we're going to Hagrid!".
"Are you telling me," whispered Harry, "but we're in this cupboard, why are we outside?"
"Yeah," said Hermione, her ear still pressed to the cupboard door, "I'm sure it was us, it sounded like there were only three of us. We walked very slowly because we were wearing the Invisibility Cloak."
She stopped talking and still listened intently.
"We've come down the stone steps."
Hermione was sitting on an upside-down bucket, looking very anxious, and Harry had a few questions he wanted answered.
"Where did you get this timer"
"It's called the Time-Turner," whispered Hermione, "and I got it from Professor McGonagall the first day we got back. I've been using it all year to keep up with all my classes. McGonagall The professor made me swear not to tell anyone. She had to write all kinds of letters to the Ministry of Magic so I could have a time-turner. She had to tell them: I was a model student and I would never use it for anything other than studies thing. I've been turning it back hour by hour and that's how I'm able to take several classes at once, get it though..."
"Harry, I don't understand what Dumbledore wants us to do. Why is he telling us to go back three hours. Jacqueline thinks we can save Buckbeak, but will it do Sirius any good?"
Harry stared at her face in the gloom.
"Something must have happened that he wanted us to change," he said slowly. "What happened? We walked up to Hagrid three hours ago."
"It was three hours ago, we were walking towards Hagrid's place," said Hermione, "we just heard ourselves leave." Harry frowned, and he felt as if he was putting his whole brain together. "Dumbledore just said, just said that we might have saved more than one innocent life." Then he had an idea. "Hermione, we're going to see Buckbeak!"
"But how does that help Sirius?"
"Dumbledore, he just told us where that window is. Professor Flitwick's office! They've locked Sirius in there! We must fly Buckbeak to that window to save Sirius! Sirius can On Buckbeak, they can escape together!"
Harry could see Hermione's face, and she was terrified.
"It would be a miracle if we managed to do so without being seen!"
"Well, we've got to try, don't we," said Harry.He stood up and pressed his ears to the cabinet door.
"It sounds like there's no one there, come on, let's go."
Harry pushed open the cupboard door, but no one was in the hall.They rushed out of the cupboard door and down the stone steps as quietly as possible.The shadow has been stretched very long, and the treetops of the Forbidden Forest are once again covered with a layer of gold.
"If anyone looks out the window," Hermione squealed, looking up at the castle behind her.
"Let's run," said Harry resolutely, "and head straight for the woods, shall we hide behind a tree or something and look out."
"Okay, but we're going around the conservatory!" panted Hermione. "We've got to get out of Hagrid's front door, or we'll see us! We must be getting close to Hagrid's cabin by now! "
Still trying to figure out what that meant, Harry set off, Hermione following him.They galloped across the vegetable garden to the conservatory, paused there, and set off again, rounding the Whomping Willow as fast as they could, toward the shadows of the Forbidden Forest.Harry turned his head when he was in the shadow of the trees, and Hermione arrived a few seconds later, panting.
"Yes," she said breathlessly, "we need to sneak up to Hagrid. Don't be seen, Harry."
They walked silently among the trees until they reached the edge of the wood.Then they glimpsed Hagrid's cabin and heard a knock at the door.They walked quickly behind a thick-trunked oak tree and looked out on either side.Hagrid appeared in the doorway, shaking and pale, looking around for the knocker.Harry heard his own voice.
"It's us. We're wearing the cloak. Let us in, and we can take off the cloak."
"You shouldn't have come!" Hagrid whispered.He moved out of the way, and quickly closed the door.
"It's the weirdest thing we've ever done," said Harry enthusiastically. "Let's move the place a little bit,"
Hermione whispered, "We've got to get closer to Buckbeak!" They crawled among the trees until they came upon the nervous hippogriff, chained to the fence in Hagrid's pumpkin patch. superior.
"Now" Harry whispered.
"No!" said Hermione. "If we stole it now, those on the Council will think Hagrid set it free! We'll have to wait until they see it chained up!"
"Then we have about a minute," said Harry.It was starting to look impossible.
"Jacqueline said we might have 10 minutes at most, and she thinks Dumbledore has thought of that too." Hermione explained in a low voice, "So, he will help us delay the time. And I also told Hagrid, let him Try to go as slowly as possible. I don't know if he's listening or not."
At this moment, the sound of china cracking came from Hagrid's cabin. "That's Hagrid breaking the milk jug," whispered Hermione, "I'm going to find Scabbers soon." Sure enough, a few minutes later, they heard Hermione's scream of surprise.
"Hermione," said Harry suddenly, "if it were us, we'd run in and catch Peter Pettigrew."
"No!" whispered Hermione, horrified, "don't you understand? We're breaking one of the most important laws in the wizarding world! No one should change time, no one! You heard Dumbledore say, If we are seen."
"We'll only be seen by ourselves and Hagrid!"
"Harry, if you saw yourself rushing into Hagrid's house, how do you think you'd react," said Hermione.
"I would, I'd think I was crazy," said Harry, "or else I'd think I saw something evil."
"That's right! You won't understand, you'll even attack yourself! Don't you understand? Professor McGonagall told me what terrible things have happened to wizards when they got confused about time. Many of them killed themselves by mistake." past self or future self!"
"Well!" said Harry, "it was just a thought. I was just thinking."
But Hermione nudged him and pointed at the castle.Harry moved his head a few inches.To see the front door in the distance.Dumbledore, Fudge, the old Councilor and Executioner McNeil were descending the stone steps.
"Why haven't we moved yet!" whispered Hermione.Those people were getting closer and closer, and Hermione in the cabin showed no sign of wanting to move.
"We've got to do something," said Hermione anxiously. "I, we've got to get their attention. Ouch!" She yelped suddenly, and Harry was startled.
At this time Ron looked out of the window, and the two of them quickly hid.
"What's going on?" Harry asked quietly.
"This necklace." Hermione took a necklace with a blue pendant from around her neck. "It just burned me." But now the necklace just sat quietly.
After a while, Hagrid's back door opened, and Harry saw himself, Ron, and Hermione coming out with Hagrid.It was without a doubt the strangest feeling in his life: standing behind a tree and seeing himself in a pumpkin patch again.
"It's all right, Piccolo, it's all right," Hagrid said to Buckbeak.Then he turned to Harry, Ron and Hermione: "Come on. Go."
"Hagrid, we can't..."
"We're going to tell them what's really going on."
"They can't kill it!"
"Go! If you get into trouble, things will get worse!"
