The second disease teaches you to be a man [comprehensive]

Chapter 97 Part 2 The present world of disease 3

As a guy who is unwilling to take an ordinary path in soul and spirit, Guang Zhou is a representative figure who can fly and will never go to school.

Therefore, after flicking away the girl who was so moved for some reason, the black-haired boy raised the corners of his mouth triumphantly in a corner where no one else noticed, just like a cat who successfully lures its prey out of its hole with a small dried fish same beard.

After successfully borrowing a school uniform from a mentally handicapped student and leaving a note of "Dark Emperor", he sneaked into the place where the golden sunlight couldn't reach, and slowly blended into the shadow cut out by the black teaching building .

Like an excellent ninja wrapped in haze.

Lurking quietly, waiting for the chance to kill with one blow.

Soon, Comrade Guangzhou Ninja sneaked into the empty first-year group two classrooms. He popped out of the window and observed the magic device 360-degree detection. After confirming that no one was there, he turned neatly into the classroom, and then accurately found Sakamoto. where you sit.

This is a location by the window, just to be able to be illuminated by the sunlight outside the window, to see the silhouette of geese passing by outside, and even to see the small white flowers perched in the corner of the teaching building.

As long as the wind blows, the green curtain next to it, like an armored defender holding a long-handled weapon, will flutter up, protecting the person sitting in this seat in all directions.

A book with a light green cover was spread out flat on the table, neatly placed in the center of the entire table, it can be seen that the owner cherishes it very much, the spine and paper of the book are completely free of any wrinkles.

The four sides of the book are completely parallel to the lines of the tabletop.

Apparently someone with OCD just made some adjustments to his desk.

——"Introduction to Niaoyu."

Is this the guy's seat?

Standing where he was, the black-haired boy posing as a serious thinker fell into deep thought.

Two seconds later, the black-haired boy who thought of something turned pale with shock.

Could it be that this guy has noticed that he was the first to use owls for scouting, and even guessed his real intention here, and then he wants to instigate His Highness's subordinates?

Guang Zhou was grinding his teeth, he didn't expect this guy to be so scheming!

—Forget it, no matter so much, let’s proceed according to the original plan now.

Guang Zhou blew a whistle towards the clear and empty window, the crisp whistle sound penetrated the glass and spread far, far away, especially penetrating in the empty campus.

After a while, a heavyweight creature flapped its wings and squeezed in through the window, and then hit the table with a bang, and even the books on the table were shaken, like a fat ball hitting water and splashing countless waves. a water flower.

The emperor in the dark night patted the dizzy owl's head pitifully, never expecting to make him suffer so much in order to do the task with him.

However, the emperor quickly turned cold, and said firmly to the owl.

"This is for the Empire!"

"Cuckoo! Cuckoo!"

The boy scratched the owl's fluffy chin, and the messenger narrowed his eyes happily under his hand.

"We acted according to the original plan. Now you lie on the enemy's table first, and I will make you some camouflage."

As he spoke, Guangzhou took out his carefully prepared special ketchup plasma from his pocket, and wiped it on the inner part of the owl's wings.

Then I took out the cosmetic bag and brush, dipped it in various paints, and continued to outline the edge of the wound on the part where the plasma was applied, so as to make it look like the real one.

"Now you have initially gained his trust, undercover messenger! So, from now on, you must continue to maintain your advantage!" Guang Zhou analyzed the enemy's situation in a serious manner, with a serious tone full of heroism.

He stopped and put aside the brush stained with paint, and took a closer look at the owl's wings with both hands.

From a distance, with a large pool of tragic blood on the desk, the dying bird on the desk seemed to have been abused with a terrible sharp weapon.

The makeup artist looked at his own work with satisfaction, and then began to change jobs as a director.

"The following passage of mine is very important, you must remember it! When the enemy from the neighboring country comes in, you have to shake the tips of your wings first, and then use the sharpest cry to attract his attention, and wait until he comes When you get to the desk, you have to inadvertently turn your body sideways and show him the notch on the desk. Got it?"

"This is the whole script. After you complete this task, I will give you your favorite snack when you go back. Do you understand? This is your lifetime honor!"

"We're going to have another rehearsal right now."

Guang Zhou commanded the non-existent camera, "3, 2, 1! action!"

