Although it is a severe secondary disease, in the final analysis, Kai Teng Shun has not really brought it to that level, let alone the insignificant situation, and Kai Teng Shun will also be confused when he finds that there is a real problem.

The reason why I say this is because Hai Teng Shun discovered a new ruin, and when he was about to record it in the mysterious notepad in the dark compartment of his drawer, he found that there was a sentence on the page that he had no memory of—— —but the handwriting is definitely his own!

Kai Teng Shun's first reaction was that he had a split personality, and then he felt something was wrong.

He set the password by himself. This sentence is just a bunch of garbled characters for those who don't know the password. Will a split personality have this kind of memory?Can you also use passwords to organize sentences?

Immediately afterwards, Hai Teng immediately recalled the conversation that happened after Ning Qi and the others ran into him on the way from school...

Hai Teng suddenly panicked again, could it be that he really lost a memory?What had he forgotten?

Hai Teng was so frightened that he wanted to call the police, but he realized that if it was really a supernatural event, let alone the police, the army would not help!

Hai Teng Shun could only bravely read the line left in his notebook.

"The list is in... the cabinet in the second row and fourth column of the Eye of the Void?"

The Eye of Nothingness is the name Kai Teng Shun himself gave to the ruins he discovered. After all, it is a place very similar to a garbage dump. The most obvious feature inside is an abandoned storage cabinet. The cabinets in the second row and fourth column It is a relatively well-preserved grid. A long time ago, Hai Teng Shun thought that if there was any confidential information, it could be put in it, and it would never be discovered.

But now is there really something in it? !

Hai Teng gasped for a moment, and under the guidance of many evidences, he finally believed that there was indeed something wrong with his memory!

However, apart from being afraid, Hai Teng Shun's heart is more worried about Ning Qi and Qi Mu. There is no doubt that the three people who stopped him on the way from school before must be partners who acted together. After losing himself, the three People tried to wake him up, but the power of darkness was too powerful. The timidity exposed in his heart made his companions decide to let him stay out of it safely based on the idea of ​​protecting him!

How could could he treat his companion like this!Too cowardly, even if he forgot everything, how could he forget his responsibility!Kai Teng Shun, you are everyone's reliance, the invincible black wings!

Thinking of this, Hai Teng Shun couldn't help but shed tears of regret!

I have to say that although he is very secondary, Kai Teng Shun really made up the truth in his mind. Except that he himself is actually a non-staff member, no one told him the core truth of the matter... Thanks to He was a secondary school student, and even made a move to hide the list of transfer students, which actually turned the situation around a little better.

Kai Teng Shun originally wanted to tell Qi Mu directly that he remembered everything, but Qi Mu had been chatting with Ning Qi, and he didn't seem to notice his side. Considering that he has completely withdrawn from the eyes of the dark forces now, it seems more secretive. It is easy to receive unexpected effects, Kai Teng Shun gritted his teeth, sneaked out of the classroom alone, and went straight to the Eye of Nothingness.

In the abandoned locker, Kai Teng Shun found the list he put in it before, which recorded the names of more than 50 people from Class [-], [-], [-], and [-]. After looking at it for a while, Kai Teng Shun found that these people were actually all He is a new transfer student, and the longest time has only been in PK Academy for a month.

"So, the frequency of transfer students appearing recently is really too high, so it turns out that Dark Reunion is secretly planting nails in our school?"

Hai Tengshun made up a big drama of exploding funds in his own brain, and his expression gradually became dignified.

He looked at his bandaged right hand, and murmured in a low voice: "The seal hasn't been lifted yet, and I can't use my power at all. Even if I get this list, it's probably impossible to use it directly." .”

In his opinion, if he just handed the list to Saiki Kusuo, he would not lose his memory before that, and he was forced to hide the list before that—although he didn’t actually have it, it’s just that he had a second stroke That's all.

However, he was quite right about one thing, although Saiki Kusuo and Ning Qi behaved normally in school, but in fact, under the calm water surface, there was already a dark tide and the situation had developed into a very serious situation!

Kai Teng Shun could only think of finding two more people to help, but all he could think of who might be able to help was the exceptionally well-developed motor nerves, who didn't seem to be very annoying!

This is so hopeless...

Hai Teng Shun thought so, but he could only take the list and bite the bullet and rush to school.

Just when Kai Teng was out of breath and almost vomited back to the classroom on the spot, he found that Ningqi and Saiki Kusuo who were still in the class before had disappeared, and even Reita Torisuka was not hanging around their class.

