The disaster of the cannon fodder cadres with superpowers

Chapter 39 The Day of the Salted Fish Cadre 1

"It's really embarrassing to be made like this by someone from a talent show."

Edogawa Ranpo, who was asked for help by Kunikida Doppo, naturally dealt a heavy blow to Tanizaki at the first time.

Beating up my teammates, maybe that's the case.

Although Kunikida felt that what Ranpo-senpai said was right, but to protect Tanizaki's broken heart, he could only pretend that he had never heard of it, and then continued to ask him for solutions.After all, an armed detective agency not only needs to ensure the safety of its employees, but also confirms their mental health.Of course, people who commit suicide every day don't have to worry about it.

"But it's really cheap. The time of a famous detective is not used to solve this." Edogawa Ranpo was a little reluctant, but after seeing the moldy Tanizaki Junichiro from the corner of his eye, he clicked his tongue, so embarrassed, Why bother with such things.Even if his sister was a little obsessed with someone for a while, it was just a faux pas.

Edogawa Ranpo stretched out his hand, motioning Kunikida to show him the so-called video of a certain person.Someone who sings in a song that isn't particularly special stands out.At least the bored detective's emerald green eyes opened, as if he had been shocked by something.

Kunikida had been watching Ranpo Edogawa's expression, and was shocked when he saw his reaction.Could it be that even the senior detective with a strong will who doesn't care about anything and can resist all temptations falls for Sasaki Naoto?

No, it should not be possible.

Kunikida himself was not overwhelmed, although Sasaki's songs were good.

Therefore, Senior Luanbu has absolutely no intention of being overwhelmed.It's because he thinks too much.

"He sings pretty well." While Kunikida was doing psychological construction, the famous detective suddenly said such a sentence, which made the rigorous and calm young man who wanted to maintain his rationality uneasy.

"Senior, even if he sings very well, don't fall in love with him." Kunikida propped his hands on the table, as if he would roll up his sleeves if the other party showed signs of this, and argued vigorously.

When Edogawa Ranpo heard him say this, his emerald green eyes blinked, "What are you talking about? Kunikida. I am not what you think. His body is not attractive at all, no, it is The whole person is, only the soul enters the eyes."

When Kunikida heard this, he burst into tears.

"Is this still called not being obsessed? Senior. I love your soul more than your skin. You can even hint at such... such bold and deadly words. As a junior, I really care about your physical condition." worry.

It is not uncommon to see hysterical scenes if the object of the yelling is Osamu Dazai.But the target has become Ranpo Edogawa, whom everyone loves, and that is big news.

People who were working, fishing, and moldy all turned their attention to the place where the picture took place.

Kunikida was excited but sober, he knew that he was facing Ranpo-senpai and not the annoying Dazai, and he also knew that his voice was a bit high, but he knew why he said such words, and he also knew that he Continue to say more serious things to get the other person to change their minds.



"Didn't you tell me that you like Saiki? Now it's" What Kunikida said was difficult to say.But literally, he can also deduce what he wants to express.That's Edogawa climbing the wall in disorder, no, it's empathy.

It would be perfectly normal if this were placed on Dazai Osamu. After all, the girls he flirts with can stand up to the size of a gymnasium, and from time to time they will be featured on the local social news pages in Yokohama because of their rotten peach blossoms.It can be seen that Dazai's scum is really scum.

But Edogawa Ranpo is different.He is the brain of the Armed Detective Agency, with his own will and extraordinary reasoning ability.He doesn't care what other people think, he is a perfect person... Kunikida Doppo stopped suddenly, and went through his previous definition of senior again.

Could it be that senior wants to become a scumbag?No, he was reckless.Kunikida Doppo immediately calmed down after receiving the shocking news.Senior Ranpo just said that he likes Qi Mu, and the two of them have no real progress in their relationship, and they are just friends in the eyes of others.Therefore, even if Senior Luanbu suddenly likes someone else, it is naturally within the acceptable range.

Thinking of this, Kunikida really calmed down.

How can it be!

"Even if you suddenly like someone else, let's check the other person's details a little bit." Kunikida decided to persuade Edogawa Ranpo with such words after going through many circles in his thoughts.

"Huh?" Edogawa Ranbu was stunned for a moment, but he seemed to see what he meant, and the corner of his mouth hooked up, "I know that kind of thing very well, after all, I am the No.1 detective in the world."

