independent filmmaker

Chapter 81 "Love at First Sight" (1)

Saying goodbye to Editor-in-Chief Zhang, Xie Lansheng stood still in a corner of the book building, and sent a text message to Xinye asking: [Xinye, Belle, are you working?Can I make a call now? 】

At that time, Xin Ye was in a meeting.He turned on his cell phone and glanced at it, knowing that Xie Lansheng must have something important to do, and said, "Think about a solution, I'll be right back."

After finishing speaking, he walked out holding his mobile phone and walked to the small conference room next door.

He called Xie Lansheng and asked, "Is everything okay?"

"Okay, okay!" Xie Lansheng responded a few words first, then lowered his voice, and said to the corner with a little excitement, "Xin Ye, I just met Zhang Xuewen from "Watching Movies". He is on a business trip. You You should know him too. He said that the film bureau will lift the ban on us before December 12st."

Xinye was also taken aback for a moment, and then said softly: "Director Xie, congratulations, your movie will be screened in the whole of China soon."


At this moment, he suddenly felt that the past hardships did not matter.It seems that the more hardships he experiences and the greater the price he pays, the more he can cherish every day of his filmmaking, including the previous ones and the future ones.Panicked and hesitant, he has experienced it since he was 20 years old. He is an insider of life, and every grain of dust and every grain of dirt on his shoes during his journey is not in vain.

"Director Xie," said Xin Ye over there, "in order to prove that the director lifted the ban, the Film Bureau will probably ask you to choose a past film for a small-scale screening."

Xie Lansheng thought about this hypothetical scene, and said: "Then "Galaxy". "Galaxy" won the Golden Bear Award. Quite satisfied."

"Okay, it's fine."

"But actually," Xie Lansheng whispered again, "I most hope that "Consummation" will be released."

Xin Ye asked: "Why?"

Xie Lansheng said: ""Consummation" means the most to me. I won the first "Big Three" and gained one... In short, in terms of movies and life, "Consummation" has opened up a new life for me. However, Cai Kuan and Lang Ying like each other, this theme cannot be passed.”

"Well," Xin Ye said, "I hope that one day "Consummation" will be screened publicly. At that time, even if we are very old, we will hold hands and watch together."

Xie Lansheng seemed to have a picture slowly unfolding in front of his eyes. He smiled and said, "Okay, it's a deal."


What Xie Lansheng didn't expect was that everything was such a coincidence. He had just returned to Xinye's home and the Film Bureau called.

On the phone, the Film Bureau said: "That's right. Because of Decree No. 20, the Film Bureau will 'forget about the past' for the banned film directors. Moreover, the Film Bureau wants to sit down and talk with talented young directors, including previous discipline violations. Let’s talk about it and decide how to shoot the movie in the future. The idea came in August, but the details have just been finalized, such as where to open.”

"???" Xie Lansheng pinched the phone, "Where is it open?" Isn't it opened at the Film Bureau?These words are so strange.

"The Film Bureau will hold this symposium on November 11." The leader of the Film Bureau continued, "It will be held in the meeting room of the Beijing Film Academy. At that time, the leaders of the Film Academy, the teachers and students of the Film Academy, the film Bureau and independent filmmakers will be present at the conference together."

"...???" Xie Lansheng was a little surprised.In the past, as the weak side, they all went to the film bureau to receive lectures. Xie Lansheng never thought that one day, the "symposium" between them could be held by a third party.This shows that, at least in terms of attitude, film bureaus and filmmakers are equal.

"Please write down the address." The leader of the Film Bureau immediately reported a list of school addresses.Xie Lansheng was a student of Nortel, he was very familiar with the address, so he didn't remember it.

Finally, the leader of the Film Bureau said, "Xie Lansheng, please call other people and inform Sun Fengmao, Li Kai, Wang Feng, join this meeting." The names he read out were all famous independent films. director.This time, Xie Lansheng took notes.

After hanging up the phone, Xie Lansheng didn't rush to call others.

After thinking for a while, he raised his hand and dialed the number of his teacher Wang Xianjin.When he was in school, the other party was the head of the department directed by Nortel, and now...he is still the head of the department.

"Hello," Xie Lansheng said when the call was connected, "Mr. Wang? I'm Lansheng."

"Lan Sheng?" Wang Jinjin has always liked the student he was back then, "Calling at this it because of the 'symposium'?"

"Ah," Xie Lansheng smiled, "Mr. Wang, you already know?"

