The disaster of the cannon fodder cadres with superpowers

Chapter 50 The Day of the Salted Fish Cadre 1

"Mr. Saiki, your dark circles seem a bit heavy." Atsushi Nakajima, who was sitting at the table after finishing breakfast, said with a worried face.

Cadre A subconsciously touched the lower part of the eyes, and he also discovered this problem while washing his hands.However, no problem.Just a little bit tired, rest for a while, it will return to normal naturally.

But the state of cadre A has drawn Osamu Dazai's ridicule.

"Ahahahaha, Saiki, what shameful things did you do at night to make your eyes look like this." Osamu Dazai put his arms around the shoulders of cadre A, and said with a smile to the person who was caught Pretty unkind words.

"Could it be that Qi Mu also started to act like a big kid, gradually having a night life?"

"Well, do you want to go to the bar for a drink tonight?"

Osamu Dazai, who was interested, chattered about the beauty method of "Ye Taimei". The cadre A who was not interested in the beauty method pushed his hand around his shoulder away, and then walked to a place quite far away from him, that is, In the area where Edogawa Ranpo was located, he sat down and waited for the arrival of the Chang family.

The detective, who was eating strawberry daifuku, saw cadre A getting closer, frowned slightly, and pushed the box containing strawberry daifuku towards cadre A. The sound from the box and the table attracted cadre A's attention.He looked at Edogawa Ranpo, and the other party raised his chin to indicate the Daifuku in the box, seemingly implying that he could eat it all.

The detective's generosity slightly dispelled the depression caused by Dazai Osamu's words.

Osamu Dazai, who witnessed the interaction between Officer A and Edogawa Ranpo, stopped wanting to continue teasing.Although it was interesting to see Officer A helpless and unable to completely get angry, it would be very difficult to end up angering Ranpo-senpai.However, he really wanted to know what Cadre A did at night, not gossip, but the concern of an old friend.

"It's just telling a story." In response to Osamu Dazai's sudden question, Akutagawa, a young boy sitting on a stool, said so.

For Akutagawa, it is easy to accept, but for others, it seems like listening to the Arabian Nights.

"Is Qi Mu really telling a story? Really? I still can't believe it. When I think of a taciturn person in the past, he actually turned on the multi-talk mode, no matter how I look at it, I feel very strange."

"Is he telling a story, or is he telling it according to the words in the storybook? Well, the latter possibility should be more likely, after all, Qi Mu should not be able to make up a story with so many words."

Osamu Dazai spoke his opinion not quite calmly.

After listening patiently, Ryunosuke Akutagawa frowned and pursed his lips slightly, and said, "I think Mr. Saiki's story is original. It's not surprising that Mr. Saiki talks a lot. There is no difference in the voice or the tone of voice. It’s just that there are more words, so you don’t have to be so surprised.”

Osamu Dazai stroked his chin, thought carefully and found that his words made some sense.But, after feeling reasonable, that strange feeling became more obvious.original?No, it shouldn't be original, it's just a copy of my past experience.

Officer A told the shrunken Akutagawa what he didn't know.

Oops, a little envious.

Is this the privilege that children can enjoy?If possible, he would also like to take care of the unknown monster.

Osamu Dazai followed this thought and continued to extend it. If one day he becomes smaller and doesn't even have the memory of growing up, who will he choose to take care of?

As a partner, Kunikida Doppo must be as serious as a little old man, being taken care of by him is like being imprisoned by him.Layers of constraints will definitely make him unbearable; Odasaku is okay, after all, he has adopted many children and has experience in raising children, but can he really accept himself who was even darker when he was young?It should be possible, but if a friend sees it, Osamu Dazai still feels a little ashamed [? ]...

Zhongye, forget it, after all, he is too noisy and will turn his leisure time into a disaster scene;

For cadre A, it should be fine.He has a good relationship with [? ], no matter what he said, he would not ignore himself. He also had the experience of saving himself from suicide many times before, and he was very tolerant.It seems that there is no one more suitable than him on the list enumerated.

Very well, it's decided.Osamu Dazai, who had planned something, was in a good mood.After all, a smart person naturally wants to do everything seamlessly, and his current plan is also to serve a more refreshing suicide goal in the future.

