independent filmmaker

Chapter 94 "Love at First Sight" (1)

After a while, the fire department gave Manager Zhang a few things in the studio, which were "Fire Safety Inspection Record Form" and "Notice of Punishment for Fire Safety Hidden Hazards", etc. Manager Zhang's face was drooping, and he took them over, and the group OK to see.

"The wiring must be rearranged here," said the person from the fire department, drawing a big circle with one finger. "Fire safety must be the first priority when installing the wiring. If there is a fire in this place, you will be imprisoned! The big inspection is for Hello, don’t always think that you can hide. Now the route has to be rearranged, do you think it’s worth it? How much money is going to go in?”

Manager Zhang: "Yes, yes, sorry, sorry..." Pretending to be modest.

"It's fine, it's fine. Fortunately, after paying the fine, we will start rectification, and we can resume business after passing the new fire inspection." The other party was quite pleasant, and Xie Lansheng once again felt that he was too sensitive just now.This should be a routine check only.

"Here," Manager Zhang fought for Lan Sheng, "A client is using this, and the filming will be finished in two weeks. Let's see, can we wait for the client to leave before we do the fire protection rectification?"

The leader of the fire department drooped the corners of his mouth exaggeratedly, shook his head, and said with an amiable expression, "No way. Business can only be reopened after passing the new fire inspection. This is a hard and fast rule of our fire department."

"Yes, yes, yes, it's a mandatory rule, of course it's a mandatory rule." Manager Zhang yelled at the three of them, and put his arms around their shoulders, "Well, it's almost noon now, I'll treat the three of you to some seafood and let's go for a walk !” He pondered, and the few of them would loosen after eating.

"No! No." The leader refused, "We will deal with it casually, there are a bunch of companies waiting for inspection. Let's go." After finishing speaking, the fireman strode towards the door with long legs, which was different from the past The iron face is selfless and nothing is allowed.

Manager Zhang wanted to persuade him again, but the firefighter kept waving his hands, while the manager kept yelling "eat and eat" until the other party closed the car door.

"Hey..." Manager Zhang drooped his head, went back to the studio with the list, saw Lan Sheng, and sighed, "Director Xie, look... what should we do? Should we wait for our rectification to be completed, or... we will leave The full amount?" He was a thug, and he didn't say compensation for lost work, nor compensation for reshoots.

Xie Lansheng didn't want to worry about it either, and asked, "To be honest, how long will it take to rectify this?"

Manager Zhang read the inspection records and said, "We have a total of eight sheds...about two weeks."


"It's true."

"Two's not too bad." Xie Lansheng said, "Let's do this, let's shoot other scenes first, and you quickly fix this." Xie Lansheng saw that the guy just now didn't look like he was hooking up with Peng Pai, so he told the manager Those lectures were earnest and earnest, not like finding fault. Moreover, the records were well written and the process was clearly explained.

Manager Zhang replied: "Yes, yes, yes."

"I will come back to confirm the time when the workers come over tomorrow morning. In addition, the production director will discuss the final cost with you again."

"..." Manager Zhang replied, "It's easy to say, easy to say."

"Then get in touch again." Xie Lansheng thought that the manager was smooth and sophisticated, he was really a businessman, shook his head, and went to discuss the modification of the shooting plan with the executive director.

After confirming the number of scenes that can be advanced and the number of his subordinates, Xie Lansheng thought about it, and then called the external producer of the crew over, and said: "Go and see other sheds, and be prepared. I'm afraid I will have to change the location in the end." " Lan Sheng felt that in this way, if the fire department deliberately found fault, they could also minimize the losses of the crew.

The external producer is also very disturbed: "This has been filmed for two months! Plus three months of preparation! The main character's house, the heroine's house, the heroine's crazy mother's house, several interior scenes are here! Re- Scouting the scene, re-building the studio, and re-shooting... What a mess!" Manager Zhang's studio is very good, with a flat floor and a mansion, and several interior scenes of "Love at First Sight" were built based on the layout.

"I know." Xie Lansheng said, "but at least it can minimize the loss of time and money. It's better than rushing to revisit the scene after two weeks."

The producer of Wailian said: "Hey, that's right. I hope it can really change in two weeks."



Then, Wailian's producer went out to scout the scene, while Xie Lansheng shot the location first.

This is very helpless.As a director, he likes to shoot the entire film according to the timeline as much as possible, not based on time or cost, unless it is really too expensive.He feels that only in this way can the emotions of the actors gradually develop and the creative state can be in place.This is more like the traditional style of studios before 2000. At that time, it took a full year to shoot a movie. It is said that nowadays, film companies basically shoot in skips, and put the same scene together. For shooting, first shoot the exterior, and then the interior, because it is convenient.

