Momoi Itsuki sat in the VIP room specially set up by the Atobe Zaibatsu, waiting for Nana to come over.

"If you're hungry, the Atobe family will provide dessert, and Ms. Momoi can also find me if you need it."

It was supposed to be a tense moment when a group of detectives and police officers were actively discussing Kidd's notice letter and various security measures, but Amuro Toru repeatedly broke away from the organization and came to Momoi Itsuki to inquire about the needs.

Of course, what Toru Amuro did was naturally very covert, and there was a perfect reason every time, as if he just stopped by to pay attention, Momoi Itsuki didn't feel suspicious at all.But in the eyes of Conan and Hattori Heiji, who have been paying close attention to him, they feel that Toru Amuro's behavior is extremely deliberate, so they, who have always been very positive about Kidd's affairs, rarely find an excuse to touch him.

"Hey, Kudo, what's the matter?" Hattori Heiji, who couldn't change his address to Conan when getting along in private, squatted beside Conan with a suspicious expression on his face, "Didn't you say that this guy is from that organization? A guy with a nice skin to pick up girls—”

"..." Conan was speechless, and even felt that what the other party said made sense, and felt that the behavior of the two of them coming to watch was too stupid.

"Oh, and Kudo." Hattori Heiji thought of something, and bumped his good partner with his elbow teasingly: "I remembered, it was obviously you who called me to contact the Atobe Zaibatsu at the beginning, and asked them to help with the escape." A VIP room came out to fuck this big sister, could it be that you—”

"Baga!" Conan answered the other party with his signature half-moon eyes, fully proving how stupid Hattori Heiji's question was, and how disdainful he was for it: "Today, Mr. Amuro and I ran into this big sister on the road. , because the screen of her mobile phone was broken, Mr. Amuro borrowed her phone, but when she called, she said some words like 'high school student detective' that made me very sensitive, so I wanted to keep in touch to see the situation... ..."

"Difficult, difficult!" Speaking of this, Hattori Heiji also became nervous, his movements became more sneaky, and he asked furtively, "Is this eldest sister also a member of the organization? That Amuro actively brought her in and helped fix it so quickly." cell phone."

"No, she's actually talking about Detective White Horse." Speaking of this, Conan's face was filled with gloom, "I tested her on the way here, and I feel like an ordinary college student. The reason for mentioning Detective White Horse is because he Go to her school for exchange student activities."

"Isn't that Hakuba guy at the same level as us? Why did he suddenly go to university?" Because of the previous Detective Koshien incident, Hattori Heiji had a lot of complaints about Detective Hakuba, so there is nothing good to say about him: "Leave a good high school student Don’t be a detective, go to some university, it’s amazing to skip a grade... Wait, could it be that Kidd is in that university.” The more Heiji Hattori thinks about it, the more he thinks it’s possible, “Isn’t he some kind of ‘Kidd’s nemesis’ just like you? *Well, it is said that the one who was published in the newspaper with Kidd on a daily basis, and now suddenly skipped a grade to go to college, could it be because there are clues about Kidd in the school?"

Hattori Heiji was so excited that he stood up suddenly, and accidentally bumped into the wine glass held by the waiter passing behind him. The wine glass tilted due to the collision, and the red wine inside left a dark mark on Hattori Heiji's white shirt.

"Oops, oops." Hattori waved his hand first, indicating that the waiter who was apologizing was okay, then grabbed his shirt irritably, trying to increase the contact with the air to make the smell evaporate, but it was in vain.

"So you should wash it off quickly, you don't think about wearing this clothes to arrest Kidd, do you?" Conan laughed when he saw Hattori's messy body: "You smell like alcohol , I'm afraid that Kidd will be the first to discover you."

"It's long-winded. If it wasn't for a formal occasion, I'd go straight to change clothes. But this suit shirt is the only one..."

Conan proudly showed him his little suit, showing a helpless expression: "Of course, I don't mind if you want to borrow a suit from Uncle Maori right away."

Hattori Heiji was very moved, and then rejected this "kind" proposal, and went to the toilet to save the shirt.

Seeing his best friend leave, Conan felt a little lonely.The necessary investigation just now is over, and the notice letter is almost released, so it's time to wait, so it's inevitable that there is nothing to do at the moment.

After all, it is a gem exhibition led by the Atobe Zaibatsu, even if it is just a temporary VIP lounge, it is staggeringly luxurious.

Toru Amuro was chatting with Itsuki Momoi about a certain "band that my friend also likes very much", so it was obviously not suitable to be disturbed.The well-trained waiters are also quiet as chickens, doing their own work, and Conan is not a real bear to be annoying.Uncle Mori and Officer Nakamori were taken by the young master of the Atobe family to watch the security defense.

Didan High School had a quiz today, so Xiaolan Yuanzi and the others said that they were too late to come over today.It is said that Shiliang wanted to avenge Kidd in the men's bathroom during the red-faced mermaid incident, but unfortunately time did not allow it.By the time she handed in the papers ahead of time, the gem exhibition was over.

"Conan, you have to catch this nasty thief, do you hear me!" Sera Masumi made this call just before going to the examination room to hand over his mobile phone, occasionally mixed with Suzuki Sonoko's soft voice, "Oh, it's a pity that it's only you The envy of this kid who can see Kidd-sama's wonderful performance" makes Conan's mood very complicated for a while.

"Hi hi..."

Weakly answered twice, seeing Momoi Itsuki who answered the phone and was about to leave, and Amuro Toru who got up to follow after him, Conan's eyes lit up, and his keenness as a detective drove him to hang up the phone and follow.Only Shiliang Masumi was left on the other end of the phone looking at the darkened screen of the phone, itching his teeth with hatred.

"Sister Momoi, brother Amuro, what are you doing..." Conan chased after her and asked with a sweet voice.

"It's my sister's classmate who came." Momoi Wuzuki replied, "The guard said that in order to prevent Kidd from sneaking in, it's best to have an acquaintance go over to confirm."

"Search." Conan replied sweetly, seeing Toru Amuro actively going out to meet people, and thinking of Hattori Heiji's guess just now, he suddenly felt very reasonable.Just as he was about to follow out, someone opened the door and walked in. The leader was the young master of the Atobe Zaibatsu who was the host of this event.

"Really, you said you were coming and I went to pick you up. If it wasn't for the fact that my uncle took Maori detectives and the others to see the security of the gate, would you really plan to wait foolishly at the gate?"

The words were complaining, but after getting to know the character of this uncle through the contact just now, the words seemed very close, and there was an unconcealable concern for the person involved in the words.

"It's okay, Xiaojing, my classmate just came too..." The strange female voice should be the classmate Momoi mentioned just now.Conan looked up, and behind the uncle, besides the police officer Mori and the others, there was a man and a woman.The boy is the fairly familiar White Horse Tan, and the girl is a pretty girl with blond hair, with a warm and lovely smile.

I always feel like I've seen this face somewhere.

Such a thought was thrown away in just a moment in my mind.Conan ran to the white horse, ready to ask about Kidd's information.

The author has something to say: *I don’t know if it’s a translation problem, Hattori Heiji always calls a slightly older woman “this big sister”, and I continue to use it like this here.At first I wanted to use "Miss Sister", but when I thought of him calling Xiao Ai that way, it should be called according to his age.

*The last time I watched Phantom Thief 1412 was probably five or six years ago. I don’t remember whether Baima was clearly called “Kidd’s nemesis”. Anyway, he is also one of Kidd’s main opponents. If not Just give him a hard name (righteously)

A few days ago I had a lot of negative energy, please don’t abandon me QAQ

There are still a few cuties missing, don't leave me

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