Harry watched as Hermione put the Invisibility Cloak over his and Ron's heads in the pumpkin patch.
"Go, don't listen." There was a knock on Hagrid's front door.The executive team has arrived.Hagrid turned back to his cabin, the back door left open.Harry watched patches of grass being flattened around the cabin, and heard three pairs of feet walk away.He, Ron and Hermione were gone.But Harry and Hermione, hiding in the bushes, could now hear what was going on in the cabin through the back door.
"Where's that beast?" McNeill asked in a grim voice.
"Out, outside," said Hagrid hoarsely.Hagrid's window showed McNeil's face, staring out at Buckbeak, Harry hiding his head.Then they heard Fudge's voice.
"We, oh, have to read the official notice of the execution to you, Hagrid. I'll read it quickly. Then you and McNeill have to sign. McNeil, you should listen too, it's the procedure. "
McNeill's face disappeared from the window. "Now," Hermione urged.
"Wait here," Harry whispered to Hermione.
"I'll do it." Fudge's voice came again.
Harry sprinted from behind the tree, around the fence and into the pumpkin patch.Approach Buckbeak.
"The Committee for the Disposal of Dangerous Creatures has decided that Buckbeak the Hippogriff, hereinafter called the Convicted, shall be executed at sunset on June [-]." Harry stared again at Buckbeak's fierce orange eyes. Eye, telling himself not to blink, and bowing to it.Buckbeak bent his scaly knees and straightened again.Harry began to fumble for the rope that tied Buckbeak to the fence.
"Executing the beheading, by Walton McNeil, the executioner appointed by the Commission . . . "
"Come on, Buckbeak," murmured Harry, "come on, we'll help you. Quietly, quietly."
"As a witness. Hagrid, you sign here." Harry pulled on the rope with all his weight, but Buckbeak was already firmly on his front foot.
"Okay, let's get this over with," came the high-pitched voice of a committee member from Hagrid's cabin.
"Hagrid, it might be better if you don't come out of the house."
"No, I, I want to be with it. I don't want it to be alone." Footsteps echoed in the cabin.
"Buckbeak, go!" Harry hissed.
Harry tugged harder at the rope around Buckbeak's neck.The monster began to move, flapping its wings angrily.They were still ten feet from the Forbidden Forest, with full view of the back door of Hagrid's hut.
"Wait a minute, McNeill," came Dumbledore's voice, "You want to sign too." The footsteps stopped.
Harry tugged on the rope.Buckbeak snapped his beak and walked faster.Hermione's pale face emerged from behind a tree.
"Harry, come on!" she said vaguely.
Harry could still hear Dumbledore talking in the cabin.He gave the rope another tug, and Buckbeak began to trot reluctantly.They reached the woods.
"Quick! Quick!" groaned Hermione, dashing out from behind the tree, grabbing the rope too, adding her own weight to make Buckbeak go faster.Harry looked back, people couldn't see them now, they couldn't see Hagrid's hut at all.
"Stop!" he whispered to Hermione, "They might hear us.."
Hagrid's back door slammed open.Harry, Hermione, and Buckbeak stood listening; even the hippogriff seemed to be listening nervously.
Silence, then. . .
"Where did it go?" was the high-pitched voice of a committee member, "Where did that beast go?"
"It was chained here!" said the executioner furiously. "I just saw it! Here it is!"
"Strange," said Dumbledore, with amused meaning in his voice.There was a rustle, and then the dull thump of the swinging axe.The executioner seemed to vent his anger by hacking his ax into the fence.Then there was a howl, and this time they could hear Hagrid sobbing. "Gone! Gone! God bless it, it's gone! Must have broken free! Piccolo, how clever you are!"
Buckbeak began to break free from the rope and go back to Hagrid.Harry and Hermione clung even harder to the rope, trying to get on their heels to stop Buckbeak.
"Someone has untied the rope!" growled the executioner. "We should search the grounds, and the woods."
"McNeill, if Buckbeak was indeed stolen, do you really think the thief would have taken it on foot?" said Dumbledore, still sounding amused. "Search the skies, if you like, Hagrid. I'd like a cup of tea, or a mug of brandy."
"When, of course, Professor," said Hagrid, sounding happy and weak, "come in, come in.."
Harry and Hermione listened carefully.They heard footsteps, the low curse of the executioner, the slamming of the door, and then all was silent again.
"Now what?" Harry whispered, looking around.
"We've got to hide here," said Hermione, looking startled. "We need to wait until they get back to the castle. Then, wait until it's safe to fly Buckbeak into that Sirius window. He It won't be there for another two hours. Oh, it's going to be hard."
She looked back nervously into the depths of the woods.Now the sun is setting.
"We've got to go," said Harry, thinking hard. "We've got to be able to see the Whomping Willow, or we won't know where things are going."
"Okay," said Hermione, gripping Buckbeak's rope even tighter, "but we mustn't, Harry, remember."
As they moved along the edge of the wood, the twilight grew thicker, until at last they hid behind a clump of trees, where the willow tree could be seen.
"That's Ron!" said Harry suddenly.A black figure leaped onto the lawn, and the cry echoed in the stillness of the night.
"Let it go, let it go. Scabbers, come here!" Then they saw two more people appear from nowhere.Harry saw himself and Hermione chasing Ron.Then he saw Ron lean over. "I've got you! Let go, you stinky cat!"
"That's Sirius!" said Harry.The gigantic figure of the dog sprang from the base of the willow tree.They saw it knock Harry to the ground and grab Ron.
"It's even worse from here, doesn't it" said Harry, watching the dog drag Ron under a tree.
"Wow, look, I just got slapped around by that tree. So did you, it's weird." The Whomping Willow was creaking and whipping with its lower branches; they could see themselves back and forth He rushed around in circles, trying to get close to the tree trunk.Then the tree didn't move. "That's Crookshanks' knot," said Hermione.
"Let's go there," said Harry. "We're going in."
As soon as they disappeared, the tree moved again.A few seconds later, they heard footsteps nearby.Dumbledore, McNeil, Fudge, and the older members of the Council were making their way to the castle.
"Immediately after we entered the hall!" said Hermione, "if only Dumbledore had come with us."
"Then McNeill and Fudge will come along," said Harry bitterly. "I'll bet you anything that Fudge will ask McNeil to kill Sirius on the spot."