Wang Xianjin said: "I have been revising the plan before, and it was finalized this afternoon. The Film Bureau and the young directors are holding a symposium here."

"Yes." Xie Lansheng said, "The Film Bureau asked me to call everyone together for this meeting. But I want to discuss with you the preparations to be made before the meeting."

Wang Xian said: "Tell me specifically?"

"Okay." Xie Lansheng expressed his concern, "There are about [-] independent filmmakers who will participate in the conference. The leaders of the Film Bureau are not busy. Will this last for a long time? I am worried that when the time comes, the major leaders of the Film Bureau After blabla talked about the policy, our young directors had nothing to say or say. I was worried that the film bureau came prepared and had something to read, but the twenty or so of us were doing our own thing in a chaotic manner, without any unified attitude, nor There is no unified opinion, everyone speaks one sentence at a time, there is no focus, and the meeting time is wasted, and this opportunity is wasted.”

Wang Jinjin seemed surprised that Xie Lansheng could think of this.

"I think," Xie Lansheng continued, "this opportunity is very rare, and it must not be wasted lightly. The leaders of the film bureau are here, including those who are not usually seen. They are willing to hold seminars and listen to everyone. It’s a once-in-a-lifetime event, and I’ve never heard of it anyway. Moreover, the teachers and students of the Film Academy are also here. If we make a request and the leaders of the Film Bureau approve it, the teachers and students of the Film Academy can be regarded as witnesses, and the Film Bureau cannot go back on their word, otherwise It’s just going back and forth. So I think, before the meeting, the [-] or so people who are going to have the meeting should come up with a unified opinion, and clearly state our point of view, that is, what the independent filmmakers hope to get, and let the film bureau Reply, at least let the Film Bureau consider it. Everyone can’t just go around like this, and come back after listening to everything the Film Bureau said.”

Wang Xian nodded: "This is what I'm thinking about. It's rare for you to think of these."

In fact, over the years, people have been trying to make a sound.Someone once sent a letter to the media, but the media dared not report it, and some people printed what they wanted to say in a booklet and distributed it at the film festival, but this symposium is the first opportunity to express it directly.

Wang Xianjin talked with Xie Lansheng on the phone for a long time.Xie Lansheng gradually cleared up the idea of ​​"unifying opinions", said goodbye to Wang Jinjin, called other people, and conveyed the time and place of the "symposium" to more than 20 people one by one.

Eight people directly refused, saying that they would not make any concessions or compromises with the Film Bureau, they wanted to maintain their independent identities, and would not listen to any admonitions and suggestions from the Film Bureau. Xie Lansheng also understood them.

For the remaining 16 people, Xie Lansheng said that everyone must have a unified attitude and opinions, and also talked about the outline that was initially discussed with Wang Xianjin.

Four of them expressed that they held different views and did not care about the same things as Xie Lansheng and the others. They would say at the symposium that they would not get involved and would withdraw from the "alliance".

So only half of the people left, 12.

Xie Lansheng can only feel that this team is too difficult to lead.


After 24 phone calls, the time and place for the first meeting were determined with the remaining alliance members. At 07:30, Xin Ye opened the door and entered the house.

Xie Lansheng didn't make dinner, so the two went out to eat.Now, breakfast is arranged by Xin Ye, but dinner is not guaranteed.On weekends, Xin Ye is in charge. Usually, if Xin Ye returns early, at 6:[-], it is also Xin Ye's responsibility. If Xin Ye returns late, Xie Lansheng will cook. If Lan Sheng doesn't want to move, the two of them will go out to eat point.

They ate a Japanese meal.During the dinner, Xie Lansheng talked about the whole day in detail, and Xinye occasionally said "Congratulations" and occasionally gave some advice, and then Xie Lansheng asked Xinye what he did that day, and the atmosphere was warm.

After returning home, Xie Lansheng and Xin Ye sat at the table in the restaurant on the first floor and made an outline of what was to be said at the symposium.

until 12 o'clock.


From this day on, Xie Lansheng and 12 other independent filmmakers Jia Wang Xianxian began to repeatedly discuss and revise the speeches used in the symposium.

Because they are all engaged in art, the 14 people always have differences.

For example, on the first day, a few independent directors thought that it should be written as a poem, "the cadence is so powerful that the participants burst into tears!", but Wang Xianjin waved his hand to stop him, advocating that it should be written as an official document, saying: "One, two, three, four is clear at a glance, It is the best way to convey appeals, and the leaders of the film bureau will also read this thing the most. If you read poetry, you may finish reading it, and they are still in the fog."

