How did the title Son of God come about?

Before seeing Yukimura Seiichi's competition, the answer would be exquisite face, gentle temperament, outstanding talent... Yukimura-kun must be a person favored by the gods.

But at this moment on the court, I deeply realized that the so-called Son of God is as miraculous as God's help as long as he holds the racket.

No matter how much spin or how much power, hitting the baseline or hitting the net.

There is no ball that Yukimura Seiichi cannot catch.

"What a gorgeous technique!" Atobe also admired sincerely.

He put his middle finger between his eyebrows, and brought his excellent insight to the extreme:

Every shot engages all the muscles, and the movement is smooth and simple without any burden-no weakness can be found.

Is this the Tennis of the Son of God?

"Sitting and waiting to die is not in line with my uncle's aesthetics."

Atobe suddenly rushed to the net, a vigorous volley, trying to disrupt the rhythm and force the opponent to leak.

Yukimura took a step back with his right foot in a calm manner, the racket surface was close to vertical, and then turned his wrist and forearm to lift upwards, letting the tennis ball hit the sweetpoint of the racket face and swipe it.

The yellow ball dashes into the air with intense topspin.

Powerful vision allows Atobe to notice the flight and spin of the ball within a second of it coming off the racket.

Topspin?Rush high into the sky with a violent spin, and then drop sharply at the bottom line.

He can react quickly and use the most appropriate moves to deal with volleys in front of the net-as expected, the tennis of "Son of God" is almost perfect.

But what Atobe is best at is not volleying but smashing!

"Waltz Towards Destruction!"

He jumped into the air. With his outstanding physical fitness, jumping ability and tennis skills, it is not impossible to hit such a high smash.

He aimed down at Yukimura's wrist holding the racket.

With the force of the dive, the yellow ball hit Yukimura's handle.


The racket is out of hand.

The yellow ball bounces upwards.

"Let's be intoxicated by my master's beauty!"

Atobe jumped up for the second time, swung his racket and smashed again.

"Ah, that's a good move," Yukimura said for the first time since the game.

Atobe looked over in surprise.

The racket had obviously fallen off and he didn't know when it fell to his left hand. Yukimura raised his hand and swung a perfect swing. At the same time, he sincerely praised:

"If this trick makes it more unexpected, maybe even I will be caught off guard."


Not only the audience was confused, but Atobe himself did not understand what it meant.

What a surprise, is it necessary to be invisible before playing tennis and then deliver a fatal blow?

When everyone bowed their heads in thought, Hai Teng Shun suddenly caressed his "evil king's true eyes" and snorted, "It must have been the spell that exposed him!"

"As long as you know the spell corresponding to each ultimate move, can't you calculate his actions?"

"Those "dance music", "beautiful skills" and so on are spells. As soon as he reads these, he will amplify his moves, so that the minister will be prepared!" Kirihara quickly comprehended and nodded excitedly. Sure enough, the reason for playing tennis and clearing the game is the same!

"The opponent has already launched an attack, so the minister must use that move."

Hai Teng folded his arms and frowned slightly, with a very serious expression, as if recalling some pain.

"Ministers are also people with power!"

Kai Teng thought for a long time, and finally decided to reveal this secret.

He mysteriously beckoned Kirihara to bring his head closer, and at the same time put his hands together to cover his mouth:

"I suspect he is from Dark Reunion..."

Yagyu Hiroshi: "..."

Although it was spoken in a breathy voice, the volume was not low at all.

Not only did Yagyu hear it, but the other members sitting next to him also noticed and turned their heads to look at them in surprise.

The two teenagers immediately straightened their backs in shock, their bodies stiff as wood carvings.

The person next to him shook his head and continued to immerse himself in the game.

After a while, the two cubs sneaked into each other again and started whispering.

"Minister Yukimura is so gentle, how could he be a member of the Dark Society?" Kirihara asked in disbelief.

"But when the minister uses 'Dark Abyss of Burning Emptiness', it really has an aura similar to Dark Reunion!" Hai Teng Shun argued.

"What is 'Dark Abyss of Burning Emptiness'?"

"It's the minister's great summoning technique. The monsters summoned can swallow up the colors of the world and plunge the opponent into an endless abyss of darkness."


The endless dark abyss.

This is exactly what Atobe was experiencing at this time.

Atobe's original plan was to drag it into a protracted battle. If no technical loopholes can be found, then use physical endurance to win.

But soon Yukimura sees through.

"It's about to start," the person opposite said suddenly, as if reminding something.

Atobe didn't have time to think about it, and was swinging his racket reflexively, but was surprised to find that the touch of the ball was wrong.

Is there any special hitting method used to cause muscle paralysis?

He is also very familiar with those techniques...

However, when the second ball came, the confident Atobe did not crack the trick.

On the contrary, after he ran to the hitting point and swung his racket, the yellow ball flew out of the field uncontrollably with a strange trajectory.


The next ball goes directly over the net.

Next, Atobe stood motionless as if giving up on himself, turning a blind eye to the ball coming around him.

"What's going on? Atobe isn't the kind of person who would give up, is he?!" Xiang Riyue asked his partner anxiously to confirm.

"Ah," Yushi Ninzu's face was serious, "It seems that... he can't see it."

"What?!! Why can't you suddenly see it?"