According to the previous setting, cadre A does not know what Osamu Dazai thinks.In other words, he didn't respond to Dazai Osamu's voice.If God opens this closed window again, let cadre A know what Osamu Dazai is thinking at this time.Officer A will definitely comment like this, Osamu Dazai who arbitrarily drew others into his plan is not ordinary bad.

Soon, people from the Dichang family came.

Two people plus... a cat.

Cats are weird looking.

If you search according to the current cat breeds, its appearance is definitely unique in the world.

Perhaps the evening story of cadre A played a role. The young Akutagawa Ryunosuke did not have much affection for cats, and evaluated them as greedy and arrogant cats.

This angered the cat in charge who wanted to be a mascot honestly.

"Meow~" The cat screamed like a cat whose tail was stepped on. To those who don't understand cat language, it seems that the cat suddenly went crazy and jumped towards Akutagawa Ryunosuke.

And the person who can understand the cat's language can convert the language under its meow quite smoothly.

[What are you talking about, I'm not greedy and arrogant~ Hurry up and apologize to me, or I'll eat you~]

It says so.

Afraid of being hurt by the cat's paw, Akutagawa Ryunosuke subconsciously covered his face with his arm, and the cat that jumped towards Akutagawa did not land on the child who belittled him as he wished, but a second before landing , was grabbed by the nape of the neck by a young man with silver hair.

There is no real feeling under the feet, and the chubby body only has the nape of the neck as the focus.The cat, which was originally in a state of anger, meowed a few times, but after receiving no reply, it fell silent.

[I will stop talking, please quickly put me in Natsume's bag. ]

It prays like this in its heart.

And the young man who pinched the nape of its neck also happened to pass it to Natsume who brought it over after it had this idea.

"I'm really sorry." Takashi Natsume had a little apology on his delicate face.

The voice is very familiar.

Executive A looked at Edogawa Ranpo inexplicably, and then recalled his own voice in the original world before.

Ah, if their story is counted as a manga, after the anime, maybe their voice actors are the same person.

just kidding.

In fact, Natsume Takashi doesn't need to apologize, it is Akutagawa Ryunosuke who should apologize.No matter what stories he tells, individual cases are only individual cases.

Don't treat individual cases as common phenomena, it's common sense.

It's a pity that cadre A originally thought that Akutagawa should understand this common sense, but he also missed that he is only at the age of a primary school student, and his cognitive level still needs to be answered patiently.

Thinking so, Executive A rubbed Ryunosuke Akutagawa's head, and asked him to apologize to the innocent cat who was implicated.

Akutagawa was also obedient, after Officer A finished speaking, he did what he said without the slightest hesitation.


[Forget it, forgive you.Who made you a child now~]

The cat over there doesn't hold a grudge.

According to the simple evaluation of the surname, Natsume Takashi is naturally not from the Dachang family, and the cat also belongs to Natsume Takashi.

They were brought by the young man in front of him, Jingji Ba, so that is to say, only Jingji Ba came here to deal with the problem of Akutagawa Ryunosuke's shrinkage.

Is it really possible?

Except for Officer A, most people in the Armed Detective Agency are skeptical.

"Don't worry, Kishi-kun has encountered a monster that made Akutagawa-kun rejuvenate." Seeing other people's doubts, Shiba Jingji's deep voice sounded, answering their questions. "We'll get that out of the way very quickly."

That sounds like the best answer.

But in this way, it seems that there is no place for Jingji Chang.

Most of the work has to be done by the person in front of you who looks like he's still in high school.

[Please be sure to leave me the contact information. 】Officer A said to the young man who was not used to most people's gaze in front of other people.

Because Officer A's behavior exceeded everyone's expectations, the person who was asked for his contact information was naturally shocked, and his behavior became bewildered.

"I can't help you more, after all, I'm just a high school student."

He said so.

Cadre A, who can ask for contact information, doesn't care about his rhetoric.

[There will always be disasters of one kind or another around me, so I need your contact information to be prepared.It is true that members of the Chang family can complete the perfect task. Listening to what Mr. Chang said, he seems to be not sensitive enough to strange monsters.I think adding yours on top of his contact information should be able to avoid this risk for me. 】

It sounds like his life is a bit miserable.

But this is what cadre A wants. The reason why he said this in front of everyone is to let some people know about his disaster and not to cause him any trouble.

It would be even better if it didn't get involved in his life.

"As long as Qi Mu has my contact information, no matter what, I can help you solve it." Mr. Detective walked to the side of officer A, and brushed it with his height of 168 plus the meager height of a hat. with his presence.

