[I am Kusuo Saiki, a superhuman]

[Mind telepathy, mind power, clairvoyance ability, prophet, clairvoyance...]

[I can do all these easily]

【What?Do you think I am the luckiest man in the world who has been given everything since I was born? 】

【Do not make jokes】

【I am the most unfortunate man in the world who was deprived of everything at birth】

【My biggest dream is to live peacefully like an ordinary person】

[So in order not to attract attention and not be noticed by others, I don't have any friends]

【Of course I don't need that kind of thing】

[Today is the first day of school, I hope you can spend your junior high school life smoothly]


Saiki Kusuo sat on the seat with a blank expression.As soon as he went out today, he had a bad feeling.

On the table with him, there are two three-headed guardian sweethearts named Conan and Sakamoto, talking as if no one else is around.

According to the voices and performances of the people around, no one can see these two guardian sweethearts except Qi Mu and his tablemate.

Qi Mu looked at his deskmate.

A boy with a baby face, light blue hair that looks fluffy, a tattered shirt, and red bandages on his hands.

【Except for the weird costume, it's still cute just by looking at the face. 】

[It's a pity that people who have this kind of guardian sweetheart are usually a troublesome group, so let's keep a distance. 】

[Wait why did I say 'unfortunately'? 】

【Ah, I stared at it for too long and accidentally turned into a skeleton...】

Qi Mu looked away expressionlessly, and returned his attention to the teacher in front of the podium.

At the same time, the heartbeat of the guy next to him came over:

[Huh, finally turned around.Let me tell you why this deskmate wearing a strange hairpin keeps staring at me.ah!Are you trying to make friends with me?Shall I say hello to him? ]

[No need! 】

[Well, let's find a topic.Talk to him about Dark Reunion?Or is it about eighteen personalities?But this guy looks like an ordinary person, not like someone with Force! ]

[Say it again, who is an ordinary person? 】

Kaiteng's heartbeat continued.

[Since he is just an ordinary person, then I will protect him from now on with my dark wings.I still need to find a topic, first ask him what club he wants to join]

But in the next second, Haiteng's heartbeat was interrupted by the teacher's words:

"Then, everyone, come up one by one and introduce yourself!"

Because it was the first day of school, everyone was not familiar with each other, so they were a little nervous when introducing themselves, but this group of boys and girls also tried their best to express themselves and want to leave a good impression.

Everyone's speech is basically the following:

"Hi everyone, I'm XXX. I'm good at (my hobbies are) art/cooking/basketball, etc. I hope to become friends with you. Please give me your advice."

But there are counterexamples.For example, the deskmate of this superpower user.

Kai Teng Shun faced everyone, raised his bandaged right hand and touched the broken hair on his forehead, closed his eyes and said: "Hi everyone, I am Kai Teng Shun, my hobby is..."

"Wait! Damn it!"

He suddenly pressed his right arm, arched his back, and looked very painful.

"Is it cramping?" Someone asked worriedly.

【Oh, it's just a second-year illness】 Saiki Kusuo looked at it expressionlessly.

"Since you have seen it..."

Hai Teng suddenly straightened up, and said solemnly:

"Actually, the dark force BlackBeat resides in my right hand!"

"They're trying to take this power away and use it to create a new world"

"They are the mysterious organization DarkReunion"

"But the world is guarded by my dark wings!"

There was an awkward silence.

"Ah ha ha--"

Then everyone clapped their hands sparsely.

[What, looks pretty good, did you have paranoia in the end? ]

[The clothes are tattered, it can’t be a bad thing]

[Even if it's to attract attention... it's better to stay away from him, the second disease is not contagious, right?]

Mixed with the sarcasm in the heart is the voice of a pitiful young man crying:

[It looks like no one is interested in me at all, wow, failed again]

【Now that you know it, you should reflect on it】

Saiki Kusuo complained in his heart.

【It's my turn】

He stood up, then nodded to Kai Teng Shun who came down from the stage.

