It can be said that several families are happy and some are sad when the emperor recovered from his illness. The six ministers who have been caught between the prince and the fifth prince are naturally relieved. Although they did not get any benefits during the emperor's serious illness, they did not do anything wrong The fifth prince who was wronged was still calm, and the most anxious among these people was naturally the prince. Although he succeeded in taking Ji Canghai, who was in charge of the loyal army, as his wings, Ji Canghai killed Sun Fuhu, who he placed in the city guard army, and paid for it. Regardless of profit or loss, it is very difficult to deal with the emperor's inquiries.
Because the news that the emperor's condition has improved has long been reported, many matters in the court are temporarily put on hold until the emperor takes power. The first early court of the emperor's resumption of power can be said to be complicated, and it has been delayed until nearly Mao. No one continued to play. The prince thought that the emperor would be tired after staying in the court for so long and would not pursue trivial matters such as the city guards. Canghai also committed the heinous crime of killing the defenders of Yongzhou. Since the emperor announced Ji Canghai's courtship after shutting himself up, he naturally had no intention of letting this matter go.
"Ji Canghai." The emperor's voice was calm, but there was an aura of calm and prestige.
Ji Canghai came out of the queue and knelt down to salute, also looking calm, "The minister is here."
The emperor stared at the young general kneeling at his highness, "How do you explain the matter of Fengzhou? The two thousand garrisons in Fengzhou have already surrendered, why do you want to kill them all? Ye Jinglan is the first-rank duke I created after you. Why dare to humiliate his corpse?"
There was silence in the court hall, and everyone was looking at Ji Canghai kneeling under the imperial steps. In the eyes of these old foxes, Ji Canghai was by no means such a ruthless person. Everyone was waiting for the emperor to find out who was behind this. For some reason, it is impossible for Ji Canghai to do such a reckless thing for no reason as a plea to please the prince. Obviously the emperor is not satisfied with Ji Canghai's behavior like this, and now he insists on pursuing it in front of the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty. Maybe he is just making a point Prince, don't go too far.Ye Huizhi stood in the queue of military officers, and looked at Ji Canghai together with the others. The two had already met each other when they were waiting in the right hall, but Ji Canghai ignored him, and it was Ye Huizhi who took the initiative to walk over. In front of Ji Canghai, he greeted him politely, and greeted the military officers who were paying attention to them generously, "Since General Ji is here today, then I can offer my elder brother to Ji Canghai in front of the Holy Spirit later. The general asked for an explanation." Ji Canghai looked at Ye Huizhi coldly, and hummed lightly, his iceberg face, which had remained unchanged for thousands of years, could not see any signs of happiness or anger, which made a group of generals who had their ears pricked up to hear the excitement think that Very empty.
"Report to the Holy Majesty," Ji Canghai knelt straight as a gun, his eyes were open and his voice was steady, "although the Yongzhou garrison surrendered, they did not submit to the majesty of the Holy Majesty, nor were they deterred by the laws of Nanming. They rebelled against Ye Jinglan and were willing to surrender. It's just because they are afraid that it will implicate the Ye family who are still in the imperial city. The Yongzhou garrison should be a powerful weapon for the country, but they only have Ye Jinglan in their eyes and no emperor. This move is only for the purpose of stabilizing the border and consolidating the imperial power, please be aware of it."
The emperor didn't believe or not believe what Ji Canghai played, but turned to another question, "Let me ask you again, why did you kill the guard general Sun Fuhu in the street?"
Ji Canghai still looked calm, "That day was the day of General Ye Jinglan's funeral, and the minister led the loyal army to see him off outside the west gate. Unexpectedly, Sun Fuhu, the guard general of the city guard, led people to make trouble. To frame Ye's funeral was to gather a crowd to make trouble. They were all taken to prison, and General Ye Jinglan had a high prestige among the common people, at that time tens of thousands of common people had become violent, and the minister had no choice but to kill Sun Fuhu to calm the people's hearts and calm the incident in order to stabilize the situation."
