The pleasant trip to Australia came to an end, the short vacation came to an end, the girls started school, Toru Amuro also returned to Polo to continue working, and life was back on track.

08:30 in the morning is the standard time for students to go to school and the working party to go to work.On the bed in a female dormitory of Beijing University, there was a sudden groan, and then a slender arm suddenly stretched out from the tightly covered bed curtain.The owner of the arm seemed to be extraordinarily weak because he had just woken up from a big dream, and he moved his hand several times before he touched the right place.The sun shone on her outstretched arm, and her skin was so white that it was almost transparent.

Nana opened the bed curtain violently, looked at the fierce sunlight outside, rubbed the blond hair that was scattered because of her random ravages and ravages, and confirmed the time. She was surprised at first, and then thought about today's class schedule. He breathed a sigh of relief, and then lay down again.

Fortunately, there was only one microeconomics class on the morning of the first day after the holiday, and the teacher transferred this class to before the holiday because of something.

So when other people (such as Suzuki Sonoko) played too crazy during the holidays, and couldn't adjust at the beginning of school, lying on the desk and feeling sleepy, Nana was lying on the bed in the dormitory, even if the alarm clock rang three times. Turning over, I didn't intend to get up at all. I thought I'd just squint for a while, but before I knew it, I fell asleep again.

Then I opened my eyes again, half an hour later.

Although it may be normal for most college students who have no classes to sleep until this point, but in Beijing University where elites come out in large numbers, excellent students are racing against time. In comparison, Nana's lazy attitude It seemed a little out of place.

Fortunately, I will inherit the family property in the future, and the pressure of school work is not so great.Nana comforted herself like this, sat up again, poked her head out from the bed curtain, saw the empty bed of her roommate, guessed that Momoi May had gone to the library to study early, and thought that all the friends around her were so motivated and excellent , very ashamed for a while.

Nana climbed out of bed, turned on the mobile phone that was placed under charging before going to bed last night, and instantly received an overwhelming message notification tone, most of which came from Suzuki Sonoko:

"Suzuki Sonoko: Nana Nana, Mr. Amuro said he is free this weekend, let's go play tennis, let's go, let's go!"

"Suzuki Sonoko: Nana, you must come, I will call Xiaolan and Shiliang together, just in time to introduce you to each other."

"Suzuki Sonoko: Nana, why didn't you reply? Are you still awake?"

"Suzuki Sonoko: Oh, by the way, you seem to have said that there is no class this morning...Damn it, college students are so nice, I'm so envious!"

"Suzuki Sonoko: I'm going to class first:-D It seems that Xiaolan also has interesting things happening in the UK. I'll share with you when I inquire about it."


Later, there are some after-use impressions about the things I bought in Australia this time-there are so many things, and Yuanzi went back so late yesterday, it is really rare that she still has the energy to tinker with these things.And I finished the barbecue yesterday, went back to the dormitory, took a shower and fell asleep quickly.

Nana quickly scrolled through these messages, a little funny, and tied herself a simple ponytail with a rubber band. There are still a lot of unread messages in the back, and she is going to read slowly after washing up and having breakfast.

This weekend.

Nai Nai walked to the bathroom with her mobile phone, brushed her teeth with one hand, and called up the calendar with the other hand to confirm the time: Mr. Long Ya said before that the tennis entertainment game is next weekend, so it seems good to play tennis this weekend. The rules still seem to be half-understood, so it’s good to be familiar with them, not to mention that Mr. Amuro has indeed helped a lot in HOMIA before, and his character should still be very good.


Thinking of the embarrassing scene at the airport at the end of that day, Nana couldn't get rid of the heat on her cheeks.It's not that there are any emotional troubles similar to girls, it's purely because of shame: it's really shameful if I want to go out to play tennis with him after seeing such a picture of a person of the opposite sex who is nine years older than me and who seems to have a vague crush on me. some……

Nana blushed even more when she thought of the information she found on the Internet later.

When she was in high school, she vaguely knew that her first love LaCrosse Qian Ryoma played tennis well, but because of the emotional dispute with his two other admirers, she really didn’t like sports. The airs of the eldest lady, so I seldom go to see him, and I don’t know much about tennis until now; but now I like Mr. Long Ya, Mr. Long Ya is long and Mr. Long Ya is short all day long, but I have never realized the possible relationship between the two. relation.

But then again, it is normal to not think of the relationship between two people. One is too high-profile, and the other seems very strange to those who don't like watching tennis.