But this time there is no other way, fortunately only six games in advance.In order to achieve the best results, before each new scene, Lan Sheng would take some time to go through the previous scene—the skipped interior scene with the camera on.He let the actors get ready, and treated the rehearsal as the official shooting, and then went out to shoot important locations after seeing that the actors were almost ready.

As a result, after one scene was shot, the environmental protection department came again!

Check the waste disposal of the crew, check other work of the crew, check whether the fire and cooking of the crew pollute the water source, check whether the filming activities of the crew have damaged vegetation, polluted light sources, and generated noise.

Moreover, there are several local media reporters following behind!

The environmental protection issues of the investigation crew are basically tried and tested.Hundreds of people in a crew are working and resting on the set, and there are many workers among them. In the end, when the crew leaves, it is usually like locusts crossing the border. The set is full of cigarette butts, wine bottles, mineral water bottles, poker, chess, lunch boxes, and plastic bags. There are also nails, wood, ropes, wires, cartons and foam for packaging...

This is also punishable.

But Xie Lansheng has always been careful.He is a person who pays attention to details. Every time he goes out on location, he strictly requires everyone to collect and take away all the garbage, pack it in large cardboard boxes in batches, and send it to a van for disposal.Xie Lansheng is also very concerned about water sources and other things.

The environmental protection department went around for a long time, but found no problem at all.Xie Lansheng could tell that the other party was quite shocked.

When they finally left, the environmental protection department choked out a sentence: "That's right, keep it up in the future."

By this time, Xie Lansheng had already seen that something was wrong. He saw that "The Paper" was acting as a hindrance. He looked at the reporters across the way, curled his lips, and asked, "Then the newspaper will praise us for our emphasis on environmental protection, okay?"

"..." Several reporters didn't say anything.

Xie Lansheng didn't bother to say any more, sent the other party away, and announced that work was over.

He asked the production crew to prepare for the reshoots. The producer asked why, but Xie Lansheng didn't say much, just said: "You hire a safety officer to make sure that the new shed has no fire problems." .

The producer of Wailian said: "Okay, but we won't be so unlucky for "Love at First Sight", right? Even two studios have been inspected for fire safety? Hahahaha."

Xie Lansheng only said, "Maybe."

This circle is too fucking small.Before there is any evidence, he can't say that "The Paper" is bad, and he can't say that he is suspicious.The fact that the famous director turned around and told Li Xian and the reporter what he said before is still vivid in his memory.If the same situation happens again, he will definitely become a paranoid and psychotic person who "has a lot of fire safety loopholes and is full of resentment for rectification, suspicious, self-indulgent and sentimental, and vents his anger on Peng Pai's head".

"In addition to fire protection and environmental protection, are there other standards?" Xie Lansheng wondered in his heart, "Are there other things that can lead to business closures?"

Could it be that they want to withdraw from Changsha in despair?But Xie Lansheng always likes to shoot movies in chronological order, and half of the exterior scenes have been filmed. If he withdraws, it means that he must either reshoot all the exterior scenes, or the entire crew will run on both sides of the city for exterior scenes and interior scenes. Either change the operation method, shoot all the exterior scenes first, and then shoot all the interior scenes together.None of the three ways was what Xie Lansheng wanted.

He called several directors who often make commercial films and asked, "Aside from fire protection and environmental protection, what else do government departments look at?"

Several directors said: "Basically these two."

Xie Lansheng was quite hesitant.


Finally, on October 10, two weeks after the rented studio was closed for rectification, Manager Zhang said to Xie Lansheng, "Thank you, Director! How are you doing! Brother Zhang keeps his word, two weeks will be two weeks!"

"Well, thank you, thank you, it's really hard for Manager Zhang." Xie Lansheng said, "Then, after the fire department's inspection is over, can we continue filming?"

"Yes!" Manager Zhang said, "Hey, we spent 10,000+ yuan to re-install all the circuits! Director Xie, all of you movie crews are asking for discounts, what a pain!"

"All right, all right," Xie Lansheng said, "It's been rented for five months in total, and we'll pay for four and a half months, is that enough?" Xie Lansheng felt that if it wasn't for "Love at First Sight", Manager Zhang might not be investigated, so he gave in.

Manager Zhang said: "Enough is enough!"

"Well," Xie Lansheng said, "then you should hurry up and make an appointment with the phone number on the list."

"Of course! I'll fight now!"

What Manager Zhang didn't expect was that the fire department kept dragging.