The emperor was puzzled, "You destroyed Ye Jinglan's body, why did you protect his coffin?"
Hearing the words, Ji Canghai straightened his back more and more, "The matter of Yongzhou is to secure the border, the matter of funeral is to stabilize the hearts of the people, and the matter of ministers eating the king's salary and loyalty to the king, I don't think there is any conflict between the two things."
"Foolish loyalty," the emperor reprimanded Ji Canghai, but his expression was not angry, and his tone was gentle, "The Ye family has been loyal for generations, what you are doing is just treating the heart of a gentleman with the heart of a villain. Ye Jinglan is loyal to the army. Aimin has made great military exploits, even though the city guards rebelled, they still have a heart of remorse. You made such a big mistake, I should have severely punished you, but considering Ye Jinglan's funeral, it is also considered a great service for you to protect Ye Jinglan with all your strength. You have a salary of thirty for one year, Ye Huizhi, does the Ye family have any objection to my judgment like this?"
When his name was suddenly called, Ye Huizhi came out and knelt down, "Since General Ji is dedicated to serving the public, there will be no personal grievances from all the ministers and the whole family, and it is up to the emperor to decide."
Although the Emperor called out his names familiarly, it was actually the first time he saw Ye Huizhi. He had always liked Ye Jinglan's young, promising and outstanding demeanor, and he didn't want to be compared to the most outstanding young general in Cheng'an City. The younger brother is also Zhilan Yushu, who is clear and upright, the emperor has a little more affection for Ye Huizhi, and his voice is much more gentle, "You don't need to kneel down to answer, get up."
Ye Huizhi knelt and cupped his fists to salute, "Your Majesty, I have something else to tell you. Sun Fuhu is just a fifth-rank guard general. If no one instructed him, how dare he block the coffin of a first-rank duke? In front of thousands of people, Sun Fuhu personally said that he was backed by His Royal Highness the Crown Prince."
Although the emperor seemed to be ignorant of political affairs during his serious illness, Lord Wang Yuan, the head of the Governor and Jing Division, went to report the major and minor affairs of the court. The prince hated himself because of Ye Jinglan's fall in popularity Unexpectedly, the prince would be so stupid as to trouble the Ye family in public. Although the prince is not extremely smart, he should not be so stupid as to stumble repeatedly in a pit. The emperor felt that the prince might not really be instigating this matter, so he asked the prince directly. "Wen Jue, do you know about this?"
The prince was already furious when Ye Huizhi testified against him, and the emperor knelt down with an aggrieved face when he asked about this matter, "Father, the minister was wronged in this matter, and Sun Fuhu had a personal grievance with the Ye family, so he hit his son's son." To find fault with the banner, my son really doesn't know about it."
Now that the prince was ordered to reply, the emperor did not mean to blindly defend his son, but instead asked seriously, "What personal grievances does Sun Fuhu have with the Ye family, and why did he only choose your name as the backstage?"
The prince showed an increasingly aggrieved expression, "I am indeed responsible for this matter. It is my son who failed to manage the inner court well to cause today's incident. Then Sun Fuhu is the younger brother of a maid of my son, so he dared to go out and say that there is something wrong with him." My son supports you." The crown prince answered half and half of the answer, wanting to blur the matter. As for why Sun Fuhu had a grudge with the Ye family, and why Sun Xiaohan died in the Ye family, he didn't want this bad debt to be found out at all, although there was no evidence that it was true. He asked Sun Xiaohan to murder Liu Banjun, but there is no evidence to prove that he didn't ask Sun Xiaohan to murder Liu Banjun, and everyone privately felt that it was he who asked Sun Xiaohan to murder Liu Banjun.
The emperor stared at the prince for a while. Seeing the grievance on his face, he believed the prince's words. Leaving aside the prince's temperament, the dignified prince should not be so stupid. The emperor turned his eyes to the young man Ruyu under the imperial street, " Ye Huizhi, I already know about this matter, and you two can't tell right from wrong just because you two hold your own opinions. How about next?"