Everyone listened to Wang Xianjin, and several directors had no choice but to give up.

There are also 45 opinions put forward by the director to the leaders.Xie Lansheng was almost dizzy, and told him that the speech should be very concise, and list the three or four most important ones for the leaders to read. There are too many opinions and no one will care.

And in the process, people kept dropping out.

Some people’s appeals were considered unsuitable by others, so they withdrew in anger; some people wanted to make a new movie, and after feeling it, they thought that one more thing is worse than one less thing. They were afraid that “submitting a letter” would offend the leadership, which would make the film difficult to pass the review, so they quit with regret. There is Sun Fengmao; some people were forced by investors to withdraw from the letter and give up their signatures.In the end, there were two directors who could only give up due to pressure, but they still participated in the discussion, made suggestions, and helped with drafting.

In the end, when the "speech" was finalized, there were only seven signatories left.


On November 11th, the symposium between the Film Bureau and young directors was held as scheduled in a large conference room of the Beijing Film Academy.

The Academy of Film had already informed some teachers and students to come and participate, so there were four groups of participants: leaders of the Film Bureau, leaders of the Academy of Film, independent filmmakers, teachers and students of the Academy of Film, a total of 200 people came.

On both sides of the big conference table are the film bureau and the filmmakers.On the filmmaker's side, Wang Jinjin is in the center, Xie Lansheng is on his left, and another independent director who has won the "Big Three" is on the other side.On Xie Lansheng's left sat Sun Fengmao and others.

The leaders of the Film Bureau came in at 2:40.To Xie Lansheng's surprise, this team was quite large, including the director of the Film Bureau of the SARFT, two deputy directors of the Film Bureau of the SARFT, the director of the production department, the director of the art department, and the director of the foreign affairs department... a large crowd people.

The Film Bureau also brought reporters from China Film News and CCTV Movie Channel.Several reporters opened their lens caps as soon as they entered.

Everyone doesn't talk too much nonsense.

In the first half hour, the leaders of the Film Bureau spoke in turn.

They declared that "the past is not to blame" and lifted the ban on filmmakers collectively.

Also, "Due to some historical reasons, very complicated historical reasons, many of our young talents have not been able to develop normally, and the Film Bureau is also very sad. We hold this meeting to encourage and support everyone and inspire young workers. to build up the confidence of young workers to make good films, and at the same time, explain the new policies that the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television will implement in a face-to-face and without misunderstanding. We admit that in the past, the Film Bureau’s support for youth power Understanding is relatively limited and needs to be improved. We also have some responsibilities for you to take another path. However, our policy has changed now, and everything can be communicated and communicated. The Film Bureau welcomes everyone to return to a healthy track and shoot A truly excellent film is the director’s personal expression, only in this way can the director truly realize his own artistic value.”

Several officials of the Film Bureau also cited some statistics, such as how many movies have been banned in the past 13 years.Xie Lansheng calculated in his heart and felt that the other party was not telling the truth, and the banned movies should actually be much higher than that number.

The film bureau also said that it hopes that the young directors opposite can promote some positive energy.

Xie Lansheng actually felt that the official direction in the past was wrong.What does it mean to get more and more blocked?If the film can be released, these young directors will basically cooperate with the censorship, but if it cannot be released, it can only be shown in Europe and the United States. Naturally, some people will choose to cater to European and American tastes.Xie Lansheng himself has never made a film with a political color, but he knows that some people have made it, and some of them came to the conference.

It was not until 4:20 that the Film Bureau finished speaking.Director Tong X indicated that the person opposite could ask questions.

However, at this time, an episode happened.

Reporters from China Film News and CCTV Movie Channel closed their lens caps very casually, as if they were sure they would not report the opinions of independent filmmakers.

"What do you mean?!" A irascible independent director got up on the spot and started to get angry, "The general public must feel that a large group of independent filmmakers are unilaterally accepting lectures when these reports are published like this! The film bureau is playing a big role , even Xie Lansheng is obedient, but this is not a true reflection of this symposium at all!"

All of a sudden, the atmosphere became very tense.

After listening to the official accent for a long time, everyone has long been impatient.

As a result, several reporters were very stubborn and shouted: "You guys have violated the regulations! Be grateful if you can be lifted! You should be reprimanded!" where?"

Several directors exploded in anger and were about to slam the door and leave immediately.

Xie Lansheng didn't want to miss the opportunity to talk to the officials. Just as he was about to stop him, Wang Jinjin stood up and said, "My friend from the media, this is too much."