According to their regulations, whoever checks the first time will be in charge of the second time.But the person in charge at the time said that many companies were ahead of the queue and were too busy to wait, and did not give a specific time at all, just said: "I will call you when I arrive."

Manager Zhang has nothing to do, he is just a small business owner, so he can only wait and die.

But, the guy from the fire department either didn't answer the text message at all, didn't show up, or just said, "I'll call you when I get there."

Xie Lansheng had already prepared for this result.Deep Blue Films is coming in menacingly, and Pagoda doesn't want to fight anymore. On the one hand, it may be because Guan Jinyi is afraid that Li Xian will lose, and on the other hand, it is also because Xie Lansheng will split the box office.In the beginning, the people of The Paper thought that Xie Lansheng could pinch it at will, and could not pose a threat to "Grape Wine Luminous Cup". Therefore, using Xie Lansheng's title of "the biggest director who lifted the ban", and Xie Lansheng's "dissatisfaction with Li Xian" The rumors of "New Hairpin in a Treasure Bun" brought a wave of publicity and hype, and by the way, they humiliated Xie Lansheng and "revenged" for "The Restaurant Girl".However, Mr. Xin from Deep Blue Films surprised The Paper."Love at First Sight" has just started filming on both sides, and it has won high-ranking films in several theaters accounting for 20% of the total box office in the country.However, The Paper and Li Xian didn't want to withdraw from the long vacation [note] by themselves, because they didn't want to appear to shrink back, and they didn't want to part with the seven-day long vacation, so they hoped that Xie Lansheng would take the initiative to give up this competition.In this way, Pengpai can use Xie Lansheng to stir up a wave of movie enthusiasm again and again.

Xie Lansheng thought, looking at it this way, they might really get their wish.

Although Xie Lansheng didn't want to lose, but he didn't want to spoil the movie just because of his anger.It is irresponsible for the film to forcefully rush to compete, and it is not good for him.

Xie Lansheng pursed his lips, already giving up in his heart.He was holding several sheds selected by the Wailian producer—some local and some out-of-town. He hesitated, so he called Xin Ye to hear his ideas.

Xin Ye knew that the studio was inspected by the fire department, and asked, "When was it remodeled?"

"It's been three or four days." Xie Lansheng said, "At first, I thought that if the firefighters come here immediately, I won't let you worry about it. Let's talk about it. You've been tired enough for movies and theaters these days."

"Lan Sheng," Xin Ye said in a magnetic voice, "No matter what happens in the future, let me know as soon as possible."

"Ah... oh."

"There are a few roads here, so don't be in a hurry to order a new shed." Xinye said again, "I'll take the flight tonight. We'll talk about it later."

"...Well." Xie Lansheng said, "Be careful on the road."

"Will do."


The next day, under the arrangement of Xin Ye, this dilemma was resolved.

The process is very simple, so simple that it is ironic.

XYZHotels&Resorts in the hands of Xin Ye’s stepfather has just opened a resort hotel, and it is still a cave hotel-it is built based on a natural cave outside the city. The large cave is used as a lobby and restaurant, and the small cave is used as a guest room and so on.This is a key project in the local area. Moreover, because the "karst cave hotel" is very special, it is difficult to deal with fire protection. The people of XYZHotels&Resorts and the fire department have been in communication and discuss solutions together.

The Karst Cave Hotel has been opened, and there is an endless stream of tourists from all walks of life. It is said that 24 rooms have been booked until April next year.Under the publicity, there are still many tourists from other provinces who want to stay and travel casually.Now, XYZ Hotels & Resorts is still building several other key resort projects, which are closely related to fire protection.

Xin Ye asked the person in charge of XYZ to contact the fire department, and made an appointment to meet and talk about the fire protection settings of a hotel under construction. Then, when the person in charge of XYZ was talking to the fire department, he took Xie Lansheng and Manager Zhang to the gate to wait. .

After talking with the person in charge of the fire department, the person in charge of XYZ said: "By the way, a few friends from my side came with me today. Their store failed the fire inspection two weeks ago, and now they have spent 10,000+ The electricity and water lines have been rectified, but the inspector has been too busy recently, so I have been waiting for his call. My friend is in a hurry to open the business, take a look, can you send someone over to inspect it in these two days?"

The other party asked: "Huh? Who?"

The person in charge of XYZ called Xie Lansheng and Manager Zhang into the building. Manager Zhang nodded and bowed, and handed the business card up with both hands.

On the other side, he just glanced at it and said, "Let me take a look."