It is already a great grace for the emperor to ask a question. Ye Huizhi is not a person who does not know how to advance or retreat. He also understands in his heart that it is impossible to move the prince with just such a small matter. He is just expressing his position in front of the officials. It was just a team, Ye Huizhi leaned over and thanked, "Your Majesty is wise."
The emperor felt very satisfied with Ye Huizhi's understanding, nodded and was about to retreat, but unexpectedly, Liu Longxiang, the new top scholar, stood up again and bowed three times and kowtowed nine times. When everyone didn't understand why, Ye Hui Kneeling straight up, he said loudly, "I want to sue the imperial court and sue the prince for murdering someone."
The emperor expected that his first early court would be lengthy and complicated after he returned to power, but he never expected it to be so ups and downs. They looked at each other calmly, and for a while they looked at the hall with lingering eyes.The emperor looked at Liu Jing, Shangshu of the Ministry of War. He is the emperor's close minister and the father of Liu Longxiang. Maybe he can give a hint. Liu Jing didn't know why the young and mature son would suddenly attack the prince without telling him, and looked at the emperor with a questioning expression. His gaze just raised his eyebrows and shook his head slightly to express that he didn't know either.The emperor didn't get any hints, so he could only speak to Liu Longxiang, "Liu Longxiang, you sued the crown prince for murder, who is the victim, and what evidence do you have?"
Liu Longxiang took out a token from his sleeve and held it together with a piece of white cloth that looked like a lining, "I sue the prince for murdering my sister Liu Banjun and the lives of General Ye Jinglan's posthumous son in her womb."
The emperor was displeased when he heard that the prince was getting involved with the Ye family again, the eunuch beside him had presented the evidence to the emperor, the emperor took the token and glanced at it, the token was undoubtedly the prince's, the emperor He cast a hesitant glance at the prince who was still kneeling, and then took the white silk cloth. This cloth was indeed a torn piece of the inner lining of the woman's skirt, but it was densely written with blood letters.According to the confession in the blood book, Sun Xiaohan was appreciated by the prince and lived in the inner courtyard of the East Palace. The prince was dissatisfied with Ye's family because of Ye Jinglan's incident and deliberately took revenge, so he gave her the prince's token and let her go to Ye's house under the pretext of visiting, and waited for an opportunity to retaliate against Ye's family. The posthumous child in Liu Banjun's womb started, and Sun Xiaohan was locked up by the Ye family after an incident. Hearing that Liu Banjun's life was hanging by a thread, he was shocked and regretful, and was afraid of dragging his mother's family, so he tore off his skirt and left a blood book to kill himself. I only hope that the future will be investigated Don't implicate the whole Sun family.After reading the blood book, the emperor thought that Sun Fuhu's going to provoke the Ye family must be to avenge his elder sister, and if the elder sister was instigated by the prince, why couldn't the younger brother be used by the prince?Suspicious in his heart, the emperor ordered people to immediately control the Sun family to search for the notes left by Sun Xiaohan for comparison, and then asked the eunuch to read the blood book to the prince.
Regarding this matter, the crown prince was truly wronged. After reading the blood book, it was like a blow to the head. The grievances all over his face did not even need to be pretended.
Liu Longxiang's eyes were clear, and he looked at the prince neither humble nor overbearing, "There are witnesses in Sun Fuhu's case, and physical evidence in Sun Xiaohan's case, where is the prince's injustice?"
The prince was anxious all morning, thinking at most that he was implicated by Sun Fuhu. Who knew that Sun Xiaohan would put a cauldron on his head in the end. The nervousness and grievance in his heart made the prince angry and resentful. Pointing at Liu Longxiang, his voice was so high that he felt like going crazy, "Father, he spouts blood. No one in the world knows that his Liu family and Ye family are in-laws. They are clearly working together to frame their ministers. This is their conspiracy! Father, they are plotting rebellion, they are trying to kill their sons and ministers to help others fight for the throne!"