The teenager clapped his hands up and down, and at the same time examined the performance of the owl with sharp eyes. He combined the role of the scene recorder who entered the shooting scene and was in charge of playing the board, and the director who has become an Oscar-winning film into one, two in one.

A ball of fat on the table shed a handful of sad tears, he obediently kicked his feet with difficulty, and raised his wings clumsily, looking as if he had epilepsy.

Guangzhou propped his chin and criticized seriously: "Messenger, your acting skills still need to be improved, it is really not perfect enough. When you scream, you should be more miserable, and your voice should be full of sadness, grievance, and hatred for human beings." This series of emotions, instead of screaming like seeing a bug that you don't like to eat. There must be no less of these emotions!"


"Okay, let's do it again."

Owl: "..." Goodbye!

Kubota, who was standing at the door for a long time with a dustpan in his hand, looked at Sakamoto's originally neat tabletop in front of him, which seemed to have experienced a chicken slaughter scene, with countless dried blood and scarlet feathers stuck to him, and some of them stuck to him tragically. On the table, the expression was blank.

The boy's chattering voice was like a devil, piercing through the air and piercing into his ears hotly.

The shadows under the setting sun turned into countless thick black lines, hanging behind his forehead.

who I am?where am I?What is going on with this bloody scene in front of you?And who is this beautiful boy who pointed at the owl's head and cursed?

For a moment, he didn't know whether he should scream in fear at this bloody crime scene, or should leave quietly through the back door.

But unfortunately, it was too late to leave.


On the opposite side, the boy looked back as if he had entered a movie, turning around slowly and at double speed.

The orange flames of the setting sun danced on the other half of his cheeks, as if igniting the strange red light in his black eyes. The red viscous liquid in his hands was still dripping, forming a small circle on the table. shape.

Kubota even saw the scene where his fat figure was reflected into the boy's pupils bit by bit.


Uninvited guests at the crime scene.

Kubota: "...!!??"

He swears to God, he saw a sinister smile on this beautiful young man's face, such a terrifying expression is like the prajna form of a female ghost, which makes people so scared that they can't wait to get out of their bodies.

This is a kind of expression that Kubota only shows when "the murderer sees innocent passers-by" in TV or movies.

In an instant, the freckled high school student's mind jumped out of countless ways to kill and silence, such as dragging him to an unmanned equipment room and locking him there, such as suffocating his head in the water.

"Help ah ah ah ah ah Ah Benbenjun!" The rough male duck sounded throughout the campus.

Guangzhou stayed for a second, and then happily instructed the owl rolling his eyes on the table, "Did you hear that? This is the level you want to reach! You are still far behind!"

Kubota cried like pear blossoms and rain, his heavy body orbiting the ground.

He didn't realize that he was scared to death by a child who was three years younger. He clasped his head tremblingly with his hands trembling, his curly hair protruding from his fat fingertips, and the sound of howling like a pig being slaughtered in a slaughterhouse resounded through the sky. : "I still have to be on duty today, don't kill me!"

Guangzhou looked at the source of the noise with some distress.

Although he was seen at the scene of the tactical deployment, he was not so frantic as to kill someone, at most...

Kubota tried his best to look up through the tears in his eyes, and saw the black-haired cat-eyed boy leaning on the table with one leg in front of him, took out a lollipop from his pocket, and pointed it at the thin pole After taking a breath, it was as natural as taking out a cigarette chicly.

The frightening thing is that along the position where the boy exhaled, a puff of white smoke really magically appeared.

"..." Kubota rubbed his eyes in disbelief, wondering if he had read it wrong. Why does this painting look so similar to Sakamoto-kun in their class?

His consciousness recalled ignorantly, speaking of this position also belonged to Sakamoto-kun, could it be that he came to find fault with Sakamoto-kun?

Five minutes later, Kubota, a high school student who had completely lost his dignity in front of his juniors, was kicked out of the school in a dejected manner.

When he walked out the door, with his back to the school gate, he shed tears in pain, his face wrinkled into an extremely twisted ball, and he hated his own weakness in his heart.

I'm sorry, Sakamoto-kun!I failed you!

You helped me regain my dignity, but I still didn't have the courage to resist. Even when your desk and books were destroyed by others, he witnessed the whole process but didn't have the guts to stop it, and he didn't dare to stand up.

And there is,

You have to do today's duty alone.

Thinking about it, I am a little happy.

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