This year, due to the USJ incident, the Heroes Sports Festival was brought forward half a month, that is, on April 4th, which was commemorated by future generations as "Hero Return Day".

New students after the curtain falls.

It is also the dawn star of the new era.

The speed of the rise of this brand-new force is unimaginable, and it has entered everyone's sight with its swift, unstoppable and powerful posture.All of a sudden, it became the first organization in history that makes professional heroes tremble and criminals fear at the same time.

A year later, the Dark Empire and the national government reached an incredible cooperation agreement, not only became a recognized legal organization, but as the leader, Guang Zhouyu became the second largest organization after All Might at an unbelievably young age. a "symbol of peace".

Becoming a "black judge" who punishes rape and eradicates evil, or a "white judge" who supervises heroes has become a common practice, and it has become a new direction that young people yearn for unconsciously.

All Might, whose flame of power was slowly burning out, could no longer use "oneforall".

He stood on the top floor of Xiongying's tall U-shaped building and looked from a distance, his eyes were a little silent and sad.

From this location, you can see far away from the transparent blue floor-to-ceiling glass wall. Not far away, ordinary people in the commercial street are walking happily and peacefully on the street, and young students are laughing and joking. "The perimeter mask is worn on the face.

It turns out that the explosions and gunpowder smoke that can be seen everywhere are like hallucinations, which have never appeared before.

After staring at those little people for a long time, All Might stared at the blue flames in his eyes, which seemed to be blurred through a layer of water film. After a long while, he finally grinned in relief. Instantly inflated and swelled into bulging muscles.

But in this state, he can no longer swing the weather-changing "Detroit Smash" at will, and the aging hero ends up as a weak man who needs protection walking in a school full of personalities.

And now the hard-won peace is all due to that boy.

On the contrary, he himself has been stubbornly trying to carry the safety of the whole world on his shoulders with his own strength, but in the end he lost his wife and lost his army.

Thinking about the doubts he had about the Guangzhou boy, All Might felt ashamed now.

"It's really... so ugly."


Thank you!Guangzhou boy!

He saw that even though he could no longer become the NO.1 hero, he could still continue on as a professional teacher.

Maybe he can become a qualified teacher in the future and cultivate more talents?

All Might looked at the dazzling morning glow in front of him, sank his dantian, raised his fist, and exhausted all his strength, just like he spent his whole life for the sake of the whole world, he opened his eyes to the magnificent burning sky in the distance. opened his mouth.

One last sound.


Rush to the farther side, make unremitting progress!Never ending!

Sikuoki, who had nothing to do, was forced to lose his right to retire in the organization.

Just the next day that stinky brat who dragged him into some "dark empire" left behind a communicator and disappeared inexplicably.

A group of guys who disliked him, especially the disgustingly hypocritical masked man, used "this is His Highness's request" as an excuse to force him to join the "Black Judge". Without the teacher and black mist, I had no choice but to put on a robe and a mask resentfully and follow a group of senior judges out.

"Cut, a bunch of useless bastards."

Facing the terrified gaze of the kidnapper, Shikuragi shot the guy in the head without hesitation, taking away the prisoner's personality.

The kidnapper who was lying on the ground in embarrassment closed his eyes subconsciously, and let out a long sigh of relief when he found that he fell to the ground without his brains splashing.But when he was about to drive his personality to fight back in the next second, he was horrified to find that his personality could not be used.

Amid the ear-piercing cursing and the stern and unbelievable screams, Shigaoki bent his eyes happily, and the corners of his eyes and brows stretched vividly.

"I'll leave the rest of the troubles to you, this unknown big—senior—"

The destructive desire in Shigaraki's heart was finally satisfied, he gently raised his hand to touch the personality-eliminating weapon named "Olysses Death Judge" by Guangzhou, and turned his head to use this particularly annoying weapon Said to another judge next to him in a frivolous tone.

The person called Senior gave Shigaraki a disgusted look, and reluctantly took out the communicator to contact the nearby Hero Office and the police station, still complaining about this relationship in his heart.

If they want to enter the judge, they have to go through layers of screening!If it weren't for His Highness's empathy, he didn't throw this kind of guy out, what's the point of pride?

Kicking open the warehouse door where the kidnapped child was held, Sikangmu glanced at the six or seven-year-old kid cowering in the corner. After being treated inhumanly, the eyes that raised from his knees to look at Shikuragi were full of dullness and despair.