The prince spoke indiscriminately, and involved the matter with Wen Jue, the only remaining prince besides the prince. The emperor and all the officials subconsciously focused their attention on Wen Jue, who was as gentle as jade and polite. The prince just stood quietly with lowered eyes, showing no emotion to the sudden accusation.The emperor was a little relieved. After all, the child Wen Jue followed his mother's eyes to make people feel at ease. At this time, he was blamed for no reason and did not stand up to make trouble. In contrast, the prince who lost his temper disappointed the emperor, and the prince did not speak when he saw the emperor. , and pulled Liu Longxiang to reprimand, "Liu Longxiang, I am the prince of the country, I am the lord and you are the minister, and you sue me openly, you are obviously treasonous!"
The emperor's eyes turned cold, he was still sitting on the throne, and the crown prince claimed to be the master. He wanted to reprimand him immediately, but then he thought that the crown prince is the prince after all, so it would be inappropriate to refute him in front of the civil and military officials of the Manchu court. If the reserve position is unstable, the country will be unstable. Now that the abolition of the king is still occupying Fengzhou, it is really not easy to act rashly at this time.
When the emperor was thinking, Liu Longxiang said, "Of course I know that it is disrespectful to sue the prince, and I will pay the corresponding price for doing this. I don't know if this life of my minister can be justified in exchange for my sister." Liu Longxiang finished speaking, Suddenly he got up and rushed towards the bronze tripod next to the imperial steps. He was so anxious and ruthless that even the courtiers who were used to seeing the big world couldn't help but exclaimed. Ye Huizhi rushed out to stop Liu Longxiang almost instantly, but Liu Longxiang The rush was too fierce, Ye Huizhi had already bumped into the cauldron when Ye Huizhi pulled him back, even if he took half of his strength, he still fainted instantly with bleeding from his head.
The civil and martial arts of the Manchu Dynasty were in shock, their first reaction was that Xiao Liu Zhuangyuan really had the will to die, and his second reaction was that the martial arts of the second son of the Ye family was so high.Seeing this, the emperor almost ran down the imperial steps to check on Liu Longxiang's condition. The warm blood stained the emperor's hands, and the emperor shouted loudly to pass on the imperial doctor. The prince at the side was stunned for a while when he saw this, and suddenly crawled on his knees and pulled the emperor's hand. Arm, "Father, they designed it, they did it on purpose, otherwise how could Ye Huizhi rush out so quickly to pull people away."
The emperor's eyes were red, and he swung his arm furiously and staggered the prince, "Bastard, get out of here!"
The prince was so frightened that he was paralyzed and dared not speak any more. The emperor tried his best to cover the wound on Liu Longxiang's forehead to help him stop the bleeding, but the bright red blood scalded his palm and stained the dragon robe, but he couldn't stop it. The emperor suddenly felt sad. .When he ascended the throne when he was young, he was far less majestic than the emperor today. When he ascended the throne, he opened Enke. In the palace examination, Liu Jing liked him and wanted him to be the number one scholar. Unfortunately, due to various reasons, Liu Jing finally became a candidate. The selected ministers are his real close ministers. Liu Jing has accompanied him step by step from a simple and straightforward boy to today's humerus minister. For decades, the monarch and his ministers have supported each other in the same boat. Liu Jing is loyal and sincere to the emperor, and the emperor will also be able to reward him. Everyone has been rewarded, but the title of the number one scholar when he was young has finally become a lifelong regret in the emperor's heart. Fortunately, Liu Jing has a good son who is as talented as he was back then. After ten years of regrets, he thought that the crown prince would be like how he treated Liu Jing in the past, and that the upper and lower levels would complement each other, but the crown prince ruined all his hard work. The young talent he selected for the crown prince, from Ye Jinglan When Liu Longxiang was completely treated by the crown prince, the crown prince had not yet succeeded to the throne, and the pillars of the country had already suffered like this. How dare you think about the future of Nanming?