But Manager Zhang knew it as soon as he heard it: this matter is settled.This can also be regarded as a feature. When people with power are asked to do things, they often say "Let me take a look", and this sentence "Let me take a look" basically means "OK, no problem."

The second inspection of a certain unit is a very small matter, and it is a legitimate request and reasonable.

Xie Lansheng followed suit.

That afternoon, three people from the fire department re-examined the studio.Manager Zhang changed all the questions on the "Inspection Record Sheet", and there was nothing to choose, so this time, it passed.

Just like that, the studio reopened, and "Love at First Sight" continued to be filmed.

Xie Lansheng asked himself in his heart: Are you happy?

Peng Pai knew the people in the fire department, and he knew the leader of the other party. Like Murong Fu, he returned the same way to him, breaking Pai Pao's calculation.

He knows the answers to questions.

not at all.

This matter can be resolved seemingly smoothly in the end, only because "Deep Blue Films" happened to know someone of a higher level - someone with more power to speak than the one entrusted by "Paper Films".

Otherwise, the movie would have been really delayed.

And being delayed, he couldn't even plead.Because, the failure of fire safety to meet the standards cannot be used as an excuse at all, but I just personally handed Peng Mei a gun to kill him.Although, in the end, his movie can be released, but if he really backs out and changes gears, it will satisfy the other party's wishes.

Xie Lansheng has never made a film that can be released in the past 14 years. Now, the competition, strife among capitals, and unscrupulous methods make him feel a little tired.

He is a film director, he just wants to make movies, but why, does he want to become more and more vulgar like this?

Maybe, because the instinct of "desire to make money" is the most vulgar, so people who are addicted to it can do many things.

But Xie Lansheng only loves movies and only wants to make movies.He is obsessed with other people's world, and every day is like a dream.The world in the movie is another vast time and space, and he can see a lot, gorgeous, gorgeous, and satisfying, so these things in reality make him occasionally upset, like a huge swamp.

He can't handle these things with ease like Xin Ye.He likes Xinye, and admires Xinye--Xinye obviously doesn't like it either, but he doesn't care about it, he doesn't move, he is calm and unhurried.


After confirming the restart, Xie Lansheng and Xin Ye went back to the hotel where the crew stayed.It was evening at this time, and the red glow reflected the sky, projecting down from the leaves, mottled on the ground, like little sporadic fires, stirring and burning people's hearts.Some unknown birds sang loudly on the branches, sometimes and irregularly.Sometimes, it provokes people to groan in their hearts, but they keep silent, as if they know how to play tricks on someone.

All the way into the hotel room, Xie Lansheng threw his whole body on the soft bed and said, "It's so fucking bad."

"Yeah." Sitting next to him, Xin Ye helped Xie Lansheng take off his shoes and socks, put Xie Lansheng's feet on his knees, inserted his fingers between the toes, and gently massaged the base of the toes.

Xie Lansheng pulled his foot back and said, "Itches!"

Xin Ye suddenly turned over, pressed Xie Lansheng under him, and asked, "Are you feeling uncomfortable?"

"Forget it, it doesn't count." Xie Lansheng replied, "What's wrong with the capital... The director must be a little upset."

Xin Ye let out a chuckle in his throat: "Li Xian is not necessarily upset."

"That's why his movies are getting worse and worse." Lan Sheng lay on his back on the bed, his eyes were a little blank, and said, "I once really respected him." When I was filming "Fortune and Prosperity" in Xiaoxiang, I heard that the director was Director Li. The excitement in his heart was still as vivid as yesterday.

At that time, Li Xian had seems that he also wanted to come out and do it alone.What made him change?Lan Sheng felt that maybe his mother had cancer, he married someone he didn't love, and made a movie he didn't love, so it would have changed.Gradually, only fame and fortune can make him feel meaningful.At the beginning of this stage, he was still able to make good films, won the "Big Three", and was shortlisted for the grand prize, but then he became more and more...not just commercial films, but also literary films, and he began to be keen on sensational and let people When people cry, impetuousness is about to overflow.

Xin Ye responded: "Yes."

Then, Xin Ye gently brushed Xie Lansheng's short hair back with both hands, revealing the other's complete face, looked into the other's bright eyes, and said: "So let me know as soon as possible in the future, and I will handle the capital issue." Those dirty, those ugly, you don't have to worry about it."

"...I'm afraid that you are too tired occasionally." Xie Lansheng said, "I have to take care of Shenlan, I have to take care of XYZ, and I have to take care of these."

"You figure out the order." Xin Ye still looked at Lan Sheng, "You are the most important to me, followed by Deep Blue, and last is XYZ. Do you want me to put everything first?"