Officer A frowned at his confidence.

If this kind of words came from someone else's mouth, he would probably let that person go home to rest his head; but from Edogawa Ranpo's mouth, the superpower still wanted to suggest that he spend the time saying this sentence in On to snacks.

Maybe the detective saw the unspoken words hidden in Cadre A's heart, so he reached out and poked him on the shoulder, "Are you thinking I'm troublesome?"

The questioning was a bit fatal, and the silent cadre A used [no] to indicate that he was not aphasia.

"If there is a problem with Qi Mu, we will definitely help you. After all, we are your good friends." Seeing this, Osamu Dazai laughed and came over to show his presence. You were kidnapped by a star, and we will do our best to rescue you."

"So, don't worry, Qi Mu." As he said, he held the hand of the person he cared about, and looked at officer A affectionately. look.

Officer A was infiltrated.

Freed his hands from his shackles, and said that he would not suffer the tragic things Dazai said.The [-]-mile seabed and the alien abduction incident, according to Dazai Osamu's trend of hatred, the person who said this is even more at risk.

Osamu Dazai said no more.

But when he saw Senior Detective's disapproving eyes, he smiled slightly. He just followed Senior's words and told A that he had many friends who were willing to help him solve his troubles. There was no other meaning.

Edogawa curled his lips in disorder, Dazai, how annoying.

Natsume Takashi didn't quite know what happened.

However, under the plea of ​​cadre A, he still gave him his contact information.

He is such a good man.

Cadre A, who got the contact information, lamented that today's teenagers are surprisingly easy to talk to.

According to Natsume Takashi's explanation, the others had a rough idea of ​​the monster's information.

The name is Eclipse, a monster who seems to be on the go all the time.After resting in an old house or warehouse on a journey, it is usually rewarded by changing something in the room from the old to the new before leaving.

He also has the ability to rejuvenate people or animals.

Natsume Takashi himself had encountered it before, and finally found him and helped him solve such troubles.

"I didn't expect the solar and lunar eclipse to be..." Natsume Takashi didn't continue his words, but everyone knew what he meant.

[This world is really dangerous.It seems that one should be more cautious when doing good deeds, lest the person being helped send a gift package of rejuvenation or remanufacturing. ] Cadre A is inexplicably fortunate that he has not encountered such an experience before, otherwise, if he goes back to his sophomore and elementary school students, he will be shaken to the ground by the fact that he is a superpower without being picked up by others.

"So how can we help find eclipses?" After all, Yokohama is huge.

Natsume Takashi looked embarrassed, thought for a while, and then said in a hesitant tone, "A solar and lunar eclipse has always been a monster on a journey. When you come to Yokohama, you should not miss the two recent events... right?"

The last "bar" is very spiritual.

Because Natsume Takashi, who made the guess, is also difficult to be convinced by his own words.

Can monsters in the mountains really be attracted to modern events?To be discussed.

Although he has been in contact with monsters for many years, he has very little time to really communicate with monsters. According to his previous experience, they don't seem to like the music that exists in the noisy city.

That's why Natsume Takashi was worried.

Others, including Ma Jingji with Natsume Takashi, were also shocked by his words.

It does sound reasonable, but do the legendary monsters really prefer the lively activities of Yokohama?It always feels a bit far-fetched.

Obviously, they reached a questionable agreement with Takashi Natsume.

Cadre A among the others turned sideways, with a gloomy and terrifying expression.

Although many people are still skeptical, but after Natsume Takashi's words, cadre A has [-]/[-] points of affirmation.

Perhaps it is also because of this that he has [So his recent disasters were all indirectly caused by the activities of his companies? ] The idea, the big surprise is really overwhelming.

"Thanks to you, Saiki." As if he couldn't see the depression of Officer A, Osamu Dazai approached with a look of relief on his face, "If it weren't for you, we might still have to spend a lot of effort. "

Natsume Takashi was puzzled by Dazai Osamu's words.

"Huh?" Aware of Natsume's doubts, Osamu Dazai scratched his head, and then explained with a brisk voice, "I didn't introduce you to that, it seems. The Mr. Saiki in front of you is the immediate boss of KI Company and QM Firm." , through him, we should be able to find the solar and lunar eclipse soon."

【Do you want to die? ] Cadre A issued a death warning after he fell behind.

