A remote wine place was immersed in an impenetrable darkness.

Since there was a big hole in the ceiling that couldn't be ignored, an unbearable chill came in immediately.

"Get down."


Guang Zhouyou, who was looking down on the two people from above, still had no intention of coming down from the roof. It should be said that he had never been obedient whether it was before or after amnesia.

In other words, after amnesia, some of the previous restraints disappeared instead, and the brand new world brought him a very novel feeling. For some reason, he had a special feeling for these so-called "personality", "pillar of peace" and "heroes". Totally strange feeling.

It's as if you've never lived here.

Hearing the suppressed and deep voice of Shikuragi, the boy finally stretched out his hands and pressed the two sides of the seat violently, forcing the rotating seat to stop.

Nekuragi looked at his reluctant expression, and felt that he seemed to see a hero who was stopped by fanatical fans and had to stop the car, and he felt more and more suffocated.

"... come down."


Guangzhou stopped his self-satisfaction and continuous spinning movement, and began to imitate the tone of Niu Karaki just now and began to speak.

Not to mention what kind of thoughts people passing by outside have when they see a big head stubbornly poking out from the roof.

Hei Wu hid his face in pain, if this continued, he might end up living among two brats who were beating and scolding all day long.

He looked to the side, and as expected, Shigangmu's face darkened once again.

"Why did you run up there, Guang Zhouyou." Hei Wu hurriedly interjected, and if he didn't interrupt Shigangmu, he would go crazy again.

"Ah, I'm so hungry, so I want to go up there and get some fresh air."

The boy reached out and touched his growling stomach, and said confidently, as if he was accusing something inside and outside the words.

Hei Wu: "..." What is the logical relationship of this sentence?And, should he still be blamed?

"Hei Wu, you have also seen it, yes, this brat provoked me first, so even if he is turned into scum in the soil, it is his own problem." The sickly pale young man spoke softly and dangerously With his own declaration of war.

...Is this guy a child too?Why are you so childish?

The four fingers of Shiganmu are dangerously resting on the long bright silver steel pipe, and the other raised little finger is about to move, ready to activate his personality at any time, when all five of his fingers touch the top of an object Time is when the item begins to decompose and collapse.

Whether it is a human body or an inanimate object.

This is an extremely dangerous and destructive personality.

"Calm down, Shigaraki."

Guang Zhouyou tilted his head provocatively, waiting expectantly for the action of the already pissed off, he hasn't seen other people's appearance when they activate their personality?

The black mist pressed Sidangmu's shoulder and pulled him aside, the purple-black head made of gas spread and stretched, and the black mist reached Sidangmu's ear, whispering quietly, "Sidangmu, don't forget , Mr. asked you to take care of him like a younger brother, not to bully him, you have to understand your responsibility."

"Besides, look, this Guang Zhouyou can disassemble the seat of the wine and complete the complicated splicing only when his memory has not been recovered and there is a serious defect." Hei Wu glanced at the body scattered on the wine floor. The first separate seat tube and seat cushion.

Apparently they were treated like this because of juvenile violence dismantled and assembled.

"At least, his level of intelligence in these mechanical aspects is obviously far superior to anyone on our side. This is also the kind of talent we need most. When he grows up, he may become the backbone of Mister Healer." What's more, he doesn't have any memory now, isn't this the best time to train him?"

"It's like a piece of pure white paper. Whether you splash black ink or the most brutal and bloody color on it, it's up to you, Dead Handwood."

"Heh, go away, what you said sounds good, what if he regains his memory? You can't find out his background. If he is from the hero's side, this possibility is not small."

"If he came from a regular family, why can't we find his information here? This only shows that his background is not glorious. For so many days, he has never seen a single person come to him." The black mist was faint As he said, it was absolutely impossible for Sikangmu's intelligence not to have thought of this, it was just that he didn't want to admit it.

"He is chosen by Mr. Do you think Mr. will give him a chance to recover his memory?"

"What's more, being selected by Mister is very self-explanatory. He is likely to become the most important force in destroying All Might in the future."

"...All Might!" Hearing this name, the red pupils of Shigaoki shrank suddenly, like a beast lurking in the darkness waiting for an opportunity to attack.He was clearly moved by the word.

"Brother...brother...ha. Good."

He returned to the room in a tyrannical mood, took out a few books and threw them on the ground unhappily.

Seeing that Siganmu finally regained his senses, Heiwu let out a long sigh of relief, and finally calmed down, the utensils in the wine can finally be kept!congratulations.

"Little devil, come down."

Shigaoki still had that weak tone that made people angry just looking at it.

"If you're bored, just go and watch these crap... Ah, ah, I'm not in the mood to tell stories with you. Go and see for yourself... to see the hateful face of this social hero."


The books that can survive in this enemy alliance for so long are obviously not textbooks or magazines that can be circulated outside, full of respect and praise for [the symbol of peace]. All the books have signs of damage. When the owner was there, he had no sense of love at all, and it could even be said that he was very emotional.

The cover of the book is even more bloody and dark, and the content has a strong subjective color, and the author is not some kind person who claims to be righteous.

After all, a book that can resonate with an anti-social core force like Niigaragi will definitely be affected by the desperate and evil resonance power in it after reading it.

Hei Wu is a bit overwhelmed, but he knows that this is already the biggest concession that Siganmu can make. If he wants to tell stories page by page like a gentle and kind brother, and talk about society teaching people to use things with their hands, it is simply impossible. It is the Arabian Nights.

"Come down."


"No." Guangzhou stared at the books on the ground with a very excited and salivating expression, but his body remained honest and did not move.

Ok, back to the original starting point again.

Black Mist heard the familiar conversation again.

The black-haired boy looked worriedly at the two people below. He had almost zero understanding of his own personality, and he might really not be able to take advantage of it in a fight.

So, he started to spin crazily on the chair again, and the wine high chair with the soft red cushion had even turned into an afterimage.

The black mist below looked at the boy's motion-blurred facial features: "..."

A broken and intermittent sound came from the air.

"You two want me to go down so anxiously, don't you two want to seize my feng shui treasure, I have already seen through your dirty thinking! Dreaming!"


This is the sound of nervous breakdown in the good-tempered Heiwu's mind.


In the end, Hei Wu took a deep breath and calmed down. Using his personality, he sent the dinner to the boy on the roof, and then went back to the room silently.

Because he was afraid that he would not be able to control his hand that wanted to hit the bear.

Fortunately, his ability is teleportation. If not, the next time Mr. comes, he may point to the long ladder that can climb to the roof and ask them, "What is this for?"

He really didn't want to imagine himself answering "to feed people".

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