The second disease teaches you to be a man [comprehensive]

Chapter 261 The Detective with 2 Diseases 5

In the corridor full of cameras, the middle-aged butler maintained his etiquette, walking slightly behind the young master.

But at a blind spot that is difficult to detect, the combination of the butler and the young master suddenly disappeared around the corner, and reappeared in the next connecting shot a few seconds later. No one noticed anything unusual.

Relying on years of experience and keen observation skills, Kaitou Kidd took out a white handkerchief from his pocket and handed it to the young master. At the moment when the two figures were in the blind spot of the camera, he put a large dose of magic powder on the handkerchief. Dazed by the medicine, he naturally supported the black-haired boy's shoulders, took out the old butler's own ID card from his pocket, swiped the elevator to the top floor, abducted him in half-supported and half-hugged, and pressed the key on his back. top level.

Invited guests live on every floor of this extremely high-standard castle hotel. The highest floor is the residence of the president and the young master. It is also a presidential suite specially reserved for the two. Except for me, only the old butler can enter as the employer. Clean and organize.

But now that everyone is vigilant for the invasion of monsters and busy with the banquet, the guards on the empty top floor are very weak, and almost no one bothers them.

Phantom Thief Kidd walked into one of the presidential suites with his current titular master Master You in his arms. After closing the door with his backhand, he pressed the young master against the wall of the door, and quickly and gently put the ID card back in his hand. out of the old butler's pocket.

The unfortunate old housekeeper was knocked out and tied up when he was cleaning the room and entering the door, and was trapped in the bathroom of the suite.

Phantom Thief Kidd flung aside the wig and deacon uniform he was wearing to disguise himself as a middle-aged man, and pressed Master Youxiao's shoulder with smooth movements, and neatly tore off the English-style suit on the other party's body and put it on himself. Including the exquisite and expensive watches on the cuffs, and the gem-studded brooch on the shirt.

After taking off all the accessories, the young man carefully compared the positions and put them on himself.

"Watches...and magnetic cards and keys."

After confirming that it was correct, Phantom Thief Kidd's white gloves reached for the neckline that bloomed like a white rose, and carefully groped for the buttons hidden inside.

Originally, Kidd didn't have to do this.

But when he mixed into the hotel according to the original plan today, he was keenly aware that something was wrong.

Because this place is completely different from when he came to step on the spot two days ago, for example, when he came two days ago, he could easily enter the elevator just by recognizing the magnetic card information.However, when he came today, he found that the system inside had been reinstalled and converted into a high-tech system for face recognition.

Unexpectedly, Kidd, who developed in this way, almost triggered the alarm by mistake and attracted everyone's attention.

Fortunately, his face-changing technique can be faked and deceived the face recognition, so that he would not be discovered before he stole the gem and become the laughing stock of the world.

Thinking of this, Kidd looked a little dignified.

For some reason, he has a vague intuition that many facilities here have been quietly updated, but it may be because the time is too short that the functions are not so complete.If he had enough time, he might not be able to escape this terrible "detective eye" at all.

Taking advantage of the identity of the stunned old butler, he sneaked into the enemy camp and stepped on the site again, but Kidd, who was shocked by the comprehensively upgraded protection system, had already raised his vigilance to the highest level. It is difficult to move an inch in this hotel, which is why he decided to take off all the accessories that might be used as identification items on the young master.

However, just when Kidd was about to make a move, he suddenly discovered that under the neckline that had been ripped open was a milk-white, dazzlingly delicate skin.

Kidd gave a suspicious pause.

The aristocratic luxury suite, the messy clothes scattered all over the floor, the little black-haired beauty who fell on the ground defenselessly with her neckline open, caressed the white gloves on the other's neck ambiguously.If someone opened the door at this time, they would see this thought-provoking scene.

Kidd: "..."

Needless to say, he knew that his actions were too much like committing a crime!But the problem is, this is not a lady, it's just a boy who is younger than himself!

After shaking the water in his head away desperately, the strange thief speeded up his movements three or two times to complete the disguise, put the person in the bathroom and quickly took the elevator to the first floor.

"Okay, now it's time to wait for the good show."

