The second disease teaches you to be a man [comprehensive]

Chapter 304 The Disaster of 2 Diseases 29

The sunlight vaguely penetrated the window that lost its protective glass, and fell into the extraordinarily bright room. Just as Saiki Kusuo recalled what happened in the precognitive dream with a complex expression, a burst of crisp horseshoe sounds came from outside the door. Sounded far and near.

Qi Mu suddenly raised his head: "?"

...Wait, hooves?

Before the superpower could even use the ability to see through, the wooden door panel was mercilessly crushed by the iron hooves of the white horse, and the pitiful half-cut was slapped on the carpet.

A black-haired young man in a red horse-riding outfit was riding on a fluorescent yellow tall horse in high spirits. He looked at the superpower with protruding hair on his head, and the two of them stared at each other. The room fell into a dead silence. silence.

It was Guang Zhouyou who broke the silence first.

With a tone of concern for his subordinates, the young man said in a deep voice, "Pink monster, but your transparent tentacles have detected the invasion of foreign enemies?"

Qi Mu: "..."

So, when did the creature called the pink monster add the setting of transparent tentacles?

"It's just that the ability accidentally got out of control." Qi Mu succinctly interrupted the dark emperor's exuberant curiosity.

Saiki Kusuo noticed that the glow of interest in the cat eyes of the black-haired boy visibly subsided, and Guangzhou snorted perfunctorily, "Really?"

Ya Li Ya Li, is there any need to be so disappointed?

Feeling bored, Guangzhou raised the rein in his hand and hooked the horse's head to go back. Qi Mu looked expressionlessly at this guy who was about to trample on the door that had been cut in half again.

Want to slip away after doing something bad?

"What's the matter with your horse?"

"This is His Majesty's mount." The dark emperor pretended to be gentle and raised his hand to gently caress the mount under him. The fluorescent yellow horse that was about to break through the ceiling obediently flicked its long tail, almost spanning half of the room. Paste on Qi Mu's face.

Qi Mu brushed the mane off his face indifferently, "Of course I know this kind of question, what I mean is, why did this creature that shouldn't appear in this place appear in my bedroom?" questioning each other.

Unexpectedly, the other party was more shocked than him, and even stared at him deeply with the eyes of a heartless man.

Qi Mu: ...Really, what kind of eyes does this guy have?

"Have you forgotten him? He is my monster Pikachu!" Guang Zhou said in a trembling voice.

"...Huh?" Saiki Kusuo stared at the sharp-eyed creature possessed by corn with a scrutinizing gaze. The yellow horse transformed into Pikachu snorted wetly, and then hit the ground in a cloud of smoke and changed Returning to the petite prototype, "Pika Pika" twisted its fat body and jumped on the boy's shoulders, nestling into a fluffy ball.

"Maybe I didn't pay attention to it for too long. My mount has learned new skills in the world. Of course, the dark emperor doesn't care about these trivial things."

Give him a little more attention, bastard!

Qi Mu recalled what happened several years ago, and matched the tragically dyed discharge monster from another world in his memory with the electrically deformed mouse in front of him, who was full of fat and twisted his little butt.

However, if he remembers correctly, this Warcraft has mastered the ability to transform before, right?

Qi Mu: "..." Didn't this guy just completely forget it?

In this way, this guy is even more unqualified to look at him with this kind of look at him.

As soon as the words fell, Pikachu deformed again with a bang, turning into a tall banana-colored horse comparable to mental pollution. The Dark Emperor stepped on the horse gracefully, preparing to raise his whip and set sail with a solemn expression, as if he planned to rush to the street. "Hmph, the traffic in this era is really underdeveloped, watch me, the dark emperor, show off my skills!"

"..." Qi Mu raised his hand and used superpowers to restore the mess in the house to its original state. Does this guy want to go out on a horse?

"Oh, are you ready to be escorted back by the police for disrupting traffic?"

Guangzhou recovered from the distant wild sight, and looked at the pink monster with contempt. "Can't His Royal Highness order Pikachu to transform into a Pegasus and soar in the sky without the restraint of hateful traffic controllers?"

"Oh, is it?" Qi Mu replied calmly, "Then you will be escorted back by the police under other names."

In the next second, Qi Mu saw the black-haired boy snatch the basketball that was used as a decoration in the house, get on the horse in a hurry, crush the door panel that was restored to its original shape, and walk away.

Qi Mu: "..." Damn it, the ability to recover can only be used on the same thing once a day, is he going to fall asleep in front of this shatterable door today?

After resenting for several seconds, his brain began to process what Guangzhou said just now.

etc?Basketball... Could it be that today is the day that guy and those red, green and green basketball players agreed to play?