The imperial doctor came very quickly and carried Liu Longxiang away for treatment. The eunuch winked and shouted to retreat. There were only two people left in the huge imperial palace. The emperor stood covered in blood, and the prince knelt beside him with tears streaming down his face. , I don't know how long the palace has been silent, the emperor sighed heavily, "Recently, you can stay in the East Palace with peace of mind, and you don't need to come out."
The author has something to say: This is a big update
Because the news that the emperor's condition has improved has long been reported, many matters in the court are temporarily put on hold until the emperor takes power. The first early court of the emperor's resumption of power can be said to be complicated, and it has been delayed until nearly Mao. No one continued to play. The prince thought that the emperor would be tired after staying in the court for so long and would not pursue trivial matters such as the city guards. Canghai also committed the heinous crime of killing the defenders of Yongzhou. Since the emperor announced Ji Canghai's courtship after shutting himself up, he naturally had no intention of letting this matter go.
"Ji Canghai." The emperor's voice was calm, but there was an aura of calm and prestige.
Ji Canghai came out of the queue and knelt down to salute, also looking calm, "The minister is here."
The emperor stared at the young general kneeling at his highness, "How do you explain the matter of Fengzhou? The two thousand garrisons in Fengzhou have already surrendered, why do you want to kill them all? Ye Jinglan is the first-rank duke I created after you. Why dare to humiliate his corpse?"
There was silence in the court hall, and everyone was looking at Ji Canghai kneeling under the imperial steps. In the eyes of these old foxes, Ji Canghai was by no means such a ruthless person. Everyone was waiting for the emperor to find out who was behind this. For some reason, it is impossible for Ji Canghai to do such a reckless thing for no reason as a plea to please the prince. Obviously the emperor is not satisfied with Ji Canghai's behavior like this, and now he insists on pursuing it in front of the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty. Maybe he is just making a point Prince, don't go too far.Ye Huizhi stood in the queue of military officers, and looked at Ji Canghai together with the others. The two had already met each other when they were waiting in the right hall, but Ji Canghai ignored him, and it was Ye Huizhi who took the initiative to walk over. In front of Ji Canghai, he greeted him politely, and greeted the military officers who were paying attention to them generously, "Since General Ji is here today, then I can offer my elder brother to Ji Canghai in front of the Holy Spirit later. The general asked for an explanation." Ji Canghai looked at Ye Huizhi coldly, and hummed lightly, his iceberg face, which had remained unchanged for thousands of years, could not see any signs of happiness or anger, which made a group of generals who had their ears pricked up to hear the excitement think that Very empty.
"Report to the Holy Majesty," Ji Canghai knelt straight as a gun, his eyes were open and his voice was steady, "although the Yongzhou garrison surrendered, they did not submit to the majesty of the Holy Majesty, nor were they deterred by the laws of Nanming. They rebelled against Ye Jinglan and were willing to surrender. It's just because they are afraid that it will implicate the Ye family who are still in the imperial city. The Yongzhou garrison should be a powerful weapon for the country, but they only have Ye Jinglan in their eyes and no emperor. This move is only for the purpose of stabilizing the border and consolidating the imperial power, please be aware of it."
The emperor didn't believe or not believe what Ji Canghai played, but turned to another question, "Let me ask you again, why did you kill the guard general Sun Fuhu in the street?"
Ji Canghai still looked calm, "That day was the day of General Ye Jinglan's funeral, and the minister led the loyal army to see him off outside the west gate. Unexpectedly, Sun Fuhu, the guard general of the city guard, led people to make trouble. To frame Ye's funeral was to gather a crowd to make trouble. They were all taken to prison, and General Ye Jinglan had a high prestige among the common people, at that time tens of thousands of common people had become violent, and the minister had no choice but to kill Sun Fuhu to calm the people's hearts and calm the incident in order to stabilize the situation."
The emperor was puzzled, "You destroyed Ye Jinglan's body, why did you protect his coffin?"
Hearing the words, Ji Canghai straightened his back more and more, "The matter of Yongzhou is to secure the border, the matter of funeral is to stabilize the hearts of the people, and the matter of ministers eating the king's salary and loyalty to the king, I don't think there is any conflict between the two things."