The Phantom Thief Kidd, who was disguised as a black-haired boy, had a faint smile on his face, followed everyone's gaze into the banquet hall where light and shadow intersected, and walked step by step towards President Suwabe who was waving at him.

The heavy curtains around were drawn by the butler, blocking all the sunlight outside, and even the faint cheers and screams outside gradually faded away.

A beam of light hit the very center and enveloped the host of the banquet.

"Young Master You" has already walked outside the red safety line, just one step away from the gem covered in flannelette a few meters away.Standing on the edge of the guests, Conan suddenly met the young master whose identity was doubtful, and his heart skipped a beat.

This guy is absolutely abnormal!But now he has no evidence at all to prove that this person is Kaitou Kidd.

Kidd's eyes briefly passed over the dignified Conan, stayed on the red magma cordon on the ground for less than a second, then strode in, and the ruby-studded brooch flashed at an angle that no one noticed.At the same time, he passed the identification device near the stand unscathed.

Phantom Thief Kidd smiled cryptically, as expected!

The president patted Kidd on the shoulder and signaled to all the guests. Hong Sheng said, "This is my son, Guang Zhouyou. He took his mother's surname since he was a child, and inherited his mother's talent. The intelligence of ordinary people is my proudest child. Just yesterday, one of his studies was published in an internationally renowned scientific research magazine. To celebrate, I have prepared a surprise for You here today!"

The middle-aged man turned his expectant eyes to his only son and asked him to say a few words in front of everyone.

Kidd recalled the words and deeds of the black-haired boy in his mind, and put on the reserved and proud look on his face that he saw the young master just now, imitating the boy's voice of the other party. Being exposed, but the only obstacle in his heart is...

"It's normal for His Highness to be able to accomplish these things." Kidd barely kept his face natural, he swallowed, and lightly shook the hand hanging in his cuff to ease the fluctuations in his heart, " the Dark Empire Here, this is a common sight, my subjects!"

As expected, all the guests present stared at the disguised Kidd with reserved but shocked eyes.

Kidd: "..."

Even if it is embarrassing, you still have to keep a confident and flawless smile.

The ability to disguise himself as anyone without being recognized and the ability to adapt to changing situations are not enough to make Kaitou Kidd the most famous Kaitou in the country. Of course, he also has strong observation and imitation abilities. In the brief exchange just before the real young master was stunned, he had already briefly picked out the usual oral habits of this excellent young master.

The number of times "His Royal Highness" and "Dark Empire" appear in the ten sentences has reached 29 times!This is simply a mouth addiction that makes people suffer from myocardial infarction!

In order not to be suspicious, he had to swallow his bloody teeth and finish the scene while kneeling.

Kaito Kidd, who is used to presenting himself as an elegant gentleman, rarely felt the fear of the second disease from the bottom of his heart.

On the other hand, the president and housekeepers on the side didn't find it strange. President Suwabe laughed and waved his hand to signal everyone not to make a fuss. He was about to speak when a childish voice suddenly came from the crowd.

"It's so strange, uncle. This little brother doesn't seem to be the one just now!" Conan squeezed the front from the back, pretending to be puzzled and shouted loudly.

"Conan!" Xiaolan was a little embarrassed and wanted to pull Conan back.

"Where did you come from, kid, go back and find the person who brought you here, don't make trouble here!" Seeing the employer frowning displeasedly, the bodyguard stepped forward quickly, grabbing Conan with his strong arm and going out.

"Wait! Let me go!" Conan struggled desperately.

"Ah, really. I didn't expect that the people here are also a bunch of idiots. They can't see the flaws that can be found so easily. It seems that I, a great detective, are still needed." Edogawa Ranpo smiled and pushed away the confusion. crowd.

When Conan, who was still stretching his arms and legs, heard the word "detective", he shuddered like an animal that had been stabbed by a needle, and he nimbly got out from the gap in the bodyguard's arm, ignoring the bodyguard's words. Scolding and shouting, looking at Edogawa Ranpo with probing eyes.

—Is he also a detective?

"What does this gentleman mean?" President Suwabe put away the kind expression on his face and asked.