Pushing his glasses with patience, he stared closely at the silver-gray figure in the court who was waving his empty racket again and again.

"It's Yukimura's Yips, which was used against Shitenpoji in the national competition last year. It can temporarily blind the opponent," he explained as calmly as possible.

The team members were all listening. If Atobe might have lost all senses now, it would probably shake the morale of the army.

Shinobu watched the game silently.

There is only these things that can be done, Jingwu, don't give up.

After hearing the explanation, everyone in the Bingdi rest area became less flustered, and just stared nervously at the game.

On the contrary, Taki raised his head and exchanged glances with Shinozu, walked out of the rest area silently, and stood on the sidelines.

Huadi, who had been guarding the sidelines with his coat in his hands, followed Atobe all the time, his lips pursed, as if he felt it.

The state of Atobe was quickly discovered by the audience.

"Yips," Tezuka recognized as a trick that Yukimura had used in last year's Nationals.

At that time, the minister of Sitianbao Temple was like this. He fell into darkness one by one, and finally lost the feeling of the ball completely and had to throw down the racket to abstain.

"It's kind of cruel," Fuji commented with a sigh.

Tezuka looked indifferent: "It's just a mental trick."

It's just a mental trick.

Atobe murmured silently in his heart, trying to concentrate.

No wind to feel, no sound to hit the ball, no sight to see the path of the ball.

But he knew the racket was still in his hand.

Atobe thought of the brain simulation exercises he had done before.

He closed his eyes and built a tennis court in his mind, imagining the trajectory, spin, steps and swing of the ball.

In the last game, Atobe finally moved.

"It's recovered..." Xiang Ri hadn't finished his excited words when he saw Atobe chasing the ball in the opposite direction, like a basin of cold water poured down.

Because he lost consciousness and refused to give up chasing the ball, Atobe lost his balance and fell down several times for no reason. The gray and white ball uniform was stained and stained, and his arms and knees were also slightly red due to bruises.

"I've never seen the minister in such a mess..." Xiang Ri said in a low voice.

Jirou's eyes were red, and he threw himself on Shishido with a "wow".

"Wait... Jiro," Shishido reluctantly picked up the little sheep who was buried in the game and refused to watch the game, "The minister seems to be recovering!"

The simulation in the brain of the trace part is more and more similar to the actual scene, and finally they overlap.

He ran to the right, the best hitting point was in front of the right, turned sideways, and the racket drew a curve——

Finally felt the familiar weight.

He opened his eyes, raised his left hand and snapped his fingers, still looking confident and narcissistic.

The support team was quiet for a moment, and then shouted frantically:

"Ice Emperor! Ice Emperor! The winner is the Ice Emperor!"

Amidst the cheers, Yukimura took off his jacket and threw it on the coach's bench with his backhand, "You are an opponent worthy of respect."

"Last ball."

He tossed the ball, bent his knees, swung his racket, and a ray of light across the court.

"Gamewonby Yukimura Seiichi, 6-1!"

I won the Kanto Championship.

Liu Sheng mixed in the crowd, a little dazed.

He was persuaded by Nioh to join the tennis club, and it has only been a month since then.When I first joined the club, I was also intimidated by the huge amount of training. Later, I found that the number of candidates was twice to three times that.

In order to get into the main election, the quasi-qualifiers are also constantly training, even the fraudsters who seem to be careless.

Because the belief of chasing absolute victory has been implemented in the entire Lihai Tennis Club and is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

All this seems to come from Yukimura, but it doesn't seem to be.

The teenager in a coat is holding a trophy and just got off the podium.The sweat-drenched teenagers sitting in the rest area couldn't wait any longer, and rushed up to surround them with a huff.

"Minister Yukimura!"


The boy couldn't help but raise the corners of his lips, and raised the trophy above his head.

"Lihai Daguandong's [-]th consecutive championship in the country for the second consecutive time—"

"There are no dead ends!"

After the Kanto competition, the work was a little more leisurely, which was mainly reflected in the reduction of extra training and the two little ones who were running around all over the school.

At noon, the Big Three picked a secluded grassland with a lunch box, and Liu and Yukimura were sitting and chatting.

Sanada couldn't bear it anymore and grabbed the little kelp who was hiding behind the tree and poking his head in front of him.

"What are you doing sneakily? How lax!"

Kirihara hugged the blue notebook aggrievedly, "Collect information."

Do you need to stare at others to eat when collecting data?Sanada's head was on fire.

"Punishment for running 50 laps on the playground!"

"The probability of running the playground is 87% for punishment, and 9% for cleaning the playground; if it is a penalty run, the probability of laps 50 is 99%."

Kaito Shun jumped down from the tree, holding the same notebook as Kirihara in his hand.

He reached out and pushed the black-rimmed glasses, glanced at the lunch box in Sanada's hand without any trace, took out a pencil and began to record:

"Rice 180g;

Chicken about 150g;

Salmon meat about 100g;

Carrots and cauliflower add up to about 30g. "

Kaito closed his notebook and announced cruelly:

"Judgement Level: Unhealthy!"

Sanada: ...


Yukimura was stunned for a moment, then burst out laughing, looked at Sanada's bento playfully, and nodded sincerely:

"It's really unhealthy!"

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