To put it bluntly, Mr. Long Ya is good at marketing. His famous strength is indeed part of it. What is more important is his outstanding appearance and all kinds of pornographic news, which can meet the barren spiritual needs of the public today.

In comparison, Echizen Ryoma, who also works hard in the tennis world and is considered a small achievement, is not enough.

After all, his seniority is still young, unlike Echizen Ryuya who has won any heavyweight awards, and he doesn't like to make some gossip or take advantage of his old man's favor.So except for those who really love tennis, few people are really aware of the brotherhood between Echizen Ryuya and Echizen Ryoma.

Furthermore, those who are close to Nana also know Nana's miserable first love, so naturally they will not bring up Nana's first love or tennis-related things to make Nana unhappy.In addition, Nana has been deliberately forgetting, but who can be sure about recalling such things?Fortunately, modern search functions are powerful, as long as you have the heart, you will know everything.

Nana put down the phone, dipped her fingers in some water and patted her cheeks, trying to wake herself up: Although, after knowing it, the two of them looked alike, but before knowing it, they just thought it was a coincidence.

Just like this, who do I really like?

For a while, Nana was a little depressed when she thought about being rejected by Echizen Ryoma in high school in a veiled way but outrightly;To say that girls are really sharp when they are sharp, she really feels that Echizen Ryuya has no interest in her, but the act of giving away tickets is so intriguing, and Suzuki Sonoko is not too big a deal to watch the excitement, so she has repeatedly hinted at it , I almost believed it myself.

But she can be sure that she really liked Echizen Ryoma in high school, but she always has a straightforward but pure emotion towards Ryoma.

Even after being given the tickets by Mr. Long Ya that day, apart from being pleasantly surprised, he was still a little dumbfounded.It always feels like some kind of disillusionment, the great discrepancy between ideal and reality.

Because Mr. Long Ya shouldn't be like this...

He should be more ruthless, more proud, and less pretentious...

Nana spit out the foam in her mouth, and just took a sip of water, trying to take away the remaining toothpaste in her mouth, when the phone screen suddenly lit up, and the music from her favorite band recently played, and the name of her roommate jumped on the screen.

"Taozi?" Looking at the time, it's not even time for meal, it stands to reason that Momoi Wuyue should still be studying in the library, why would she call herself at this time?

The movement was faster than consciousness, Nana answered the phone, just called the roommate's name, before she could say anything else, she was interrupted by Momoi Wuyue's sharp voice because of her haste, she was so frightened that she almost drank the water in her mouth and The foam was swallowed into the stomach, and at the same time, because of surprise, he burped, which smelled like mint.

"Naina Nana! Save my dog's life!" Momoi Wuyue even had a hint of tears in her voice, "The exchange student from University A is here. I was supposed to be an interpreter, but Ada just asked me for something. I am now It's almost to B University..."

B University, a famous sports university in Japan located in Osaka.Momoi May's childhood sweetheart Aomine studied here.Going back and forth from Tokyo to Osaka, Momoi May could at most be back before class in the afternoon.

And University A is the sister school of Peking University in the UK. It has been informed that there will be exchange students coming this week to exchange and study.

In order to have a good resume, Momoi Wuyue took the initiative to ask for the task of translation even though she was from the Department of Finance: she said it was a translation, but in fact it was simply taking the exchange students around, introducing the school by the way, and it was basically the first There are more things on the first and last day.It's just that the English ability is relatively high, and not all students are competent.

Momoi Wuyue relied on her good relationship with the dean of the department, her excellent grades, and the fact that one of the signatures of Peking University is the Department of Economics and Management. The dean of the department intends to let the students of this major show their faces outside, so Momoi Wuyue just grabbed this good job .

In fact, according to the original plan, the exchange students should come here in the day after tomorrow. Who knows that because of the inexplicable heavy rainfall around the world recently, the weather forecast may have heavy rain in the next few days, so they arrived early.

It just so happened that because of the sudden notification, the translators in the humanities department were all in class, so they couldn't be notified for a while, and it would take time to come over.And the only translator selected this time was Momoi Wuyue who was not from the Department of Humanities, who happened to have no class in the morning, so it couldn't be more suitable.

"And that's where the problem lies." Momoi Wuyue quickly explained what happened, "I wanted to go back quickly today, but I didn't report to the director when I left school..."

Beijing University stipulates that students must have the signature of the director when they go out during class.Of course, having said that, the colleges are not serious about the daily behavior of college students.