They watched the four men ascend the stone steps of the castle, out of sight.For a few minutes there was no one around.Then,
"Here comes Lupine!" said Harry, as they saw yet another figure leap down the stone steps and make their way toward the Whomping Willow.Harry looked up at the sky, the moon was completely hidden by the clouds.
They watched as Luhu picked up a broken branch from the ground and poked it into a knot in the trunk.The tree fell still, and Lupine disappeared into the hole in its roots.
"If only he had taken the Invisibility Cloak," said Harry, "it's there.."
He turned to Hermione.
"If I rush out and get the Invisibility Cloak now, Snape will never have it, and, besides,"
"Harry, we can't be seen!"
"How can you stand it?" he asked Hermione eagerly, "just standing here and watching this happen" he hesitated. "I'll get the Invisibility Cloak!"
"Harry, don't!"
Hermione reached out to grab the back of Harry's robes, but missed.Just then, they heard a burst of singing.
It was Hagrid, walking towards the castle, singing as loud as he could, shaking a little as he walked.The big bottle he held in both hands was also shaking.
"See," whispered Hermione. "See what's going to happen? We must never let anyone see it! No, Buckbeak!"
The hippogriff struggled frantically to get back to Hagrid; Harry, too, clung to the rope, trying to pull Buckbeak back.They watched as Hagrid staggered toward the castle.he's gone.Buckbeak didn't struggle to go.Its head drooped sadly.
In less than 2 minutes, the castle door opened again, and Snape and Jacqueline went out, running towards the Whomping Willow.
They saw Snape stop by the tree, look around, grab the Invisibility Cloak, and hold it up.That's when Harry's fists clenched.
"Keep your dirty hands off it," Harry growled under his breath.
Snape took the twig that Lupine had used and poked at the knot.
"Watch out for Peter," they heard Snape say to Jacqueline. "He's crazy."
"Professor, will you let Black go?" Jacqueline asked.
"Damn him!" said Snape, putting on the Invisibility Cloak, and Jacqueline disappeared.
"So it turns out," said Hermione quietly, "we're all down there. Now we'll just have to wait until we come up again..."
She took the end of Buckbeak's rope, tied it securely to the nearest tree, and sat down on the dry ground.Put your arms around your knees.
"Harry, there's something I don't understand. Why didn't the dementors catch Sirius? I remember them coming. Then I probably passed out, there were so many of them."
Harry sat down too.He told her what he'd seen; told her that a big silver thing had come galloping across the lake just as the nearest dementor was about to put its mouth to Harry's.Forcing the dementors to retreat.
Hermione's mouth opened a little when Harry finished.
"But what is that?"
"There's only one thing that can keep a Dementor away," said Harry, "and that's a real Patronus. A powerful Patronus."
"So who summoned it?" Harry said nothing.He was thinking of the man he had seen across the lake.He knew who he thought it was, but how could it be
"Did you see what he looked like?" Hermione asked eagerly. "Which teacher is it?"
"No," said Harry, "he's not a teacher."
"But it must be a really powerful wizard who can drive away so many dementors. If the Patronus can shine so brightly, can't he illuminate himself? Can't you see?"
"Yeah, I saw him," said Harry slowly, "but maybe I imagined it. I wasn't very clear at the time, and I passed out right after that."
"Who do you think that is?"
"I think," Harry swallowed, knowing how weird that sounded, "I think that's my dad."
Harry glanced at Hermione to see that her mouth was completely open and shut.She stared at him with both panic and pity in her expression.
"Harry, your father is, well, dead," she said quietly.
"I know," said Harry quickly.
"Did you think you saw his ghost?"
"I don't know, no, he looks real."
"Maybe I'm seeing visions," Harry said, "but, from what I can see, it looks like him, and I have a picture of him."
Hermione was still looking at him, as if worried that he was out of his mind.
"I know that sounds crazy," Harry said flatly.He looked back at Buckbeak, who was sticking his beak into her, apparently looking for a worm.But Harry wasn't really looking at Buckbeak.
He was thinking of his dad, and his three old friends.. Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot and Prongs.Were all four of them on the field tonight? Wormtail resurfaced tonight when everyone thought he was dead.Wasn't that possible with his dad? Was what he saw on the lake a hallucination? The man he saw was too far away to see clearly.But he felt sure for a moment, before he lost consciousness, when the leaves on his head rustled in the breeze and the moon appeared and disappeared in the clouds.Hermione sat there, facing the willow tree, waiting.
Then, after more than an hour, they finally. . .
"Here we come!" Hermione whispered.
Both she and Harry stood up.Buckbeak looked up.They saw Lupine, Ron, and Pettigrew awkwardly emerge from the hole under the willow tree.Then Hermione and Jacqueline came out.Then there was Snape, unconscious, floating upwards oddly.Then came Harry and Black.They all started walking towards the castle.
Harry's heart started beating wildly.He glanced skyward.At any moment now, the clouds will float to one side, and the moon will be revealed. "
"Harry," murmured Hermione, as if she knew exactly what he was thinking, "we just have to stay where we are. We must not be seen. We can't do anything right now."
"Then we're going to let Pettigrew escape again," Harry said quietly.
"How can we find a mouse in the dark?" snapped Hermione. "We can't do anything! We came back to help Sirius, and we shouldn't be doing anything else!"
"All right!"
The moon came out from behind the clouds.They saw the small figures crossing the field stop.Then they saw movement, "That's Lupine," whispered Hermione, "he's changing."
"Hermione!" said Harry suddenly, "we must act!"
"Never, I keep telling you..."
"Don't interrupt me! Lupine is running into the woods, right at us!"
Hermione gasped.
"Quick!" she groaned, and hurried to untie Buckbeak's rope. "Quick! Where are we going? Where are we going to hide from the dementors coming soon!"
"Go back to Hagrid!" said Harry, "it's empty now, come on!" They ran, as fast as they could, Buckbeak cantering behind them, and they could hear the werewolf howling behind them.The cottage is in sight.Harry slid to a halt in front of the door and twisted it open, Hermione and Buckbeak darting past him; Harry swooped in behind them and barred the door.The Hound barked loudly.
"Shh. Fang, it's us!" said Hermione, rushing to scratch its ear to quiet it down. "Come close!" she said to Harry. "yes."
Harry was looking out the window.It's much harder to see what's going on outside from here.Buckbeak seemed very happy to be back at Hagrid's cabin again.It lay down in front of the fireplace, its wings folded contentedly, as if wanting to take a nice nap. "I think we'd better go outside again, you know," said Harry slowly. "We can't see what's going on outside, and we won't know when the time comes."