Hai Teng turned around in a hurry, and when he was not sure whether to go to Rantang for help first or to find the whereabouts of Saiki and Kusuo, he inadvertently glanced downstairs from the teacher's window, and saw Ning Qizheng Following another person, talking and laughing, they walked towards the hidden grove in the school.

Before Hai Teng Shun had time to show a relaxed expression, his nerves tensed up again!

Isn't the person following Ning Qi one of the transfer students from Class [-]!He seemed to vaguely remember that he seemed to have met him before?

Has he met?


When Hai Teng was stunned, Ning Qi breathed a sigh of relief.

Although I don’t remember the experience of completing missions in the past, but contacting Saiki Kusuo and Gilgamesh gave him science popularization, now this opportunity can come to him, and people who ask him to go to the grove alone, except for the traveler, probably will not There are others.

Because of amnesia, Ning Qi didn't recognize the face in front of him, but he couldn't make any unnecessary expressions to reveal his flaws, and could only look at the person in front of him calmly.

On the way he and Gilgamesh were going to the fifth class, this man suddenly rushed out and pretended to hit him unintentionally, and then took the opportunity to chat with him. Gilgamesh wanted to intervene, but Ning Qi handed it over Then, under Ning Qiming's hint, he went to "business" first.

However, Gilgamesh seems to have only left Ning Qi and the traverser to fight alone, but in fact, the former just found a hidden place at random and turned into a spiritual form. In fact, he has been with Ning Qi all the time , which also made Ning Qi, who had no experience in fighting against the enemy, more or less relieved.

Gilgamesh originally planned to hammer the traverser directly into the heart of the earth as soon as he showed his head, but after all, the other party came a long time before them, and he didn't know how many things were hidden, and the Holy Grail was still in the other party's hands, so he acted rashly Not to mention whether they can really subdue people, even if they are subdued, they still have to find another Holy Grail. In Ning Qi's view, they might as well wait a little longer until the other party shows enough flaws before making a move.

But that being said, as soon as the two of them entered the grove, Ning Qi felt more and more uncomfortable. There was a heavy feeling on his heart, which made him panic unconsciously.

"It's the magic workshop." Gilgamesh whispered in his ear.

Although he has no previous memories, Ning Qi also knows what a magic workshop is. It is equivalent to the enemy creating a terrain that has a strong bonus for him. He will definitely suffer a loss if he starts a war in such a place.

Gilgamesh gasped, and said, "I didn't expect this bastard to know magic. You don't have the experience of fighting enemies accumulated before. You only rely on intuition and muscle memory. It is not easy to defeat him here. "

Ning Qi was stunned, and asked in a panic: "Then what should I do?"

Since Gilgamesh met Ning Qi in this reincarnation, he has never seen Ning Qi's expression. After all, the other party has rich experience in completing tasks, and he can calmly judge and act no matter what situation he encounters. It is not so easy to see the youthful performance of asking him what to do before making a decision.

Gilgamesh, who has a bad personality and loves perverts, couldn't help but look at him for a while, until Ning Qi was really a little scared, and Gilgamesh, who had enjoyed Ning Qi's fragile expression enough, looked away contentedly, and said: "This world can't be changed." There is no such thing as magic power, and the ability to build a magic workshop depends entirely on the power of the Holy Grail, and if it is as expected, the Holy Grail is either in this forest or on him."

With the cunning character of the traverser, including his ability to erase other people's memories at any time, the possibility of the Holy Grail on him is actually much greater.

"Based on your current combat power alone, it is really impossible to defeat him, but these words are meaningless," Gilgamesh showed an arrogant smile on his face, and looked at the traverser's back with disdain: "The bastard It's a bastard, with this king here, even if he holds the Holy Grail, he won't be able to make any disturbances, you just need to wait until the moment he takes out the Holy Grail, grab the Holy Grail, and everything will be over."

After hearing this, Ning Qi couldn't help asking: "Just grab the Holy Grail? Is it that simple?"

He has tried his own physical strength now, and ordinary people will basically not be his opponents head-to-head. Fighting may not work, but it is easy to grab things with brute force.

When Gilgamesh heard this, he said angrily, "What do you think? With me here, what else do you need to worry about? When did I ever lose?"

Ning Qi was fine, but when he heard the last sentence, he couldn't help showing a complicated expression on his face.

Although he doesn't know what the previous mission was like, in his memory, although Gilgamesh is the strongest heroic spirit, he has lost many times because of his "slow heart"...

The more he thought about it, the more unreliable he felt, Ning Qi was worried, and said worriedly: "Why don't we wait for Qi Mu to come over first?"


Is he not as reliable as Saiki Kusuo who is full of jelly? ? ?

Hello, yes.

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