"Foolish loyalty," the emperor reprimanded Ji Canghai, but his expression was not angry, and his tone was gentle, "The Ye family has been loyal for generations, what you are doing is just treating the heart of a gentleman with the heart of a villain. Ye Jinglan is loyal to the army. Aimin has made great military exploits, even though the city guards rebelled, they still have a heart of remorse. You made such a big mistake, I should have severely punished you, but considering Ye Jinglan's funeral, it is also considered a great service for you to protect Ye Jinglan with all your strength. You have a salary of thirty for one year, Ye Huizhi, does the Ye family have any objection to my judgment like this?"
When his name was suddenly called, Ye Huizhi came out and knelt down, "Since General Ji is dedicated to serving the public, there will be no personal grievances from all the ministers and the whole family, and it is up to the emperor to decide."
Although the Emperor called out his names familiarly, it was actually the first time he saw Ye Huizhi. He had always liked Ye Jinglan's young, promising and outstanding demeanor, and he didn't want to be compared to the most outstanding young general in Cheng'an City. The younger brother is also Zhilan Yushu, who is clear and upright, the emperor has a little more affection for Ye Huizhi, and his voice is much more gentle, "You don't need to kneel down to answer, get up."
Ye Huizhi knelt and cupped his fists to salute, "Your Majesty, I have something else to tell you. Sun Fuhu is just a fifth-rank guard general. If no one instructed him, how dare he block the coffin of a first-rank duke? In front of thousands of people, Sun Fuhu personally said that he was backed by His Royal Highness the Crown Prince."
Although the emperor seemed to be ignorant of political affairs during his serious illness, Lord Wang Yuan, the head of the Governor and Jing Division, went to report the major and minor affairs of the court. The prince hated himself because of Ye Jinglan's fall in popularity Unexpectedly, the prince would be so stupid as to trouble the Ye family in public. Although the prince is not extremely smart, he should not be so stupid as to stumble repeatedly in a pit. The emperor felt that the prince might not really be instigating this matter, so he asked the prince directly. "Wen Jue, do you know about this?"
The prince was already furious when Ye Huizhi testified against him, and the emperor knelt down with an aggrieved face when he asked about this matter, "Father, the minister was wronged in this matter, and Sun Fuhu had a personal grievance with the Ye family, so he hit his son's son." To find fault with the banner, my son really doesn't know about it."
Now that the prince was ordered to reply, the emperor did not mean to blindly defend his son, but instead asked seriously, "What personal grievances does Sun Fuhu have with the Ye family, and why did he only choose your name as the backstage?"
The prince showed an increasingly aggrieved expression, "I am indeed responsible for this matter. It is my son who failed to manage the inner court well to cause today's incident. Then Sun Fuhu is the younger brother of a maid of my son, so he dared to go out and say that there is something wrong with him." My son supports you." The crown prince answered half and half of the answer, wanting to blur the matter. As for why Sun Fuhu had a grudge with the Ye family, and why Sun Xiaohan died in the Ye family, he didn't want this bad debt to be found out at all, although there was no evidence that it was true. He asked Sun Xiaohan to murder Liu Banjun, but there is no evidence to prove that he didn't ask Sun Xiaohan to murder Liu Banjun, and everyone privately felt that it was he who asked Sun Xiaohan to murder Liu Banjun.
The emperor stared at the prince for a while. Seeing the grievance on his face, he believed the prince's words. Leaving aside the prince's temperament, the dignified prince should not be so stupid. The emperor turned his eyes to the young man Ruyu under the imperial street, " Ye Huizhi, I already know about this matter, and you two can't tell right from wrong just because you two hold your own opinions. How about next?"
It is already a great grace for the emperor to ask a question. Ye Huizhi is not a person who does not know how to advance or retreat. He also understands in his heart that it is impossible to move the prince with just such a small matter. He is just expressing his position in front of the officials. It was just a team, Ye Huizhi leaned over and thanked, "Your Majesty is wise."