Hermione looked up at him.Her expression was puzzled. "I'm not going to try to intervene any more," said Harry quickly, "but if we can't see what's going on outside, how are we going to know when to save Sirius?"
"Well, well, then, Buckbeak and I are waiting here. But Harry, be careful. There are werewolves out there, and those dementors." Harry went outside again, and he moved along the side of the hut. Walk.He heard shouts in the distance.This means that the dementors are approaching Sirius.He and Hermione could run towards him at any moment, and Harry looked out over the lake, his heart beating like a drum in his chest.Whoever sent the Patronus could appear at any moment now.
He stood there for less than a minute, hesitating, right in front of Hagrid's door.You must not be seen.But he didn't want to be seen.He wants Chen Wang, he must know.Harry started to run, thinking only of his dad, if that was him.He must know, must see.The lake was getting closer, but there was no one there.On the opposite bank, he saw a small silver glint, the Patronus he had imagined.There is a bush right by the water.Harry hid behind the bushes, peering desperately through the gaps in the leaves.The silver flash on the other side suddenly went out, and he shuddered with fear.Anytime now.
"Come on!" he murmured, looking around, "Where are you Daddy, come on."
But no one came.Harry looked up at the circle of dementors by the lake.One of them is lowering its hood.A savior was supposed to be there, but no one came to help this time.Then it dawned on him, he understood.He didn't see his father, he saw himself.Harry jumped out from behind the bushes and drew his wand.
"Call the gods to protect you!" he yelled.What emerged from the end of his wand was not a shapeless mist, but a blinding silver animal.He narrowed his eyes, trying to see what it was.It looks like a horse.It leaves him.Galloped across the black lake.He saw it lower its head and charge at the mass of dementors.Now it ran circles and circles around the black figure on the ground, and the dementor backed away, crumbling, disappearing into the darkness.They are gone.
The Patronus turned around.It jogged back across the calm water towards Harry.It is not a horse.It's not a unicorn either.It is a stag.Its whole body is shining like the moon in the sky.It was running towards him, and it stopped on the bank.Its hooves left no marks in the soft mud, and its large silver eyes looked at Harry.Slowly, it lowered its antlered head.So Harry understood, but when he held out his trembling fingers to it, it was gone.Harry stood there, hands still outstretched.Then, with a jerk of his heart, he heard hoofbeats behind him, turned around, and saw Hermione rushing towards him, leading Buckbeak by the hand.
"What have you done?" she raged. "You said you were just going outside!"
"I just saved our lives," said Harry. "Come back, behind this bush, and I'll explain."
Hermione couldn't close her mouth again after hearing what happened just now.
"Did someone see you?"
"Yeah, haven't you been listening? I saw me, but I thought it was my dad! It's okay!"
"Harry, I can't believe that you summoned a Patronus that would drive away all those dementors! It's very, very advanced magic."
"I know I can do it this time," said Harry, "because I've done it. Does that make sense?"
"I don't know, Harry, look at Snape!"
Together they peered from the bushes to the opposite bank.Snape regained consciousness.He was calling for the stretcher on which to place the lifeless bodies of Harry, Hermione, and Black.Then, holding his wand before his face, he moved the party into the castle.
"Where's Ron?" Harry asked, looking in front of him.
"I guess Jacqueline sent him there." Hermione said nervously, looking at her watch. "Yes, it's about time. We have 45 minutes before Dumbledore locks the door of the colonel's hospital room. We We must rescue Sirius and return to the ward before anyone finds out that we are missing."
They waited, watching the clouds reflected in the lake, while the bushes beside them whispered in the breeze.Buckbeak got bored and was looking for bugs again.
"You reckon he's already there," said Harry, looking at his watch.Then he looked up at the castle and began counting the windows to the right of the west tower.
"Look!" whispered Hermione, "that's someone coming out of the castle again!" Harry watched through the darkness.The man hurried across the grounds, toward an entrance.Something was shining on his belt.
"McNeill!" said Harry. "The executioner! He's gone after the dementors! That's right, Hermione."
Hermione put her hands on Buckbeak's back, and Harry helped her put a leg on it.Then he put one foot on a lower branch of the bush, climbed up, and sat down in front of her.He drew Buckbeak's rope back around his neck, and tied it on the other side of his collar like a bridle.
"Are you alright?" he asked Hermione in a low voice. "You'd better catch me." He clamped Buckbeak's sides with his heels.
Buckbeak flew high into the night sky.Harry held Buckbeak between his knees and felt the powerful flapping of those great wings beneath him.Hermione hugged Harry tightly around the waist, and he heard her mutter to herself, "Oh. No, I don't like this. Oh, I really don't like this."
Harry urged Buckbeak to fly forward.They were gliding quietly towards the upper castle when Harry tugged on the left-hand rope and Buckbeak turned.Harry tried to count the windows that flew past him.
"Woo!" he said, pulling back as far as he could.Buckbeak slowed down and they found themselves coming to a stop, but they were still going up and down in the air, because Buckbeak couldn't stay in the air otherwise. "There he is!" said Harry, and they found Black when they went up to the window.He reached out, and when Buckbeak's wings drooped, he was able to knock hard on the glass.Blake looked up and saw them.Harry saw his jaw hurt.He jumped up from his chair and went to the window, trying to open it, but it was locked.
"Back off!" Hermione called to Harry, drawing her wand, still grabbing the back of Harry's robes with her left hand. "Alahoo cave is open!" The window suddenly opened.
"What, what..." Black said weakly, staring at the hippogriff.
"Come on, there's not much time," said Harry, grabbing Buckbeak by the sides of his slender neck to steady him, "you must get out of here, the dementors are coming. McNeill has gone Call them."
Holding his hands on the window frame, Blake poked his head and shoulders out.Luckily he was so thin.Within seconds, he had managed to get a leg over Buckbeak's back, and had climbed onto the hippogriff's back, sitting behind Hermione.
"There, Buckbeak, fly up!" said Harry, shaking the rope, "up to the tower.
Then he felt solid ground under his feet, and everything came into focus again.He was standing beside Hermione in the empty front room, a ray of golden sunlight hitting the floor through the open front door.He watched Hermione eagerly, the timer's chain strangling around his neck.
"Hermione, what?"
"Come here!" Hermione grabbed Harry's arm and dragged him across the hall to a closet door where the broom was kept; she opened the closet door and pushed him in with the bucket and rag, and He followed in, and closed the door behind him.