No wonder those troublemakers from Hai Teng Rantang didn't come to him today.

Saiki Kusuo did not become the main player in the basketball team formed by Guang Zhou. After all, he couldn't control his own strength. Shocking news such as the accidental explosion of an athlete in anger, and the shocking news that someone was found in the Amazon rainforest after being hit in a basketball game.

The super power user who had regained his calm lay back on the bed, gently closed his eyes, with a relieved smile on his face.It seems that today will be a peaceful and leisurely weekend without any interruptions.


...that's weird.

When he opened his eyes again, Saiki Kusuo, whose heart was tightly gripped by the prophetic dream, jumped up from the bed again, with sweat on his palms.

The heart of the person with superpowers began to frantically agitate, both the panic about the dream and the uneasiness that things were about to get out of control.

It's the same dream.

In the same dream, the black-haired boy opened the door, facing the glow of the sky, rushed in from the door and hung it around his neck, ignoring his dead fish eyes, holding him like a child Short pink hair, with a familiar yet flat, arrogant and awkward feline smile on his face.

He says,

"His Royal Highness likes you."

Qi Mu curled himself up on the seat, his shoulders drooped, his arms hugged his knees, and he kept gnawing his fingernails. Amidst the unexplained humming of his heart, he was thinking about countermeasures irritably.

Don't be kidding, he is destined to be alone for a lifetime. There is an insurmountable gap between superpowers and ordinary people, even those who have mastered weird little tricks.What's more, in his eyes, that guy will always be the same as when we first met, the second-year-old Douding who will never grow up.

Qi Mu couldn't imagine that he would marry someone like his idiot parents, have children, and live together for the rest of his life.

What's more, what a trouble-hating person he is, how could he be with a trouble-making ancestor?Within a radius of ten miles of that idiot, he would be affected by the trouble he caused.

Not to mention that there is still an unbreakable "brother" status between them.

The emotion in Saiki Kusuo's eyes was like turbulent waves beating against the rock wall. His dark and unclear gaze disappeared in the gradually changing daylight.He didn't even realize that he didn't even have time to enjoy this rare quiet day of rest, and the whole day had already passed.

"Hey, Kusuo! You must have telepathically heard that we have finished the meal! It's still here, really! Come down and have lunch!" Shouted like a mouse that stepped on its tail, "Hey! What's going on here? It scared me to death!"

"By the way, my mother and I have a sweet double date tonight, you kid and You can settle the dinner by yourself, and my mother and I will not come back tonight, did you hear that? Kusuo? Really, ignore me again!" After showing a perverted and wretched smile, Qi Mu Guochun muttered and shouted at the superpower.


Ya Lie Ya Lie, really annoying.

The superpower didn't turn his head back, and casually removed the wooden boards from the wardrobe and inlaid them in the doorway, almost breaking Qi Mu Guochun's nose, but he could only curse at the door cowardly, and ran with his tail between his legs I went downstairs and complained to my mother crying.

After staying in the room absent-mindedly all day, Saiki Kusuo keenly caught the sound of the door opening downstairs as the evening approached.

Um?Didn't that stupid couple say they were going out to eat tonight?

The voices of people came from the stairs, a group of high school teenagers took off their shoes at the door and filed in. At a glance, this group of noisy and energetic guys followed behind the king of primary school students, Guang Zhouyou, and entered his house. in.

At a glance, Qi Mu has seen almost everyone in it. The familiar ones include the members of the Ice Emperor Qingxue who he has seen before, and the half-familiar ones include the Rainbow Team he met in junior high school, and the burning hall gray Lu Haiteng and others.

Qi Muran: "...?"

When did the relationship between these guys get so good?

And what are they doing?Ready to start an uprising here?

Soon, the man with superpowers got his answer from the voices of the people present.It turned out that it was Guang Zhou who led the four scumbags to defeat the kings of the era known as miracles unexpectedly.And the bet that was used as an agreement was used by him to invite the other party to come to his house for the party of the dark empire.

As for the members of the tennis club, they met on the road and were invited together as the heroes of this battle that will be immortalized forever.

Qi Mu: "..."

Let's not talk about how that idiot defeated Miracle, but why should all these passers-by, A, B, C, D, be brought to his home?

Thinking of this, the super power user glanced out of the window unconsciously, and his pupils shrank to the extreme in an instant.

It's not because of any scary monsters or spaceships, but because the sky outside is starting to darken, like the evening glow like mountains, the ends of the mountains are rendered with a rare rose gold color, and the distance is also romantic and elegant Taro purple.

And this unusual sky just appeared in his prophetic dream——

The color of that sky.

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