"Of course, this person is a fake." Ranbu's smile remained unchanged.

The atmosphere at the scene became stagnant for a moment.

The eyes of the middle-aged president paused on Kidd for a few seconds, and then returned to Ranbu. "Do you have any evidence? You have to know that my research team invented this detection line of defense system. No one knows how to crack it. Only You and I can enter this world. Others only need to If you take a step closer, you will be hit by an electric current, and you will be paralyzed and unable to move."

"Well, why do people always ask me to explain things that don't require thinking at all?" Ranbu's eyes moved to the jewelry on the young master's chest.

Before he could speak, several silver spheres rolled out from the cuff of the silent "Master", and slid towards the unresponsive guests.

"Oops!" Conan realized something, he shouted, "Cover your mouth and nose!"

The silver sphere spewed white gas out, and the huge dense fog instantly covered the airtight environment. The invisible environment made everyone scream in panic. The irritating gas stimulated the lacrimal gland to secrete liquid, almost No one can open their eyes.The voices of the bodyguard team trying to maintain order were like small splashes churning in the ocean for help, and they were drowned in it instantly.

The wind swept into the room, and it seemed that someone pushed open the window.

When they opened their eyes again, the wind blew away the dense fog that obscured their vision, and the familiar white figure appeared next to the tallest huge window of the banquet hall that runs through the third floor, and the end of the wire gun was firmly stuck to the window.The fluffy white cloak is handsome and flying amid the screams from behind, the white suit is matched with a blue shirt, and the reflective monocle with the four-leaf clover pendant covers most of the face, making it impossible to discern the true face of the strange thief.

Looking again, fragments of accessories and clothing have fallen on the ground, and the jewel box covered with flannelette is no longer in place. The strange thief Kidd held it in mid-air steadily with one hand. He bowed gracefully, and the jewel box As he moved, it was taken off to the left chest.Kaitou Kidd's voice is young and pleasant, no wonder there are a group of fans fascinated by him.

"Precious Tears of the Black God, I'm sorry, I accept it. If you have the ability to fly in the air, just go after it." Kidd chuckled lightly, then jumped down from the window sill, behind him like white wings The hang glider popped up in an instant, carrying the strange thief and escaped smoothly, leaving behind the frantic sounding of sirens on the ground and the obsessive shouts of the girls.

"Very well, let me take a look..."

Kidd glanced at the police car on the ground that couldn't keep up with him from the corner of his eye, and raised his eyebrows in satisfaction.All goes well with the action!

"My God, what is that thing?"

"Support... help?"

There was an uproar of surprise and doubt.

The Kaitou Kidd raised his eyebrows curiously before slipping away. He manipulated the hang glider to slightly reverse the direction, just in time to see the situation inside from the window on the third floor of the castle that he broke through.

The black hole tore the smooth floor of the banquet hall, and a corner of the carpet was forcibly torn, like a monster opening its huge mouth full of fangs, and a combat plane covered with technological fluorescent blue stripes rose slowly from it No one could have imagined that such an experimental base was actually hidden under the first floor.

The middle-aged chaebol owner was almost stunned. He didn't understand why this kind of thing appeared in the laboratory under his hotel.His son's research doesn't seem to be in this area, does it?Did it cross the border?

Conan, who happened to be standing near the organ, stared dumbfounded at the black-haired boy in the cab of the silver-blue fighter jet—obviously this was the real Master You.

"..." The detective, a high school student who was still in the first grade of elementary school, was so shocked that his heart went blank.

Could it be that this young master of a wealthy family who is known as a genius has reached the point where he secretly researched a fighter plane? ! !Isn't this the level of genius?Publishing an international paper is nothing!

Even the well-informed Conan was like this, and the guests beside Mori Kogoro and Xiao Ran were even more exaggerated, almost popping their eyes out of their sockets.

After a frighteningly short start-up time, the fighter broke through the castle roaring like a beast coming out of its cage, and flew towards Kaitou Kidd, and caught up with the man who was hovering in the air and staring blankly in an instant.

Kaito Kid: "..."

Phantom Thief Kidd: "???"

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