Sikuanmu, who had no sympathy at all, turned his head and wanted to leave.

Tsk, the most annoying thing has appeared.

Unexpectedly, the little girl's black grape-like eyes widened, and she grabbed the corner of Shigangmu's clothes with a timid force. Mu lowered his eyes, "I...I recognize you."

Shigaraki stared blankly at the dusty hand. The fear and helplessness in the eyes of the child who had been locked up for three days and three nights, being abandoned by the whole world, made him feel that a certain part of his heart was suddenly pricked by a poisonous needle. one time.

As if he had seen something extremely terrifying, Shigangmu took three steps back abruptly in an attempt to avoid this kind of inexplicable gratitude and admiration.

The girl was afraid that Shigaraki would leave, so she grabbed the young man with the strength of someone who was about to drown, "You are here to save me, right? In this costume, you are the judge!"

Nekuraki stretched out his hand and pressed the white hand in his pocket against the mask, his distorted expression looked like a patient who was about to suffocate and shock and gasped violently with a ventilator.

Damn... Damn, this look!Don't look at him like that!Appreciate this stuff!He doesn't need it!

In a daze, he seemed to be able to see when he was a child, when he was abandoned by everyone on the deserted side of the road. He cried so hard that his throat was hoarse and he couldn't even make a sound, but... he agreed. Came to rescue him, All Might—and never showed up!

The beautiful flowers and birds, dreams and redemption that were once compiled and depicted are all false!How much he longs for a hero to fall from the sky when he needs it, and how desperate he is when he is abandoned by the world!And who would resent a stranger for more than ten years for no reason!This is the fundamental reason why he hates All Might so much—that liar and trash!

It is precisely because he wants to forget the weak and vulnerable self abandoned by the world that he hates these brats so much!

Seeing the actions of the person in front of her, the little girl was not frightened by the strange hands and ferocious eyes on his face, but her eyes lit up as if seeing some famous scene.

She opened her mouth, as if afraid of not being respectful enough, she added a respectful address, "My lord, the many-handed monster!"

All the emotions of Shikuragi seemed to be swept away by the toilet: "..."

Sigangmu forcibly suppressed the fluctuations in his heart, and said angrily: "Smelly brat, if you scream again, I will crush you!"

Girl: "Oh."

Before being picked up by the weeping parents, the child looked back at a group of judges who were shining like angels, and stared at the most special one among them with attachment, "I will remember you, the many-handed weirdo."

Shigangmu's face looked like he had drunk fake wine, he waved his hands without looking back, and replied in a low voice, "It's best not to."

After the family of three left, Shikuragi turned his head and stared at the disappearing figures of the few people, stubbornly staring at the dry and bloodshot eyes, trying to put the strange and disgusting emotions that were about to come out of the corners of the eyes back into the sour heart.

A cell phone rang.

Shigaoki carefully pinched the phone with his fingers to unlock the screen, his bloody pupils constricted for a few seconds when he saw the person clearly, and his fingertips trembled slightly.

"From the Dark Emperor:

Hey, many-handed monster, do you miss the great emperor!However, His Highness has already embarked on the road to conquer another world!Don't doubt what your stupid eyes see, because His Highness has opened up the communication signal between the worlds!I heard that when you played the game alone recently, you didn't have a god-level teammate by your side who kept fighting and losing repeatedly!What a pity.

As the only remaining bloodline of His Highness in this world, when you truly have the same unrivaled talent as His Highness, and pass the examination for the throne of my loyal servant, the mouth of truth (Yin Benzhen)—”

"You can inherit my empire!"

Shikuraki froze.

"My Highness remembers that you once complained, 'This disgusting society has no place for you people'. Now, I give you my empire, the world, and the sea of ​​stars! Although Your Highness is not here, you must Defend the empire like the dark dragon knight guarding the treasure of the shadow magic scroll!"

"Goodbye, Hangy."

Ah, ah... It's too foul, this bastard kid.

It wasn't until the phone rang again that Shigaraki clenched his fists and cried like a baby, his face wrinkled.

"By the way, I forgot to tell you that your title after succeeding to the throne is called 'Dark Ever-changing Tentacle Octopus Emperor'."

Siganmu crushed the creaking mobile phone with a "baji": "..."

Who wants to inherit this damned empire!

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