[Just a brief introduction, it’s best to be so common that everyone forgets my name after listening to it]

He walked onto the stage with a cold expression and no ups and downs in his tone.

"Hello, everyone. My name is Saiki Kusuo. I am very happy to be in the same class with you. Please give me your advice."

Then he bowed and returned to his seat.

Everyone applauded with dignity.Although it was not enthusiastic, it was much better than Kai Teng Shun's reaction after the introduction.

[Very ordinary look]

[Speaking so boring]

[?G What's his name, Qi Xiong? ]

Saiki Kusuo listened to everyone's hearts with satisfaction.

[Very well, I don't want to draw anyone's attention.Otherwise, my peaceful life would be—]

[Saiki Kusuo!Remember the name, he just nodded at me.Yoshi!let's go!Kaito Shun!Be sure to become good friends with Qi Mu-kun! ]

Saiki Kusuo turned his head suddenly, it was the heartbeat from his deskmate.

【Yeah, yeah, it's not good】

After school, it was time for club activities. Haiteng packed his schoolbag, got up and took his tennis bag, ready to go to the tennis club.Suddenly, two boys reached out and stopped him.

It's a guy with a crew cut and a guy with glasses.

"Is there a problem?"

"The teacher just said to let the three of us go to the equipment room to help tidy up. It will be used in physical education tomorrow."

[The teacher clearly only said to let the two of you tidy up] Qi Mu just heard this conversation.

[Anyway, there should still be time in the association, since someone has come to ask for help, I still have to agree.Maybe we will become companions with them in the future! ]

Kai Teng nodded instantly, and followed the two of them away.

【They don't think so】

Saiki Kusuo sighed, activated the superpower Transparency, and followed.

[Anyway, there are still 10 minutes left before the suspense drama starts, so let's follow up and watch it first.I just heard those two guys’ incredible heart sounds]

[I'm not worried about this idiot, I just can't stand the bullying happening in front of my eyes on the first day of school. 】

Hai Teng followed the crew-cut man and the glasses man into the equipment room, and the three of them sorted out all kinds of sports equipment within a few minutes.

Unexpectedly, when Hai Teng turned around to take a schoolbag, the equipment room suddenly went dark, and then with a "bang", the door was closed and locked.

The laughter and conversation of the man with the crew cut and the man with glasses came from outside the door.

"Haha, that guy is actually delusional in front of the class that he is an assassin, and what Dark Wing is there!"

"Laughing to death, hahahaha, if that guy can walk through the door, I will believe his words!"

Qi Mu stood in the corner watching this scene, couldn't help frowning.

[It's too much, this kind of person.The thought of being in the same class as them for another year makes me sick. 】

In the equipment room, Hai Teng heard the unscrupulous laughter of the two people outside, and his eyes gradually turned red.

This was the first time he felt such obvious malice.

Are you really that annoying...

"Yeah, don't get discouraged so quickly! Leave it to my subordinates first!" Sakamoto flew out of his schoolbag.

Image Makeover!

"Secret Technique—Secret of the Dark Key!"

The man with the crew cut and the man with glasses were still discussing outside the door to let the second-year-old patient inside cry and beg them, when they suddenly heard a "boom" behind them, and they turned their heads.

The door was pulled open and hit the basket next to it.

And Hai Teng appeared in front of them wearing a pair of half-rim glasses, holding a wire in his hand.

What kind of key secret, this guy, can't just use a wire to open the door?

Hai Teng pushed his glasses with his middle finger, his eyes were sharp, "After receiving kind help, he returned the bullying. Then—"

"Secret technique - knee impact!"

Hai Tengshun suddenly appeared behind the crew-haired man, bent his knees hard and pushed forward.

The flat-headed man's knees softened, and he knelt on the ground with a wailing sound.

"Secret Technique - Wind of Nowhere to Escape"

Then he took out a straw from his uniform, walked quickly to the man with glasses, and blew close to him.

The man with glasses covered his ears and yelled!

Saiki Kusuo was a little surprised, is it the guardian sweetheart?

[No matter what, I can finally go back to watch dramas with peace of mind]

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