But who would have thought that today would be such a coincidence that there was a class adjustment, and the childhood sweetheart Aomine Daiki who was far away in Osaka came to see her for something, and the exchange student would come at this time?

If he is really caught at this time, it is related to the honor of the school, and he must be strictly investigated.

"You said you didn't see the news, and you didn't receive the call from the director?" Nana made a crooked move.

"But when the director called me, I didn't know what was going on, so I answered it directly..."

Momoi Wuyue wanted to cry, "I was already on the tram at the time, and I was afraid that she would hear the stop announcement, so I quickly agreed and hung up the phone. I sent you many messages but didn't reply. I knew you were sleeping. When it’s time to turn it off and put it underneath to charge, I can only call you every once in a while to know when you will turn it on.”

"Nana, only you can save me!" Momoi Wuyue was crying on the tram, "Although those humanities said they would rush over after class, but they have classes in another campus, and the traffic between the campuses is absolutely scary when classes are over. , It will take half an hour for them to come over. The exchange students will arrive soon... This time there are more professional terms for translation. The only non-English students around me who have this ability in translation are you and Akashi. Although Akashi may He will help me, but he is not in the same department after all, and it will be difficult for me and the director to explain, and it will only depend on you."

Nana felt that something was wrong, but she was infected by her friend's anxiety and couldn't tell for a while, so she agreed.

"I love you Nana!" Through the microphone, Momoi Itsuki kissed resoundingly, which attracted the sideways glances of the passengers on the tram.

"There is another reason for looking for you. The exchange student's car will stop at Yingyuan, and they will gather there first—you just go out from the gate of Area B, and the dormitories for other majors will be much farther away. , It takes about ten minutes to come here by bicycle—and besides this point, those who don’t have classes are either in the library and don’t know how to look at their mobile phones; or they are playing outside, and naturally they won’t come back; Only you, Nana."

... Also, this point is still in the dormitory, who is the student of Peking University who was still on the bed 10 minutes ago?Nana sighed slightly.

I changed my shoes and went down.

Nana's dormitory is on the second floor. Open the door to the corridor, go down to the iron gate of the dormitory, go out from b2 to the cherry garden, and go out from b1 to the laboratory building, which is very convenient.

And Yingyuan is one of the canteens in their school, and it is also the most luxurious canteen, where the leaders usually eat here when they visit.Yingyuan is just at the location where the iron gate of the female dormitory of the School of Economics and Management exits.It is precisely because of this that the female dormitory of the School of Economics and Management is known as the most advantageous place in the headquarters.

Coincidentally, Nana was still swiping her card to open the door when she saw a bus turning to the open space between the girls' dormitory and the cherry garden, and the people on the bus got off slowly.Judging by the hair color and skin color, they should be those exchange students.

They did come suddenly. When the students came down, they were a little confused, and occasionally some people complained that "I should have visited a famous scenic spot in Japan, but because of the weather, I had to shorten my schedule and come to Beijing University earlier" and so on. of.

It turned out to be the case.

Nana pushed open the iron gate and approached slowly. At first, she thought that these exchange students had flown directly from the UK—more than ten hours, definitely enough for the school to prepare in advance, but it turned out that they were playing in Tokyo. Have you been forced to shorten your trip as a result?Although this makes sense, it still feels a little awkward.

Nana took out the work permit she had just found on Momoi Mayzuki's desk from her pocket, explained her reason to the few boys standing outside, and expressed that she wanted to contact the student or teacher leading the team.

"Tan, teacher, the representative of Peking University is here." One of the black boys waved, and then pointed to the tall and handsome boy who finally got off the bus for Nana: "That's the one, he's of mixed race like you. He is also Japanese, you should be able to communicate quite well.”

"..." Nana looked at the familiar figure walking down and didn't know what expression to make. She just felt that her throat was too dry: Oh, yes, I haven't had breakfast today, and I haven't had any water since I woke up this morning...

and many more?

Nana widened her eyes.

The white horse leaned down, and the last person on the bus followed. Although he didn't wear the familiar fur coat this time, the tattoo on his forehead and the blue earrings on his ears were obviously the same——

"Teacher Kurolo, here, here!" The boy next to him kindly greeted Nana: "The student interpreter from Peking University is here."

The author has something to say: *Nai Nai’s views on staying in bed in the article do not represent my own views. I am a person who can sleep until [-] o’clock without class, and then stay in bed until [-] o’clock hahaha hiccup

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