Xie Lansheng laughed: "You are really slippery with the idiom now."

"Do not be silly."

"Well, yes, I promise you."

"That's good."

The sunset outside the window is still golden red.The two looked at each other silently and kissed.It's okay at first, then gradually lingering and full-bodied.Because nothing happened for too long, Xie Lansheng gradually became emotional.

Xie Lansheng thought, he really can't do without Xinye this time.Originally, he made this "Love at First Sight" just to promote the literary theater and help Shenlan add some income.He just wanted to do his best and wasn't eyeing the box office.He really can't make blockbuster movies, Xie Lansheng loves the inner world of small people.Using literary films as the skeleton, adding some suspense, adding some... is the limit of Xie Lansheng, and there may be none in the future.Literary theater is a career that Xie Lansheng attaches great importance to. He wants to do something himself-attract attention and promote the theater.But the current situation is really out of his control, if he doesn't want to be too miserable, only Xinye can rely on him.

"Okay." After the kiss, Xinye smiled lowly, "Aren't you very happy, right? Then... I make you happy?"

"Don't..." Xie Lansheng immediately understood, "It's only six o'clock."

"What about six o'clock?" After a while, Xinye said again, "We'll talk about it at night until the end. Lan Sheng...I want to see you. And... venting can make people happy, there is a scientific basis for this. "

"..." Xie Lansheng was bewitched by the other party, and he started to sway from side to side.Indeed, during filming, time together like this is really rare.

Really... through such a night,... twice?

Taking advantage of the other party's hesitation, Xin Ye immediately made a move.

Xie Lansheng was still wearing a layer, but the thin cotton fabric had been pulled aside.Shen Ye knelt in front of the big bed, pulled Xie Lansheng down a bit, and then carried Xie Lansheng... on his broad shoulders, and after a few strokes, he got closer.

"Don't!!" Seeing that Xin Ye wanted... Lan Sheng bowed his waist and said, "If this is the case, I'll take a shower first."

How can Xinye wait: "It's okay. Just washed it before going out? It's only been two hours. The belt hasn't been undone yet."

Xie Lansheng struggled: "No, that's also dirty. Who knows what will happen."

Xin Ye sighed, a little helpless: "Then, wipe it? Is the head office okay?"

"Hmm..." Xie Lansheng hesitated again.

Xinye got up and left, while Xie Lansheng waited with his feet back. After 1 minute, Xin Ye came back, wiped it carefully with a warm wet towel, and asked, "Is it okay this time?"


So she leaned down to kiss him deeply, then squatted down again.

After 10 minutes, Xie Lansheng's muscles tensed, and...he firmly...clamped on Xinye's beautiful neck, his heels desperately kicked on Xinye's broad back, his fingers grabbed the bed sheet, and his thin waist was arched high. , gasping for breath, as if in a burning heaven, electric currents ran through all limbs and bones.

After everything was over, looking at the towel at the foot of the bed, Xie Lansheng became vigilant again: "Wait, Xinye, did you wipe it with my face towel...?"

"No," Xinye picked up the towel, "I wiped it with my own towel. I know you despise yourself." Both he and Lan Sheng had a stack of temporary towels for business trips, and when they left, they took one with the same color. , is a deep blue.

"..." Xie Lansheng said, "Go back and wash with water."

Xin Ye wiped her lips, then licked her thumb and index finger: "Got it."

"Wash with soap."

"Okay, okay." Helping Xie Lansheng put on his underwear.


"Go, let's eat."


Went to "a village in Hunan" for dinner.Xinye still can't eat spicy food, so they had to order four dishes, Xie Lansheng ate two spicy dishes, and Xinye ate two non-spicy dishes, they were out of place in the restaurant.

Back at the hotel again, Xie Lansheng made preparations for tomorrow's filming, and he and Xin Ye had sex twice on the big bed.It's been a long time since I've tasted the taste of my lover, Xin Ye is a little ruthless, Xie Lansheng's head will often hit the bed board of the hotel bed, and then he will be dragged back immediately, and after a while, the process will be repeated.

Xie Lansheng didn't get out of bed to take a shower until 12 o'clock. In order not to let the crew know that Xinye was sleeping with him, he forced Xinye out.The last time Xin Ye came to visit the set, he was seen by the assistant director. It was the next morning, and Xie Lansheng made up a bunch of things to make up a lie.He is actually quite good at lying, but he is also afraid of being exposed.

When Xin Ye went out, he was holding the trolley case in one hand and the towel in the other, looking weird.

The author has something to say:

[Note]: From 2001 to 2007, May Day is a long holiday, 7 days.

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