Xie Lansheng: "..."

Wang Jinjin added: "It's understandable that independent filmmakers don't want to be a tool for official propaganda, right? This is not an important event, it's just an internal chat. If you can't report it well, then it's better not to report it."

The bureau chiefs were noncommittal, neither said to allow the report, nor said not to allow the report, but stretched out their hands and pressed down, saying: "Sit down, it's not a big deal."

The atmosphere finally eased down.

Then, Wang Xianjin read out the manuscript of the "Submission" on behalf of everyone.

He said: "Dear Director Tong x, Deputy Director xxx, Deputy Director xxx...First of all, I would like to thank the Film Bureau for providing this opportunity to exchange! We film workers cherish this opportunity very much. Therefore, we held a meeting in advance and summarized the youth A few points of common concern to the directors, I hope to get answers from the Film Bureau. Thank you again!"

Xie Lansheng could tell that the officials looked at each other.

It was a surprise attack.

Wang Xianjin read again: "First, the banned films of young directors have never been subject to official censorship, and there are many excellent works, excellent works with status, and these films do not violate the new version of the "Film Management Regulations" and the "Film Script (Synopsis) Project Approval , Film Censorship Interim Regulations. We hope that the censorship department will be open to censorship of them, and not 'banned for one day, banned for life'."

After listening, Director Tong X smiled and said, "Okay. Anyone who wants to release a movie can send it for review."

Xie Lansheng originally wanted to say "I have a movie called "Xinghe", but after thinking about it, let's forget it and wait and see for now.

Wang Xianjin read aloud again: "Second, we hope that the Film Bureau can disclose the specific review standards. We believe that Article 25 of the new version of the "Film Management Regulations" involves review, and the last article, 'Other Prohibited Content' It's too general and, at the same time, too vague."

After finishing this article, just like before, the filmmakers chattered and expressed their opinions.

At this time, Xie Lansheng discovered that although several leaders of the film bureau had been participating in the discussion, in fact, none of them made any promises from the beginning to the end.

After a while, Wang Xian read the third article: "Third, we believe that China's film classification system needs to be put on the agenda. This can guarantee literary freedom and protect minors at the same time. The current 'one size fits all' is to harm both sides at the same time. Audience. We know that grading requires support from the market and laws, such as an increase in the audience base, self-discipline in film production, and... Therefore, we sincerely hope that the Film Bureau can make efforts to achieve grading and creation as soon as possible. Freedom. Fourth, we..."

Again, the official position is ambiguous.

Because time was very limited, several leading directors including Xie Lansheng expressed their opinions to the film bureau, but the other directors in the back row had no chance to speak at all.

But that doesn't really matter.

After the draft of the speech was prepared, Xie Lansheng and Wang Jinjin already knew that the speech except the first one was unrealistic and would not be answered.But these don't matter, they just want to express their opinions.

Time passed by, and it was almost five o'clock. Wang Jinjin knew very well that the meeting had to be broken up, so he read the conclusion of the speech: "In recent years, we have fully felt the efforts of relevant departments. We look forward to the Even better and more influential, we are willing to contribute everything to the development and prosperity of Chinese films!"

After a pause, he said again: "The signatory: the first one, Xie Lansheng."

Xie Lansheng smiled.

Wang Jinjin continued: "Li Kai, Wang Feng, Zhang Dongdong, xx, xxx, Wang Jinjin."

These seven people are still the most daring and courageous among filmmakers. They said "we think" and "we hope" to the director of the film, and they never promised.

As soon as the seven signatures were read out, the conference room of the Film Academy burst into applause.

Several officials from the Film Bureau also applauded, and then they stood up and left one by one.

So, in the "symposium" of two hours and a quarter of an hour, the official said more than two-thirds, and the filmmakers said one-third, but they didn't get much response.

But no matter what, the officials are willing to listen to opinions, and it is good that filmmakers can express their opinions.


Everyone was very happy when they came out.

After all, they were really lifted at this meeting.

Unexpectedly, when they came to the corner, a leader of the Film Bureau just came out of the bathroom, caught a glimpse of them, and suddenly said, "Don't be too happy. In the future, although you will not be abandoned by the Film Bureau, you will be abandoned by the Film Bureau." The market abandoned."

Xie Lansheng: "..."


Although the other party was right, he still hated it.

Xie Lansheng is also very clear that there is no market for literary films.He himself is the winner of the Golden Bear, so he shouldn't be out of theaters, but what about the others?What about young people?

