Qishen fills the sky with boundless mana

Chapter 72 The Detective's Disaster Day 1

My name is Saiki Kusuo, and I am a superpower who travels through various worlds.

It took a little longer to travel through time and space this time, and when I landed, I had a very unreal feeling.

I took a look at my surroundings.

It's the toilet.

What kind of foothold did I find?

But since we are all here, why don't we just do what we should do here.

Close the door and don't try to peek.

I also won't broadcast it.

This is a normal physiological problem.


Be hygienic and remember to wash your hands afterwards like I did.

The world feels pretty normal this time around.

Going out of the toilet, I found that this is at least a normal world.

There are no supernatural abilities, no mind abilities, and no strange creatures including ghosts.

I feel as though my mind and body have relaxed a bit.

By the way, I'm at a bank.

I have no money, it's just that the landing place is the toilet of the bank.

The sun wheel knife was hidden in the haystack outside by my mind.

I showed up at the bank with such a big knife, I'm afraid I'm going to be arrested.

But landing in the bank is just as well.

As soon as I turned my head, I saw someone else's money that had just been withdrawn.

It's the familiar Fukuzawa Yukichi!

Fukuzawa Yukichi who represents Xiaoqianqian, not the president Fukuzawa Yukichi!

I immediately felt kind.

And, if this is the universal currency, then I'm not a pauper.

Because I have pocket money that I didn't use up.

And carry it with you all the time.

Although it is only 200 yen—for the convenience of everyone’s understanding, it is about [-] yuan in RMB.

It may not seem like a lot.

But enough.

Because to be exact, what I do for a while is eat less and drink less, and I don't rent a house.

So, let's go to the supermarket and see how the world's coffee jelly is.

Should be able to buy twenty or thirty.

If you take one a day, you can last about a month.

Enough to complete the missions of this world within a month.

The place where I landed should be near the people related to the world pillar, now let me sense the position of the person related to the world pillar...


There was a faint sound of metal clashing.

I feel like I've heard a similar sound somewhere.


It's a gun|ring.

I frowned, and I saw two, no, three people wearing masks.

It's a robber.

Two more security guards were shot and fell to the ground.

My "transparent world" took a look, and there was no serious injury.

If I help them go back in time rashly now, it may actually anger the robbers and kill them.

Use your thoughts to stop the bleeding first, it won't be life-threatening.

Moreover, the foreword is retracted.

This world is not ordinary.

Or rather, why my luck?

"Squat down! Hold your head! Don't look up!"

The robbers held guns and gave orders.

I also followed their drive and squatted down with the others.

To be honest, I wasn't in a rush.

The interior of the three robbers was also not harmonious.

Two men and one woman, on the surface the man occupies the dominant position, but in fact the woman is the leader of their group.

It's just that unlike those two men whose purpose is money, that woman's purpose is pure pursuit of excitement.

Antisocial activities.

Moreover, if this momentum continues to develop, there should be problems.

Because the police have gathered outside.

Someone called the police.

This angered the two men.

Because according to their original plan, they would grab the money quickly and then leave without being discovered.

But now, they are surrounded.

Now it is not a matter of money, they want to use the hostages to negotiate conditions to get out.

Yay, things are getting complicated.

Oh, right.

The person who called the police was the female robber, who had called the police before the robbery started.

It was originally for excitement, so of course she planned to follow through.

The crux of the problem is that even if I can use telepathy to make the two male robbers realize that someone inside them is responsible, they will still listen to the woman under the current situation.

Maybe it will be more troublesome.

Yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy-days, I just came to this world and gave me such a big gift in less than 10 minutes?

If I make a move, there are at least 30 ways to solve this problem perfectly.

The issue is--

What should I do with the notes for a while?

When this happens, the police will definitely come and ask us to take notes in a while.The first problem is that I have no identity in this world.

Not only that, but I had to change the monitoring a bit.

Because I didn't have the step of "entering the bank" at all, I just came out of the toilet.

If something like this happened, the outside must have been checking and monitoring.

There is no other way but to use this hand.

I took off the super power suppressor when no one was looking.

Use "mind control" to give yourself a legal identity!

Then change the monitoring screen conveniently.

At least to rationalize my present existence.

After doing this, I quickly brought the suppressor back in order not to change some other things.

As for who I am.

I'll look it up a bit later.

I just used the ability of "mind control" to exchange opinions with the will of the world, and I didn't define my own identity independently.

