Because of the company of cadre A and Izumi Kyoka, no faction in the armed detective agency followed Edogawa.

Atsushi Nakajima wanted to come. After all, he had heard a lot of rumors about vampires, and all the commissions were sent to the Armed Detective Agency. It didn't look like a man-made panic, but it seemed like there were real vampires coming.

But the entrustment in his hand made him unable to leave. Everyone in the agency had their own jobs, and it was difficult for Atsushi Nakajima to hand them over to others.

"Please be sure to bring good people." The young man instructed.

Cadre A, who received the care, faced his worried gaze, and said, 【There is a mirror, I am very relieved.Moreover, the client is the city police, manpower is indispensable. 】

"The words of the city police can't compete with the cruel vampire. Izumi Kyoka... I don't know her very well." As he spoke, Atsushi Nakajima shifted his gaze to the girl with no expression. Are you one of Mr.'s subordinates?

"Hello, my name is Izumi Jinghua." After Atsushi Nakajima said he didn't understand, the indifferent girl greeted directly.

Atsushi Nakajima was stunned for a moment, and after recovering, he quickly replied, "Hello, I'm Atsushi Nakajima."

Does this count as understanding?

Officer A is a little confused about the scene in front of him.

Then Izumi Jinghua directly subdued Atsushi Nakajima with the physical skills trained in the port mafia, "Although I don't want to boast how strong I am, but as far as I can see, my strength is gradually improving."

She said so.

Atsushi Nakajima, who was subdued, looked at the dagger that was only two or three centimeters away from his neck, and there was a hint of affirmation in his hesitant eyes, "Mr. Kunikida is right, you are really strong."

[…Shouldn’t it be me who said it?When you are sure, follow my words.How come Kunikida Doppo is involved, does Akun think that I am deliberately exaggerating Izumi Kyoka's strength? ] Cadre A obviously received a little blow from what he said.

In fact, Atsushi Nakajima is not to blame.

[After all, Mr. Saiki has a lot of omissions, and he is a gentle person who does not want to cause trouble to others, so the combination of the two makes me feel worried. ]

The boy embraced the above thoughts.

The superpower who can hear his inner voice is somewhat unable to adapt.With a lot of hidden superpowers, everyone will indeed regard him as someone who needs protection.

Although there is a slight distress,'s okay.

The area where the vampire rumors take place is a bit out of the way.Looking at the buildings alone, they are not too dense houses, but through the perspective of the houses, you can vaguely see the villas in the distance.

This villa belongs to none other than Cadre A.There is a sense of its existence, and I have brushed it before.It was the mansion used during the period when Officer A was training Sasaki Naoto.

Of course, this is not the focus of this visit.

Officer A and Izumi Kyoka followed Edogawa Ranpo to the office of the police responsible for the security of this area.

After confirming the identity of the visitor, the police in charge of the reception handed over the materials they recorded, the photos of the victim's wounds, and the suspicious points they took to Edogawa Ranpo.

"And now a parent has called the police, saying that her child has disappeared on the way home."

Officer A's firm belief that there are no vampires in the world has collapsed here.

There really are races that feed on blood.

Yeah, yeah, it just popped up out of nowhere.Could it be that the space in Yokohama has become vulnerable after several time-traveling events?

The psychic is a little skeptical.

"It is indeed a bit troublesome."

Edogawa pushed down his glasses in random steps, with a trace of surprise in his voice.He looked at the stunned police officer and raised his eyebrows, "They are beyond the reach of conventional weapons."

"!" The policeman was even more surprised, with a late question in his tone, "Could it be that the real culprit behind the rumors is really a vampire?"

That group of people wandering around in the middle of the night... No, but if they were vampires, they wouldn't be able to attack humans during the day!

Aren't vampires afraid of sunlight?

Officer A should be thankful whether the police officer in front of him believes in Ranpo, or sympathizes with him who is in a mess in his head at the moment because of exposure to the unknown.

Something that vampires are afraid of... Each author's setting is different.Some say vampires are afraid of garlic and holy water, but others say they are afraid of sunlight.It's the same as the ghost of the Taisho era that cadre A visited before.

Now vampires commit crimes during the day, presumably because they are not afraid of the sun, or they have found a way to overcome the sun, such as wearing a sunshade, applying sunscreen... Or for example, the technology is advanced enough to wear a wristband that prevents ultraviolet rays.

"I have a way to catch him." Edogawa Ranpo comforted the policeman when he was flustered.

"So what are we going to do here?" the policeman asked.

The detective straightened his hat, turned his head to look at Officer A and Quan Jinghua, "You don't need to do anything. The two people next to me are the best at catching the culprit."

The two most skilled: ...

The three people in charge of this commission walked on the road leading to the villa in the forest. According to Edogawa's words, the culprit was hiding there.

That's the mansion of Officer A.

