Together [HP]

Chapter 88 Goodbye Tom Riddle

He raised Ron's broken wand high above his head and yelled, "Forget it all!"

Boom! The wand suddenly exploded, as powerful as a small bomb.Harry grabbed Jacqueline by the shoulders, put one arm over his head, and ran, tripping over the coiled snakeskin and dodging large pieces of rubble falling from the tunnel ceiling to the ground.Then, they stood up and faced a thick wall of rubble.

"Ron!" Harry yelled, "Are you all right, Ron!"

"Here I am!" came Ron's muffled voice from behind the rubble wall. "I'm all right. But bad luck for the idiot, he got hit by the wand."

With a dull impact, someone screamed loudly: "Ouch." From the sound, it seemed that Ron had kicked Lockhart in the calf.

"What now?" said Ron, his voice desperate. "We're stuck. It's going to take a long time to..."

Jacqueline looked up at the ceiling of the tunnel, where several huge gaps appeared.

"Wait here," she said calmly to Ron, "wait with Lockhart. Keep an eye on him!"

"But," said Ron, seeming to be trying to keep his tone steady, "let me move this rock out of the way so you can, you can drill back..."

"You probably won't be able to move until you die," Jacqueline said.

"See you later," Harry said, trying to inject some confidence into his quivering voice.

Then, they walked over the giant snakeskin.

Soon, the sound of Ron moving stones disappeared.The tunnel turned one bend after another.Every nerve in them is trembling uncomfortably, wishing to get to the end of the tunnel quickly, and at the same time afraid that the tunnel really ends.

At last they carefully turned yet another bend, and at last stood before them a solid wall carved with two intertwined snakes with large, shining emeralds in their eyes. .

As they approached step by step, their throats felt dry.Now there's no need to imagine these two stone snakes as real, their eyes look lifelike.

Harry guessed what he had to do.He cleared his throat, and the emerald eyes seemed to twinkle.

"Open it," said Harry in a low, hoarse hiss.

The two snakes parted, the stone wall split in the middle and slowly slid to the sides and disappeared.

"Ready?" Harry trembled.

"To face the monster from our house." Jacqueline smiled slightly. "If you can kill him once, you can kill him a second time, right, Harry."

"What?" Harry asked curiously.Jacqueline walked into the room without speaking.

They stood on one side of a long, dimly lit room.Many stone pillars engraved with coiled and entangled snakes stand tall and support the ceiling that melts in the darkness of the heights, casting long and treacherous black shadows on the entire room filled with green and mysterious atmosphere.

With his heart beating wildly, Harry stood there, listening to the eerie silence.Was the basilisk just lurking in a dark corner behind some stone pillar? Where was Ginny? He drew his wand and walked slowly among the serpent-wreathed stone pillars.Every cautious step he took created a hollow, loud echo among the ghostly walls.He kept squinting his eyes, ready to close them tightly at the slightest sign of trouble.He always felt that the empty eye sockets of the two stone snakes were always following him.More than once, he seemed to see something moving, and his stomach convulsed from nervousness.

Jacqueline walked ahead of him, strutting as if in her own back garden.For a moment, Harry wondered if Jacqueline had tricked herself into coming down on purpose.When he came parallel to the last pair of stone pillars, there loomed before him a statue as tall as the room itself, clinging to the darkened wall behind.

They had to lift their necks high to see the gigantic face above: an old, monkey-like face, with a long, sparse beard that trailed almost to the hem of the wizard's robes carved in stone. , two big gray feet standing on the smooth floor of the room.Between those feet lay face down a small figure in a black robe, with hair as red as a flame.

"Salazar Slytherin." Standing under the sculpture, Jacqueline narrowed her eyes slightly, full of admiration.

"Ginny!" Harry whispered, hurrying to her side and kneeling down. "Ginny! You don't die! Please, don't die!" He threw his wand aside, grabbed Ginny by the shoulders, and turned her over.Her face was as cold and bloodless as marble, but her eyes were closed, so she was not petrified.Well, she must be. . .

"Ginny, please wake up," Harry begged in a low voice, shaking her in despair.Ginny's head drooped lifelessly.

"She won't wake up," said a voice softly.Startled, Harry turned on his knees.

Jacqueline trembled all over, pulled out her wand tremblingly, and pointed at the person in front of her.

A tall, dark-haired boy was leaning against the nearest stone pillar, watching him.The boy's outline was oddly blurred, as if Harry was looking at him through a window that was foggy.But there is no doubt that it is him.

"Tom, Tom? Riddle" Riddle nodded, keeping his eyes on Harry's face. "What do you mean she won't wake up?" Harry asked angrily. "She didn't, she didn't..."

"She's alive," Riddle said, "but not for long."

"You did it?" Jacqueline clenched her wand tightly with all her strength, "You let her open this secret room?"

"You are?" Riddle asked calmly.

"Jacqueline," Jacqueline tried to puff up her chest, although her calves were trembling, "Jacqueline? Graham! You, what are you!"

"Graham." Riddle snorted. "It's a memory, kept in a diary for 50 years." He pointed to the statue's big toe.There lay the diary Harry had found in Moaning Myrtle's bathroom.

"You've got to help me, Tom," Harry began, and he held Ginny's head up again. "We've got to get her out of here. There's a basilisk... I don't know where, but it's It's possible to come here. Please, help me..."

Riddle didn't move.

"Let her go," growled Jacqueline, "take your wand and come here."

"She's Ron's sister!" Harry growled.

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