Otherwise, it will take longer, and if I think about something else in the middle, I will change the world if I am not careful.

So it's better to be more Buddhist.

"You over there!"

Um?Who are you calling?

I looked up and met the robbers.

"Yes, it's you!"


What do you want me for?

...Why do people in every world want to use it as a sham power?

Is this - "People are kind and others deceive"?

I was actually bullied.

Even so, I obediently stood up.

"Be honest, come here!"

The distance between me and him was a bit far, when I crossed the crowd, I suddenly felt...

The kid passing by seemed to be very, very much the pillar of the world.

But it's not the same again. Is there something wrong with the perception system again?

Wait, isn't this world a double pillar again?

I'm a little distracted.

"Damn, is there any way to delay the time!"


Is this something you, a kid who doesn't look like ten years old, should be thinking about?

Don't compare me with him, even if I was in the first grade of elementary school, I could solve this matter.

But I am different from ordinary people.

A child must have a child of a child.

I was walking forward, and the kid started to move his position while I was attracting the robber's attention.

Parents next to you, shouldn't you stop it?


Are you still exchanging glances?

What do you mean, to be tough?

"Ah!" The child suddenly yelled.


what are you doing?

For a moment, almost all the eyes of everyone in the hall were attracted to him, a child.

It has to be said that this appearance is very harmless.

Even though he attracted everyone's attention in this way, none of the three robbers really took him seriously.

The male robber looked fine, but the female robber seemed to hate children very much.

Frowning, he is about to come up and arrest people.

I stopped for a while, no matter what, I can't let you do anything to a child in front of me.

Then the female robber fell down a few steps away from the child.

Hey, is it really okay for you to carry such a dangerous thing with you?


I have to ask, is this a legal existence here?

Can a boy who is less than my waist really possess such a "weapon of destruction"?

Or the mechanism in the watch.

I think of Yagami Moon.

Forget it, don't pursue it, don't pursue it.

Then I didn’t do anything, the squinting eyes with black framed eyes who exchanged glances with the boy just stepped up and snatched a robber’s gun, and then knocked the robber unconscious with an over-the-shoulder throw the robber.


Really show.

Very well controlled.

It's a world that cannot be underestimated.

The robbers inside had stopped cooking, and the policemen outside rushed in.

Sure enough, the necessary procedures still have to go.

Instead of going to the police station, the investigation and recording were carried out at the scene.

I also need to use your system to give me a chance to understand who I am.

I need to understand what kind of identity the will of the world has given me.


Hmm - at my age, shouldn't I be a student?

What the hell is a detective?

Even if I have barely had an intersection with people from a detective agency, and I really like mystery novels and dramas, it doesn't mean that I aspire to be a detective myself.

Especially the role played by Teruhashi's perverted brother, always makes me feel a little bad.

Also, I've never had to reason about this link.

Although, the status of a student will be troublesome, and I may not have time to go to school.

The good news is that detectives actually work pretty loose hours.

I don't need to worry about the problems that temporary integration into the world might cause.

I took a look at the little boy next to him—that was Conan Edogawa.

To be honest, the surname "Edogawa" is not common.

And the name "Conan" is obviously derived from Conan Doyle.

I have an impression of these famous mystery novels.

Weird names, erratic behavior, and weird feelings about you.

You can't really be a "dark protagonist" or something.

It's really similar to when I first met Osamu Dazai.

According to previous experience, if he is really half of the pillar of the world, then the other half should be right around him.

With this clue, of course I can't let it go easily.

While I was thinking, the man who was with Edogawa Conan just now—although he claimed to be Okiya Subaru, but from the heart sounds of Edogawa Conan and himself.

Your real name seems to be: Akai Shuichi?

It's related to "Edogawa". I still squint my eyes. I'm a little scared of you.

Why on earth did you notice me?


You say it again?

Did you notice my psychic suppressor? !

No, in your eyes, shouldn't it be an action of removing a hairpin?

Is there anything wrong with a boy with two hairpins!

Did you pay attention to me for such a reason!

The author has something to say: There may be magic changes in the original plot involving Conan, including the timeline, and there may be operations of blindly guessing rum.

Still the same sentence, as long as I write fast enough, 73's face slaps can't catch up with me.


Thanks to the little angel who threw the mines: only one Ruoqiu;

Thanks to the little angel of irrigation nutrient solution: 10 bottles of Kara; 2 bottles of Rain; 1 bottle of Time Traveler and Triose Phosphate Isomerase;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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