"What, how, Hermione, what happened?"
"We've gone backwards in time," Hermione whispered, taking the gold chain off Harry's neck in the dark, "three hours backwards." Harry touched his leg and wrung it violently. a handful.It hurts, which seems to indicate that he is not having a weird dream.
"Hush! Listen! Someone's coming! I think, I think it could be us!" Hermione put her ear to the cupboard door, listening.
"Footsteps in the hall. Yes, I think we're going to Hagrid!".
"Are you telling me," whispered Harry, "but we're in this cupboard, why are we outside?"
"Yeah," said Hermione, her ear still pressed to the cupboard door, "I'm sure it was us, it sounded like there were only three of us. We walked very slowly because we were wearing the Invisibility Cloak."
She stopped talking and still listened intently.
"We've come down the stone steps."
Hermione was sitting on an upside-down bucket, looking very anxious, and Harry had a few questions he wanted answered.
"Where did you get this timer"
"It's called the Time-Turner," whispered Hermione, "and I got it from Professor McGonagall the first day we got back. I've been using it all year to keep up with all my classes. McGonagall The professor made me swear not to tell anyone. She had to write all kinds of letters to the Ministry of Magic so I could have a time-turner. She had to tell them: I was a model student and I would never use it for anything other than studies thing. I've been turning it back hour by hour and that's how I'm able to take several classes at once, get it though..."
"Harry, I don't understand what Dumbledore wants us to do. Why is he telling us to go back three hours. Jacqueline thinks we can save Buckbeak, but will it do Sirius any good?"
Harry stared at her face in the gloom.
"Something must have happened that he wanted us to change," he said slowly. "What happened? We walked up to Hagrid three hours ago."
"It was three hours ago, we were walking towards Hagrid's place," said Hermione, "we just heard ourselves leave." Harry frowned, and he felt as if he was putting his whole brain together. "Dumbledore just said, just said that we might have saved more than one innocent life." Then he had an idea. "Hermione, we're going to see Buckbeak!"
"But how does that help Sirius?"
"Dumbledore, he just told us where that window is. Professor Flitwick's office! They've locked Sirius in there! We must fly Buckbeak to that window to save Sirius! Sirius can On Buckbeak, they can escape together!"
Harry could see Hermione's face, and she was terrified.
"It would be a miracle if we managed to do so without being seen!"
"Well, we've got to try, don't we," said Harry.He stood up and pressed his ears to the cabinet door.
"It sounds like there's no one there, come on, let's go."
Harry pushed open the cupboard door, but no one was in the hall.They rushed out of the cupboard door and down the stone steps as quietly as possible.The shadow has been stretched very long, and the treetops of the Forbidden Forest are once again covered with a layer of gold.
"If anyone looks out the window," Hermione squealed, looking up at the castle behind her.
"Let's run," said Harry resolutely, "and head straight for the woods, shall we hide behind a tree or something and look out."
"Okay, but we're going around the conservatory!" panted Hermione. "We've got to get out of Hagrid's front door, or we'll see us! We must be getting close to Hagrid's cabin by now! "
Still trying to figure out what that meant, Harry set off, Hermione following him.They galloped across the vegetable garden to the conservatory, paused there, and set off again, rounding the Whomping Willow as fast as they could, toward the shadows of the Forbidden Forest.Harry turned his head when he was in the shadow of the trees, and Hermione arrived a few seconds later, panting.
"Yes," she said breathlessly, "we need to sneak up to Hagrid. Don't be seen, Harry."
They walked silently among the trees until they reached the edge of the wood.Then they glimpsed Hagrid's cabin and heard a knock at the door.They walked quickly behind a thick-trunked oak tree and looked out on either side.Hagrid appeared in the doorway, shaking and pale, looking around for the knocker.Harry heard his own voice.
"It's us. We're wearing the cloak. Let us in, and we can take off the cloak."
"You shouldn't have come!" Hagrid whispered.He moved out of the way, and quickly closed the door.
"It's the weirdest thing we've ever done," said Harry enthusiastically. "Let's move the place a little bit,"
Hermione whispered, "We've got to get closer to Buckbeak!" They crawled among the trees until they came upon the nervous hippogriff, chained to the fence in Hagrid's pumpkin patch. superior.
"Now" Harry whispered.
"No!" said Hermione. "If we stole it now, those on the Council will think Hagrid set it free! We'll have to wait until they see it chained up!"
"Then we have about a minute," said Harry.It was starting to look impossible.
"Jacqueline said we might have 10 minutes at most, and she thinks Dumbledore has thought of that too." Hermione explained in a low voice, "So, he will help us delay the time. And I also told Hagrid, let him Try to go as slowly as possible. I don't know if he's listening or not."
At this moment, the sound of china cracking came from Hagrid's cabin. "That's Hagrid breaking the milk jug," whispered Hermione, "I'm going to find Scabbers soon." Sure enough, a few minutes later, they heard Hermione's scream of surprise.
"Hermione," said Harry suddenly, "if it were us, we'd run in and catch Peter Pettigrew."
"No!" whispered Hermione, horrified, "don't you understand? We're breaking one of the most important laws in the wizarding world! No one should change time, no one! You heard Dumbledore say, If we are seen."
"We'll only be seen by ourselves and Hagrid!"
"Harry, if you saw yourself rushing into Hagrid's house, how do you think you'd react," said Hermione.
"I would, I'd think I was crazy," said Harry, "or else I'd think I saw something evil."
"That's right! You won't understand, you'll even attack yourself! Don't you understand? Professor McGonagall told me what terrible things have happened to wizards when they got confused about time. Many of them killed themselves by mistake." past self or future self!"
"Well!" said Harry, "it was just a thought. I was just thinking."
But Hermione nudged him and pointed at the castle.Harry moved his head a few inches.To see the front door in the distance.Dumbledore, Fudge, the old Councilor and Executioner McNeil were descending the stone steps.
"Why haven't we moved yet!" whispered Hermione.Those people were getting closer and closer, and Hermione in the cabin showed no sign of wanting to move.
"We've got to do something," said Hermione anxiously. "I, we've got to get their attention. Ouch!" She yelped suddenly, and Harry was startled.
At this time Ron looked out of the window, and the two of them quickly hid.
"What's going on?" Harry asked quietly.
"This necklace." Hermione took a necklace with a blue pendant from around her neck. "It just burned me." But now the necklace just sat quietly.