"Thank you Tanizaki for making me have an unexpected discovery, and of course Kunikida, I thank you too." Edogawa Ranpo said, then got up from the seat, sorted out the slightly messy clothes and slightly crooked hat, and went out Walk.

"Senior, senior." Kunikida Doppo saw him gradually approaching the door, his voice trembling, "Where are you going?"

Edogawa turned his head in disorder, and said, "Go find an unexpected discovery."

Kunikida is cracked.

The rest of the Armed Detective Agency rolled their eyes, what, what?They read it right, and they heard it right.Is today April Fool's Day, how could this happen.

The door of the Armed Detective Agency was opened by Edogawa Ranpo and closed heavily.

Tanizaki Junichiro, who had completely collapsed, held his head and fell into self-blame.

"It's all my fault. If I hadn't been depressed about Naomi, I wouldn't have made Kunikida-senpai worry; if I hadn't made Kunikida-senpai worried, he wouldn't have asked Ranpo-senpai; he hadn't asked Ranpo-senpai If that is the case, Senior Ranbu should sit in the chair and eat snacks and drink tea as usual. He will not lose his mind because of the so-called accidental discovery like now."

Tanizaki Naomi walked up to Tanizaki Junichiro who blamed himself, put his hands on his shoulders, and said, "Ranpo-senpai is not that kind of person."

"?" Junichiro Tanizaki was not the only one who was surprised.Because of her words, the eyes of the others focused again.

"Senior Ranpo must have found other interesting places, so I went to find out." Tanizaki Naomi explained, "Although I admit that Sasaki's singing is really good, but if it's just a good level, it shouldn't be able to attract Senior Ranpo. .He must have noticed the more interesting characteristics of Naoto Sasaki. Uh, I really want to follow him."

Cracked again.

How did Tanizaki Naomi manage to say something serious one second, and start praising Naoto Sasaki the next second!Others who believed her words were more certain that Tanizaki Naomi is a firm Sasaki chef!

Looking at the lowered head of Tanizaki Junichiro who could have been comforted, the others observed a minute of silence.

"No, I have to follow." In the tone of silence, it was Doppo Kunikida who was not fundamentally injured even though he was cracked several times, but he reacted and took action.

He quickly packed up the things he was going to take with him, and left the Armed Detective Agency neatly under the eyes of everyone.

The silence in the company lasted for a long time.

Then someone asked if they wanted to follow along.

The answer was no.

Even if they were too curious, if they lost sight of the current situation recklessly, it might lead to a big mistake.

It's better to wait for Kunikida to come back and ask about the specific situation.After all, they really want to know if Kunikida Doppo will also fall into his charm when he meets the real Sasaki Naoto.

Executive A on the artist audition side didn't know that trouble was coming to him.

If he knows, he will also comment, and troubles come one after another.

Executive A looked at Mori Ogai who accosted him, and said bluntly that he had something urgent to do.

"Then leave a contact information." Mori Ogai said.

[Sorry, sorry for my refusal. 】

Mori Ogai smiled helplessly, and got out of the way that blocked him.

Officer A pressed his chin as a response, and then left.

"Well, it doesn't seem to be the direction to the door?"

Seeing the boy deviated from the direction, Mori Ogai kindly reminded him.

Officer A stopped, turned around and politely replied [Go to the bathroom first. 】

Seeing that Mori Ogai did not speak, Officer A continued to move forward, but he heard the words of please behind him.

"I have a friend who hasn't come out of the toilet for a long time. If possible, please remind him to pay attention to the time."

From the invisible perspective of Mori Ogai, Officer A's complexion became extremely ugly.

Sure enough, he shouldn't have been called by Aso Nakai.

Sometimes trouble arises from paying too much attention to small situations, which lead to bigger situations.

Officer A changed his body, opened the compartment door, and met Naoto Sasaki who also woke up with an absent face.

"Master!" Narto Sasaki saw the silver-haired young man he happened to meet in the toilet, his eyes shone with sincerity.

"Only you can guide me to enter the ZONE again, no, it's my best singing state."

Under normal circumstances, if a stranger suddenly said such a thing in the toilet, a normal person would think that the other person probably has something wrong with his brain.

But cadre A, a normal person, was very receptive to his request.

Because that's what he does.In order to prevent Naoto Sasaki from falling behind in the subsequent games, cadre A hypnotized him, and the effect seemed to be pretty good.