The emperor felt very satisfied with Ye Huizhi's understanding, nodded and was about to retreat, but unexpectedly, Liu Longxiang, the new top scholar, stood up again and bowed three times and kowtowed nine times. When everyone didn't understand why, Ye Hui Kneeling straight up, he said loudly, "I want to sue the imperial court and sue the prince for murdering someone."
The emperor expected that his first early court would be lengthy and complicated after he returned to power, but he never expected it to be so ups and downs. They looked at each other calmly, and for a while they looked at the hall with lingering eyes.The emperor looked at Liu Jing, Shangshu of the Ministry of War. He is the emperor's close minister and the father of Liu Longxiang. Maybe he can give a hint. Liu Jing didn't know why the young and mature son would suddenly attack the prince without telling him, and looked at the emperor with a questioning expression. His gaze just raised his eyebrows and shook his head slightly to express that he didn't know either.The emperor didn't get any hints, so he could only speak to Liu Longxiang, "Liu Longxiang, you sued the crown prince for murder, who is the victim, and what evidence do you have?"
Liu Longxiang took out a token from his sleeve and held it together with a piece of white cloth that looked like a lining, "I sue the prince for murdering my sister Liu Banjun and the lives of General Ye Jinglan's posthumous son in her womb."
The emperor was displeased when he heard that the prince was getting involved with the Ye family again, the eunuch beside him had presented the evidence to the emperor, the emperor took the token and glanced at it, the token was undoubtedly the prince's, the emperor He cast a hesitant glance at the prince who was still kneeling, and then took the white silk cloth. This cloth was indeed a torn piece of the inner lining of the woman's skirt, but it was densely written with blood letters.According to the confession in the blood book, Sun Xiaohan was appreciated by the prince and lived in the inner courtyard of the East Palace. The prince was dissatisfied with Ye's family because of Ye Jinglan's incident and deliberately took revenge, so he gave her the prince's token and let her go to Ye's house under the pretext of visiting, and waited for an opportunity to retaliate against Ye's family. The posthumous child in Liu Banjun's womb started, and Sun Xiaohan was locked up by the Ye family after an incident. Hearing that Liu Banjun's life was hanging by a thread, he was shocked and regretful, and was afraid of dragging his mother's family, so he tore off his skirt and left a blood book to kill himself. I only hope that the future will be investigated Don't implicate the whole Sun family.After reading the blood book, the emperor thought that Sun Fuhu's going to provoke the Ye family must be to avenge his elder sister, and if the elder sister was instigated by the prince, why couldn't the younger brother be used by the prince?Suspicious in his heart, the emperor ordered people to immediately control the Sun family to search for the notes left by Sun Xiaohan for comparison, and then asked the eunuch to read the blood book to the prince.
Regarding this matter, the crown prince was truly wronged. After reading the blood book, it was like a blow to the head. The grievances all over his face did not even need to be pretended.
Liu Longxiang's eyes were clear, and he looked at the prince neither humble nor overbearing, "There are witnesses in Sun Fuhu's case, and physical evidence in Sun Xiaohan's case, where is the prince's injustice?"
The prince was anxious all morning, thinking at most that he was implicated by Sun Fuhu. Who knew that Sun Xiaohan would put a cauldron on his head in the end. The nervousness and grievance in his heart made the prince angry and resentful. Pointing at Liu Longxiang, his voice was so high that he felt like going crazy, "Father, he spouts blood. No one in the world knows that his Liu family and Ye family are in-laws. They are clearly working together to frame their ministers. This is their conspiracy! Father, they are plotting rebellion, they are trying to kill their sons and ministers to help others fight for the throne!"