After a while, Hagrid's back door opened, and Harry saw himself, Ron, and Hermione coming out with Hagrid.It was without a doubt the strangest feeling in his life: standing behind a tree and seeing himself in a pumpkin patch again.
"It's all right, Piccolo, it's all right," Hagrid said to Buckbeak.Then he turned to Harry, Ron and Hermione: "Come on. Go."
"Hagrid, we can't..."
"We're going to tell them what's really going on."
"They can't kill it!"
"Go! If you get into trouble, things will get worse!"
Harry watched as Hermione put the Invisibility Cloak over his and Ron's heads in the pumpkin patch.
"Go, don't listen." There was a knock on Hagrid's front door.The executive team has arrived.Hagrid turned back to his cabin, the back door left open.Harry watched patches of grass being flattened around the cabin, and heard three pairs of feet walk away.He, Ron and Hermione were gone.But Harry and Hermione, hiding in the bushes, could now hear what was going on in the cabin through the back door.
"Where's that beast?" McNeill asked in a grim voice.
"Out, outside," said Hagrid hoarsely.Hagrid's window showed McNeil's face, staring out at Buckbeak, Harry hiding his head.Then they heard Fudge's voice.
"We, oh, have to read the official notice of the execution to you, Hagrid. I'll read it quickly. Then you and McNeill have to sign. McNeil, you should listen too, it's the procedure. "
McNeill's face disappeared from the window. "Now," Hermione urged.
"Wait here," Harry whispered to Hermione.
"I'll do it." Fudge's voice came again.
Harry sprinted from behind the tree, around the fence and into the pumpkin patch.Approach Buckbeak.
"The Committee for the Disposal of Dangerous Creatures has decided that Buckbeak the Hippogriff, hereinafter called the Convicted, shall be executed at sunset on June [-]." Harry stared again at Buckbeak's fierce orange eyes. Eye, telling himself not to blink, and bowing to it.Buckbeak bent his scaly knees and straightened again.Harry began to fumble for the rope that tied Buckbeak to the fence.
"Executing the beheading, by Walton McNeil, the executioner appointed by the Commission . . . "
"Come on, Buckbeak," murmured Harry, "come on, we'll help you. Quietly, quietly."
"As a witness. Hagrid, you sign here." Harry pulled on the rope with all his weight, but Buckbeak was already firmly on his front foot.
"Okay, let's get this over with," came the high-pitched voice of a committee member from Hagrid's cabin.
"Hagrid, it might be better if you don't come out of the house."
"No, I, I want to be with it. I don't want it to be alone." Footsteps echoed in the cabin.
"Buckbeak, go!" Harry hissed.
Harry tugged harder at the rope around Buckbeak's neck.The monster began to move, flapping its wings angrily.They were still ten feet from the Forbidden Forest, with full view of the back door of Hagrid's hut.
"Wait a minute, McNeill," came Dumbledore's voice, "You want to sign too." The footsteps stopped.
Harry tugged on the rope.Buckbeak snapped his beak and walked faster.Hermione's pale face emerged from behind a tree.
"Harry, come on!" she said vaguely.
Harry could still hear Dumbledore talking in the cabin.He gave the rope another tug, and Buckbeak began to trot reluctantly.They reached the woods.
"Quick! Quick!" groaned Hermione, dashing out from behind the tree, grabbing the rope too, adding her own weight to make Buckbeak go faster.Harry looked back, people couldn't see them now, they couldn't see Hagrid's hut at all.
"Stop!" he whispered to Hermione, "They might hear us.."
Hagrid's back door slammed open.Harry, Hermione, and Buckbeak stood listening; even the hippogriff seemed to be listening nervously.
Silence, then. . .
"Where did it go?" was the high-pitched voice of a committee member, "Where did that beast go?"
"It was chained here!" said the executioner furiously. "I just saw it! Here it is!"
"Strange," said Dumbledore, with amused meaning in his voice.There was a rustle, and then the dull thump of the swinging axe.The executioner seemed to vent his anger by hacking his ax into the fence.Then there was a howl, and this time they could hear Hagrid sobbing. "Gone! Gone! God bless it, it's gone! Must have broken free! Piccolo, how clever you are!"
Buckbeak began to break free from the rope and go back to Hagrid.Harry and Hermione clung even harder to the rope, trying to get on their heels to stop Buckbeak.
"Someone has untied the rope!" growled the executioner. "We should search the grounds, and the woods."
"McNeill, if Buckbeak was indeed stolen, do you really think the thief would have taken it on foot?" said Dumbledore, still sounding amused. "Search the skies, if you like, Hagrid. I'd like a cup of tea, or a mug of brandy."
"When, of course, Professor," said Hagrid, sounding happy and weak, "come in, come in.."
Harry and Hermione listened carefully.They heard footsteps, the low curse of the executioner, the slamming of the door, and then all was silent again.
"Now what?" Harry whispered, looking around.
"We've got to hide here," said Hermione, looking startled. "We need to wait until they get back to the castle. Then, wait until it's safe to fly Buckbeak into that Sirius window. He It won't be there for another two hours. Oh, it's going to be hard."
She looked back nervously into the depths of the woods.Now the sun is setting.
"We've got to go," said Harry, thinking hard. "We've got to be able to see the Whomping Willow, or we won't know where things are going."
"Okay," said Hermione, gripping Buckbeak's rope even tighter, "but we mustn't, Harry, remember."
As they moved along the edge of the wood, the twilight grew thicker, until at last they hid behind a clump of trees, where the willow tree could be seen.
"That's Ron!" said Harry suddenly.A black figure leaped onto the lawn, and the cry echoed in the stillness of the night.
"Let it go, let it go. Scabbers, come here!" Then they saw two more people appear from nowhere.Harry saw himself and Hermione chasing Ron.Then he saw Ron lean over. "I've got you! Let go, you stinky cat!"
"That's Sirius!" said Harry.The gigantic figure of the dog sprang from the base of the willow tree.They saw it knock Harry to the ground and grab Ron.
"It's even worse from here, doesn't it" said Harry, watching the dog drag Ron under a tree.
"Wow, look, I just got slapped around by that tree. So did you, it's weird." The Whomping Willow was creaking and whipping with its lower branches; they could see themselves back and forth He rushed around in circles, trying to get close to the tree trunk.Then the tree didn't move. "That's Crookshanks' knot," said Hermione.
"Let's go there," said Harry. "We're going in."
As soon as they disappeared, the tree moved again.A few seconds later, they heard footsteps nearby.Dumbledore, McNeil, Fudge, and the older members of the Council were making their way to the castle.