This problem still needs to be solved.

Because it was already dinner time, a group of more than a dozen of them went to have dinner together.

Fourteen men and two women ate and drank while discussing new policies.

They all feel that it is of course good to be released, but the prospects are not optimistic.

First, the review criteria are not yet clear.If the censorship standards are too strict, literary directors like them will still struggle in the years to come.Secondly, the vast number of theaters and movie audiences will not like literary and artistic works. Even if they are filmed, they may have nowhere to put them, which is not much different from the past.

The first point depends on the film bureau, and the second point depends on the market. It seems that we can only resign ourselves to fate.

As I spoke, I felt melancholy again.

Xie Lansheng drank a little too much at the dinner party and went home drunk.

As soon as Xinye opened the door, Xie Lansheng fell straight towards Xinye.

Sure enough, Xin Ye caught him.

Xin Ye hugged Director Xie straight to the sofa and sat down, wiped his face with a wet towel, and asked, "The symposium of the Film Bureau is over?"

"Well," Xie Lansheng was drunk, with red cheeks, just smiled, "it's over. Xinye, I really like you."

Xinye's hand paused for a while, and then began to rub again: "Is it going well? Has the ban been lifted?"

The drunk Xie Lansheng laughed like a fool: "Yes, the ban is lifted. Xin Ye, I really like you."

Xin Ye was helpless, so he could only continue to ask, "When will the paper be officially released?"

Xie Lansheng also giggled: "One month later. On January 2004st, the official document of the Film Bureau is likely to be Order No. 1 in [-], and it will be sent directly to the studios, saying that Xie Lansheng has been lifted. In addition, Xin Ye, I really like you."

Xinye found that Xie Lansheng confessed his love every time he asked a question, and every sentence was followed by "Xinye, I really like you."

It doesn't seem to be responding, it doesn't seem to be waiting for something, it's very simple, just say what you want to say.

The result is that you don't want to talk all the time.

Finally, Xinye asked Xie Lansheng again: "Wang Jinjin read the letter to the Film Bureau on the spot?"

"Yes," Xie Lansheng used his brain to recall very hard, and said, "The first one was answered, and the rest didn't respond, which is normal. Xinye, I..."

"Okay. I like you too. I love you." Xin Ye's tone was pampering, he gently supported the back of Xie Lansheng's head with one hand, leaned closer, half closed his long eyelashes, and gently kissed the seam of Xie Lansheng's lips .A few seconds later, he gently wrapped the tip of the other's small tongue.

After a while, the kiss ended.Xie Lansheng just sat obediently, his face became redder when he was drunk, he looked at Xinye, and smiled shyly.

Xinye carried Xie Lansheng to the bathroom of the master bedroom and took a shower.Xie Lansheng just sat there again, not moving a single finger.But fortunately, he was good, Xin Ye told him to close his eyes and he closed his eyes, asked him to raise his arms and he lifted his arms, asked him to lift his legs and he lifted his legs, and the washing was done smoothly.

Putting on his pajamas, Xin Ye went downstairs to get Xie Lansheng something to sober him up, helped Xie Lansheng rinse his mouth and brush his teeth, then turned around and turned off the desk lamp, hugged Xie Lansheng in his arms, patted his back, and coaxed him he has slept.

In the dark, Xinye thought, his treasure will be released, and it will be upright and radiant.

The author has something to say:

In November 2003, the Film Bureau held a discussion with young directors at the Film Academy.

This paragraph is still very important.

In reality, since August, filmmakers have received calls, knowing that the official "let the past go without blame", and also know that a symposium will be held, and it has been held until November.For the continuity of the plot, it is changed to a surprise attack here.At that time, the Film Bureau called Wang Xiaoshuai, and Wang Xiaoshuai and Jia Zhangke called other people.

At that time, seven filmmakers wrote to the Film Bureau, known as the "Seven Gentlemen": He Jianjun, Ju Anqi, Jia Zhangke, Lou Ye, Wang Xiaoshuai, Zhang Xianmin, and Zhang Yaxuan.Zhang Xianmin is a professor at Nortel, and has been researching independent films. Zhang Yaxuan is a curator and film critic, who writes independent film columns and holds independent film festivals.

I checked some materials at that time and the meeting process.Some things in this chapter refer to the reality at that time, such as the general content of the letter and the general process of the meeting, and the sentence "will be abandoned" (probably meaning), some things are made up by myself.

When drafting the copy before submitting the letter, it was Lou Ye who insisted on reciting poems...

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