The prince spoke indiscriminately, and involved the matter with Wen Jue, the only remaining prince besides the prince. The emperor and all the officials subconsciously focused their attention on Wen Jue, who was as gentle as jade and polite. The prince just stood quietly with lowered eyes, showing no emotion to the sudden accusation.The emperor was a little relieved. After all, the child Wen Jue followed his mother's eyes to make people feel at ease. At this time, he was blamed for no reason and did not stand up to make trouble. In contrast, the prince who lost his temper disappointed the emperor, and the prince did not speak when he saw the emperor. , and pulled Liu Longxiang to reprimand, "Liu Longxiang, I am the prince of the country, I am the lord and you are the minister, and you sue me openly, you are obviously treasonous!"
The emperor's eyes turned cold, he was still sitting on the throne, and the crown prince claimed to be the master. He wanted to reprimand him immediately, but then he thought that the crown prince is the prince after all, so it would be inappropriate to refute him in front of the civil and military officials of the Manchu court. If the reserve position is unstable, the country will be unstable. Now that the abolition of the king is still occupying Fengzhou, it is really not easy to act rashly at this time.
When the emperor was thinking, Liu Longxiang said, "Of course I know that it is disrespectful to sue the prince, and I will pay the corresponding price for doing this. I don't know if this life of my minister can be justified in exchange for my sister." Liu Longxiang finished speaking, Suddenly he got up and rushed towards the bronze tripod next to the imperial steps. He was so anxious and ruthless that even the courtiers who were used to seeing the big world couldn't help but exclaimed. Ye Huizhi rushed out to stop Liu Longxiang almost instantly, but Liu Longxiang The rush was too fierce, Ye Huizhi had already bumped into the cauldron when Ye Huizhi pulled him back, even if he took half of his strength, he still fainted instantly with bleeding from his head.
The civil and martial arts of the Manchu Dynasty were in shock, their first reaction was that Xiao Liu Zhuangyuan really had the will to die, and his second reaction was that the martial arts of the second son of the Ye family was so high.Seeing this, the emperor almost ran down the imperial steps to check on Liu Longxiang's condition. The warm blood stained the emperor's hands, and the emperor shouted loudly to pass on the imperial doctor. The prince at the side was stunned for a while when he saw this, and suddenly crawled on his knees and pulled the emperor's hand. Arm, "Father, they designed it, they did it on purpose, otherwise how could Ye Huizhi rush out so quickly to pull people away."
The emperor's eyes were red, and he swung his arm furiously and staggered the prince, "Bastard, get out of here!"
The prince was so frightened that he was paralyzed and dared not speak any more. The emperor tried his best to cover the wound on Liu Longxiang's forehead to help him stop the bleeding, but the bright red blood scalded his palm and stained the dragon robe, but he couldn't stop it. The emperor suddenly felt sad. .When he ascended the throne when he was young, he was far less majestic than the emperor today. When he ascended the throne, he opened Enke. In the palace examination, Liu Jing liked him and wanted him to be the number one scholar. Unfortunately, due to various reasons, Liu Jing finally became a candidate. The selected ministers are his real close ministers. Liu Jing has accompanied him step by step from a simple and straightforward boy to today's humerus minister. For decades, the monarch and his ministers have supported each other in the same boat. Liu Jing is loyal and sincere to the emperor, and the emperor will also be able to reward him. Everyone has been rewarded, but the title of the number one scholar when he was young has finally become a lifelong regret in the emperor's heart. Fortunately, Liu Jing has a good son who is as talented as he was back then. After ten years of regrets, he thought that the crown prince would be like how he treated Liu Jing in the past, and that the upper and lower levels would complement each other, but the crown prince ruined all his hard work. The young talent he selected for the crown prince, from Ye Jinglan When Liu Longxiang was completely treated by the crown prince, the crown prince had not yet succeeded to the throne, and the pillars of the country had already suffered like this. How dare you think about the future of Nanming?
The imperial doctor came very quickly and carried Liu Longxiang away for treatment. The eunuch winked and shouted to retreat. There were only two people left in the huge imperial palace. The emperor stood covered in blood, and the prince knelt beside him with tears streaming down his face. , I don't know how long the palace has been silent, the emperor sighed heavily, "Recently, you can stay in the East Palace with peace of mind, and you don't need to come out."
The author has something to say: This is a big update
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