Osamu Dazai shook his head, frowned, as if he was troubled, and complained: "How many times do you want me to tell you, Saiki. I want to die in love with a beautiful girl, so you don't have to worry about it."

[You'd better die alone. 】A person who goes to hell alone will not be alone, maybe he will meet like-minded and bad people on the road to hell.Cadre A uncompromisingly stated his opinion again.

rich people.When Natsume Takashi heard Dazai Osamu's explanation, such words popped up in his mind.

Although Mr. Natori and Mr. Ba he came into contact with belonged to the ranks of rich people, but he didn't have a general understanding of how much.So when he heard Mr. Dazai talk about "KI Company" and "QM Firm", he suddenly had the real feeling that Mr. Saiki in front of him was really a rich man.

Why do they always know the true feelings of a rich man from his property?

Officer A, who came out of the complaint against Osamu Dazai, was helpless.

In the end, those are all external things.

The artist selection contest of QM firm is still going on in full swing.

Unlike the preliminary competition, spectators were not allowed to enter the arena. After the second competition, with the expansion of the recording hall, the spacious area can also accommodate a lot of spectators.

When Kise Ryota saw Officer A, he was taken aback.Because he thought he looked familiar, as if he had seen him during a friendly volleyball match.I seemed to think at the time that his serious appearance was very similar to the Aso Nakai that his manager sister said.

Kise Ryo was completely puzzled when he saw his manager sister walking towards Officer A, as if she was about to have a conversation.

Could it be that he is Aso Nakai, the manager's sister's high school classmate and the assistant of his immediate boss?

Then what he thought before was true.

What Holmes did was a little too sudden.

When Executive A looked at Kise Ryota, Kise Ryota happened to be looking at him too, and the other party waved at him with a bright smile on his handsome face.

A familiar aura floated over from the area where he was.

Naturally, Ryota Kise's manager also noticed the stupid behavior of her own artist, and hurriedly said to Officer A, "He, he's just too kind. You don't want to be as knowledgeable as him." Her tone was respectful and cautious.

[No problem. 】Officer A didn't care, after all, he wasn't here today for him.

"I really didn't expect you to come here." Hearing what he said, the manager let go, "When Aso told me, I thought I was dreaming."

"If it wasn't because Aso couldn't make it, I don't think I would be needed here." She recalled Nakai Aso's unwilling phone call, and smiled unconsciously.

[Maybe] But Nakai Aso will be more troublesome if he comes over.After all, although he is proficient in dealing with troubles, he is also good at making troubles.


[Will the eclipse really be here?I'm a little skeptical.In other words, the air smells of all kinds of snacks that have been packaged open, damn it, these viewers are not honestly watching the show, what are they planning to eat so much~]

Natsume helplessly followed the hair of the somewhat mad teacher, "Don't pay attention to that kind of thing. When the matter is settled, I will buy you the red bean paste bun you like to eat."

"And grilled squid." Mr. Cat shook his beard and added one to his reward.

Natsume paused while touching the cat's hair, thinking that Mr. Cat is indeed Mr. Cat.

"Is this your... son?" It may be that the manager was too focused on the conversation with the boss before, so that the manager ignored the people outside the boss.

Of course, Kise Ryota, who has a sense of presence in the middle, is not counted.

When she was able to worry a little bit about other things, the manager looked at Ryunosuke Akutagawa who was pulling the corner of Officer A's shirt, and asked him curiously about his identity.

If he is affirmed by his boss, then the young boy in front of him will be the future heir of QM Firm.But Nakju Aso didn't tell her that his boss had a child, after all, he was always worried about his boss's love life.

It should not be.

So I'm really sorry for her abrupt and presumptuous words.

Thinking of this, she directly apologized to cadre A.

After all, regardless of whether her words touch the truth or not, it is impolite to speculate about the life of the boss.

"I'm not Mr. Saiki's son." Akutagawa Ryunosuke explained to the person in front of him a step ahead of cadre A.

"Hey..." The manager hesitated for a moment, and then said, "Thank you, I understand." It should be the child of the boss's relative or friend.After all, the boss is a very easy-going person. As long as he gets along with him for a while, many people will like him and are willing to entrust some things to him.

This is the case right now.

[...You don't have to put such a filter on me. ]

The author has something to say: Thank you little angels for your support, I will work hard

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