"Immediately after we entered the hall!" said Hermione, "if only Dumbledore had come with us."
"Then McNeill and Fudge will come along," said Harry bitterly. "I'll bet you anything that Fudge will ask McNeil to kill Sirius on the spot."
They watched the four men ascend the stone steps of the castle, out of sight.For a few minutes there was no one around.Then,
"Here comes Lupine!" said Harry, as they saw yet another figure leap down the stone steps and make their way toward the Whomping Willow.Harry looked up at the sky, the moon was completely hidden by the clouds.
They watched as Luhu picked up a broken branch from the ground and poked it into a knot in the trunk.The tree fell still, and Lupine disappeared into the hole in its roots.
"If only he had taken the Invisibility Cloak," said Harry, "it's there.."
He turned to Hermione.
"If I rush out and get the Invisibility Cloak now, Snape will never have it, and, besides,"
"Harry, we can't be seen!"
"How can you stand it?" he asked Hermione eagerly, "just standing here and watching this happen" he hesitated. "I'll get the Invisibility Cloak!"
"Harry, don't!"
Hermione reached out to grab the back of Harry's robes, but missed.Just then, they heard a burst of singing.
It was Hagrid, walking towards the castle, singing as loud as he could, shaking a little as he walked.The big bottle he held in both hands was also shaking.
"See," whispered Hermione. "See what's going to happen? We must never let anyone see it! No, Buckbeak!"
The hippogriff struggled frantically to get back to Hagrid; Harry, too, clung to the rope, trying to pull Buckbeak back.They watched as Hagrid staggered toward the castle.he's gone.Buckbeak didn't struggle to go.Its head drooped sadly.
In less than 2 minutes, the castle door opened again, and Snape and Jacqueline went out, running towards the Whomping Willow.
They saw Snape stop by the tree, look around, grab the Invisibility Cloak, and hold it up.That's when Harry's fists clenched.
"Keep your dirty hands off it," Harry growled under his breath.
Snape took the twig that Lupine had used and poked at the knot.
"Watch out for Peter," they heard Snape say to Jacqueline. "He's crazy."
"Professor, will you let Black go?" Jacqueline asked.
"Damn him!" said Snape, putting on the Invisibility Cloak, and Jacqueline disappeared.
"So it turns out," said Hermione quietly, "we're all down there. Now we'll just have to wait until we come up again..."
She took the end of Buckbeak's rope, tied it securely to the nearest tree, and sat down on the dry ground.Put your arms around your knees.
"Harry, there's something I don't understand. Why didn't the dementors catch Sirius? I remember them coming. Then I probably passed out, there were so many of them."
Harry sat down too.He told her what he'd seen; told her that a big silver thing had come galloping across the lake just as the nearest dementor was about to put its mouth to Harry's.Forcing the dementors to retreat.
Hermione's mouth opened a little when Harry finished.
"But what is that?"
"There's only one thing that can keep a Dementor away," said Harry, "and that's a real Patronus. A powerful Patronus."
"So who summoned it?" Harry said nothing.He was thinking of the man he had seen across the lake.He knew who he thought it was, but how could it be
"Did you see what he looked like?" Hermione asked eagerly. "Which teacher is it?"
"No," said Harry, "he's not a teacher."
"But it must be a really powerful wizard who can drive away so many dementors. If the Patronus can shine so brightly, can't he illuminate himself? Can't you see?"
"Yeah, I saw him," said Harry slowly, "but maybe I imagined it. I wasn't very clear at the time, and I passed out right after that."
"Who do you think that is?"
"I think," Harry swallowed, knowing how weird that sounded, "I think that's my dad."
Harry glanced at Hermione to see that her mouth was completely open and shut.She stared at him with both panic and pity in her expression.
"Harry, your father is, well, dead," she said quietly.
"I know," said Harry quickly.
"Did you think you saw his ghost?"
"I don't know, no, he looks real."
"Maybe I'm seeing visions," Harry said, "but, from what I can see, it looks like him, and I have a picture of him."
Hermione was still looking at him, as if worried that he was out of his mind.
"I know that sounds crazy," Harry said flatly.He looked back at Buckbeak, who was sticking his beak into her, apparently looking for a worm.But Harry wasn't really looking at Buckbeak.
He was thinking of his dad, and his three old friends.. Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot and Prongs.Were all four of them on the field tonight? Wormtail resurfaced tonight when everyone thought he was dead.Wasn't that possible with his dad? Was what he saw on the lake a hallucination? The man he saw was too far away to see clearly.But he felt sure for a moment, before he lost consciousness, when the leaves on his head rustled in the breeze and the moon appeared and disappeared in the clouds.Hermione sat there, facing the willow tree, waiting.
Then, after more than an hour, they finally. . .
"Here we come!" Hermione whispered.
Both she and Harry stood up.Buckbeak looked up.They saw Lupine, Ron, and Pettigrew awkwardly emerge from the hole under the willow tree.Then Hermione and Jacqueline came out.Then there was Snape, unconscious, floating upwards oddly.Then came Harry and Black.They all started walking towards the castle.
Harry's heart started beating wildly.He glanced skyward.At any moment now, the clouds will float to one side, and the moon will be revealed. "
"Harry," murmured Hermione, as if she knew exactly what he was thinking, "we just have to stay where we are. We must not be seen. We can't do anything right now."
"Then we're going to let Pettigrew escape again," Harry said quietly.
"How can we find a mouse in the dark?" snapped Hermione. "We can't do anything! We came back to help Sirius, and we shouldn't be doing anything else!"
"All right!"
The moon came out from behind the clouds.They saw the small figures crossing the field stop.Then they saw movement, "That's Lupine," whispered Hermione, "he's changing."
"Hermione!" said Harry suddenly, "we must act!"
"Never, I keep telling you..."
"Don't interrupt me! Lupine is running into the woods, right at us!"
Hermione gasped.
"Quick!" she groaned, and hurried to untie Buckbeak's rope. "Quick! Where are we going? Where are we going to hide from the dementors coming soon!"
"Go back to Hagrid!" said Harry, "it's empty now, come on!" They ran, as fast as they could, Buckbeak cantering behind them, and they could hear the werewolf howling behind them.The cottage is in sight.Harry slid to a halt in front of the door and twisted it open, Hermione and Buckbeak darting past him; Harry swooped in behind them and barred the door.The Hound barked loudly.