[OK] Officer A answered simply.

He was not worried that Sasaki Shangren doubted himself. Under hypnosis, he hinted that his arrival was also guided.

Their meeting was entirely an arrangement of fate.

Even though it sounds ridiculous, Officer A believes that Naoto Sasaki will definitely believe it.Because the gloomy boy loves to read manga, what the mediocre protagonist in manga needs most is a teacher who can guide him to break through himself.And he completely brought himself into the protagonist, and Officer A is the teacher who can make him realize his dream at the right time.

[I really didn't expect that I was my wife Shanyi who was sleeping, uh, no, I didn't sleep.It's just that the will in my head was put aside at that time, and I sang completely following the direction of my soul.Hey~ My love must have touched the gods, and let me have everything I want in Yokohama. ]

The gloomy boy carefully reconstructed in his mind the specific reasons why he passed the preliminary competition, and the smile on his mouth remained undiminished.

When he turned his head, he looked in the mirror, the hair that was close to the skin was tied up with a small rubber band, and the whole face was no longer cold and cold, but a lot more kind.

[Huh?Is my face that handsome? ]

The cadre A on the side pushed his glasses, and was speechless to the young man in front of him whose mental activities were particularly frequent.

Maybe he can get along well with Kise Ryota who is also jumping off.

"Master, how can I contact you?"

After recovering from the great discovery, Sasaki asked.

Well, he still has a semblance of sanity.

Officer A gave the other party the business card in his pocket, and asked him to look for him at that place at nine o'clock tomorrow morning.

"Thank you, master. It turns out that master's name is Saiki Kusuo."

"My name is Sasaki Naoto, please give me more advice in the future."

The boy stretched out his hand, as if wanting to shake his hand.

And cadre A reminded him to wash his hands first.

The conversation didn't last long, but it was enough for Officer A to round up all the small details that Mr. Sasaki might suspect before coming out of the toilet.

Someone often says "I've never lied in my life."

But he, a superpower, never promises that he is a frank person.After all, he has faced too many daily disasters. If he is honest, he thinks his daily disasters are not called daily life.

"Oh, Saiki-kun seems to have made a friend in the toilet." Mori Ogai watched the scene where Sasaki Naoto was pestering cadre A and laughed, and then smiled, "My old friend is waiting for you outside. It's been a long time." The latter sentence reveals resentment.

"I'll go first, see you tomorrow, master." Sasaki saw that officer A was stopped by his friend, so he waved goodbye to him.

Mori Ogai nodded slightly, seeing the figure of the young man disappearing from his eyes, he said, "I'm so jealous."

Cadre A glanced at him and said nothing.

Because the target person left, Mori Ogai prepared to evacuate with Alice.

Alice seemed to still be thinking about what cadre A said before, and wanted cadre A to take her to eat delicious food.

Cadre A must have refused.

After all, he saw no reason to be with them anymore.But he didn't find a reason for himself, but was interrupted by Alice's invitation with a anxious voice on the phone.

"Mr. Saiki, help me."

The caller is Atsushi Nakajima.

The situation, in his stumbling words, fully understood.

[Thank you for calling for help, but this call for help made me want to stay on stage for 5 more minutes. ]

Officer A's face showed the anxiety of being troubled, and he gestured to Mori Ogai and Alice for his mobile phone, indicating that he really couldn't leave.

After all, there was an accident for him to deal with.

"Damn it." Alice's depressed lips pouted all the way up.

Dazai Osamu must have messed up the situation over there!

Ahhhhhh, why is Yokohama so small, and there are always such horrible people there.

Mori Ogai was naturally aware of the general situation. He gave Officer A a "good luck" look, and then pulled the reluctant Alice away.

Before leaving, he inadvertently asked about his physical condition.

After all, in his opinion, normal people would not spend so long in the toilet.

Cadre A raised his eyebrows, then pointed to the phone that had been hung up, and said that people nowadays like to surf the Internet in the toilet.

Therefore, staying so long is definitely not because of a physical condition, but because of being attracted by the goblins on the Internet.

Mori Ogai, who swipes his mobile phone infrequently, obviously has no say in this.


Thanks to the little angels of the irrigation nutrient solution: 20 bottles of Tata Monkey; 9267718 bottles of 10 and Ai Daren; 3 bottles of Tree Tree Bamboo;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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