Because of the seclusion and remoteness, there are few vehicles on the road.To be honest, it takes a long time to actually walk to the villa where cadre A is located.

If you use instant transfer, you can get there in a second.

"Walking is a kind of practice~" Edogawa Ranpo answered the doubts in the heart of officer A as if he felt something.

[It seems more convincing if it is a different person. 】

It is said that walking is a practice. The world's No.1 detective hates walking, although it is not impossible to walk.But in the face of such a long journey, he would have thought of choosing a more convenient method.

"Walking is indeed a kind of practice." After Edogawa Ranpo said this sentence, the girl who walked beside him was quite stable, without any complaints, and acted as the detective's repeater, and said the words again.

[Ah, ah, have people started to learn how to sharpen their will by walking? ] The superpowers had to keep their mouths shut, and obeyed. This was obviously a two-to-one vote.

It was late autumn at this point in time, and fallen leaves can be seen everywhere on the road, but there are also perennial green plants that uphold their characteristics and grow quietly.

In fact, people with superpowers rarely have the opportunity to walk on mountain paths like this.

Because he prefers to stay in the room and do some hobbies than this way of killing time.

"Monsters and gods usually live on the mountain~" Quan Jinghua spread her thoughts, wanting to use such a topic to pass the time before arriving at the destination.

"I have encountered monsters, but I have never encountered a god." Edogawa Ranpo took over the words and said.

"Is it the time Akutagawa became smaller?"

Being able to say such things shows that Quan Jinghua still understands some things about the port mafia.

"Rejuvenation sounds like a really good ability."

"What good is the ability to forget everything?"

Edogawa looked at the silent cadre A in disorder, with the corners of his mouth slightly raised, "However, if Saiki was the one who was recruited, I can accept it first."

In this way, he can know the information about Qi Mu when he was a child.

[…] It is better not to express that kind of thought.

It is impossible for the same disaster to happen to him twice, and the person with superpowers feels that he will not encounter such a thing as a trick.

After hearing Edogawa Ranpo's speech, Izumi Kyoka twitched the corner of her eyes, ah, they are really in love, and they can talk about each other on any topic.

One of them, Quiet, cadre A: [? 】The mansion is not guarded by personnel.

If cadre A wants to live, he will order his subordinates to clean it in advance.Looking at it this way, his habit is to avoid the mansion from becoming a murder scene.

Officer A opened the door of the mansion calmly, and led them in.

For vampires, they live in the master bedroom with the curtains drawn, and the captured child lives in the next room.

Catching vampires is easy for Officer A.

"Someone is coming." The vampire behind the curtain looked at the three people in the courtyard with vigilance in his eyes. "Is it the owner of the mansion? But I'm sorry, since I moved in, the owner of the mansion is me."

"It's in that room~"

Edogawa Ranpo pointed to a room, and then said to the two.

After Quan Jinghua heard it, she was ready to fight.

After all, in her opinion, the force value of the two people beside her is obviously [-].At this moment, the only one who can come in handy is herself.

"After you hear the movement, remember to retreat carefully."

A determined look crossed the girl's face.

Although cadre A nodded, he actually used superpowers to help Izumi Kyoka.After all, if you really rely on the power of a girl, you can't compete with a vampire.As Ranpo said before, conventional weapons are useless against vampires.

"Can today's children also become my opponents? Tsk, stop joking."

After the door was kicked open by Quan Jinghua from the outside, the vampire hiding in the room looked carefully at the person coming, with a trace of sarcasm on his pale face.

"Domestic animals should obey the arrangements of vampires and be sucked by vampires."

The arrogance of the ethnic group and the contempt for Quan Jinghua's appearance made the vampires not even bother to pull out the sword hanging around their waists, and seemed to only want to attack Quan Jinghua with their mouths.

Hearing the vampire's name, Izumi Kyoka's plain face showed a wave of fluctuation, and then used the ability of "Yasha Shirayuki" to cut the arrogant vampire in half at once.

"Are vampires that weak?" Quan Jinghua asked coldly.

The scarlet eyes of the surviving vampire, who had only been cut in two, were filled with anger from being hurt by a weak domestic animal, "You bastard...I want to suck|fuck|you."

As he said that, the body that had been cut into two pieces came together and healed.

But the clothes were indeed damaged.

Conventional weapons really can't hurt vampires.

Cadre A sighed.


How is the sun.

Officer A did notice the anti-ultraviolet bracelet he was wearing.

He used his super power to quietly take off the bracelet of the angry vampire, and then...

Quan Jinghua, who was fighting the vampire, kicked him out of the room.

The sun was shining brightly at this time.

Without the protection of an anti-ultraviolet bracelet, the vampire exposed to the sun quickly cumin... no, it spontaneously ignited.

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa—— , then stood by the broken window and looked down. -hungry.

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