"Shh. Fang, it's us!" said Hermione, rushing to scratch its ear to quiet it down. "Come close!" she said to Harry. "yes."
Harry was looking out the window.It's much harder to see what's going on outside from here.Buckbeak seemed very happy to be back at Hagrid's cabin again.It lay down in front of the fireplace, its wings folded contentedly, as if wanting to take a nice nap. "I think we'd better go outside again, you know," said Harry slowly. "We can't see what's going on outside, and we won't know when the time comes."
Hermione looked up at him.Her expression was puzzled. "I'm not going to try to intervene any more," said Harry quickly, "but if we can't see what's going on outside, how are we going to know when to save Sirius?"
"Well, well, then, Buckbeak and I are waiting here. But Harry, be careful. There are werewolves out there, and those dementors." Harry went outside again, and he moved along the side of the hut. Walk.He heard shouts in the distance.This means that the dementors are approaching Sirius.He and Hermione could run towards him at any moment, and Harry looked out over the lake, his heart beating like a drum in his chest.Whoever sent the Patronus could appear at any moment now.
He stood there for less than a minute, hesitating, right in front of Hagrid's door.You must not be seen.But he didn't want to be seen.He wants Chen Wang, he must know.Harry started to run, thinking only of his dad, if that was him.He must know, must see.The lake was getting closer, but there was no one there.On the opposite bank, he saw a small silver glint, the Patronus he had imagined.There is a bush right by the water.Harry hid behind the bushes, peering desperately through the gaps in the leaves.The silver flash on the other side suddenly went out, and he shuddered with fear.Anytime now.
"Come on!" he murmured, looking around, "Where are you Daddy, come on."
But no one came.Harry looked up at the circle of dementors by the lake.One of them is lowering its hood.A savior was supposed to be there, but no one came to help this time.Then it dawned on him, he understood.He didn't see his father, he saw himself.Harry jumped out from behind the bushes and drew his wand.
"Call the gods to protect you!" he yelled.What emerged from the end of his wand was not a shapeless mist, but a blinding silver animal.He narrowed his eyes, trying to see what it was.It looks like a horse.It leaves him.Galloped across the black lake.He saw it lower its head and charge at the mass of dementors.Now it ran circles and circles around the black figure on the ground, and the dementor backed away, crumbling, disappearing into the darkness.They are gone.
The Patronus turned around.It jogged back across the calm water towards Harry.It is not a horse.It's not a unicorn either.It is a stag.Its whole body is shining like the moon in the sky.It was running towards him, and it stopped on the bank.Its hooves left no marks in the soft mud, and its large silver eyes looked at Harry.Slowly, it lowered its antlered head.So Harry understood, but when he held out his trembling fingers to it, it was gone.Harry stood there, hands still outstretched.Then, with a jerk of his heart, he heard hoofbeats behind him, turned around, and saw Hermione rushing towards him, leading Buckbeak by the hand.
"What have you done?" she raged. "You said you were just going outside!"
"I just saved our lives," said Harry. "Come back, behind this bush, and I'll explain."
Hermione couldn't close her mouth again after hearing what happened just now.
"Did someone see you?"
"Yeah, haven't you been listening? I saw me, but I thought it was my dad! It's okay!"
"Harry, I can't believe that you summoned a Patronus that would drive away all those dementors! It's very, very advanced magic."
"I know I can do it this time," said Harry, "because I've done it. Does that make sense?"
"I don't know, Harry, look at Snape!"
Together they peered from the bushes to the opposite bank.Snape regained consciousness.He was calling for the stretcher on which to place the lifeless bodies of Harry, Hermione, and Black.Then, holding his wand before his face, he moved the party into the castle.
"Where's Ron?" Harry asked, looking in front of him.
"I guess Jacqueline sent him there." Hermione said nervously, looking at her watch. "Yes, it's about time. We have 45 minutes before Dumbledore locks the door of the colonel's hospital room. We We must rescue Sirius and return to the ward before anyone finds out that we are missing."
They waited, watching the clouds reflected in the lake, while the bushes beside them whispered in the breeze.Buckbeak got bored and was looking for bugs again.
"You reckon he's already there," said Harry, looking at his watch.Then he looked up at the castle and began counting the windows to the right of the west tower.
"Look!" whispered Hermione, "that's someone coming out of the castle again!" Harry watched through the darkness.The man hurried across the grounds, toward an entrance.Something was shining on his belt.
"McNeill!" said Harry. "The executioner! He's gone after the dementors! That's right, Hermione."
Hermione put her hands on Buckbeak's back, and Harry helped her put a leg on it.Then he put one foot on a lower branch of the bush, climbed up, and sat down in front of her.He drew Buckbeak's rope back around his neck, and tied it on the other side of his collar like a bridle.
"Are you alright?" he asked Hermione in a low voice. "You'd better catch me." He clamped Buckbeak's sides with his heels.
Buckbeak flew high into the night sky.Harry held Buckbeak between his knees and felt the powerful flapping of those great wings beneath him.Hermione hugged Harry tightly around the waist, and he heard her mutter to herself, "Oh. No, I don't like this. Oh, I really don't like this."
Harry urged Buckbeak to fly forward.They were gliding quietly towards the upper castle when Harry tugged on the left-hand rope and Buckbeak turned.Harry tried to count the windows that flew past him.
"Woo!" he said, pulling back as far as he could.Buckbeak slowed down and they found themselves coming to a stop, but they were still going up and down in the air, because Buckbeak couldn't stay in the air otherwise. "There he is!" said Harry, and they found Black when they went up to the window.He reached out, and when Buckbeak's wings drooped, he was able to knock hard on the glass.Blake looked up and saw them.Harry saw his jaw hurt.He jumped up from his chair and went to the window, trying to open it, but it was locked.
"Back off!" Hermione called to Harry, drawing her wand, still grabbing the back of Harry's robes with her left hand. "Alahoo cave is open!" The window suddenly opened.
"What, what..." Black said weakly, staring at the hippogriff.
"Come on, there's not much time," said Harry, grabbing Buckbeak by the sides of his slender neck to steady him, "you must get out of here, the dementors are coming. McNeill has gone Call them."
Holding his hands on the window frame, Blake poked his head and shoulders out.Luckily he was so thin.Within seconds, he had managed to get a leg over Buckbeak's back, and had climbed onto the hippogriff's back, sitting behind Hermione.
"There, Buckbeak, fly up!" said Harry, shaking the rope, "up to the tower.
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